KOB PYROT KRT SERIES, PYROT KRT 100, PYROT KRT 540 Assembly And Installation Instructions Manual

Assembly and Installation Instructions KRT 100 to KRT 540
5726 794 10/2008 Please keep safe!
Flotzbachstraße 33 A-6922 Wolfurt All rights reserved, including photomechanical re­production and storage in electronic media.
Viessmann Group
1 General Information 1
1.1 State of the art 1
1.2 Documented information 1
2 Important Instructions 1
2.1 Safety instructions 1
2.2 Permits by public authorities 1
2.3 Standards and regulations 1
3 The structural Surroundings for the Furnace 2
3.1 Heating room requirements 2
3.2 The chimney connection 2
4 Transport and Installation 2 5 Water System Installation 3
5.1 Safety Equipment 3
5.2 Expansion 3
5.3 The boiler circuit with return circuit valve 3
5.4 The extinguishing water tank 3
6 Electrical Installation 3
6.1 Positioning the control module and control cabinet 3
6.2 Electrical connection 3
7 Fire Protection 4
7.1 Protection against burn-back for the boiler plant 4
7.1.1 Preventing overfilling of the fire box 4
7.1.2 Preventing burn-back 4
7.1.3 The backflash safeguard (RZS) 4
7.1.4 Automatically Triggering Extinguishing System for the Furnace Feed (SLEK) 4
7.2 Burn-back safeguard for the fuel supply system (RSE) 4
7.2.1 Automatically Triggering System for the Material Supply System (SLE-M) 4
7.2.2 The slide valve 4
7.2.3 Rotary valve 5
7.2.4 Double rotary valve with pressure compensation system 5
7.3 Fire protection for the fuel storage space 5
8 Commissioning 5
8.1 Filling the heating system 5
8.2 Fuel for the commissioning 5
8.3 Inspection of the installation 6
8.4 Commissioning and handover 6
9 Spec Sheets
6960-1, 2 PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler, Installation of Closed System 6960-3, 4 PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler, Installation of Open System 4550-1 Extinguishing System, Installation F 2682/3 Extinguishing System (SLE-K) F 2482/4 Extinguishing System (SLE-M) 6010-1, 2, 3, 4 PYROT Rotation Heating System, Boiler Plant 6110-1, 2 PYROT Rotation Heating System, Exhaust Gas Deduster 6120-1, 2, 3 PYROT Rotation Heating System, De-ashing & Cleaning Systems 6800-1, 2, 3 PYROT Rotation Heating System, Ecotronic Control System 6810-1 PYROT Rotation Firing System, PYROT Double-boiler System 6850-1, 2 Ecotronic Control System, PYROT Remote Transmission 4000-1 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Equipping 4020-1, 2, 3 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Module Extension, Data Transmission Lines 4030-1, 2 ECOTRONIC Heat Control Unit, Additional Heat Generators 4040-1, 2 ECOTRONIC Heat Control Unit, Heat Consumer 4050-1, 2 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Solar Energy 4090-1 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Visualisation & Remote Maintenance Supplement Arrangement of the electrical wiring on the PYROT 1120-1, 2 Services and Installation 1010-1, 2 Wood Fuels, Minimum Requirements / Instructions 1000-1, 2 General Terms and Conditions of Delivery Supplement EC Attestation of Conformity
1 General Information
Köb solid-fuel furnaces may only be set up and commissioned by specialists. This will rule out any incorrect assembly or commissioning. These in­structions have thus been reduced to important technical data, references to regulations, technical rules and other regulations.
1.1 State of the art
The operating instructions are in keeping with the PYROT at the time of its delivery. In the interest of our customers, we reserve the right to make sub­sequent alterations resulting from further technical development without being required to give notifi­cation of such.
1.2 Documented information
The installation instructions contain the information required according to the EC Machinery Directive, 98/37/EEC, Appendix 1, Number 1.7.4.
Issue: 2008-10_english
2 Important Instructions
2.1 Safety instructions
The water-bearing and electrical installation as well as the chimney connection must be carried out by individuals authorised to do so, complying with all relevant standards and safety regulations.
