Kodak RFS 3600 - USER', S ADDENDUM, PROFESSIONAL RFS 3600 User Manual

RFS 3600 Film Scanner
User’s Manual Addendum
Version 2.10 Host Software Update
Introduction .......................................................................................................5
MICROSOFT WINDOWS ...........................................................................5
Software Installation .........................................................................................7
From a CD ....................................................................................................7
MICROSOFT WINDOWS ...........................................................................7
From a Web Download................................................................................8
MICROSOFT WINDOWS ...........................................................................8
Post-Installation ............................................................................................9
Firmware .........................................................................................................10
Software Operation.........................................................................................10
Adobe Systems Software ..........................................................................10
Troubleshooting Connectivity......................................................................... 10
Mac OS 8.5.1, 8.6, 9.1 – SCSI Interface...................................................11
Mac OS 9.1 – USB Interface .....................................................................11
MICROSOFT WINDOWS .........................................................................12
MICROSOFT WINDOWS 98SE, ME, 2000, XP Pro and XP Home – USB Interface 12
MICROSOFT WINDOWS 98SE – SCSI Interface...................................12
MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 – SCSI Interface ...................................12
Troubleshooting Memory Problems............................................................... 12
Additional Resources .................................................................................13
Main Screen.................................................................................................... 14
Settings Tab....................................................................................................15
Status Bar .......................................................................................................15
File Size ......................................................................................................15
Scan All, DMin Cal, Light Cal, Resize Window ........................................15
Scan All.......................................................................................................15
DMin Cal .....................................................................................................16
Light Cal......................................................................................................17
Window Resize...........................................................................................17
Configuration Icon...........................................................................................17
Prescan Resolution ....................................................................................18
Color Processing ........................................................................................18
Final Scan, Multi-Sampling ........................................................................18
Frame Numbering ......................................................................................18
Output Depth ..............................................................................................18
Embed Output Profile.................................................................................19
Scan Profile.....................................................................................................19
Scan Icons ......................................................................................................20
Initial Setup .................................................................................................20
Slide Autofocus...........................................................................................20
Filmstrip Autofocus.....................................................................................20
Manual focus ..............................................................................................20
Focus Details..............................................................................................21
Image Viewing and Editing.............................................................................21
Thumbnails .................................................................................................22
White/Gray/Black Balance Eyedroppers...................................................22
Image Window............................................................................................22
Tabs ................................................................................................................24
Settings Tab................................................................................................24
Frame Number ...........................................................................................24
Auto Balance Button ..................................................................................24
Scan and Output Settings..........................................................................24
Crop Box.....................................................................................................24
Color Balance and Levels & Curves Tab..................................................25
Frame Number ...........................................................................................25
Custom Settings .........................................................................................25
Color Tools .................................................................................................25
Scan and Output Settings ..............................................................................25
Scan and Output Settings..........................................................................26
The Relationship Between Scan, Output and Magnification ...................26
Automatic Software Adjustments ..............................................................27
Locking Scan and Output Settings............................................................27
Intended Use and Output Resolution........................................................28
Common Sizes and Output Size...............................................................28
Miscellaneous Items .......................................................................................30
Information Icon..........................................................................................30
This document contains information describing the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RFS 3600 Film Scanner (RFS 3600) version 2.10 software. This software package includes a MICROSOFT WINDOWS TWAIN Data Source and a MACINTOSH Acquire Module; these two items will be referred to as the Host Software. Your RFS 3600 must have firmware version 1.34 installed for this Host Software to work properly. This document discusses the new features and layout of the version 2.10 Host Software, as well as all enhancements created since the original version 1.00 Host Software. For complete RFS 3600 information, refer to the User’s Manual on your original Host Software CD. Or, you may obtain a copy of the User’s Manual from www.kodak.com.
With respect to version 1.20 Host Software, this version of software has several user interface changes and enhancements. Also, the host computer system requirements have been updated.
If you are a new RFS 3600 owner or this is the first time you are operating the RFS 3600 on a specific PC or MACINTOSH, you must install the software first! Do not connect the film scanner to your computer and turn it on until you have installed the Host Software and turned off your computer. If your computer “finds” or “sees” the film scanner and there is no installed software to interface to it, you will not be able to use the scanner.
The screen shots seen in this document were captured from the MICROSOFT WINDOWS TWAIN Data Source display. The screens seen in the MACINTOSH Acquire Module are very similar.
System Requirements
The KODAK PROFESSIONAL RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source is supported on MICROSOFT’S 32-bit WINDOWS/Intel x86 or compatible PCs that meet or exceed the following minimum system requirements:
1) 300 MHz Pentium
2) 128 MB of RAM
3) 200 MB of free disk space
4) ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 5.0 LE or Adobe Elements 1.0. This Host Software Version has not been tested on ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 7.
