Eastman Kodak Company
343 State Street
Rochester, New York 14650
© Eastman Kodak Company, 2006
Kodak is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.
P/N 4J2007 Rev B December 12, 2006

Table of Contents
1 Setting Up the Printer
Before You Begin.............................................................................................................................................1-1
Recommended Air Flow Clearances ...........................................................................................................1-1
Loading the Paper............................................................................................................................................1-2
Loading the Ribbon..........................................................................................................................................1-6
Installing the Print Catcher...............................................................................................................................1-7
Connecting the Cables......................................................................................................................................1-8
Connecting the power cable.......................................................................................................................1-8
Connecting the USB cable...........................................................................................................................1-8
Turning On the Printer.....................................................................................................................................1-8
2 Operating the Printer
Understanding the Operator Panel Lights .........................................................................................................2-1
Using Setup Mode to Review Printer Settings....................................................................................................2-1
Accessing the Printer Settings.....................................................................................................................2-2
Working in Test Print Mode ............................................................................................................................2-2
Making a test print.....................................................................................................................................2-2
Changing the quantity of test prints.............................................................................................................2-3
Appendix A: Important Printer Information
Printer Specifications.......................................................................................................................................A-1
Appendix B: Safety and Regulatory Information
Important Safety Information ...........................................................................................................................B-1
Safety Labels.....................................................................................................................................................B-2
Regulatory and Safety Compliance....................................................................................................................B-2
Safety .........................................................................................................................................................B-2
Radio frequency interference.....................................................................................................................B-2
Noise emission...........................................................................................................................................B-3
July 2006 4J2007 1

Setting Up the Printer
Before You Begin
Have the following items available before you begin your printer setup:
• A KODAK Photo Print Kit that contains the correct size paper and ribbon
for your printer.
• USB cable (included).
IMPORTANT: The printer weighs 18 kg (40 lbs). Use caution when lifting
or moving the printer.
Recommended Air
Flow Clearances
Refer to the following illustration for the recommended air flow clearances
for the printer.
102 mm
102 mm
(4.0 in.)
102 mm
(4.0 in.)
(4.0 in.)
102 mm
(4.0 in.)
102 mm
(4.0 in.)
July 2006 4J2007 1-1

Setting Up the Printer
Loading the Paper
To load the paper into the printer:
1. Open the printer cover.
2. If necessary, remove the ribbon from the printer.
3. Move the lever to the unlocked position.
4. Remove the trim tray.
IMPORTANT: To keep your prints dust-free and to prevent paper jams,
empty the trim tray each time you change the paper.
Trim tray
5. Remove the plastic cover from the new paper roll.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the label from the paper roll until you have
successfully loaded the paper into the printer.
1-2 4J2007 July 2006

Setting Up the Printer
Blue paper flange
Red paper flange
6. Attach the paper flanges provided with the printer to each end of the
paper roll.
a. Line up the lugs on the blue paper flange with the notches on the left
side of the paper roll.
b. Place the blue paper flange on the left side of the paper roll.
c. Place the red paper flange on the right side of the paper roll.
NOTE: Be sure to line up the lugs on the blue paper flange with the notches
on the left side of the paper roll. If you do not attach the paper flange
properly, the paper roll will not fit into the printer.
7. Gently set the paper roll into the printer according to the blue and red
arrows on the label.
8. Remove the label.
July 2006 4J2007 1-3

Setting Up the Printer
White arrows
Red lines
9. Feed the paper in the direction of the white arrows until the paper wraps
around the back of the printer and touches the red lines.
10. Hold the paper in place between the red lines with your hand. Make sure
the paper edges do not extend over the red lines.
Red lines
11. Move the lever to the locked position.
1-4 4J2007 July 2006