H, 11/2012Object dictionary updated, error codes updated, new object 345A
l AKD is a registered trademark of Kollmorgen™ Corporation
l EnDat is a registered trademark of Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH
l EtherCAT is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH
l Ethernet/IP is a registered trademark of ODVA, Inc.
l Ethernet/IP Communication Stack: copyright (c) 2009, Rockwell Automation
l HIPERFACE is a registered trademark of Max Stegmann GmbH
l PROFINET is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI)
l SIMATIC is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG
l Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Current patents
l US Patent 5,162,798 (used in control card R/D)
l US Patent 5,646,496 (used in control card R/D and 1 Vp-p feedback interface)
l US Patent 6,118,241 (used in control card simple dynamic braking)
l US Patent 8,154,228 (Dynamic Braking For Electric Motors)
l US Patent 8,214,063 (Auto-tune of a Control System Based on Frequency Response)
Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made without prior notice!
Printed in the United States of America
This document is the intellectual property of Kollmorgen™. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be
reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilm or any other method) or stored, processed, copied or distributed by electronic means without the written permission of Kollmorgen™.
2Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | Table of Contents
1Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents3
2 General9
2.1 About this Manual10
2.2 Target Group10
2.3 Symbols used11
2.4 Abbreviations used12
3 Safety13
3.1 Safety Instructions14
3.2 Use As Directed14
3.3 Prohibited Use14
4 Installation and Setup15
4.1 Safety Instructions16
4.2 CAN-Bus Interface (X12/X13)17
4.2.1 CAN-Bus activation with AKD-CC models18
4.2.2 Baudrate for CAN-Bus19
4.2.3 Node Address for CAN-Bus20
4.2.4 CAN-Bus Termination20
4.2.5 CAN-Bus Cable20
4.2.6 CAN-Bus Wiring21
4.3 Guide to Setup22
5 CANopen Basics23
5.1 Basic Features implemented by CANopen24
5.1.1 Setup and general functions:24
5.1.2 Positioning functions:24
5.1.3 Data transfer functions:24
5.2 Transmission Rate and Procedure24
5.3 Response to BUSOFF Communication Faults25
5.4 Important Configuration Parameters25
6 CANopen Communication Profile26
6.1 General Description of CAN27
6.2 Construction of the Communication Object Identifier28
6.3 Definition of the Used Data Types29
6.3.1 Basic data types29 Unsigned Integer29 Signed Integer30
6.3.2 Mixed data types30
6.3.3 Extended data types31 Octet String31 Visible String31
6.4 Communication Objects31
6.4.1 Network Management Objects (NMT)32
6.4.2 Synchronization Object (SYNC)32
6.4.3 Time-Stamp Object (TIME)32
Kollmorgen™ | November 20123
AKD CANopen | Table of Contents
6.4.4 Emergency Object (EMCY)33 Application of the Emergency Object33 Composition of the Emergency Object33
6.4.5 Service Data Objects (SDO)34 Composition of the Service Data Object34 Initiate SDO Download Protocol36 Download SDO Segment Protocol36 Initiate SDO Upload Protocol36 Upload SDO Segment Protocol36 Abort SDO Protocol36
6.4.6 Process Data Object (PDO)37 Transmission modes38 Trigger modes38
6.4.7 Nodeguard39
6.4.8 Heartbeat40
7 CANopen Drive Profile41
7.1 CANopen Emergency Messages and Error Codes42
7.2 General Definitions46
7.2.1 General objects46 Object 1000h: Device Type (DS301)46 Object 1001h: Error register (DS301)47 Object 1002h: Manufacturer Status Register (DS301)48 Object 1003h: Predefined Error Field (DS301)49 Object 1005h: COB-ID of the SYNC Message (DS301)50 Object 1006h: Communication Cycle Period (DS301)50 Object 1008h: Manufacturer Device Name (DS301)51 Basic testing of the connection to the AKD controls138 Example: Operating the Status Machine139 Example: Jog Mode via SDO140 Example: Torque Mode via SDO140 Example: Jog Mode via PDO141 Example: Torque Mode via PDO143 Example: Homing via SDO144 Example: Using the Profile Position Mode146 Example: ASCII Communication149 Test for SYNC telegrams150
8.2.2 Examples, special applications151 Example: External Trajectory with Interpolated Position Mode151 Example: PVT Interpolation156
9 Index159
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AKD CANopen | Table of Contents
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8Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 2 General
2.1 About this Manual10
2.2 Target Group10
2.3 Symbols used11
2.4 Abbreviations used12
Kollmorgen™ | November 20129
AKD CANopen | 2 General
2.1 About this Manual
This manual, AKD CAN-Bus Communication, This manual describes the installation, setup, range of functions,
and software protocol for the CANopen AKD product series. All AKD CANopen drives have built-in CANopen
functionality; therefore an additional option card is not required.
