Kodak A-61003 User Manual

User's Reference
Part Number 636985
September 1993
Equipment Basics
• A description of the Operator Interface
• An operations checklist
• A maintenance checklist
• How to clear the document path
Function Codes
• How to use function codes
• Function code summary
• Function code listing
Operator Messages
• How to respond to operator messages
• Operator messages listing
A-61003 September 1993
Film Basics
• A description of the Film Cassette Status Display
• How to load film into a cassette
• How to load a cassette into the machine
• How to unload a partially exposed roll of film
• How to unload a fully exposed roll of film



Status Display
Mode Name/Number
Image Address
FFF.003.002.001 Mode 10 40X
Lens Reduction
(if applicable)
Film Mode Indicator
Scan Mode Indicator
Document Level
Please wait...
Operator Message
Film Mode Indicators: Simplex Duplex Duo
Scan Mode Indicators: Simplex Duplex
(one-sided; front) (two-sided; front and rear)
Document Level Indicators: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
A-61003 September 1993
Visual Tone Display
Up Arrow
Right Arrow
Film Supply
Down Arrow
Plus Key
Left Arrow
Keys/Indicators Function
Visual Tone Both the upper and lower lights are illuminated any time an audio tone is
Display issued. When using a footswitch, the lower light is illuminated and an audio
Film Supply Indicates how much film is available. A full cassette is represented by all lights
Plus key Used when inputting a value for the Image Address. When pressed,
Up Arrow Used to increment values at a faster rate. Also used to increase a data value
Right Arrow Used to increment values at a slower rate. Also used to display additional
tone is issued whenever the footswitch is pressed; while the upper light is illuminated (but no audio tone is issued) when the footswitch is released.
in the display; while an empty cassette is represented by no lights in the display. The upper indicator represents the film supply in the upper cassette while the lower indicator represents the film supply in the lower cassette.
it allows a field to remain unchanged.
when used with certain functions. Also used when entering an alpha character in the Image Address Fixed Field.
messages in the Status Display. Also used when entering an alphanumeric character in the Image Address.
Down Arrow Used to decrement values at a faster rate. Also used to decrease a data value
Left Arrow Used to decrement values at a slower rate. Also used to backspace, delete
when used with certain functions. Also used when entering an alpha character in the Image Address Fixed Field.
the last keystroke, or clear messages in the Status Display. Also used when entering an alphanumeric character in the Image Address.
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Film Advance (if applicable)
Programmable Keys
(P Keys)
Jog Transport Jog
Keys/Indicators Function
Film Advance When filming, used to advance film without making an exposure. Provides
blank film between images or at the end of a roll of film. Film is advanced as long as the key is pressed (2.5 inches per second; or 0.5 inches if the key is pressed for less than one second).
When scanning, this key is not used.
Programmable Used to perform specific functions. The P Keys have default values; any or Keys all of the defaults may be overridden/reprogrammed at installation. (P Keys)
Jog Used to momentarily turn on (jog) the transport system. Transport Jog Used to help clear document jams.
A-61003 September 1993
Numeric Keys
7 8 9 4 5 6
1 2 3
0 F
Level 2 KeyLevel 3 Key
Level 1 Key
Decimal Key
Keys/Indicators Function
Numeric Keys Used to enter numeric data such as an Image Address or (0 - 9) Function Code.
F Key Used to select one of the available functions, when used with the
Decimal Key Used to insert a field separator in an Image Address. Level 1 Key Used to identify the next document fed into the transport as a
Level 2 Key Used to identify the next document fed into the transport as a
Level 3 Key Used to identify the next document fed into the transport as a
numeric keys.
Level 1 document.
Level 2 document.
Level 3 document.
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Key/Indicator Function
Clear Used to cancel a function without changing the preset values.
Run Used to turn on the feeder and transport system. NEXT Used to enter the next document Image Address. Stop Used to stop the feeder and transport system.
Enter Used to enter data for a Function Code or an Image Address change.
Used to clear the Status Display after executing select function codes. Used to clear an operator message from the Status Display.
Documents in the transport system when the Stop key is pressed will be processed and placed in the exit hopper before the transport system stops.
A-61003 September 1993