5) 800x600Screen area, 16-bit color display (higher color setting recommended)
The KODAK PROFESSIONAL RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source is TWAIN 1.8 compliant. The RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source has been tested on systems using the following Microsoft Operating Systems:
1) MICROSOFT WINDOWS 98 Second Edition (SCSI and USB)
2) MICROSOFT WINDOWS NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 (SCSI only)
3) MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 (USB only, Must have System Administrator privileges to install and run the software. Or, your system administrator must install the software and you must have a Power User account with Modify privileges to the folder <winroot>\twain_32\KFILM).
4) MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP Professional (USB only, System Administrator must install the software and connect the scanner. After the New Hardware Wizard has completed its procedure, a common User may log on and run the RFS 3600 software).
5) MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP Home (USB only, New or Full installation only, not Upgrade installation)
6) The RFS 3600 has not been tested on the MICROSOFT WINDOWS 95 OSR2 platform. The Eastman Kodak Company assumes no liability for issues found or experienced with this operating system.
The KODAK PROFESSIONAL RFS 3600 Acquire Module is supported on MACINTOSH systems that meet or exceed the following that meet or exceed the following minimum requirements system requirements:
1) 300MHz PowerPC processor
2) A maximum of 100 MB of memory allocated to the ADOBE application on systems
3) 900 MB of memory allocated to the ADOBE application on systems with more than
4) 200 MB of free disk space
6) ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 5.0 LE or Adobe
5) 800x600Screen area, 16-bit color display (higher color setting recommended)
The KODAK PROFESSIONAL RFS 3600 Acquire Module has been tested on systems using the following MACINTOSH Operating Systems:
with less than 1GB of installed DRAM.
1GB of installed DRAM.
Elements 1.0. This Host Software Version has not been tested on ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 7.
1) Mac OS 8.5.1 or 8.6 (SCSI only)
2) Mac OS 9.x (SCSI and USB)
The Acquire Module is not qualified for use on machines running Mac OS X.
Software Installation
From a CD
If you have a Version 2.10 Host Software CD, install the software as follows:
Please note: When installing the Host Software on some MICROSOFT WINDOWS systems, you may be presented with various dialog boxes stating the RFS 3600 Host Software has not passed MICROSOFT WINDOWS Logo Testing, or the software does not have a Microsoft Digital Signature. You may ignore these messages; click through these dialog boxes to install the RFS 3600 Host Software.
1) Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. The CD browser should launch; click on the “Install RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source” button. If you have a previous version of RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source, the installer will display an “Uninstall” routine. Follow the Uninstall prompts to remove the previous TWAIN Data Source version; when the uninstall is completed, click on the CD browser’s “Install RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source” button again.
2) If the browser does not start when the CD is mounted, open My Computer on your MICROSOFT WINDOWS Desktop, open the RFS 3600 Host Software CD and double click the “Launch.exe” icon.
3) Follow all prompts to reboot your machine.
4) The video settings for your monitor will affect the appearance of your scans and the performance of the RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source. For the best results, make sure your Display Properties are set to show High Color or True Color (i.e., more than 256 colors). General instructions are provided here. Refer to the documentation that came with your computer for further details about changing display settings for your computer. To change color depth or screen size (resolution):
a) Click Start
b) Select Settings/Control Panel
c) Double click on the Display control panel
d) Click on the Settings tab.
e) Select either High Color or True Color. (Note: Your monitor type and video
adapter determine the maximum number of colors available for your display.)
f) Adjust the slider for a minimum screen area to 800x600.
g) Click OK.
1) Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. The CD icon will appear on the desktop. Double-click the icon and then double-click on the “Install RFS 3600 TWAIN Data Source” icon to start the software installation procedure. If you have more than one version of Adobe Systems software (Photoshop, Photoshop LE or Photoshop Elements) on your MACINTOSH, the installer will located all instances of Import/Export folders and prompt you for the location to place the RFS 3600 module. Select the Import/Export folder of the Adobe software you expect to use most frequently and a new plug-in "Kodak RFS 3600" will be put inside the that folder. If you want to use the RFS 3600 software with more than one Adobe software package, make a copy of the RFS 3600 plug-in and place it in the additional Import/Export folders.
2) Some non-English versions of Adobe software do not name these plug-in folders Import/Export. We suggest you temporarily rename the folders to Import/Export for the software installation. After the installation is complete, change their names back to their non-English names.
3) Follow all prompts to reboot your machine.
4) The video settings for your monitor will affect the appearance of your scans and the performance of the RFS 3600 Acquire Module. For the best results, make sure your monitor is set to show Thousands of Colors or Millions of Colors. General instructions are provided here. Refer to the documentation that came with your computer for further details about changing display settings for your computer. To change color depth or screen size (resolution):
a) Open the Monitor Control Panel.
b) Your monitor type and video adapter determine the maximum number of colors
available for your display. Select either thousands or millions of colors.
c) Your screen size (resolution) might change as a result of changing color settings,
so you may have to trade off between the number of colors your display can show and the size of the desktop area you can work with. The minimum resolution is 800 x 600. This will help you see your pictures at the largest possible size. The Acquire Module can still be run using other resolution settings.