2.2 Permits by public authorities
The PYROT is a heat generator in Boiler Category 3 for heating systems with hot water with a safety temperature of 110°C and has been tested and approved in accordance with European Standard EN 303-5: 1999 (heating boilers for solid fuels, manually and automatically loaded firing systems). The PYROT also meets all European national dif­ferences based on tightened regulations regarding emission levels and efficiencies:
Art. 15a B-VG "Agreement on the Saving of Energy" "Agreement on Protective Measures concerning Small-scale Furnaces"
Federal Law Gazette 331
Act Furnaces Act FAV dated 18.11.1997 Part II
German Federal Emissions Control Act "Small-scale Furnace Systems Act, 1
dated 1997-03-14
Air-pollution Control Act, LRV, dated 16 Dec 1985, incl. the amendment dated 20 Nov 1991
Dutch Directive on the Incineration of Clean Rem­nant Wood, June 1995
The installation of the PYROT rotary combus­tion chamber boiler must be approved by the local building authority and registered there.
2.3 Standards and regulations
- Hot-water heating systems: Safety Equipment
DIN 4751 ÖNORM B 8130, ÖNORM B 8131
- Indoor chimneys: Requirements, Planning and
Execution, DIN 18160
- Chimney Dimensioning, DIN 4705 ÖNORM
- Heating water: Preventing Damage by Corro-
sion and Scale Formation in Hot Water Heating Systems, VDI 2035
- Storage of non-pelletised wood fuels:
Pressure Relief of Dust Explosions, VDI 3673 SUVA, Swiss Accident Insurance Association Guideline No: 1875, Wood Shavings Silos SUVA Technical Rules No: 66050 Green Woodchip Silos
- Fire protection
Automatic Wood-burning Systems, TRVB H118, Issue 1997 Wood-burning on Steam Boilers, TRD 414, Version of August 1996
- Supplementary air devices for indoor chimneys,
DIN 4795
The regulations applicable to the respective lo­cation of installation must always be complied with.
On request, we will be glad to provide you with the sources referred to for the standards and regula­tions listed. When on stock, we will be glad to send such to you at cost price.
3 The structural Surroundings for the Furnace
The national building regulations existing in this connection must always be complied with.
3.1 Heating room requirements
A separate and dry heating room must always be provided for the PYROT. No combustible materi­als may be stored in the heating room. The heat­ing boiler may only be set up on a fire- and tem­perature-resistant floor. No temperature-sensitive pipes or installation lines may be installed in the floor below the heating boiler.
The load-bearing capacity of the heating room floor must be designed for the weight of the system plus filling with water and fuel. The load-bearing capac­ity of the floor in the area of the boiler bearing sur­face must be 2000kg/m². Detailed technical di­mensioning is possible with data sheet no. 6010.
The minimum distance to the walls and ceiling re­quired according to the table of dimensions for proper cleaning and maintenance of the boiler must be complied with. A sufficient supply of fresh air must be provided directly from outdoors into the heating room. Induced ventilation is necessary for heating rooms that are confined or enclosed. The temperature in the heating room must not ex­ceed +40°C while the system is in operation (in the area approx. 1 m away from the boiler). The temperature in the heating room must not fall below +10°C while the system is in operation (in­ner side of exterior walls).
3.2 The chimney connection
The PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler is equipped with an exhaust fan and thus a fireplace without a draught requirement. The design of the chimney should be carried out as for a fireplace with an oil or gas blast burner without a draught requirement (exhaust tempera­ture at rated load of 160°C-200°C). The PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler is output-controlled within a range from 30%-100% of the rated boiler output. This produces exhaust temperatures within a range from min. 100°C and max. 250°C. An insulated chimney should be pro­vided to prevent the danger of sooting. The distance from the exhaust fan to the chimney should be as short as possible. 90°-elbows should be avoided if possible. Exhaust gas lines of more than 1 m in length must be insulated.
The connection to the chimney should be made such that it rises at an angle from 30°-45°. The exhaust line, incl. the lead-in into the chimney, should be executed so as to be gas-tight.
A supplementary air device (draught controller) is absolutely necessary in the chimney to pro­vide for intended operation of the PYROT Rota­tion Heating System.