Microimager 70

Turn on main power switch, if necessary. Turn on side panel switch. Load film into cassette(s). Load film cassette(s) into machine. Select the lens holder position. Select the mask. Adjust the feed/separator rollers. Adjust the feed shelf. Adjust the feeder side guides. Adjust the exit hopper side guides. Adjust the exit hopper end stop. Install the proper exit hopper deflector. Perform an exposure step test, if necessary. Prepare documents to feed into transport.
Running a Job:
Select an application mode. Input any temporary/override operating values. Enter or verify the starting Image Address. Enter or verify the starting document image level. Press the Run key. Feed documents. Press the Stop key. Remove documents from the exit hopper. Unload film cassette(s) from the machine. Unload film from the cassette(s), if necessary. Turn off side panel switch. Turn off main power switch, if necessary.
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Scanner 900 or Scanner 923:
Turn on main power switch, if necessary. Turn on side panel switch. Calibrate the machine. Adjust the feed/separator rollers. Adjust the feed shelf. Adjust the feeder side guides. Adjust the exit hopper side guides. Adjust the exit hopper end stop. Install the proper exit hopper deflector. Prepare documents to feed into transport.
Running a Job:
Enable the machine from the host system. Select an application mode. Input any temporary/override operating values. Enter or verify the starting Image Address. Enter or verify the starting document image level. Press the Run key. Feed documents. Press the Stop key. Execute Scanner End-of-Job. Remove documents from the exit hopper. Turn off side panel switch. Turn off main power switch, if necessary.
A-61003 September 1993
Scanner/Microimager 990:
Turn on main power switch, if necessary. Turn on side panel switch. Load film into cassette(s). Load film cassette(s) into machine. Select the lens holder position. Select the mask. Calibrate the machine. Adjust the feed/separator rollers. Adjust the feed shelf. Adjust the feed shelf length. Adjust the feeder side guides. Adjust the exit hopper side guides. Adjust the exit hopper end stop. Install the proper exit hopper deflector. Perform an exposure step test, if necessary. Prepare documents to feed into transport.
Running a Job:
Enable the machine from the host system. Select an application mode. Input any temporary/override operating values. Enter or verify the starting Image Address. Enter or verify the starting document image level. Press the Run key. Feed documents. Press the Stop key. Execute Scanner End-of-Job. Remove documents from the exit hopper. Unload film cassette(s) from the machine. Unload film from the cassette(s), if necessary. Turn off side panel switch. Turn off main power switch, if necessary.
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Daily maintenance: Clean the accessories.
(DSA, Document Printer, etc.)
Clean the imaging guides.
Weekly maintenance:
Clean the cabinet. Clean the feed and separator rollers. Clean the mirrors, if applicable. Vacuum inside the machine.
Monthly maintenance:
Check the air filter; replace if necessary. Clean the film cassettes, if applicable.
A-61003 September 1993


There are six (6) areas in the transport system where documents may become lodged:
A The feeder/horizontal transport area B The imaging guide area C The lower roller assembly area D The vertical transport area E The upper turn area F The document exit area
• Check each transport area, in turn (Area A through Area F), for documents lodged in the document path. You only have to remove the jammed document(s). The jog feature places the rest of the documents in the exit hopper.
NOTE: Make certain that all operator accessible
areas (designated by green labels) are firmly closed and all baffle plates are locked into place.
• Press and hold down the JOG key to clear any remaining documents.
• Collect the documents located in the transport system. Put them back into their original order, if necessary.
• Reset the Image Address, Level, etc., if necessary.
• Refeed the documents. If an error code appears in the Status Display, check each transport area again to make certain that all documents have been cleared.
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There are a variety of functions available which may be used to temporarily change operating conditions and values, and to obtain system and accessory status information.
To execute a function code:
• Press the F key.
• Press the numeric keys which correspond to the desired function code.
• Press the Enter key.
Additional input may be necessary: If the function is used to enable/disable an option (turn
an option on or off):
• Press the number one (1) key to turn the option ON; or Press the number zero (0) key to turn the option OFF.
• Press the Enter key. If the function requires numeric input:
• Press the number key(s) required.
• Press the Enter key. If the function is used to increment/decrement a
• Press the up arrow key to increment the measurement by one (1) inch (25 mm); or Press the down arrow key to decrement the measurement by one (1) inch (25 mm); or Press the right arrow key to increment the measurement by one-eighth (1/8) inch (3 mm); or Press the left arrow key to decrement the measurement by one-eighth (1/8) inch (3 mm).
• Press the Enter key.
A-61003 September 1993
To cancel a function or clear the Status Display after executing a function, press the Clear/Cancel key.


