Koden KGP-915 Operation Manual

KGP-915 Revision History
KGP-915 Operation Manual
Doc No: 0093129152
Document Revision History
No. Doc. No-Rev. No.
0 0093129152-00 2016/12/28 First edition
Revised content
Document No. Revised Version Norm
When part of the document needs to be revised, the document has advanced revision number.
The document No. is indicated at the lower right side on the cover and at the left or right side of the
footer region of each page.
© 2016 Koden Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, translated in any form by any means without
the written permission of Koden Electronics Co., Ltd. The technical descriptions contained in this
publication are subject to change without notice. Koden assumes no responsibility for any errors,
incidentals or consequential damages caused by misinterpretation of the descriptions contained in this
0093129152-00 i
Important Notice KGP-915
Important Notice
For copy and transcription of this Operation Manual (hereinafter referred to as this
manual), permission from Koden is needed. Koden prohibits the un-authorized copy and transcription of this manual.
If this manual is lost or damaged, consult a dealer of Koden or Koden.
The specification of the products and the contents in this manual are subject to change
without notice.
The contents displayed on the menu of product may be different from the expression of
this manual. The fonts and shapes of the keys and menus in the illustration may differ from the actual ones, and some parts may be omitted.
Koden is not liable for damages and troubles arisen from misunderstanding of the
contents in this manual.
Koden is not liable for any damages caused by earthquake, lightning, wind and flood
damage and fire for which Koden is not responsible, and actions by third parties, other accidents, customer’s unintended error/abuse and the use under other abnormal conditions.
Koden is not liable for damages of accompaniment (change/loss of memorized content,
loss of business profit, stop of business) arisen from use or failure of our products.
If the stored data are changed or lost, irrespective of causes of troubles and damages,
Koden is not liable for them.
Koden is not liable for any damages arisen from malfunction caused by combination of
software and connected equipment in which Koden is not engaged.
ii 0093129152-00
KGP-915 For Your Safe Operation
For Your Safe Operation
Symbol used in this Operation Manual
The following pictograms are used in this manual. The meaning of each symbols shall be well understood and the maintenance and inspection shall be carried out.
Symbol Meaning
Mark for warning
This mark denotes that there is a risk of death or serious injury when dealt with incorrectly.
Mark for danger of high voltage
This mark denotes that there is a risk of death or serious injury due to
electric shock when dealt with incorrectly.
Mark for caution
This mark denotes that there is a risk of slight injury or damages of
devices when dealt with incorrectly.
Mark for prohibition
This mark denotes prohibition of specified conducts. Description of the prohibition is displayed near the mark.
Precautions on equipment
Be careful of high voltage inside
High voltage, which may risk you life, is used. This high voltage may remain in the circuit even after the power is switched off. To prevent contact with the high voltage circuits accidentally, a protective cover or the label with this mark is provided on the high voltage circuit. When the inside is to be checked, ensure to switch off the power and to discharge the residual voltage for safety. An engineer authorized by Koden shall carry out the inspection and maintenance works.
Power off in the boat
An accidental power-on during works may result in worker’s electrification. To prevent such accident in advance, ensure that power in the boat and on the equipment are switched off. Furthermore, it is safer to hang a caution tag saying “Under work” near the power switch of equipment.
Be careful of dust
Inhaled dust may cause respiratory affection. At the time of cleaning the inside of equipment, be careful not to inhale dust. Wearing a safety mask is recommended.
Caution on location of installment
The equipment shall not be installed at locations which are excessively damp and suffers from water drops. Otherwise, dew condensation may occur inside the display screen, and corrosion may occur inside the unit box.
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For Your Safe Operation KGP-915
Measures against static electricity
Precautions on handling
Static electricity may be generated from the carpet on the floor in the cabin or clothes made of synthetic fiber, and it may destroy the electronic components on circuit boards. The circuit boards shall be handled with appropriate measures against static electricity.
No disassembly or modification of this equipment is allowed. It may lead to failure, firing, smoking or electric shock. In case of failure, please contact Koden’s dealers or Koden.
In case of smoking or firing, switch off the power in the boat and of this equipment. It may lead to firing, electric shock or damages.
Be careful of residual high voltage
High voltage may remain in capacitors for several minutes after switching off the power. Before inspection of the inside, please wait at least 5 minutes after switching off or discharge the residual electricity in an appropriate manner. Then, start the work.
