OverviewThis chapter introduces concepts that may be new to many users. The
Kodak i1200/i1300 Series Scanners provide the ability to process
scanned images to improve their quality. Using these features the
scanner can sometimes make the scanned image look better than the
original document. Basic image processing concepts are reviewed in
this chapter to help you take advantage of these features.
Image processing refers to several separate features of the scanner
that allow you to automatically adjust each image in a certain way that
may improve the resulting images. Common examples of image
processing features are correcting any skew in the fed document,
cutting the edges of the image off to remove any unneeded border or
cleaning up extraneous “noise” on the image. This can be done
automatically so you can get better images with a minimum amount of
The information that follows describes these image processing
features. The same options should be available on the user interface of
the scanning application you are using (i.e., Kodak Capture Software).
2. Select TWAIN (or ISIS) for the Driver Type and the Kodak Scanner
i12XX/i13XX Scanner as the Driver. The Scan Validation Tool
dialog box will be displayed.
A-61560 January 200739
Scan Validation Tool
dialog box
The Scan Validation Tool (SVT) is a diagnostic application provided by
Kodak. The SVT user interface allows access to all the features of the
scanner and is a good way to verify that the scanner is working
properly. The Scan Validation Tool allows you to verify scanner
functionality using both the TWAIN datasource and the ISIS driver.
Toolbar buttons
Setup — displays the user interface for the selected driver.
Destination — allows you to select a directory to store scanned
images and their file names. This option is only available when
Save Images to Files is selected.
Start Scanning — scans the documents in the input tray.
Scan One Page — scans only one page.
Stop Scanning — ends the scan session.
License Key — displays the License Key window
No Image Display mode — closes the Image Viewer window
(no images will be displayed).
One Image Display mode — displays one image at a time.
Two Image Display mode — displays two images at a time.
Four Image Display mode — displays four images at a time.
Eight Image Display mode — displays eight images at a time.
40A-61560 January 2007
Save Images to Files — when selected, will save the images to the
specified directory.
Display Every enter the sampling rate of the images you want to
display while scanning. For example, to see every image, enter a value
of 1. To see every 10
Total displays the total number of images scanned during the current
Scan Validation Tool session.
• To access the TWAIN datasource (or ISIS driver), double-click the
Setup icon on the Scan Validation Tool dialog box to access the main
Kodak Scanner window.
Last File displays the full path and file name for the last stored
image, enter a value of 10.
Using the TWAIN
The Kodak i1200/i1300 Series Scanners can provide a wide variety of
electronic images. This can be done by using the TWAIN datasource
Kodak provides in concert with your scanning application. The TWAIN
datasource is the part of the capture system which links the scanner to
your scanning application.
When using the TWAIN datasource, the main Kodak Scanner window
will display a list of Setting Shortcuts. Each Setting Shortcut is a group
of specific image and device settings. The supplied Setting Shortcuts
represent some common electronic image outputs used for a wide
variety of input documents. If none of the Setting Shortcuts meet your
scanning needs, you can create a customized Setting Shortcut. For
example, you could create a Setting Shortcut called “Invoices” and
whenever you want to scan invoices, you simply select that Setting
If you are using the ISIS driver, see the section entitled, “Using the ISIS
driver” later in this chapter.
For the purpose of this manual, all displayed windows assume the
features available on the Kodak i1220 or i1320 Scanner (duplex
scanner). If you have a Kodak i1210 or i1310 Scanner (simplex
scanner) all options are limited to one-sided scanning only.
Terminology and
A-61560 January 200741
If you have used previous scanners from Kodak, you may be familiar
with many of the image processing features already. With the new
graphical user interface in the TWAIN datasource, some of the names
of those features have changed. Refer to Appendix B, TWAIN Image Processing Terminology for a cross reference of previous names with
new names.
How do I begin?The goal is to make scanning as simple as possible. This is
accomplished by selecting a Setting Shortcut from the main Kodak
Scanner window and then selecting OK/Scan.
The scanner comes with some Setting Shortcuts already defined. In
most cases, you will find that these shortcuts are all you will need. If you
find that you need different settings, then you should create your own
Setting Shortcut. Your shortcut will be added to the list of Setting
Shortcuts and available for all future scanning.
Most of the options you will want are available on these two windows:
• Image Settings: clicking the Settings button on the main Kodak
Scanner window, displays the Image Settings window. From this
window you can set your image processing parameters by using the
General, Size, Adjustments and Enhancements tab. You can also
access the Device settings by clicking the Device button or the
Advanced settings by clicking the Advanced Image Setup icon.
• Device Settings: the Device button is located on the Image Settings
window. When you select Device, you will have access to the
General and Multifeed tabs. From the Device Settings window, you
can also access Diagnostics.
The procedures that follow describe how to configure a customized
Setting Shortcut. Complete descriptions of the features and options on
the main Kodak Scanner window and tabs are found in the section
entitled, “The main Kodak Scanner window”.