A digital version of this manual (pdf format) is available on the DVD included with your drive. Manual updates can
be downloaded from the Kollmorgen™ website.
Related documents for the AKD series include:
l AKD Quick Start (also provided in hard copy). This guide provides instructions for initial drive setup and con-
nection to a network.
l AKD Installation Manual (also provided in hard copy for EU customers). This manual provides instructions for
installation and drive setup.
l AKD Users Manual. This manual describes how to use your drive in common applications. It also provides
tips for maximizing your system performance with the AKD.
l AKD Parameter and Command Reference Guide. This guide provides documentation for the parameters and
commands used to program the AKD.
l Accessories Manual. This manual provides documentation for accessories like cables and regen resistors
used with AKD. Regional versions of this manual exist.
Additional documentation:
l CAN Application (CAL) for Industrial Applications (publisher CiA e.V.)
l Draft Standards 301 (from Version 4.0), 402 (publisher CiA e.V.)
l CAN Specification Version 2.0 (publisher CiA e.V.)
l ISO 11898 ... Controller Area Network (CAN) for high-speed communication
2.2 Target Group
This manual addresses personnel with the following qualifications:
l Installation: only by electrically qualified personnel.
l Setup : only by qualified personnel with extensive knowledge of electrical engineering
and drive technology
l Programming: Software developers, project-planners
The qualified personnel must know and observe the following standards:
l ISO 12100, IEC 60364 and IEC 60664
l National accident prevention regulations
During operation there are deadly hazards, with the possibility of death,
severe injury or material damage. The operator must ensure that the safety
instructions in this manual are followed. The operator must ensure that all personnel responsible for working with the servo drive have read and understand
the manual.
10Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
2.3 Symbols used
Warning Symbols
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
This is not a safety symbol.
Indicates situations which, if not avoided, could
result in property damage.
This is not a safety symbol.
This symbol indicates important notes.
Drawing symbols
Signal groundDiode
AKD CANopen | 2 General
Chassis groundRelays
Protective earthRelays switch off
ResistorNormal open contact
FuseNormal closed contact
Kollmorgen™ | November 201211
AKD CANopen | 2 General
2.4 Abbreviations used
Abbreviation Meaning
BTB/RTOReady to operate (standby)
COBCommunication Object
COB-IDCommunication Object Identifier
EEPROMElectrically erasable/programmable memory
EMCElectromagnetic compatibility
EMCYEmergency Objects
ISOInternational Standardization Organization
km1000 m
LEDLight-emitting diode
LSBLow significant Byte (or Bit)
MSBMain significant Byte (or Bit)
NMTNetwork Management Objects
NSTOPLimit switch for negative (left) rotation
PCPersonal Computer
PDOProcess Data Object
PSTOPLimit switch for positive (right) rotation
RAMVolatile memory
RODIncremental position encoder
SDOService Data Object
SYNCSynchronization Objects
12Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 3 Safety
3.1 Safety Instructions14
3.2 Use As Directed14
3.3 Prohibited Use14
Kollmorgen™ | November 201213
AKD CANopen | 3 Safety
3.1 Safety Instructions
During operation there are deadly hazards, with the possibility of death,
severe injury or material damage. Do not open or touch the equipment during
operation. Keep all covers and cabinet doors closed during operation. Touching the equipment is allowed during installation and commissioning for properly qualified persons only.
Electronic equipment is basically not failure-proof. The user is responsible
for ensuring that, in the event of a failure of the drive, the drive is set to a
state that is safe for both machinery and personnel, for instance with the aid
of a mechanical brake.
Drives with drives and CANopen expansion cards are remote-controlled
machines. They can start to move at any time without previous warning. Take
appropriate measures to ensure that the operating and service personnel is
aware of this danger.