4 Transport and Installation
The personnel who carry out the transport have to know the dangers of accidents that might arise on doing so and prevent such through suitable measures.
Only hoist the boiler when it is entirely empty (of water, fuel and ash).
Pyrot 100 - 300 Hoist by the lifting lug.
Pyrot 400 - 540 Hoist by forward-flow and return-flow connec­tion pieces using a cross bar.
5 Water System Installation
Customers must ensure that there is a supply of water independent of the electricity supply. This (redundant) design ensures that in case of a power failure, the boiler will be reliably cooled by the thermal run-off safety valve.
Refer furthermore to the standards and regula­tions listed in this document.
5.1 Safety Equipment
The safety equipment for the heating installation must be carried out by the heating engineer authorised to do so.
See Spec Sheet 5960 as an example.
5.2 Expansion
With closed expansion, the supply pressure to the expansion tank should be equal to the max. amount of the facility plus 0.2 bar.
5.3 The boiler circuit with return circuit
To reliably prevent boiler corrosion through con­densation of the exhaust gases, the boiler return flow temperature must in no case be below 65°C.
The PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler is infinitely variably output-controlled. For this, it is necessary for there to be a constant flow through the boiler of the water to be heated. The boiler cir­cuit with the boiler pump and boiler mixer must therefore be installed according to Spec Sheet
The design of the boiler circuit should be carried out such that the temperature difference between the forward flow and the return flow is equal to or less than 15°C.
The triggering of the boiler pump and boiler control valve is integrated in the control system that comes with the facility.
5.4 The extinguishing water tank
A self-triggering extinguishing device must always be installed by the furnace feed system. With re­gard to the assembly, refer to the spec sheets in the annex.
The functioning is carried out by means of an ex­tinguishing valve and is not dependent on electric current. A float-type switch monitors the water level and should be electrically connected (see connection diagram).
6 Electrical Installation
6.1 Positioning the control module and control cabinet
The control module should be mounted by the in­stalling electrical installation company at a spot easily accessible for operation. Optimum position­ing of the control cabinet will allow minimisation of the length of installation lines and thus of costs.
The position of the control module and control cabinet should be selected such that the negative effect of heat radiation (front side of boiler, rear side of boiler with exhaust gas collector and ex­haust gas fan as well as exhaust gas line) and in­terference caused by dust during cleaning will both be kept as low as possible.
The ambient temperature for the control cabinet (approx. 10 cm away from the control cabinet) should not exceed 40°C while the system is in op­eration. In case of doubt, preference should be given to placing the control cabinet outside the heating room near the heating room door.
6.2 Electrical connection
- Connect it according to the wiring plan, laying of the CAN-BUS wire according to data sheet
- In the area of hot parts (exhaust gas fan, ex­haust gas pipe), the lines should be installed in steel pipes at an appropriate distance so as to be temperature-protected.
- The cable bushings to the motors and equip­ment must be executed so as to be dust-tight and provided with a strain relief.
The regulations of the local electrical utility company must be complied with.
7 Fire Protection
The fire protection regulations for wood heating systems differ from country to country.
The regulations applicable to the respective lo­cation of installation must always be complied with.
7.1 Protection against burn-back for the boiler plant
These are part of the scope of delivery for the PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler.
7.1.1 Preventing overfilling of the fire box According to TRVB 118, a level monitor must be
installed to prevent overfilling of the fire box. The PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler has two light barrier to monitor the embers.
7.1.2 Preventing burn-back With a sensor directly on the insertion pipe, any
danger of burn-back beginning will be detected and quickly counteracted at an early stage through boosted output (an increase in the advancing of the material).
As a result, any requirement for a protective device coming into effect is avoided, and normal opera­tion, defined as the greatest possible degree of safety supplying heat, is adhered to.
7.1.3 The backflash safeguard (RZS) According to TRVB 118, a backflash safeguard is
required for all facilities over 150 kW. TRD 414 prescribes a continuously present isolat-
ing layer if a spark-alarm and extinguishing system is dispensed with. (TRD 414 refers primarily to remnant wood from the processing of wood and derived timber products.)