Accessory Status† F05 Date and Time Display†*** F23 Elapsed Time† F17
Level 0 Count† F10 Level 1 Count† F11 Level 2 Count† F12 Level 3 Count† F13 Total Document Count† F09 Reset Level Counts F14
Action/Confirmation Tone*** F93 Alarm Tone*** F16 Alarm Volume F15 Change Date*** F22 Change Time*** F21 Display Contrast F18 Display Language F19 Measurement System F20 Operator ID F34 Cassette ID Number* F35 Scanner Calibration** F37
Run F99 Terminate Batch† F06 Stop† F98
Filming Only F03 Cassette ID Number F35 Roll Number F33 AEC On/Off F24 AEC Auto Adjust F25 AEC Fixed Adjust F26 Display Film Remaining† F30 Film Advance† F27 Film Leader† F28 Lead End Code F31 Trail End Code F32 Advance Film to End of Roll F29
Scanner Calibration F37 Latched Scanning Flag† F73 Momentary Scanning Flag† F74 Scanner End-of-Job F38
Select Mode F01 Select Linked Mode F91 Counting Only F04 Filming Only* F03 Restore Mode F02
Index/Image Address
Last Image Address† F08 Level 0† F07 Level 1† F94 Level 2† F95 Level 3† F96 Fixed Field F92 Next Image Address F97
A-61003 September 1993FC-2
Bar Code***
Bar Code Reading On/Off F60 Partial Bar Code Reading On/Off F66 Bar Code Reading Confirmation Tone F63 Bar Code/Patch Reading Conf. Tone F62 Bar Code Test F65 Omit Bar Code Reading on Next Doc.† F64
Document Controller
Length Checking On/Off F70 Omit Length Checking on Next Doc.† F71 Skew Detection F72
Document Printers
All Document Printers On/Off F40 Primary Document Printer 1 On/Off F41 Secondary Doc Printer 1 On/Off*** F42 Document Printer 12 On/Off F43 Omit Printing on Next Document† F44 Print Position F46 Print Test F45 Printer Character Shift F39 Printer Open Jet Test F56 Purge Frequency F49 Purge Print Head† F48
OCR On/Off F76
Patch Reader
Patch Reader 1 On/Off F50 Patch Reader 2 On/Off*** F51 End Fed Patch Reading On/Off*** F52 Patch Reading Confirmation Tone*** F53 Omit Patch Reading on Next Doc.† F54
Document Sorter***
Document Sorter On/Off F80 Sort Next Doc. Only into Specified Bin† F81 Sort All Doc. into Specified Bin F82
Endorser On/Off F57 Endorser Mode F58 Endorser Print Position F59
Footswitch Confirmation Tone*** F75
A-61003 September 1993
May be executed while transport is
* Available when filming; for use only with
Microimager 70 and Scanner/Microimager 990.
** Available when scanning; for use only with
Scanner 900, Scanner 923, and Scanner/Microimager 990.
*** Available when using advanced capabilities;
for use only with Microimager 70 with Advanced Function Module installed, Scanner 900, Scanner 923, and Scanner/Microimager 990.


Function Code Name/
Code Description Additional Input F01 Select Mode • Enter the number of the application mode
Allows you select one of the you wish to select; one or two digits. eighteen (18) application • Press the Enter key. modes.
F02 Restore Mode none
Allows you to restore the current application mode to its default status (as it was defined at installation), provided that mode overrides are not saved.
F03 Filming Only • Enter the number one (1) to turn
Allows you to film documents, Filming Only ON; or with no level counting, enter the number zero (0) to turn endorsing, patch reading, Filming Only OFF. etc. • Press the Enter key.
F04 Counting Only • Enter the number one (1) to turn
Allows you to count Counting Only ON; or documents only, with no enter the number zero (0) to turn filming, scanning, etc. Counting Only OFF.
• Press the Enter key.
F05 Accessory Status • Press the down arrow key to view the status
Allows you to display the of the next accessory; or current status of each press the up arrow key to view the status accessory installed. of the previous accessory.
• Press the Clear key at any time to return to a normal operating display.
F06 Terminate Batch • Press the Clear key to return to a normal
Allows you to prematurely operating display. end a batch.
F07 Level 0 none
Allows you to assign Level 0 to the next document fed into the transport.
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+ 36 hidden pages