Implement appropriate protective measures to ensure that any unintended
start-up of the machines cannot result in dangerous situations for personnel
or machinery. Software limit-switches are not a substitute for the hardware
limit-switches in the machine.
l During operation, drives may have uncovered live components, depending
on their level of enclosure protection.
l Control and power connections may be live, even though the motor is not
l Drives may have hot surfaces during operation. Heat sink can reach tem-
peratures above 80°C.
Install the drive as described in the Installation Manual. The wiring for the
analog setpoint input and the positioning interface, as shown in the wiring
diagram in the Installation Manual, is not required. Never break any of the
electrical connections to the drive while it is live. This action can result in
destruction of the electronics
3.2 Use As Directed
Drives are components that are built into electrical plants or machines and can only be operated as integral components of these plants or machines. The manufacturer of the machine used with a drive must generate a risk
assessment for the machine and take appropriate measures to ensure that unforeseen movements cannot cause
personnel injury or property damage.
Please observe the chapters "Use as directed” and "Prohibited use" in the AKD Installation Manual.
The CANopen interface serves only for the connection of the AKD to a master via the CAN bus.
3.3 Prohibited Use
Other use than that described in chapter “Use as directed” is not intended and can lead to personnel injuries and
equipment damage. The drive may not be used with a machine that does not comply with appropriate national
directives or standards. The use of the drive in the following environments is also prohibited:
l potentially explosive areas
l environments with corrosive and/or electrically conductive acids, alkaline solutions, oils, vapors, dusts
l ships or offshore applications
14Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 4 Installation and Setup
4Installation and Setup
4.1 Safety Instructions16
4.2 CAN-Bus Interface (X12/X13)17
4.3 Guide to Setup22
Kollmorgen™ | November 201215
AKD CANopen | 4 Installation and Setup
4.1 Safety Instructions
Never undo any electrical connections to the drive while it is live. There is a danger of
electrical arcing with damage to contacts and serious personal injury. Wait at least
seven minutes after disconnecting the drive from the main supply power before touching potentially live sections of the equipment (e.g. contacts) or undoing any connections.
Capacitors can still have dangerous voltages present up to 7 minutes after switching
off the supply power. To be sure, measure the voltage in the DC Bus link and wait
until it has fallen below 40 V.
Control and power connections can still be live, even if the motor is not rotating.
Electronic equipment is basically not failure-proof. The user is responsible for ensuring that, in the event of a failure of the drive, the drive is set to a state that is safe for
both machinery and personnel, for instance with the aid of a mechanical brake.
Drives with drives and CANopen are remote-controlled machines. They can start to
move at any time without previous warning. Take appropriate measures to ensure
that the operating and service personnel is aware of this danger.
Implement appropriate protective measures to ensure that any unintended start-up of
the machines cannot result in dangerous situations for personnel or machinery. Software limit-switches are not a substitute for the hardware limit-switches in the
Install the drive as described in the Installation Manual. The wiring for the analog set-
point input and the positioning interface, as shown in the wiring diagram in the Instal-lation Manual, is not required. Never break any of the electrical connections to the
drive while it is live. This action can result in destruction of the electronics.
The drive's status must be monitored by the PLC to acknowledge critical situations.
Wire the FAULT contact in series into the emergency stop circuit of the installation.
The emergency stop circuit must operate the supply contactor.
It is permissible to use the setup software to alter the settings of the drive. Any other
alterations will invalidate the warranty.
Because of the internal representation of the position-control parameters, the position
controller can only be operated if the final limit speed of the drive does not exceed:
at sinusoidal² commutation: 7500 rpm
at trapezoidal commutation: 12000 rpm.
at sinusoidal² commutation: 4 m/s
at trapezoidal commutation: 6.25 m/s
All the data on resolution, step size, positioning accuracy etc. refer to calculatory
values. Non-linearities in the mechanism (backlash, flexing, etc.) are not taken into
account. If the final limit speed of the motor must be altered, then all the parameters
that were previously entered for position control and motion blocks must be adapted.
16Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 4 Installation and Setup
4.2 CAN-Bus Interface (X12/X13)
Two 6-pin RJ-12 connectors X12/X13 are used for CAN-Bus connection.