For chip materials from the forestry and sawmill sectors, the restrictions are eased in part in this connection.
The PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler is always equipped with an isolating layer and is con­tinuously operated with negative pressure.
As a result, according to both TRVB 118 and TRD 414, the PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler is considered as equipped with a backflash safe­guard (RZS).
7.1.4 Automatically Triggering Extinguishing System for the Furnace Feed (SLEK)
A water extinguishing system is always necessary on the feed auger. This system should reliably prevent burn-back in case of a malfunction (such as a power failure). For safety reasons and to prevent damage by flooding, connecting the extinguishing system di­rectly to the water network is not advisable.
This extinguishing system must always be equipped with a 25-l extinguishing water tank with a float-type switch and an adjustable Danfoss ex­tinguisher valve.
According to TRVB 118, the tank for the SLE must be equipped with a level monitoring system.
If there is a shortage of water, the PYROT rotary combustion chamber boiler will switch off auto­matically. In case of excess temperature, the feed auger will be flooded reliably but in a limited fash­ion.
The pipework for the extinguishing system must be carried out by the heating engineer according to Spec Sheet 4550.
7.2 Burn-back safeguard for the fuel supply system (RSE)
The rest of the "burn-back protection for material transport" depends on the respective requirements (location, size of the fuel storage site, material, pressure conditions & regulations), these being separate items for the scope of delivery ordered from KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH according to the descriptions below.
We always recommend installing a rotary valve as per section 7.2.3 for the PYROT Rotation Heating System. In addition to being a safeguard against burn­back, this will also prevent any penetration by air leaking in via the feed auger.
7.2.1 Automatically Triggering System for the
Material Supply System (SLE-M)
Approved in part as a variation to the shut-off valve in pressure-less fuel storage units (does not meet TRVB).
The installation of the extinguishing system must be carried out by the heating engineer according to Spec Sheet 4550.
7.2.2 The slide valve
This is approved in pressure-less fuel storage units in all cases and applies according to TRVB 118 (test certificate BV 2979/89) as a suitable safe­guard against back-burn.
7.2.3 Rotary valve If remnant wood is moved into fuel storage spaces
with fans, then, in order to reduce pressure ap­plied, at least one rotary valve is necessary to re­duce pressure between the fuel storage unit and the furnace. The rotary valve is suited to reduce pressure and at the same time is considered ac­cording to TRVB 118 (test certificate BV 2979/89) as a suitable safeguard against back-burn.
Max. overpressure allowed in fuel storage unit: +500 Pa Max. negative pressure allowed in fuel storage unit: +0 Pa
7.2.4 Double rotary valve with pressure com­pensation system
If, due to special circumstances, any mechanically produced negative pressures or extraordinarily high overpressures are expected in the fuel stor­age unit, then two rotary valves must be installed in the material transport route according to the re­spective project plan with a pressure compensa­tion line to the outdoors.
Max. overpressure allowed in fuel storage unit: +3000 Pa Max. negative pressure allowed in fuel storage unit: -3000 Pa
One must have the supplier of the chip suction­ing system confirm the maximum pressures to be expected.
The rotary valve below the silo extraction system can become leaky due to wear of the sealing ele­ments or through large pieces of wood that cannot be conveyed. This leakage can make it possible for low-temperature gases to flow back from the furnace into the silo.
A smoke gas alarm must be installed between the rotary valve and the silo extraction system, which, when triggered, will disconnect the system causing the negative pressure for the silo.
7.3 Fire protection for the fuel storage space
The measures necessary for this are never part of the scope of performance from KÖB Holzfeuerun­gen GmbH.
The conditions set by the local building au­thorities must be met by the operating organi­sation in this connection.
8 Commissioning
Only KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH or another trained specialist may put a newly installed facility into operation for the first time.
Before the facility is commissioned, the system must be filled with water, fuel stored for the com­missioning and the installation inspected.
8.1 Filling the heating system
The first filling is usually carried out with untreated water without any chemical water treatment but definitely filtered and thus free of any suspended solids.
