KOB PYRTEC SERIES, PYRTEC 950, PYRTEC 1250, PYRTEC 390 Operating And Maintenance Instructions Manual

Operating and Maintenance Instructions PYRTEC 390 to 1250
ID: 105174-F English
© by KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH
Viessmann Group
1 General information_________________________________________________ 5
1.1 Foreword _______________________________________________________________________ 5
1.2 Technical standing _______________________________________________________________ 5
1.3 Intended use ____________________________________________________________________ 5
1.4 Technical data___________________________________________________________________ 5
1.5 Information documented __________________________________________________________ 5
1.6 CE- Symbol _____________________________________________________________________ 5
2 Important information _______________________________________________ 6
2.1 Safety information________________________________________________________________ 6
2.2 Excess temperature & power failures________________________________________________ 6
2.3 Lack of water & excess water pressure ______________________________________________ 6
2.4 Fire hazard______________________________________________________________________ 7
2.5 Minimum requirements for wood fuels_______________________________________________ 7
2.6 Filling the fuel storage space_______________________________________________________ 7
2.7 Correcting malfunctions of the feed systems _________________________________________ 7
3 Design____________________________________________________________ 8 4 Control system_____________________________________________________ 9
4.1 Touch screen, Masks 1-8 __________________________________________________________ 9
4.1.1 Navigation_______________________________________________________________________ 9
4.1.2 Mask 1 and how the mask is structured _______________________________________________ 10
4.1.3 Mask 2, Alarm List _______________________________________________________________ 11
4.1.4 Mask 3, Managing the User Status___________________________________________________ 12
4.1.5 Mask 4, Adjusting Settings & Process Parameters_______________________________________ 13
4.1.6 Mask 7, Overview, Wood-powered Boiler______________________________________________ 14
4.1.7 Mask, Additional Boilers ___________________________________________________________ 15
5 Commissioning, Operation & Shut-down ______________________________ 16
5.1 The initial start-up_______________________________________________________________ 16
5.1.1 Inspection before the initial start-up __________________________________________________ 16
5.1.2 The softkeys in Mask 1: ___________________________________________________________ 16
5.2 Heating up without automatic ignition ______________________________________________ 17
5.2.1 Filling the burner trough ___________________________________________________________ 17
5.2.2 Heating up______________________________________________________________________ 17
5.2.3 Fuel >W40______________________________________________________________________ 17
5.2.4 Check of heat up successful?_______________________________________________________ 17
5.3 Heating up with automatic ignition _________________________________________________ 17
5.4 Operation______________________________________________________________________ 17
5.4.1 Full load operation _______________________________________________________________ 17
5.4.2 Output control ___________________________________________________________________ 17
5.4.3 Sustain ________________________________________________________________________ 17
5.4.4 Standby________________________________________________________________________ 17
5.4.5 Transition in output _______________________________________________________________ 18
5.4.6 Switching off ____________________________________________________________________ 18
5.5 Emergency operation ____________________________________________________________ 18
5.6 Measurement operation __________________________________________________________ 18
5.7 Operating modes _______________________________________________________________ 18
6 Cleaning/Maintenance______________________________________________ 19
6.1 Boiler _________________________________________________________________________ 19
6.2 Feed systems __________________________________________________________________ 21
7 Shutdowns _______________________________________________________ 22 8 Waste disposal____________________________________________________ 22
9 Enclosures
- Spec Sheet 1010-1, 2
- Malfunction Messages / Correction of Malfunctions
- List of Parameters KPT-MOD
1 General information
1.1 Foreword
Dear System Owner, you have made a good se­lection in the PYRTEC. It will provide you with all the advantages of a modern, economically efficient heating system. Fully developed technology in combination with a sturdy design guarantee a high degree of operational reliability and a long service life.
These Operating and Maintenance Instructions contain important information for the intended use, correct operation and proper maintenance of the PYRTEC.
Non-compliance with the Operating and Main­tenance Instructions will result in loss of the guarantee.