AKD-CC drive models are Drives, which support EtherCAT and CAN fieldbus types within one common software. These CC drive models allow selecting a fieldbus support by setting the DRV.TYPE parameter to a certain
value. CC drive models are delivered with EtherCAT set active.
To activate CANopen, the DRV.TYPE parameter must be changed
1. by software: connect the PC to the AKD and change the parameter DRV.TYPE in the WorkBench terminal
screen (see DRV.TYPE parameter documentation) or
2. by hardware: with the rotary switches S1 & S2 at the front and the button B1 on the top side of the Drive.
The following steps are needed for changing the fieldbus type from EtherCAT to CAN with the rotary switches.
1. Set the rotary switches on the front side of the AKD to the value of 89.
Set S1 to 8 and S2 to 9
2. Press the button B1 for about 3 seconds (starts DRV.NVSAVE).
The seven segment display shows Cn during the process of changing DRV.TYPE to CAN.
Do not switch off the 24[V] power supply while the seven segment shows Cn!
3. Wait until the seven segment display goes back to the original state, no the drive is prepared for CAN.
4. Power cycle the drive by switching the 24 V power supply off and then on again.
The seven segment display shows Er (Error) in case that the DRV.TYPE
instruction failed. In this case please power cycle the drive and contact the
Kollmorgen™ customer support for further help.
18Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 4 Installation and Setup
4.2.2 Baudrate for CAN-Bus
The user can decide to use a fixed baud rate or an auto baud detection algorithm for the startup behaviour of the
drive. The transmission rate can be set via the parameter FBUS.PARAM01. The parameter FBUS.PARAM01
can either be set via WorkBench or via a special mechanism with the rotary switches in the AKD front.
Upper rotary
switch S1
Lower rotary
switch S2
In case of a fix baud rate, the drive sends the boot up message with the baud rate saved in the drive's non volatile
memory after a power cycle. In case of auto baud detection, the drive listens for a valid CAN frame on the bus.
When a valid frame is received, the drive sends the boot up message with the measured bit time. Afterwards the
baud rate can either be stored to non volatile memory via object 1010 sub 1, or the auto baud mechanism is used
For reliable auto baud detection, it is recommended to use suitable cabling
of the CAN-Bus (two terminators, GND connection etc.). Spikes or other
noise effects on the CAN-Bus can disturb the measurement. The drive needs
to be disabled, if auto baud is in use.
For setting the baudrate with rotary switches, follow the procedure below (drive state disabled):
1. Disable the drive. Set the rotary switches to one of the addresses 90 to 94 (see above table).
Set S1 to 9 and S2 to either 0 or 4
2. Push the button B1 on the AKDfor at least 3 seconds until the rotary switch setting is displayed on the AKDdisplay.
3. When the display blinks with the set rotary switch setting stop pushing B1 and wait until the blinking stops.
During that time the parameter FBUS.PARAM01 is set to the new value and all parameters are stored to the
non volatile memory. The new setting will be taken with the next power-up of the drive.
If an error occurred, the following error messages will flash 5 times:
l E1 - Drive is enabled
l E2 - Non-volatile storage of the new setting failed
l E3 - Invalid rotary switch selection
Kollmorgen™ | November 201219
AKD CANopen | 4 Installation and Setup
4.2.3 Node Address for CAN-Bus
After changing the node address, you must turn off the 24 V auxiliary supply
for the drive and then turn it on again.
During setup, use the rotary switches on the AKD front panel to preset the station address for communication.
The rotary switches on the front of the AKD (S1&S2) correspond to the CAN node address.
The S1&S2 switches also correspond to the IP address setting of the drive. Both CAN and IP network address
schemes have to be configured to account for this dependence if both TCP/IP and CAN networks are running at
the same time in an application. Example:
S1 (MSB) S2 (LSB) CAN address IP address
The IP address setting can be decoupled from the Rotary switches using settings in the drive. Use Settings ->
Fieldbus-> TCP/IP to adjust these settings.
4.2.4 CAN-Bus Termination
The last bus device on both ends of the CAN-Bus system must have termination resistors. The AKD has built-in
132 ohms resistors that can be activated by connecting pins 1 and 6. An optional termination plug is available for
AKD (P-AKD-CAN-TERM). The optional termination plug is an RJ-12 connector with an enclosed wire jumper
between pins 1&6. A plug should be inserted into the X13 connector of the last drive in the CAN network.