The information displayed on this equipment is not intended to use for your navigation. For your navigation, be sure to see the specified materials.
iv 0093129152-00
KGP-915 Contents
Document Revision History .................................................................................................................. i
Important Notice .................................................................................................................................. ii
For Your Safe Operation .................................................................................................................... iii
Contents .............................................................................................................................................. v
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... x
System Configuration ......................................................................................................................... xi
System Configuration (with Junction box) ......................................................................................... xii
Configuration of Equipment .............................................................................................................. xiv
Chapter 1 Basic Operation ................................................................................1-1
1.1 The name and function of each part ......................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Control panel ................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Power On/Off ............................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3 Adjusting brightness of display and panel key .......................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Selecting the screen ................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.4.1 Display Modes ............................................................................................................ 1-3
1.4.2 Nav data display1 (NAV1) screen : Nav data1 mode .................................................. 1-3
1.4.3 Nav data display2 (NAV2) screen : Nav data2 mode .................................................. 1-4
1.4.4 Nav data display3(NAV3) screen : Nav data3 mode ................................................... 1-4
1.4.5 Navigation Graph display (NAV4) screen : Navigation Graph mode ........................... 1-4
1.4.6 Highway display (NAV5) screen : Highway mode ........................................................ 1-5
1.4.7 Plotter display (NAV6) screen : Plotter mode .............................................................. 1-5
1.5 Storing present position (EVENT) ............................................................................................. 1-6
1.5.1 AUTO ........................................................................................................................... 1-6
1.5.2 MANUAL ...................................................................................................................... 1-6
1.5.3 Changing the setup contents ....................................................................................... 1-7
1.6 Using POB (People over-board) ............................................................................................... 1-8
1.7 Recalling Event and POB position ............................................................................................ 1-8
1.8 Copying Event and POB position ............................................................................................. 1-9
1.8.1 Erasing Event and POB position ................................................................................. 1-9
Chapter 2 Various Navigation ............................................................................2-1
2.1 Storing waypoints (LAT/LONG) data ......................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Storing a new waypoint or updating an existing a waypoint ........................................ 2-1
2.1.2 Copying a position ....................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.3 Erasing a single waypoint ............................................................................................ 2-3
2.2 Setup of waypoint navigation .................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.1 Setting waypoint navigation ......................................................................................... 2-4
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Contents KGP-915
2.2.2 Quick waypoint setup ................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.3 Canceling waypoint navigation .................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.4 NAV2 screen during waypoint navigation .................................................................... 2-6
2.2.5 NAV3 screen during waypoint navigation .................................................................... 2-6
2.2.6 NAV4 screen during waypoint navigation .................................................................... 2-7
2.2.7 NAV5 screen during waypoint navigation .................................................................... 2-7
2.2.8 NAV6 screen during waypoint navigation .................................................................... 2-8
2.3 Cross track error and course deviation angle ........................................................................... 2-9
2.3.1 Navigation graph of NAV4 screen ................................................................................ 2-9
2.3.2 Highway display (NAV5) screen ................................................................................. 2-10
2.4 Storing and erasing routes ...................................................................................................... 2-12
2.4.1 Storing your route ....................................................................................................... 2-12
2.4.2 Automatic switching of waypoints .............................................................................. 2-13
2.4.3 Copying a single route ............................................................................................... 2-13
2.4.4 Erasing point data ...................................................................................................... 2-14
2.4.5 Erasing a single route ................................................................................................ 2-14
2.5 Route setup ............................................................................................................................. 2-15
2.5.1 Selecting route navigation .......................................................................................... 2-15
2.5.2 Checking a route point position .................................................................................. 2-16
2.5.3 Canceling route navigation ......................................................................................... 2-17
2.5.4 Switching between distance and time to go ............................................................... 2-17
2.6 Setting an anchor position ....................................................................................................... 2-19