If you still need any further information after study­ing the Operating and Maintenance Instructions:
The Assembly and Installation Instructions contain important information about:
- Standards and regulations
- Structural surroundings of the burner
- Transport and assembly
- Water installation and electrical installation
- Fire protection
- Starting up
as well as an appendix with diagrams of connec­tions and dimensions and the complete technical specifications.
Our sales and services offices will be glad to pro­vide you with any further information. Their ad­dresses can be found on the reverse side of these Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
1.2 Technical standing
The Operating and Maintenance Instructions are in keeping with the PYRTEC at the time it is deliv­ered. In the interest of our customers, we reserve the right to make, without any notification require­ment, subsequent changes resulting from further technology developments.
1.3 Intended use
The intended use of the PYRTEC is for incinerat­ing wood fuels.
The intended use of the PYRTEC is stipulated:
- in the regulations of the Assembly and Installa­tion Instructions
- by the limits of the technical specifications
- in Spec Sheet 1010 "Minimum Requirements for Wood Fuels / Instructions",
- by the safety regulations in these Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
Any other use of the PYRTEC or use of it going beyond this will be considered as unintended use unless written approval by the manufacturer has been obtained.
The following, among other things, will be consid­ered as unintended use:
- Operation of the PYRTEC by unqualified per­sonnel, without any training or knowledge of the Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
- Disabling the safety or monitoring devices on the PYRTEC.
- Removal of any protective covers or cladding on the PYRTEC by unauthorised individuals.
- Making any conversions or alterations to the PYRTEC without approval by the manufac­turer.
- Using spare parts or accessories from other manufacturers without approval by the manu­facturer.
The operating organisation will be liable for any damage or accidents in case of any unin­tended use.
1.4 Technical data
The following important limits apply to the PYRTEC heating boiler:
- Max. operating pressure allowed............ 6.0 bar
- Max. boiler temperature allowed...............100°C
- Min. return temperature ..............................65°C
The complete technical specifications are listed in the appendix of the Assembly and Installation In­structions.
1.5 Information documented
The Operating Instructions contain the information required according to the EC Directive on Machin­ery 98/37/EEC, Appendix 1, Number 1.7.4.
Issue: 2008-04_English Prepared by: ShlM
1.6 CE- Symbol
The PYRTEC is delivered with a CE-symbol on its type plate and an EC attestation of conformity in accordance with Appendix II A of the EC Directive on Machinery 98/37/EEC.
If the PYRTEC is altered by equipment from other manufacturers being added, or the safety equip­ment or control system are combined with a differ­ent system and/or integrated into an overriding system (building control system, etc.), then in the European Union a new attestation of conformity has to be issued before it is put on the market.
2 Important information
2.1 Safety information
When carrying out work on the heating system, such as cleaning and maintenance, wear ap­propriate protective equipping when required. There is a danger of getting injured through: burning, knocking against corners and edges, crushing in moving parts and noise.
Mains supply 400V
In dangerous situations, the PYRTEC can be dis­connected from the electric mains for all the pins via the master switch on the control cabinet.
CAUTION FIRE HAZARD: The burner must never be operated with the doors open! Any burning bits that escape could start a fire.
CAUTION DANGER OF INJURY: If the doors are opened during operation, sparks and tongues of fire could leap out.
Equipment for dissipating excess heat
The functioning of the thermal run-off safety valve must be inspected every year by a competent spe­cialist. The safety heat exchanger must not under any circumstances be used as an operational heat exchanger.
For the functioning and controllability of the burner, it is important that no unwanted air can leak in, en­tering unchecked through leaky spots.
The doors and lids have to shut tight any dam- aged seals must be replaced immediately. Tighten the retaining screws and handles snugly.
Recirculating flue gas system: The recirculating flue gas system returns some of the emissions back into the combustion chamber under pressure. That is why the piping after the fan is designed to be pressure-tight. Before it is taken into operation, the recirculating flue gas system must be checked for leaks (no gas may escape when the recirculating fan is in operation and the flaps are closed).
CAUTION RISK OF CO POISONING from escap­ing and perhaps odourless gas! Do not permit operation if the recirculating pipes are leaking!
Operation, cleaning & maintenance
Bear in mind that only if operated and maintained properly can even the best of products fulfil their functions well, for a long time and free of malfunc­tions. Compliance with the "Cleaning" section
is mandatory!