From a Web Download
If you downloaded the Version 2.10 Host Software from www.kodak.com, install as follows:
1) Navigate on your computer's hard drive to the location where you downloaded the file from the Kodak Web site. Double click the file and then you will be prompted for a location to save the expanded files. For example, save to location C:\Kodak. The default location will be C:\Temp.
2) Next, in folder you saved the expanded files, you will find the structure: ..\RFS 3600 SW INSTALLER\DISK_1. Inside the DISK_1 folder, double click the Setup.exe Icon.
3) If you have a previous version of the RFS 3600 Film Scanner TWAIN Data Source, a message will appear telling you the older TWAIN must be removed before the new TWAIN can be installed. Click OK and the removal process will execute.
4) Once the old TWAIN is removed, the installation of the new TWAIN will start automatically. If it does not, double click the Setup.exe icon again. When the installation screens for the new TWAIN appears, follow the directions on the screens.
5) Follow the monitor setup steps in 4) above.
6) If the installation files are copied to a network drive, the installation may fail with the message "The parameter is incorrect." if the network path to the installation directory is too long. This problem can be resolved by moving the installation directory to a location with a shorter network path
1) Double click the installer file from the download and installation will begin. During installation, the installer will check your computer for the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP; ADOBE PHOTOSHOP LE and PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS applications. You must have at least one of these applications on your MACINTOSH for the RFS 3600 Acquire Module installer to complete its installation.
2) If you have more than one version of Adobe Systems software (ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, ADOBE PHOTOSHOP LE or PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS) on your MACINTOSH, the installer will located all instances of Import/Export folders and prompt you for the location to place the RFS 3600 module. Select the Import/Export folder of the Adobe software you expect to use most frequently and a new plug-in "Kodak RFS 3600" will be put inside the that folder. If you want to use the RFS 3600 software with more than one Adobe software package, make a copy of the RFS 3600 plug-in and place it in the additional Import/Export folders.
3) Some non-English versions of ADOBE PHOTOSHOP software do not name these plug-in folders Import/Export. We suggest you rename the folders for the software installation, and afterwards change their names back.
4) After the software installation is completed, you MUST "Restart" your MACINTOSH as directed by the installer.
5) Follow the monitor setup steps in 4) above.
To ensure that the prescan image in the RFS 3600 software matches the final scan which is transferred into ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, please take the following steps: ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 5.0 or 5.5 – navigate to the File>Color Settings>RGB Setup menu. Make sure that the "Display Using Monitor Compensation" box is not checked and click the OK button. ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 6.0 – navigate to the Edit>Color Settings menu. In the Settings dropdown listing, select Color Management Off. Performing these setups ensures that ADOBE PHOTOSHOP does not apply an additional profile to the image after it has been scanned.
Launch the RFS 3600 Film Scanner Host Software and make sure the monitor and output profiles selected in the Settings tab are the same. (Selecting the Kodak sRGB Display profile should produce satisfactory results in most cases). The monitor profile controls how the prescan image is rendered and the output profile controls how the final scan is rendered. If these profiles are the same, the prescan shown in the RFS 3600 Host Software should match the final scan which appears in ADOBE PHOTOSHOP.
If you are using the Scan to File feature, review the new Embed Output Profile function which has been implemented in this software release.
Your RFS 3600 Film Scanner must have firmware version 1.34 installed before version
2.10 or later Host Software can operate the film scanner. This version 2.10 Host Software
may be used to upgrade your film scanner’s firmware. Your film scanner may already have this firmware version installed. If it does not, use the firmware file 3600_133.bin located the Firmware folder on the Host Software CD. If you do not have the Host Software CD, you may obtain the firmware file from www.kodak.com. See Page 60 of the User’s Manual and the Information Icon section of this document for the film scanner firmware upgrade procedure.
Software Operation
Adobe Systems Software
In this document, it is assumed the image editing program in use is ADOBE PHOTOSHOP (Photoshop). For information regarding hardware system requirements, software features, online or printed manual instructions and help or other software issues dealing with ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, ADOBE PHOTOSHOP LE or PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS, you may contact Adobe Systems Incorporated via their web site at:
www.adobe.com . Do not contact the Eastman Kodak Company for information regarding
Adobe System software installation, features or operation.
Troubleshooting Connectivity
The following information is provide to help you troubleshoot any RFS 3600 to computer connectivity problems. Before checking your system, ensure the following have been completed:
1) Did you install the Kodak software? If you cannot find the Kodak software on the
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP “File – Import” submenu, the software has not been correctly installed. Turn off your computer, disconnect any cables between the film scanner and your computer, restart your computer and install the software per the section
Software Installation.
2) Is the film scanner connected? Ensure your cables are connected to both to your
computer and the film scanner. If you are using the SCSI interface, turn off your film scanner and computer before connecting or disconnecting a SCSI cable. Ensure you dialed a valid SCSI id number on the bottom of the film scanner and the SCSI termination has been set. When using the SCSI system, you must turn on the
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