Pay special attention when the filling is carried out to be sure the air is carefully bled out. With difficult water conditions (high degrees of hardness, etc) and/or large volumes of water, comply with VDI Guideline 2035 "Preventing Damage through Cor­rosion and Scale Formation in Hot Water Heating Systems" by using appropriate measures for water treatment.
Note: The filling pressure of the cold water re­serve should be approx. 0.1 bar greater than the supply pressure of the closed expansion tank.
8.2 Fuel for the commissioning
For the commissioning, dry fuel (max. W 20%) should be stored in an amount for approx. 10-24 full operating hours.
This is as follows:
PYROT 100 approx 800 kg PYROT 150 approx 1200 kg PYROT 220 approx 1500 kg PYROT 300 approx 2000 kg PYROT 400 approx 2500 kg PYROT 540 approx 3000 kg
Since the boiler plant is cold, and the residual moisture will also be drawn from the refractory concrete during the initial operation, the material to be burned for the initial operation has to be at least air dry. The heating-up process should be carried out during the first three hours at low output.
To check the functioning of the silo extraction sys­tem, not too much material to be burned should be stored so as to be able to quickly clear out the ex­traction system to remedy the cause of any mal­function there might be.
8.3 Inspection of the installation
Before the commissioning, the future operating or­ganisation along with the installing companies (heating engineer & electrician) are obliged to in­spect the installation for the following points:
1. Exhaust gas port connected to the exhaust gas line on the chimney.
2. Chimney completely installed with clear cross section all the way through.
3. Safety valve installed on the boiler and/or boiler forward flow.
4. Thermal run-off safety valve connected to the cold water network.
5. The sensor for the thermal run-off safety valve is situated in the dipping shell.
6. The sensor for the temperature-limiting safety switch is situated in the dipping shell.
7. The extinguishing water tank on the feed au­ger is filled with water.
8. The sensor for the extinguisher valve is mounted tight on the pipe for the feed auger.
9. The expansion tank is connected.
10. The conveying systems are installed between the boiler and the material storage unit.
11. The facility is filled with water.
12. Material to be burned is stored for the test op­eration.
13. The safety limit switch is installed on the door to the material storage site (if there is a walk­through door).
14. The control system is connected to the power supply network.
15. The motors, switches and sensors are electri­cally connected.
Do not put the facility into operation over­hastily without the presence of a specialist from KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH or another trained specialist.
In case of damage, you would lose your war­ranty claims.
Inspected on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4 Commissioning and handover
A competent contact person from the operating or­ganisation's side must be present for the commis­sioning and handover.
The heat dissipation from the boiler plant has to be assured by the operating organisation or by the heating engineer.
The heating engineer has to confirm that an in­spection of the installation has been carried out positively by handing over these signed Installation Instructions.
Complying with these Installation Instructions and also following the Operating Instructions, you will be provided with heat from wood in a safe and convenient fashion.
KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH thanks you for the trust you have shown in us.
These Installation Instructions should be kept near the facility on a permanent basis.
Spec Sheet
PYROT Rotation Heating System
Installation, closed system
KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@kob.cc
Subject to technical changes
a) Note:
The dimensioning of the collector lines must be carried out by the installing heating engineer!
Spec Sheet
PYROT Rotation Heating System
Installation, closed system
KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@kob.cc
Subject to technical changes
- To reliably prevent boiler corrosion caused by condensation of exhaust gases, the boiler return flow temperature must
not under any circumstances be below 65°C. A boiler circuit pump with a boiler mixer should be provided according to the diagram for this purpose. The boiler circuit should be designed such that the temperature difference between the forward flow and the return flow is equal to or less than 15°C.
- For integrating heat consumers, see Spec Sheet 4000.