2.2 Excess temperature & power
I M P O R T A N T DANGER of this SUDDENLY GOING UP IN FLAMES! Do not open doors or lids on the burner!
- Switch on additional heat consumers.
- The exhaust fan goes out of operation.
- The temperature-limiting safety switch triggers.
- The valve for the thermal run-off safety valve
opens at approx. 95°C. The excess heat is conducted off into the channel.
If the temperature-limiting safety switch (TLSS) has triggered, then it has to be manually un­locked. The TLSS is situated at the top of the burner.
To reset, unscrew the black cap and press the but­ton.
: Only as of a temperature of approx.
70°C resetting is possible. Possible causes for excess temperature
- Sudden drop in output to zero. Do not turn off all the heat consumers at the same time.
- Defective component of the system (pump or valve)
- Incorrect setting on the control module.
- "CYCLE, UNDERFEED AUGER, SUSTAIN EMBERS" too high (see the section "Load level" Output control system Sustain em­bers)
2.3 Lack of water & excess water
Possible causes:
1. Lack of water: Leakage in the heating system.
2. Excess water pressure: The expansion system
not functioning.
In either case, the facility should be left for a com­petent heating fitter to check.
Unlock this malfunction with either the reset button for the water level control system or for the overpressure monitor, and by pressing the F1 key (Malfunction) on the control panel in the control cabinet door.
2.4 Fire hazard
With underfeed firing systems, the conveying route creates a connection between the silo and the burning material in the burner. With the PYRTEC, the underfeed auger is also the metering auger, and is thus always filled up with material during operation. There are various safety devices pro­vided to prevent burn-back.
Temperature sensors:
By means of temperature sensors on the under­feed auger, in case of excess temperature the loading to the underfeed auger is interrupted, and the underfeed auger's material is inserted into the combustion chamber.
Slide valve (option):
This closes in case of a standstill, danger of burn­back or power failure (spring return motor).
Rotary valve (option):
Instead of a slide valve, in silos with pressurisation.
Drop-off route:
A vertical drop-off route interrupts the connected line of burning material.
Fire-extinguishing system (option):
This system, which functions independently of the electrical power, brings about a flooding of the ma­terial to be burned that is located in the underfeed auger. The activation temperature is approx. 95°C.
2.5 Minimum requirements for wood fuels
The PYRTEC is only suitable for incinerating the fuels listed in Spec Sheet 1010 "Minimum Re-
quirements for Wood Fuels" (see enclosure).
If different fuels are used, KÖB will not assume any liability for the functioning or service life of the burner. Refer to the "Warranty" section in the General Terms and Conditions of Delivery.
2.6 Filling the fuel storage space
Rotary sweep extraction and spring-operated extraction
Switch off the facility using the function button on the control panel and wait until there is no more fuel in the feed auger. Fill the silo evenly
to approx. 30 cm above the articulated arm or over the spring-mounted blades, switch on the facility using the function button on the control panel and wait until the articulated arms or the spring­mounted blades go under the cup washer.
If any excess or negative pressure can develop in the silo when the filling is being carried out, at this point the facility has to be switched off again using the function button on the control panel. After do­ing so, finish filling the silo evenly
and switch the facility back on using the function button on the control panel. Carry out refilling in the same manner.
Pellet extraction auger
Switch off the facility using the function button on the control panel and wait until there is no more fuel in the feed auger. Slowly
and evenly fill the silo until the extraction auger is covered approx. 25 cm to 30 cm high over the entire open area. Level out any mounds that form from pouring. Switch on the facility using the function button on the control panel and wait until the metering container on the feed auger has filled.
If any excess or negative pressure can develop in the silo when the filling is being carried out, at this point the facility has to be switched off again using the function button on the control panel. After do­ing so, finish filling the silo slowly
and evenly. The facility can then be switched back on using the function button on the control panel.
Carry out refilling in the same manner.
2.7 Correcting malfunctions of the feed systems
The cause of motor malfunctions in feed systems is usually clogging by large pieces of wood or for­eign matter.