2.6.1 Storing an anchor position.......................................................................................... 2-19
2.6.2 Canceling anchor position .......................................................................................... 2-20
2.7 Track display ........................................................................................................................... 2-21
2.7.1 Display a cross cursor on NAV6 screen ..................................................................... 2-21
2.7.2 Screen scrolling .......................................................................................................... 2-22
2.7.3 Scaling the PLOT screen ........................................................................................... 2-22
2.7.4 Changing the setup contents ..................................................................................... 2-22
Chapter 3 Alarms .............................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Kinds of alarms .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 GNSS Fix ..................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Anchor watch alarm (ANCH) ........................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.3 Proximity alarm (PROX) ............................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.4 Cross track error alarm (XTE) ...................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.5 Course deviation angle alarm (CDI) ............................................................................. 3-3
3.2 Alarm explanation ...................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Setting and canceling ................................................................................................................ 3-3
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KGP-915 Contents
Chapter 4 Setup Procedure ...............................................................................4-1
4.1 Menu options............................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Menu 3: GNSS .......................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.1 Monitoring GNSS satellite signal reception ................................................................. 4-4
4.2.2 Selecting a GNSS mode .............................................................................................. 4-4
4.2.3 Selecting a geodetic datum ......................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.4 Setting the mask level of carrier-to-noise ratio ............................................................ 4-5
4.2.5 Masking satellite elevation angle ................................................................................. 4-6
4.3 Menu 4: Differential GNSS(DGNSS) ........................................................................................ 4-7
4.3.1 Displaying DGNSS ....................................................................................................... 4-7
4.3.2 Selecting a style of DGNSS ......................................................................................... 4-7
4.3.3 Setting a DGNSS timeout ............................................................................................ 4-8
4.3.4 Selecting a SBAS station ............................................................................................. 4-8
4.3.5 Selecting a beacon station (Beacon DGNSS only) ..................................................... 4-9
4.3.6 Setting receiving frequency and bit rate of a beacon station ....................................... 4-9
4.3.7 Selecting the DGNSS input signal baud rate ............................................................. 4-10
4.3.8 Beacon monitor ...........................................................................................................4-11
4.4 Menu 5: Compensation ........................................................................................................... 4-12
4.4.1 Correcting your position ............................................................................................. 4-12
4.4.2 Disable position correction ......................................................................................... 4-13
4.4.3 Compensating the LOP.............................................................................................. 4-13
4.4.4 Compensating the compass ...................................................................................... 4-15
4.4.5 Displaying local time .................................................................................................. 4-16
4.5 Menu 7: Calculation ................................................................................................................ 4-17
4.5.1 Calculating the distance and bearing between two points ......................................... 4-17
4.5.2 Calculating LOPs based on LAT/LONG data ............................................................. 4-17
4.5.3 Calculating navigation plan ........................................................................................ 4-20
4.6 Menu 8: Initial setup ................................................................................................................ 4-23
4.6.1Setting average constants(measuring position, speed and course) ............................. 4-23
4.6.2Changing the distance or speed unit ............................................................................. 4-23
4.6.3Changing sail mode ....................................................................................................... 4-24
4.6.4Displaying position data in LAT/LONG mode ................................................................ 4-24
4.6.5Changing the latitude and longitudinal display digits .................................................... 4-25
4.6.6Selecting GNSS source ................................................................................................. 4-25
4.6.7Selecting a Language .................................................................................................... 4-26
4.6.8Specifying the chain and secondary stations for Loran C, Loran A or Decca ............... 4-26
4.7 Menu 9: Interface .................................................................................................................... 4-28
4.7.1 Selecting a DATA port to setting. ............................................................................... 4-28
4.7.2 Selecting an output data format of DATA1 and DATA2 port ...................................... 4-28
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Contents KGP-915
4.7.3 Setting the Baud rate ................................................................................................. 4-29
4.7.4 Setting the output Talker ID ........................................................................................ 4-30
4.7.5 Selecting an output sentence ..................................................................................... 4-30
Chapter 5 How to use LOPs ............................................................................. 5-1
