Koden Electronics RB715A User Manual

Most of maintenance of this radar should be referred to qualifie d personnel. If
radar has an y problem, co n tact your dealer and tell us that problem.
There are high voltage circuits inside of this radar. Do not attempt to open the rear cover of display un it or di sassemble i nternal parts. W hen you op en the radome, power must be off. Even power switch is OFF, this radar is still sup­plied powe r ins ide .
The foll owing table shows th e maintenan ce b y user. P l ea se c heck peri od i cal l y .
Tab . 6-1 Ma int enan ce
Inspection Interval Inspection Item Method of Inspection and Maintenance 3-6 months Rust a n d l oose ness
in scanner unit Display screen of
LCD display
6-12 months Grease* application
to antenna drive gear Check for contact of connectors
Antenn a mo to r brush(RA42C)
Check whether the scanner’s fitt ing bolt s are corroded or less.
Clean filter and LCD screen surfaces with a soft and wet cloth.
Apply an even coating of grease* to the entire surface of the antenna drive gear with a spat­ula or brus h .
Check whether connectors are contacted properly. If any connector is improperly con­ta ct ed or sta i ned, corr ect i t by using a cont a ct restoring chemical agent or by polishing or replace with a new one if necessary.
Check the length of brushes. I f the length is under 6mm, change them to new one.
*: Use grease for plastics for RA40C/41C. If you use other type of grease(not for plastics),
it may break antenna
Concerning Consumable
The radar uses consumable as listed below that require periodic replacement.
(1) Mag netron
This part i s mount ed in the scan ner un it. If distan t echo im ag es h ave become l ess visible, th e mag netro n p r oba bly may h a ve deg r aded . In such a case, rep lac e it. Co n s ult yo ur d istributor f o r repl ac em ent o f this part.
Period of the replacement : 3000hour(typ.) (500hour guarantee)
(2) LC D ba ck-li ght
This part is mounted in the display unit. I f the display scree n is ex­tremely dar k and its illumination cannot be corre cte d by a djusting bright­ness, the LCD back-light may be faulty or may have burnt out. In such a case, rep lac e it. Co n s ult yo ur d istributor f o r repl ac em ent o f this part.
Period of the replacement : 15000hour(typ.) (1000hour at 0•)
(3) Fuse
The fuse is built in the power supply cable. I f the fuse appe ar s to be blow n, check the fu se. I f blown, replace it following the procedure shown in Fig.6-2.
To display unit
Power supply cable
Turn countercl ock wi se and pull
Replace new fuse
Push and turn clockwise
Fig. 6-2 Method for replacing fuse
Note : Before mai ntenance of scanner , you ca n hang a radome(u pper ) using cord
through hole as follows.
A: Top view
Fig. 6-3 Method for replacing fuse
Fixing screw