Remove the termination connector if the AKD is not the last CAN-Bus device
and use X13 for connecting the next CAN node.
4.2.5 CAN-Bus Cable
To meet ISO 11898, a bus cable with a characteristic impedance of 120 ohms should be used. The maximum
usable cable length for reliable communication decreases with increasing transmission speed. As a guide, you
can use the following values which Kollmorgen™ has measured; however, these values are not assured limits:
l Characteristic impedance: 100–120 ohms
l Cable capacitance max.: 60 nF/km
l Lead loop resistance: 159.8 ohms/km
Cable length, depending on the transmission rate:
Transmission Rate (kBaud)Maximum Cable Length (m)
Lower cable capacitance (max. 30 nF/km) and lower lead resistance (loop resistance, 115 ohms/1000m) make it
possible to achieve greater distances.
(Characteristic impedance 150 ± 5 ohms requires terminating resistor 150 ± 5 ohms).
20Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
4.2.6 CAN-Bus Wiring
AKD CANopen | 4 Installation and Setup
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AKD CANopen | 4 Installation and Setup
4.3 Guide to Setup
Only professional personnel with extensive knowledge of control and drive
technology are allowed to setup the drive.
Make sure that any unintended movement of the drive cannot endanger
machinery or personnel.
1. Check assembly/installation. Check that all the safety instructions in the product manual for the drive and
this manual have been observed and implemented. Check the setting for the station address and baud rate.
2. Connect PC,start WorkBench. Use the setup software WorkBench to set the parameters for the drive.
3. Setup basic functions. Start up the basic functions of the drive and optimize the current, speed and position
controllers. This section of the setup is described in the in the online help of the setup software.
4. Save parameters. When the parameters have been optimized, save them in the drive.
5. Start up communication. The altered parameters will only become effective after a reboot (switch off 24V and
switch on again). Adjust the transmission rate of the AKD to match the master.
6. Test communication. Check for the bootup-message, when you switch on the drive. Do an SDO read access
on index 0x1000 subindex 0 (DeviceType).
7. Setup position controller. Setup the position controller, as described in the WorkBench online help.
22Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 5 CANopen Basics
5CANopen Basics
5.1 Basic Features implemented by CANopen24
5.2 Transmission Rate and Procedure24
5.3 Response to BUSOFF Communication Faults25
5.4 Important Configuration Parameters25
Kollmorgen™ | November 201223
AKD CANopen | 5 CANopen Basics
5.1 Basic Features implemented by CANopen
It is assumed that the basic operating functions of the communication profile are known and available as reference documentation. When working with the position controller that is integrated in AKD, the following functions are available:
5.1.1 Setup and general functions:
l Homing, set reference point
l Provision of a digital setpoint for speed and torque control
l Support of the following modes of the CANopen Profile DS402:
l Profile position mode
l Homing mode
l Profile torque mode
l Interpolated position mode
l Profile velocity mode
l Cyclic synchronous position mode
5.1.2 Positioning functions:
l Execution of a motion task from the motion block memory of the drive
l Execution of a direct motion task
l Absolute trajectory, ip-Mode or csp-Mode
5.1.3 Data transfer functions:
l Transmit a motion task to the drive's motion block memory. A motion task consists of these elements:
l Position setpoint (absolute task) or path setpoint (relative task)
l Speed setpoint
l Acceleration time, braking time
l Type of motion task (absolute/relative)
l Number of a following task (with or without pause)
l Read a motion task from the motion block memory of the drive
l Read actual values
l Read the error register (Emergency error codes)
l Read the status register
l Read/write control parameters
5.2 Transmission Rate and Procedure
l Bus connection and bus medium: CAN-standard ISO 11898 (CAN high-speed)
l Transmission rate: max. 1Mbit/s
l Possible settings for the drive: 125 (default), 250, 500 and 1000 kbit/s
l The baudrate is set with the AKD - parameter FBUS.PARAM01. It gets effective by saving this parameter to
NVRAM and re-starting the drive.
24Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 5 CANopen Basics
5.3 Response to BUSOFF Communication Faults
The communication fault BUSOFF is directly monitored and signaled by Level 2 (CAN controller). This message
may have various causes. A few examples:
l Telegrams are transmitted, although there is no other CAN node connected
l CAN nodes have different transmission rates
l The bus cable is faulty
l Faulty cable termination causes reflections on the cable.