5.1 Initial setup for LOPs display ..................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Selecting LOP (Loran C, Loran A or DECCA) .............................................................. 5-1
5.2 Storing waypoints (LOPs data) .................................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.1 Storing a new position or updating an existing one ..................................................... 5-4
5.3 Compensating the LOP ............................................................................................................. 5-5
5.4 Calculating LOPs based on LAT/LONG data ............................................................................ 5-5
Chapter 6 Data backup and initialization ........................................................... 6-1
6.1 Data backup .............................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Displaying the “Data backup” menu ............................................................................. 6-1
6.1.2 Insert USB memory ...................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.3 Read out of data ........................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.4 Writing of data .............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2 Initialization ................................................................................................................................ 6-4
6.2.1 Displaying the “Initial menu” ......................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.2 Initialize ........................................................................................................................ 6-4
6.2.3 WPT./Route clear ......................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.4 Changing a storing method for present position (Event) ............................................. 6-5
6.2.5 Selecting an initial value (North, South, East, West) of latitude/longitude. .................. 6-6
6.2.6 Frequency adjustment of the buzzer ............................................................................ 6-6
Chapter 7 Installation ........................................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Installation consideration ........................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Unpacking of the goods ............................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2.1 Inspection of the goods ................................................................................................ 7-1
7.3 Siting the units ........................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.4 Display unit installation .............................................................................................................. 7-2
7.4.1 Table mounting ............................................................................................................. 7-2
7.4.2 Flush mounting ............................................................................................................. 7-3
7.5 Antenna unit installation ............................................................................................................ 7-5
7.5.1 Selecting the best site of GNSS / Beacon antenna ..................................................... 7-5
7.5.2 Fixing the GNSS antenna unit ..................................................................................... 7-6
7.5.3 Extension of an antenna cable ..................................................................................... 7-7
7.6 Cable connections to KGP-915 ................................................................................................. 7-8
7.6.1 Single connection ......................................................................................................... 7-8
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KGP-915 Contents
7.6.2 Multi connections ......................................................................................................... 7-9
7.7 Connector pin outs .................................................................................................................. 7-10
7.8 Inspection after installation ..................................................................................................... 7-10
Chapter 8 Specifications ....................................................................................8-1
8.1 Specification .............................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.1 Main function ................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.2 Power requirements ..................................................................................................... 8-2
8.1.3 Compass safe distance ................................................................................................ 8-2
8.1.4 Environmental conditions ............................................................................................. 8-2
8.2 External dimensions and weight ............................................................................................... 8-3
8.2.1 External dimensions and weight of the display unit: KGP-915.MU ............................. 8-3
8.2.2 External dimensions and weight of the antenna unit: GA-09....................................... 8-3
Chapter 9 Annex ................................................................................................9-1
9.1 Menu configuration ................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Local Geodetic Systems ........................................................................................................... 9-3
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Introduction KGP-915
KGP-915 is a GNSS navigator for GPS/GLONASS system.
GPS is a navigation system using 24 satellites (21 plus 3 in service) orbiting 20,183 km high from the
earth every 11 hours 58 minutes. And GLONASS is orbiting 19,100 km high from the earth 11 hours 15
The main features of this unit are as follows:
KGP-915 consists of two main components, Display and Antenna.
Display unit has processor, receiver and LCD display built-in.
KGP-915 has high-resolution color LCD of high brightness type.
KGP-915 can support DGPS by connecting an external beacon receiver.
Also support DGPS by SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System).
KGP-915 can storage 10,000 waypoints, 100 routes, and 3,000 track points.
KGP-915 has two data port of NMEA 0183.
x 0093129152-00
KGP-915 System Configuration
System Configuration
Connection diagram
GPS antenna GA-09
Standard configuration
Owner supply
Software virsion: KM-E34G and after is required.
Display unit KGP-915
With mounting bracket and cover
POWER Connector
DATA 2 Connector
DATA 2 Connector
Marine radar
Chart Plotter
Echo sounder
Auto pilot
DATA 1 Connector
Marine radar Chart Plotter
Echo sounder
Auto pilot
Red +
10.8 to 31.2VDC
Black -
0093129152-00 xi
System Configuration KGP-915
System Configuration (with Junction box)
Connection diagram
GPS antenna GA-09
Standard configuration
Owner supply
Software virsion: KM-E34G and after is required.