- The expansion tank has to be connected to the boiler above the boiler forward flow and without any shut-offs.
b) Safety-relevant equipment included in the scope of performance provided by the installing heating engineer
M 20 Boiler pump Y 20 Boiler mixer SV Safety valve, pressure set to max. 3.0 bar, homologated component as per DIN 3440 Nominal width of the valve, of the connection line and of the exhaust pipe as per DIN 4751 Part 2 TS131 Thermal run-off safety valve R ¾”, homologated component; special-purpose design for opening
temperature 100°C, (safety heat exchanger built into boiler). With the Pyrot-400 and Pyrot-540, two safety
heat exchangers in parallel are required but only one thermal run-off safety valve. KW Cold water inlet, min. 2.5 bar, max. 3.5 bar WMS... Water level control device, homologated component; required in Germany starting from systems over 350
KW, Installation recommendation: WMS with magnetic transmission of the float movement to a switch unit EL Air separator (recommendation: absorbition-type degasser) ExH... Expansion tank closed, with design certification; for heating system
(Recommendation: connect on cool return flow, connected to the boiler via the forward flow without any
blockage units)
ExS… Expansion tank closed; with design certification; for safety heat exchanger, max. 4.0 litres, 10 bar DAZ Pressure indication device (pressure gauge) TAZ Temperature indication device (thermometer)
c) Design recommendation
Mode l
Boiler circuit (VL, RL, BP)
Thermal run-off safety valve TS-131 (quantity)
Water through-put required at
2.5 bar
Accumulato r volume 3)
Supply line ZL
Drain pipe AL2)
Safety valve model SV 68M1)
Safety line SL2)
100 NW 40 1 620 l/h 1500l R ¾“ R 1“ R 1” NW 32 150 NW 50 1 915 l/h 1500 l R ¾“ R 1“ R 1” NW 40 220 NW 50 1 1230 l/h 2200 l R ¾“ R 1“ R 1” NW 40 300 NW 65 1 1500 l/h 2500 l R ¾“ R 1“ R 1 ¼” NW 50 400 NW 80 1 1880 l/h 3200 l R ¾“ R 1“ R 1 ¼” NW 50 540 NW 80 1 2266 l/h 4300 l R ¾“ R 1“ R 1 ½” NW 65
Threaded connection for supply line
Length of the exhaust pipe up to 4.0 m (for longer lines, see DIN 4751 Part 2)
On request, we will be glad to provide a project-based offer on the accumulator(s).
d) Equipment recommendation from KÖB's delivery programme
- Note: The equipment below will only be supplied via the installing heating engineer.
Model KPT-
Designation: Description: Item no: See Spec
TS 131 Thermal run-off safety valve, 100°C
100 M 20 Grundfos pump UP 32-80, 400V 1)
150 M 20 Grundfos pump UP 32-80, 400V 1)
220 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 40-60 4F, 400V 1)
300 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 50-60 4F, 400V 1)
400 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 50-60 4F, 400V 1)
540 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 65-60 4F, 400V 1)
100 Y 20 Motor-three way valve, VXG 48.80/SQS 35.00
150 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.50/SQK 33
220 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.50/SQK 33
300 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.65/SQK 33
400 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.80/SQL 33
540 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.80/SQL 33
For t 15K, as per illustration
Any additional resistors (heat meters, slide valve) require redesigning of the boiler pump!
Spec Sheet
PYROT Rotation Heating System
Installation, open system
KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@kob.cc
Subject to technical changes
a) Note:
The dimensioning of the collector lines must be carried out by the installing heating engineer!
Spec Sheet
PYROT Rotation Heating System
Installation, open system
KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@kob.cc
Subject to technical changes
To reliably prevent boiler corrosion caused by condensation of exhaust gases, the boiler return flow temperature must
not under any circumstances be below 65°C. A boiler circuit pump with a boiler mixer should be provided according
to the diagram for this purpose. The boiler circuit should be designed such that the temperature difference between
the forward flow and the return flow is equal to or less than 15°C.
For integrating heat consumers, see Spec Sheet 4000.
