2: Description
2-2 UPS412-01-01 Kohler PW 5000/TP User Manual Dated 17-11-11
2.2.1 Single/Multi-cabinet configurations
The Kohler PW 5000/TP UPS may be configured to operate as a single cabinet, or several (up to 20)
cabinets can be connected in parallel to operate as a multi-module UPS system. A multi-module
configuration is generally used either to increase the system’s total power capacity, or to provide module
redundancy. This manual describes the installation , configuration and ope ration of both single and multi module systems.
Note: Although the UPS single/multi configuration can be modified in the field it is generally specified on
ordering so that the module can be configured and fully tested in the fa ctory prior to despatch.
2.3 Advanced Design Features
2.3.1 Input booster technology
The UPS module’s inbuilt advanced booster technology results in a perfect sinusoidal in put power quality at
0.99 input power factor with a harmonic content of 3% THD(i). This leads to a more reliable total system
operation and savings in generator and transformer sizing, as losses in the windings are minimised. It also
means that traditional harmonic filters are no longer required.
The high power factor presented by the UPS on the incoming mains supply minimises cabling and fusing
costs due to the resulting lack of reactive power consumption. This, together with the accompanying low
harmonic currents, provide the following benefits:
• No additional losses in wires and cables.
• No extra heating of transformers and generators.
• No over sizing of generators.
• No false circuit breaker tripping and malfunction.
• No erratic operation of computers, telecommunication, monitors, electronic test equipment etc.
• No resonance with power factor correction capacitors.
2.3.2 Flexible battery management
This equipment employs a flexible battery management which avoids premature deterioration of battery life
by advanced management of battery charging and preventive failure diagnostics.
The major benefits are:
• AC-ripple free battery charging due to a dc-dc charger separated from the rectifier and inverter.
• Wide range of number of battery blocks (22-50 blocks of 12V; depending on autonomy times).
• UPS's wide input voltage operating window extends the battery life due to fewer discharge cycles.
• Battery discharge protection caused by load jumps.
• Proactive battery protection from false manipulations and inadequate charging voltages.
• Proactive battery failure detection thanks to Advanced Battery Diagnosis (ABD) - Algorithm.
• User selectable battery tests.
• Optional temperature compensated charging to enhance battery life.
2.3.3 Decentralized Parallel Architecture (DPA)
The Kohler PW 5000/TP system features DPA paralleling technology that provides n+x redundancy without
introducing a single-point-of-failure. The modules utilizing the DPA technology are completely autonomous
by means of individual power units, bypasses, CPUs, control panels and separate battery configuration.
2.4 Warranty
The Kohler PW 5000/TP UPS is supplied with a limited warranty that the UPS and its component parts are
free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original
commissioning or fifteen months from the date of original delivery, whichever is the sooner. Th is warranty is
the only warranty given and no other warranty, express or implied, is provided.
This warranty is invalidated if the UPS is put into use without having been commissioned by a fully trained
and authorised person. This warranty does not apply to any losses or damages caused b y misuse, abuse,