A BUSOFF is only signaled by the AKD, if another CAN node is connected and at least one object was successfully transmitted to start off with. The BUSOFF condition is signaled by the error message 702. If the output
stage is enabled at the moment when this fault occurs, the output stage is disabled.
5.4 Important Configuration Parameters
FBUS.PARAM01 see "Transmission Rate and Procedure" on p.24
FBUS.PARAM02 0 - no PLL used for synchronization
1 - PLL used for synchronized modes, IP (7), CSP (8), generates a warning n125, when PLL
is unlocked
FBUS.PARAM04 0 - arrival of SYNC-messages in cyclic-synchronized application is not supervised
1 - arrival of SYNC-messages in cyclic-synchronized application is supervised (after 3 missing SYNC-telegrams the fault F125 is generated)
FBUS.PARAM05 description for bits 0 to 3 as in AKD - command reference
Bit 0
1: Faults can only be reset using DS402 control word bit 7.
0 = 0: The reset can also be done via telnet or digital input and the DS402 state machine
reflects this condition.
Bit 1
1: The state of the hardware enable does not change the state machine state Operation Enable.
0: If the state Operation Enable or Switched on is active it falls back to the state switched On
Disabled, if the Hardware enable goes to 0.
Bit 2
1: Workbench/Telnet can not software enable the drive, when CANopen/EtherCAT are Operational.
0: Workbench/Telnet can software enable the drive.
Bit 3
1: DS402-state machine is not influenced, if the software-enable is taken away via Telnet.
0: DS402-state machine is influenced, if the software-enable is taken away via Telnet.
Bit 4
1: Scaling is done via special DS402 - objects (independent on units)
0: Scaling for position, velocity and acceleration objects is done via UNIT parameters
Bit 5 used in EtherCAT, reserved for CAN
Bit 6
1: Bit 0 of parameter MT.CNTL (object 35D9 sub 0) can be accesse
0: Bit 0 of parameter MT.CNTL (object 35D9 sub 0) is exclusively used for DS402 controlwordd
Kollmorgen™ | November 201225
AKD CANopen | 6 CANopen Communication Profile
6CANopen Communication Profile
6.1 General Description of CAN27
6.2 Construction of the Communication Object Identifier28
6.3 Definition of the Used Data Types29
6.4 Communication Objects31
26Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 6 CANopen Communication Profile
6.1 General Description of CAN
This chapter describes the basic services and communication objects of the CANopen communication profile
DS 301, which are used in the AKD.
It is assumed that the basic operating functions of the communication profile
are known, and available as reference documentation.
The transmission method that is used here is defined in ISO 11898 (Controller Area Network CAN for high-speed
The Layer-1/2 protocol (Physical Layer/Data Link Layer) that is implemented in all CAN modules provides,
amongst other things, the requirements for data.
Data transport or data request is made by means of a data telegram (Data Frame) with up to 8 bytes of user data,
or by a data request telegram (Remote Frame).
Communication objects (COBs) are labeled by an 11-bit Identifier (ID) that also determines the priority of objects.
A Layer-7 protocol (Application Layer) was developed, to decouple the application from the communication. The
service elements that are provided by the Application Layer make it possible to implement an application that is
spread across the network. These service elements are described in the CAN Application Layer (CAL) for Industrial Applications.
The communication profile CANopen and the drive profile are mounted on the CAL.
The basic structure of a communication object is shown in the following diagram:
SOMStart of message
COB-IDCommunication Object Identifier (11-bit)
RTRRemote Transmission Request
CTRLControl Field (e.g. Data Length Code)
Data Segment0 to 8byte (Data-COB)
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
ACKAcknowledge slot
EOMEnd of message
CTRL Data SegmentCRCA
0byte (Remote-COB)
Kollmorgen™ | November 201227
AKD CANopen | 6 CANopen Communication Profile
6.2 Construction of the Communication Object Identifier
The following diagram shows the layout of the COB Identifier (COB-ID). The Function Code defines the interpretation and priority of the particular object.