NOTE: Setting Shortcuts can sometimes be overridden by your
scanning application. If this happens, the Shortcut you call will
appear in the main Kodak Scanner window in italics with the
word <Changed> next to it. This is normal behavior for an
application that does not use Setting Shortcuts and downloads
its preferred individual settings to the scanner first and then
provides access to the TWAIN datasource.
When you click OK to begin scanning, you will be asked if you
want to save the changed settings. When using an application
that does not use Setting Shortcut, select No to this prompt and
continue scanning.
42A-61560 January 2007
Selecting Image settingsFrom the main Kodak Scanner window:
1. Select a predefined Setting Shortcut from the Setting Shortcuts list.
Choose a Setting Shortcut that describes as closely as possible the
image output you desire.
2. Determine if you want to capture an electronic image of the front of
your document, back of your document or both sides of your
document and make the selection from the Input document is dropdown list. Options are:
• Two Sided — captures both sides of the document
• One Sided-Front — captures the front side only
• One Sided-Back — captures the back side only
3. Place one or two representative documents in the input tray of the
NOTE: When scanning one side of a document or if you are using
an i1210 or i1310 Scanner, be sure to place the side of the
document to be scanned facing the input tray.
4. If you want to see what your selected image processing options will
look like and make on-screen changes, click Preview to review and
adjust the image.
NOTE: This only needs to be done if you want to make interactive
adjustments to your selected image processing options.
A-61560 January 200743
5. If you are satisfied with your selected image processing options,
reload your document if necessary and click OK/Scan.
• If the images are acceptable, the image processing settings are
fine and you do not need to click the Settings button to alter any
values in the General, Size, Adjustments or Enhancements tabs.
• If the images are not acceptable, you can either select a different
predefined Setting Shortcut that more closely describes your
desired output or you can continue to work with the Setting
Shortcut you have selected by reviewing each setting on the
General, Size, Adjustments and Enhancements tabs and make
the appropriate changes. When you make any changes, repeat
Steps 3 - 5 to until you get the desired results.
6. If you made any changes to a predefined default Setting Shortcut,
click Save As on the main Kodak Scanner window. The Save As
dialog box will be displayed.
7. Enter a new Setting Shortcut name that is meaningful to you and
click Save. You have now created and saved a custom Setting
Shortcut which can be used for your scanning operations.
44A-61560 January 2007
Selecting Device settings1. Select the Setting Shortcut that you just created.
2. Select Settings to access the Image Settings window.
3. Select Device. The Device Settings window will be displayed.
4. Before making any adjustments, click through the tabs on the
Device Settings window to get familiar with features that are
available. See the section entitled “The Device Settings window” for
information about these features.
5. Determine which features you want to use when scanning and
select the appropriate tab.
6. On each tab, select the appropriate options or action you want the
scanner to perform.
7. When finished:
• Click Home to return to the main Kodak Scanner window and
click Save to save your selections to your custom Setting
Shortcut, or
• Click Image to return to the Image Settings window if you need to
make additional changes.
A-61560 January 200745
The main Kodak
Scanner window
The main Kodak Scanner window is the home window of the scanner’s
user interface. You can scan by simply selecting a Setting Shortcut and
then selecting OK/Scan.
Setting Shortcuts — provides a listing of the Setting Shortcuts
currently set up. The supplied shortcuts are:
• Default — the scanner’s default settings
• Black and White Document
• Black and White Document (OCR Quality)
• Color Document
• Color Document (OCR Quality)
• Color Photograph
• Select an OCR Quality shortcut if you want to have the electronic
images processed by an OCR application.
• These Setting Shortcuts are provided at installation and are read-only
shortcuts. They can be used as models to create your custom
shortcuts, but cannot be modified.
46A-61560 January 2007
• If you have made changes to a Setting Shortcut and have not saved
your changes, the Setting Shortcut will be appended with the text
<changed>, and the name will be displayed in italics (e.g., *Default<changed>).
Input document is — allows you to select which sides of the document
has information that you want an electronic image of.
• Two Sided: scans the front and back of the document.
• One Sided - Front: scans only the front side of the document.
• One Sided - Back: scans only the back side of the document.
• Be sure to place your documents face down in the input tray.
• The Two Sided and One Sided - Back options are only available for
duplex scanner models.
Save — saves any changes made to the current Setting Shortcut.
Save As — displays the Save As dialog box allowing you to save your
current settings as a new Setting Shortcut.
Delete — deletes the selected Setting Shortcut; you will be prompted
for confirmation. This is only available for shortcuts you have created.
Rename — allows you to rename the selected Setting Shortcut. This is
only available for shortcuts you have created.
Reset — allows you to undo any changes that have been made to the
selected Setting Shortcut. This is only available for shortcuts you have
modified (e.g., are in italics and appended with <changed>).