Display unit KGP-915
With mounting bracket and cover
POWER Connector
DATA 2 Connector
DATA 3 Connector
DATA 2 Connector
Marine radar Chart Plotter
Echo sounder
Auto pilot
Marine radar Chart Plotter
Echo sounder
Auto pilot
Junction Box
DATA 4 Connector
DATA 1 Connector
Red +
10.8 to 31.2VDC
Black -
Marine radar Chart Plotter
Echo sounder
Auto pilot
Marine radar Chart Plotter
Echo sounder
Auto pilot
xii 0093129152-00
KGP-915 Configuration of Equipment
Configuration of Equipment
Standard Equipment Configuration List
Display unit
01 02
Antenna unit
05 DC power cable CW-276-2M
Truss tapping screw
06 07 Operation manual
Item Type name Remarks
With mounting bracket and front cover
Connected to GA-09, other end BNC connector
Connected to GA-09, other end N-P connector
With 5-pin connector, other end plain
For mounting bracket English 1
Option List
01 Antenna holder RAH-29
Connecting cable
03 CW-376-5M 04 Junction box JB-35
05 Hose band 738-1015 06 Power rectifier PS-010 07 AC power cable VV-2D8-3M 08 Connector
Antenna cable extension kit
Antenna cable extension kit
Conversion cable
Operation manual
Service manual
*10. N-BNC connector in the kit will not be used.
Item Type name Remarks
Ratchet mount
CW-839-30M KIT
CW-394-60M KIT CW-826-0.5M
KGP-915.OM.E KGP-915.SM.E
6 pin water resistant connectors both ends
6 pin water resistant connector and other end plain
1 input, 3 outputs with CW-376-5M 2pcs for antenna fixture With 5A fuses 2pcs For PS-010, both ends plain
6 pin water resistant connector for TD, CVS
5DFB cable with N-J connector and other end plain, N-J connector, and CW-826-0.5M 8DSFA cable with N-J connector and other end plain, N-J connector, N-BNC connector* and CW-826-0.5M
A BNC connector / N-P connector English English
0.74 kg
0.68kg 10m
0.89kg 15m
1 03
1 4
3 m
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KGP-915 Chapter 1 Basic Operation
Chapter 1 Basic Operation
1.1 The name and function of each part
GNSS Receiver display
1.1.1 Control panel
Recalls memory position, entry of numerical values, and selection North or South latitude or
East or West longitude
Mounting bracket
Selects NAV1, NAV2, NAV3, NAV4
Control panel
NAV5 or NAV6 screen.
Activates POB (People Over Board) function.
Recalls the menu
Enters a numeric/optional parameter.
Clears numeric/optional parameter or stops alarm sound temporarily.
Turns the power on Press and hold the power OFF Changes the brightness
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Chapter 1 Basic Operation KGP-915
1.2 Power On/Off
Press to power on.
Initial message appears during power-on. The receiver is performing the self-check.
Blink when NAVIGATOR is searching GPS satellites.
No blinking
When NAVIGATOR receives signals from 3 or more satellites, it displays present latitude and longitude position with solid N (or S) and W (or E).
Press until [Power off 3sec] is displayed for turn NAVIGATOR off. All data before power-off is kept in memory for later use.
1.3 Adjusting brightness of display and panel key
NOTE: This setup is memorized and turns into the same setup next time at the time of a power
Press to change the LCD brightness in 7 levels. After the popup of below was displayed, push the key.
supply ON.
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KGP-915 Chapter 1 Basic Operation
1.4 Selecting the screen
1.4.1 Display Modes
KGP-915 has 6 display modes: Nav data display1 (NAV1), Nav data display2 (NAV2), Nav data
display3 (NAV3), Navigation Graph display (NAV4), Highway display (NAV5), Plotter display (NAV6)
Screen will change in two ways.
1. Press numeric key on the upper-left corner of the screen
2. Press key to select the display mode.
1 2/N 3
Nav data display1 Nav data display2
4/W 5 6/E
Nav data display3
Navigation Graph displayHighway displayPlotter display
1.4.2 Nav data display1 (NAV1) screen : Nav data1 mode
Setting destination
Position in latitude and longitude
0093129152-00 1-3
P1.7 is DOP value
D is DGPS mode
Blinks when your position has failed to fix
Chapter 1 Basic Operation KGP-915
1.4.3 Nav data display2 (NAV2) screen : Nav data2 mode
Position in latitude and longitude
1.4.4 Nav data display3(NAV3) screen : Nav data3 mode
Position in latitude and longitude
1.4.5 Navigation Graph display (NAV4) screen : Navigation Graph mode
1-4 0093129152-00
Range ring
Position in latitude Position in longitude
Heading Line
Course Over Ground
Speed Over Ground
KGP-915 Chapter 1 Basic Operation
1.4.6 Highway display (NAV5) screen : Highway mode
XTE alarm range
Position in latitude and longitude
1.4.7 Plotter display (NAV6) screen : Plotter mode
Own boat mark Heading Line
Course Over Ground
Speed Over Ground
Course Over Ground
Speed Over Ground
Position in latitude
Position in longitude
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Chapter 1 Basic Operation KGP-915
1.5 Storing present position (EVENT)
You can store up to 999 present positions with numbers 0001 to 0999. When you store additional
positions, the oldest position is deleted and the newest position is stored in its place.