10 9876 5 4 3 2 10
Bit 0 .. 6
Module ID (drive's CAN-bus address, range 1 to 127; is set up in WorkBench or the drive,)
Bit 7 to 10
Function Code (number of the communication object that is defined in the server)
If an invalid station number (=0) is set, then the module will be set internally
to 1.
The following tables show the default values for the COB Identifier after switching on the drive. The objects,
which are provided with an index (Communication Parameters at Index), can have a new ID assigned after the
initialization phase. The indices in brackets are optional.
Predefined broadcast objects (send to all nodes):
Object Function code (binary) Resulting COB-IDs Communication parameters
TIME0010256100not supported
at index
Predefined Peer-to-Peer objects (node sends to node):
ObjectFunction code (binary) Resulting COB-IDs Communication parameters
TPDO 10011385..511 181..1FF1800
RPDO 10100513..639 201..27F1400
TPDO 20101641..767 281..2FF1801
RPDO 20110769..895 301..37F1401
TPDO 30110897..1023 381..3FF1802
RPDO 310001025..1151 401..47F1402
TPDO 410011153..1279 481..4FF1803
RPDO 410101281..1407 501..57F1403
SDO (tx*)10111409..1535 581..5FF
SDO (rx*)11001537..1663 601..67F
Nodeguard11101793..1919 701..77F(100E)low
*tx = direction of transmission: AKD => Master
rx = direction of transmission: Master => AKD
at index
28Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
AKD CANopen | 6 CANopen Communication Profile
6.3 Definition of the Used Data Types
This chapter defines the data types that are used. Each data type can be described by bit- sequences. These bitsequences are grouped into "Octets” (bytes). The so-called "Little – Endian” format (a.k.a. Intel format) is used
for numerical data types (see also: DS301 Application Layer "General Description of Data Types and Encoding
6.3.1 Basic data types Unsigned Integer
Data in the basic data type UNSIGNEDn define exclusively positive integers.
The value range is from 0 to 2n-1. The bit sequence b = b0to b
UNSIGNEDn(b) = b
+ to + b121+ b02
Example: the value 266 = 10Ah is transmitted in the data type UNSIGNED16, in the form of two octets (1stoctet
= 0Ah, 2ndoctet = 01h).
Transmission syntax for the data type UNSIGNEDn
Octet number1.2.3.4.
UNSIGNED16b7to b
UNSIGNED24b7to b
UNSIGNED32b7to b
UNSIGNED40b7to b
UNSIGNED48b7to b
UNSIGNED56b7to b
UNSIGNED64b7to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
defines the value
b31to b
b31to b
b31to b
b31to b
b31to b
Octet number5.6.7.8.
UNSIGNED40b39to b
UNSIGNED48b39to b
UNSIGNED56b39to b
UNSIGNED64b39to b
b47to b
b47to b
b47to b
b55to b
b55to b
b63to b
Kollmorgen™ | November 201229
AKD CANopen | 6 CANopen Communication Profile Signed Integer
Data in the basic data type INTEGERn define both positive and negative integers.
The value range is from-2
INTEGERn(b) = b
+ to + b121+ b020with b
-1 to 2
-1. The bit sequence b = b0to b
= 0
defines the value
Negative numbers are represented as 2’s complement, which means:
INTEGERn(b) = - INTEGERn(b) - 1 with b
= 1
Example: the value -266 = FEF6h is transmitted in the data type INTEGER16, in the form of two octets (1stoctet
= F6h, 2ndoctet = FEh).
Transmission syntax for the data type INTEGERn
Octet number1.2.3.4.
INTEGER8b7to b
INTEGER16b7to b
INTEGER24b7to b
INTEGER32b7to b
INTEGER40b7to b
INTEGER48b7to b
INTEGER56b7to b
INTEGER64b7to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b15to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
b23to b
b31to b
b31to b
b31to b
b31to b
b31to b
Octet number5.6.7.8.
INTEGER40b39to b
INTEGER48b39to b
INTEGER56b39to b
INTEGER64b39to b
b47to b
b47to b
b47to b
b55to b
b55to b
b63to b
6.3.2 Mixed data types
Mixed data types combine basic data types (INTEGERn, UNSIGNEDn, REAL). Two types of mixed data are distinguished:
l STRUCT: This data type is composed of elements with different data types.
l ARRAY: This data type is composed of elements of the same data type.
30Kollmorgen™ | November 2012
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