CAUTION DANGER OF INJURY: Always turn off the master switch before carry­ing out any repair of a malfunction on feed sys­tems and every time before a maintenance lid is opened or a protective device is removed!
Due to the facility's automatic operation, the point in time for the conveying means to be switched on is not foreseeable.
3 Design
(Fig. PYRTEC 950, slide-in module on left) (Fig. PYRTEC 950 special-purpose design with re-
circulated flue gas)
(1) Combustion chamber door (2) Pipe heat exchanger door (3) Slide-in module (4) De-ashing auger (optional) (5) Extinguisher water container (6) Cleaning lid (7) Secondary fan
(8) Recirculated flue gas fan (optional) (9) Grate drive motor (10) Ignition fan (11) Cleaning system (optional) (12) Combustion box sensor (13) Recirculated flue gas pipe
In models without the recirculated flue gas function, instead of the fan (item 8), two smaller fans are mounted directly on the boiler. In such case there are no recirculated flue gas pipes (item 13).
4 Control system
The control system for the Pyrtec furnace firing process (Pyrocontrol) is effected via a freely programmable SPS, which makes use of a visualisation system on a touch screen as the interface for navigation and pa­rameterising.
4.1 Touch screen, Masks 1-8
The touch screen is 16 cm wide, 12 cm high and has a resolution of 640x480 pixels. The screen is a colour display monitor. After switching on the masterswitch, the SPS starts up, and the Overview appears (Mask 1).
4.1.1 Navigation The navigation program "Pyrocontrol" is a product of KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH. It is operated following
the same patterns as MS Windows programs. The selection of the softkey desired can be made with a fin­gertip or even more exactly with a fingernail.
The arrangement of the softkeys is always the same throughout, i.e. once a keypad occurs, it is located at the same position in all the masks, with the exception of the BACK key (arrow in blue circle) in Masks 7 and
8. The hierarchy of Masks 1-7 (optional 8) ranges over the following levels:
Mask 1 Overview
Mask 3
Mask 2
Alarm List
Change User
Mask 4 Mask 7 Mask 8 (option)
Settings Overview, Wood-
powered Boiler
Overview, Addi-
tional Boilers
In Mask 1 you can choose between 7 or 8 different masks (8 being for an optional additional boiler). When choosing by tapping one of the two boiler softkeys (photo and optional symbol), either 7 "Overview of wood-powered boiler" or, optionally, 8 "Overview of additional boilers" appears (optional only with multiple­boiler systems) in the mask title.
All Masks 1-8 can be parameterised in detail by touching the respective softkeys provided. Doing so opens new windows in turn, and new input fields or softkeys are provided.
4.1.2 Mask 1 and how the mask is structured
The following applies to all the masks. The mask title and user status are shown at the top. In the mask title you can tell which mask (1-8) you are in. In the centre of the mask the areas for display and call-up are al­ways located for inputting parameters. The softkeys for navigation and input are located at the bottom, with the exception of the combined user status display and the call for input.
Changeable softkeys for input are white (light). Display windows are always grey (dark). Softkeys for naviga­tion are always provided in colour to select from.
Area of
Mask 1 Overview Description
Mask title, e.g. "Overview" User status (top right) Alarm line (bottom left, red) Date/Time (bottom right)
Displays of operating mode of KÖB boiler (top left, grey), e.g. "OFF" (no heating operation) Display of actual value of boiler (grey): Exhaust gas temperature (top left), Residual O
(bottom left) Displays of buffer charge state (grey) Button for KÖB boiler (photo) With object indicator lamps (green/grey) Button for additional boilers (option)
Sets of buttons, bottom right:
Boiler ON (green) Boiler OFF (red) Lock screen (yellow)
Sets of buttons, left bottom: Navigation (orange) for Masks 4, 5 & 6: Settings, Analysis, Archive
Object indicator lamps, Mask 1: Boiler pump and display of operational status of additional boilers. If the object indicator lamp lights up green, then there is activity. Example: The pump is running and an additional boiler is in operation. If the ob­ject indicator lamp is grey, the respective object (pump or additional boiler) is shut down.
Important: The object indicator lamp says nothing about the operating mode of the system.
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