A-61560 January 200747
Move Up — moves the selected Setting Shortcut up one position in the
Setting Shortcut list. When you move a Setting Shortcut, it will stay in
that position until you move it again.
Move Down — moves the selected Setting Shortcut down one position
in the Setting Shortcut list. When you move a Setting Shortcut, it will
stay in that position until you move it again.
Settings — displays the Image Settings window which allows you to
make changes to the selected Setting Shortcut. From this window you
can also access the Device settings and Diagnostics window.
Preview — initiates a scan and then displays the Image Settings
window with the scanned image placed in the preview area. The image
displayed is a sample based on your current shortcut settings.
OK/Scan — when selected, you will be prompted to save any unsaved
NOTE: If this button is OK, any unsaved changes will remain in effect
for the current scan session.
Cancel — closes the main Kodak Scanner window without saving any
Information Icons
About: displays the scanners’ version and copyright information.
Help: displays help information for the window currently being
48A-61560 January 2007
The Image Settings
From this window you can define image processing options by using
the available tabs. The values used in Image Settings are saved in the
selected Setting Shortcut. The Image Settings window includes the
following tabs: General, Size, Adjustments and Enhancements.
Side — allows you to select which side and image to configure (e.g.,
Front, Back, Both: Color (24-bit), etc.). All image settings will be applied
to the selected image.
• The Side option is only available when advanced settings have been
selected on the Advanced tab.
• The Both and Back options are only available for duplex scanner
Advanced Image Setup: displays the Advanced tab.
A-61560 January 200749
Toolbar buttons
Zoom In: enlarges the image that is currently being displayed in
the preview area.
Zoom Out: reduces the image that is currently being displayed
in the preview area.
Rotate Outline: rotates the outline 90 degrees.
NOTE: This is only available if the rotated outline fits in the
scanner’s maximum width.
Center Outline: adjusts the X origin of the outline such that the
outline is centered within the scanner’s maximum width.
Preview Quality: selects the quality of the scanned image.
• Normal: displays acceptable image quality at a lower
• High: displays the most accurate representation of the actual
image. The image that is displayed in the preview area is a
good representation of what the final image will look like.
Units: selects the unit of measurement for the scanner; this
includes the preview area and any size-related options. The
Units options are: Inches, Centimeters and Pixels.
Preview areaThe main purpose of the preview area is to display a sample image that
is based on your current shortcut settings. An image will be displayed in
this area after a preview scan has been performed. The displayed
image will automatically show the effects of your settings, in most
cases, without having to rescan the document. If a rescan is necessary,
you will be prompted to reinsert the document.
NOTE: If you choose Document: Manually Select or Image: Part of a
document on the Size tab, the preview area will also show the
current Outline selections.
Home — returns you to the main Kodak Scanner window.
Device — displays the Device Settings window.
Preview — initiates a scan and places the image in the preview area.
The image displayed is a sample based on your current shortcut
OK/Scan — when selected, you will be prompted to save any unsaved
NOTE: If this button is OK, any unsaved changes will remain in effect
for the current scan session.
Cancel — closes the main Kodak Scanner window without saving any
50A-61560 January 2007
General tabThe General tab contains the commonly used image options. In most
cases, you will not have to change options on other tabs.
Scan as — allows you to select the electronic image format.
• Color (24-bit): produces a color version of your document.
• Grayscale (8-bit): produces a grayscale version of your document.
• Black and white (1-bit): produces a black and white version of your
NOTE: The Scan as option is only available when Images per Side:
One is selected on the Advanced tab.
Document type — allows you to select the type of content on your
• Text with Graphics: the documents contain a mix of text, business
graphics (bar graphs, pie charts, etc.) and line art.
• Text: the documents contain mostly text.
• Photographs: the documents contain mostly photographs.
Media type — allows you to select the type of paper you are scanning
based on the texture/weight. The options are: Plain Paper, Thin Paper,
Glossy Paper, Card Stock, and Magazine.
Resolution or dots per inch (dpi) — allows you to select the dots per
inch (dpi), which is a determinant of a better quality image. It may also
increase scanning time and image size. The resolutions are: 75, 100,
150, 200, 240, 300, 400, 600 and 1200 dpi.
A-61560 January 200751
Compression — allows you to reduce your electronic image size.
• Type: the scanner will produce a color version of your document.
- (none): no compression, which may produce a large image size.
- Group-4: uses a CCITT standard to compress a black and white
image, often used in conjunction with TIFF files.
- JPEG: uses JPEG techniques to compress a color/grayscale
• Quality — if you choose JPEG compression, select one of the quality
- Draft: maximum compression which produces the smallest image
- Good: a fair amount of compression but still produces acceptable
image quality.
- Better: some compression which produces decent image quality.
- Best: minimal compression which produces very good image
- Superior: the least amount of compression which produces the
largest image size.
52A-61560 January 2007
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