• The storage date, hours and minutes, position data, and symbols (selectable on the PLOT screen)
can be stored.
• It is convenient to store the present position for use later in route navigation.
• These positions can be used as targets or waypoints.
• Event numbering is available both in the automatic or manual mode. Auto or Manual selection is made at the 6.2.4 Changing a storing method for present position (Event)” (Refer Page 6-5)
EVT key does not function when positioning is
1.5.1 AUTO
(1) Press key to appear the pop-up.
(2) Press key to store your present position.
(3) You can store up to 999 present positions by pressing this key. They
have storage numbers 0001 to 0999.
NOTE: Auto or Manual selection is made at the
Increment Waypoint
Storage date (Day, Hour, Minute)
Storage position (Lat, Long)
“6.2.4 Changing a storing method for present position (Event)”
1.5.2 MANUAL
(1) Press key to show the registration number display window.
(2) Press key to store your present position.
(3) Specify a desired registration number by numeric keys.
Blinks for 10 seconds
+ 15 04 : 59
1-6 0093129152-00
(4) Press key. The event will be registered to the number specified.
35°38 . 180N
139°42 . 990E
The latest event number
Storage date (Day, Hour, Minute)
Storage position (Lat, Long)
NOTE: Auto or Manual selection is made at the
“6.2.4 Changing a storing method for present position (Event)”
KGP-915 Chapter 1 Basic Operation
1.5.3 Changing the setup contents
(1) Press key until Menu options 1 to 10 appears. (2) Press key to select “10: Plotter”.
(3) Various settings
1) 1: Mark symbol ( Press key )
To change the Mark symbol, place cursor on SYMBOL option and press ENT key.
Select symbol
Key board cursor
Initial setup:
2) 2: Mark display ( Press key )
You can select whether or not to display the POB mark information.
Initial setup: Symbol + Number
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Chapter 1 Basic Operation KGP-915
1.6 Using POB (People over-board)
POB function is provided for an emergency situation (if a person falls into the water) to make it easier to
return to POB point.
POB key does not function when positioning is invalid
(1) Press key to appear the pop-up.
(2) Press key to store POB position.
POB appears
Proximity alarm (blinking) Alarm sounds when you approached 0.1 nm from the point you pressed POB key.
Latitude of POB position Longitude of POB position
Clears the POB mode, and returns to the previous screen when you pressed POB key. When alarm sounds, press CLR key to stop it. Press it again to return to the screen you were at before you pressed POB key.
Distance (in nm) from your present position to the point you pressed POB key
Bearing to the point where you pressed POB key
Present position
Point where you pressed POB ke
1.7 Recalling Event and POB position
(1) Press key until menu options 1 to 10 appears.
(2) Press key to select “1:WAYPOINT”.
(3) Enter a storage number P0000 and W0001 to W0999 is POB and Event position data.
1-8 0093129152-00
NOTE: 000: Position data where you pressed POB key
0001 to 0999: Position data that contains events
KGP-915 Chapter 1 Basic Operation
P0000 is POB position data
W0001W0999 is
Event position data
1.8 Copying Event and POB position
(1) Press key until Menu options 1 to 10 appears.
(2) Press key to select “1: Waypoints
(3) Enter storage number (0000 to 0999) by numeric keys and press key.
(4) Press key to display the pop-up.
(5) Select [Copy] in the pop-up and press key.
(6) Enter a source point number (0000 to 0999) by numeric keys.
(7) Press key to copy the storage data.
1.8.1 Erasing Event and POB position
(1) Press key until Menu options 1 to 10 appears.
(2) Press key to select “1: Waypoints”.
(3) Enter storage number (0001 to 0999) by numeric keys and press key.
(4) Press key to display the pop-up.
(5) Select [Delete] in the pop-up and press key. (6) If OK, select [Yes] in the pop-up and press key.
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If cancel erasing, select [No] in the pop-up and press key.