b) Safety-relevant equipment included in the scope of performance provided by the installing heating engineer
M 20 Boiler pump Y 20 Boiler mixer TS131 Thermal run-off safety valve R ¾”, homologated component; special-purpose design for opening
temperature 100°C, (safety heat exchanger built into boiler). With the Pyrot-400 and Pyrot-540, two safety
heat exchangers in parallel are required but only one thermal run-off safety valve. These are not required for open systems, but we advise installing these. KW Cold water inlet, min. 2.5 bar, max. 3.5 bar WMS Water level control device, homologated component; required in Germany starting from systems over 350
kW,Installation recommendation: WMS with magnetic transmission of the float movement to a switch unit EL Air separator (recommendation: absorbition-type degasser) ExO Expansion tank open, at the highest point in the system, heat insulated; for heating system
ExS Expansion tank closed; with design certification; for safety heat exchanger, max. 4.0 litres, 10 bar DAZ Pressure indication device (pressure gauge) TAZ Temperature indication device (thermometer)
c) Boiler circuit with open expansion, accumulator circuit if necessary, design recommendation
Boiler circuit (VL, RL, BP)
Thermal run-off safety valve TS-130 (quantity)
Water through-put required at
2.5 bar
Accumulator volume 2)
Supply line ZL
Drain pipe AL 1)
Safety forward flow (SVL)
Safety return flow (SRL) 1)
100 NW 40 1 620 l/h 1500l R ¾“ R 1“ NW 32 NW 25 150 NW 50 1 915 l/h 1500 l R ¾“ R 1“ NW 32 NW 32 220 NW 50 1 1230 l/h 2200 l R ¾“ R 1“ NW 40 NW 32 300 NW 65 1 1500 l/h 2500 l R ¾“ R 1“ NW 40 NW 32 400 NW 80 1 1880 l/h 3200 l R ¾“ R 1“ NW 50 NW 40 540 NW 80 1 2266 l/h 4300 l R ¾“ R 1“ NW 50 NW 40
Length of the exhaust pipe up to 4.0 m (for longer lines, see DIN 4751 Part 2)
2) On request, we will be glad to provide a project-based offer on the accumulator(s).
d) Equipment recommendation from KÖB's delivery programme
- Note: The equipment below will only be supplied via the installing heating engineer.
Model KPT-
Designation: Description: Item no: See Spec
TS 131 Thermal run-off safety valve, 100°C
100 M 20 Grundfos pump UP 32-80, 400V 1)
150 M 20 Grundfos pump UP 32-80, 400V 1)
220 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 40-60 4F, 400V 1)
300 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 50-60 4F, 400V 1)
400 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 50-60 4F, 400V 1)
540 M 20 Grundfos pump UPS 65-60 4F, 400V 1)
100 Y 20 Motor-three way valve, VXG 48.80/SQS 35.00
150 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.50/SQK 33
220 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.50/SQK 33
300 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.65/SQK 33
400 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.80/SQL 33
540 Y 20 Motor-three way tap, VBF 21.80/SQL 33
For t 15K as per illustration
Any additional resistors (heat meters, slide valve) require redesigning of the boiler pump!
Spec Sheet
Fire-extinguishing Systems
K-SLE & K-SLV Installation
KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@kob.cc
Subject to technical changes
a) Fire-extinguishing System for Burner Slide-in Module, Art. No. K-SLE
Note: Pyromat-DYN has an extra charge with Art. No. K-SLE (see Spec Sheet 4500)
With Pyrot and Pyrtec this is included in the burner article.
Fig. 1: K-SLE on feed auger
b) Fire-extinguishing System for Material Feed Facility, Art. No. K-SLV
For Köb scope of delivery, refer to Spec Sheet 4500
Fig. 2: K-SLV on conveyor auger Fig. 3: K-SLV on extractor system situated on top with
Be sure to note:
The lines must be executed in metal (1/2") with fixed pipework (K-SLE and K-SLV).
It must not be possible to shut off the cold water inlet without the aid of tools.
Be especially sure to comply with Point 5 of the Installation Instructions (Fire Prevention).
Note: K-SLV is an alternative or supplementary safety device. As standard, either a slide valve (Art. No. MBA-.; included in Article ADF_.,. / ADE_3,0) is required for pressureless material storage sites or a rotary valve (Art. No. MBZ-.) for material storage sites with over- or under-pressure (loading with fan, such as wood-processing businesses).
Line from container to the ½" valve (short as possible)
Valve adjustment, Danfoss AVTA 15 50-90°C 3, equivalent to approx. 80° C
KW: cold water inlet DN 15 ½" Min. 2.0, max. 3.0 bar
extinguisher water container 25 l
N25 level monitoring system
material feed facility
metering containermetering container
with isolating layer with isolating layer
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