Chapter 1 Basic Operation KGP-915
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KGP-915 Chapter 2 Various Navigation
Chapter 2 Various Navigation
2.1 Storing waypoints (LAT/LONG) data
NOTE: Press to backspace the
cursor to correct an input error.
2.1.1 Storing a new waypoint or updating an existing a waypoint
Up to 10000 waypoints can be stored in memory. As 1000 points (numbers 0000 and 0999) are
reserved for MOB and event registration, you can use 1000 to 9999 (total of 9000 points) to store
LAT/LONG mode (Example)
(1) Press key until Menu options 1 to 10 appears. (2) Press key to select “1: Waypoints”.
(3) Enter storage number (0000 to 9999) by numeric keys and press key.
(4) Press key to display the pop-up.
(5) Select [Edit] in the pop-up and press key.
NOTE: Press to clear incorrect
Input. You can reenter Numeric data.
Storage position
Latitude Longitude Number
2 2
Comment Mark
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Chapter 2 Various Navigation KGP-915
(6) Move the cursor to where you want to change. [Mark] or [Latitude] or [Longitude] or [Comment]
Press [ ] [ ] key to move the cursor.
(7) If you want to change the [Mark].
1) Press key to select of the [Mark].
2) Press [ ] key to select the shape of the mark.
3) Press key.
(8) If you want to change the [Latitude] and [Longitude].
Example: The position “N35°38.180 / E139°42.990” is entered by pressing the following keys in
exact order given below. [3],[5],[3],[8],[1],[8],[0],[N],[1],[3],[9],[4],[2],[9],[9],[0],[E].
(9) If you want to change the [Comment].
1) Press key to select of the [Comment].
2) Press [ ] key to select a comment letter in the pop-up.
3) Finally press key after moved a cursor to the [DECISION] in the pop-up.
(10) Press [ ] [ ] key when the work has been completed.
Pop-up appear
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KGP-915 Chapter 2 Various Navigation
2.1.2 Copying a position
You can copy the position data (stored with numbers 0000 to 9999) to the waypoint data (having
numbers 1000 to 9999). (1) Press key until Menu options 1 to 10 appears.
(2) Press key to select “1: Waypoints”.
(3) Enter storage number (0000 to 9999) by numeric keys and press key.
(4) Press key to display the pop-up.
(5) Select [Copy] in the pop-up and press key. (6) Enter a source point number (1000 to 9999) by numeric keys. (7) Press key to copy the storage data.
Original number
Enter the number of the copy destination
Information of the copy destination
2.1.3 Erasing a single waypoint
(1) Press key until Menu options 1 to 10 appears. (2) Press key to select “1: Waypoints”.
(3) Enter storage number (0001 to 9999) by numeric keys and press key.
(4) Press key to display the pop-up.
(5) Select [Delete] in the pop-up and press key. (6) If OK, select [Yes] in the pop-up and press key.
If cancel erasing, select [No] in the pop-up and press key.
NOTE: To erase an entire data from memory
simultaneously, see “WPT./Route clear” (page 6-5).
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Chapter 2 Various Navigation KGP-915
2.2 Setup of waypoint navigation
NOTE: Press to backspace the
cursor to correct an input error.
2.2.1 Setting waypoint navigation
The position data for each waypoint must be set prior to navigating to waypoints. You can use the data
already stored from Menu, or you can set the waypoints on A (NAV1), B (NAV2), C (NAV3) or D
(PLOT) screen (called the quick waypoint navigation). (1) Press key until Menu options 1 to 10 appears.
(2) Press key to select “1: Waypoints”.
(3) Enter storage number (0000 to 9999) by numeric keys and press key.
(4) Press key to display the pop-up.
(5) Select [Set] in the pop-up and press key.
(6) Number is surrounded by square.
NOTE: Press to clear incorrect
Input. You can reenter Numeric data.
2.2.2 Quick waypoint setup
Quick WPT (first priority waypoint) can be set by specifying it directly either from the NAV1, NAV2,
NAV3, NAV4, NAV5 or NAV6 screen. When the new waypoint is selected, the waypoint navigation to it
will commence and the specified position, along with the comment (QUICK), will be assigned to the
position number 9998. Old data is replaced with a new during quick WPT setup.
While the 1st to 6th pages of either the NAV1, NAV2, NAV3, NAV4, NAV5 or NAV6, are displayed.
(1) Press key to display “QUICK” pop-up menu.
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