KOB PYROMAT ECO SERIES, PYROMAT ECO 35, PYROMAT ECO 151, PYROMAT ECO 55 Operating And Maintenance Instructions Manual

Operating and Maintenance Instructions for the PYROMAT ECO 35 to 151
ID: 104642-B English
© by KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH
Flotzbachstrasse 33 A-6922 Wolfurt All rights reserved, including photomechanical reproduction and storage in electronic media.
Viessmann Group
1 General information_________________________________________________ 4
1.1 Foreword _______________________________________________________________________ 4
1.2 Latest developments in the technology ______________________________________________ 4
1.3 Intended use ____________________________________________________________________ 4
1.4 Technical specs _________________________________________________________________ 4
1.5 Documented information __________________________________________________________ 4
1.6 CE-Symbol______________________________________________________________________ 4
2 Important information _______________________________________________ 5
2.1 Safety information________________________________________________________________ 5
2.2 Excess temperature & power failures________________________________________________ 5
2.3 Suitable and approved fuels _______________________________________________________ 6
3 Burner design______________________________________________________ 7 4 Starting up / Operation ______________________________________________ 8
4.1 Initial start-up ___________________________________________________________________ 8
4.2 Starting up______________________________________________________________________ 8
4.2.1 Filling___________________________________________________________________________ 8
4.2.2 Heating up_______________________________________________________________________ 8
4.2.3 Operation _______________________________________________________________________ 9
4.2.4 Adding fuel ______________________________________________________________________ 9
4.3 Oil burners_____________________________________________________________________ 10
4.3.1 Burner slide_____________________________________________________________________ 10
4.3.2 Operation with oil burners__________________________________________________________ 10
5 The ECOTRONIC Control System ____________________________________ 11
5.1 General information _____________________________________________________________ 11
5.1.1 Battery replacement ______________________________________________________________ 11
5.2 The functions of the buttons ______________________________________________________ 11
5.3 Boiler, F3 ______________________________________________________________________ 12
5.3.1 F3 Key "PYROMAT parameters" ____________________________________________________ 12
5.4 The F4-F8 extended control systems _______________________________________________ 13
5.4.1 Room heating unit________________________________________________________________ 13
5.4.2 Utility water heater _______________________________________________________________ 15
5.4.3 Air heater ______________________________________________________________________ 16
5.4.4 Neighbouring buildings ____________________________________________________________ 17
5.4.5 Pipeline________________________________________________________________________ 18
5.4.6 Additional boilers_________________________________________________________________ 19
5.4.7 Solar __________________________________________________________________________ 20
6 Cleaning _________________________________________________________ 21 7 Shutdowns _______________________________________________________ 22 8 Waste disposal____________________________________________________ 22
9 Enclosures
- Spec Sheet 1010-1, 2
- Error Reports / Error Correction
1 General information
1.1 Foreword
Dear System Owner, you have made a good selection in the PYROMAT ECO. In conjunction with a heat storage unit, it will provide you with all the advantages of a modern, economically efficient heating system. It will provide you with all the advantages of a modern, economically efficient heating system. Fully developed technology in combination with a sturdy design guarantee a high degree of operational reliability and long service life.
These Operating and Maintenance Instructions contain important information for the intended use, correct operation and proper maintenance of the PYROMAT ECO.
Non-compliance with the Operating and Main­tenance Instructions will result in loss of the guarantee.
If you still need any further information after study­ing the Operating and Maintenance Instructions:
The Assembly and Installation Instructions contain important information about:
- Standards and regulations,
- Structural surroundings of the burner
- Transport & assembly
- Water installation and electrical installation,
- Fire protection,
- Starting up,
as well as an appendix with diagrams of connec­tions and dimensions as well as the complete tech­nical specifications.
Our sales and services offices will be glad to pro­vide you with any further information. Their ad­dresses can be found on the reverse side of these Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
1.2 Latest developments in the technology
The Operating and Maintenance Instructions are in keeping with the PYROMAT ECO at the time it is delivered. In the interest of our customers, we re­serve the right to make, without any notification re­quirement, the following changes resulting from further technology developments.
1.3 Intended use
The intended use of the PYROMAT ECO is for in­cinerating wood fuels.
The intended use of the PYROMAT ECO is stipu­lated:
- in the regulations of the Assembly and Installa­tion Instructions
- by the limits of the technical specifications
- in the section, "Suitable and approved fuels"
- by the safety regulations in these Operating and
Maintenance Instructions.
Any other use of the PYROMAT ECO or use of it going beyond this will be considered as unintended use unless written approval by the manufacturer has been obtained.
The following, among other things, will be consid­ered as unintended use:
- Operation of the PYROMAT ECO by unqualified personnel, without any training or knowledge of the Operating and Maintenance Instructions.
- Disabling the safety or monitoring devices on the PYROMAT ECO.
- Removal of any protective covers or cladding on the PYROMAT ECO by unauthorised individuals.
- Making any conversions or alterations to the PY­ROMAT ECO without approval by the manufac-
- Using spare parts or accessories from other manufacturers without approval by the manufac­turer.
The operating organisation will be liable for any damage or accidents in case of any unin­tended use.
1.4 Technical specs
The following important limits apply to the PYRO­MAT ECO heating boiler:
- Max. operating pressure allowed: 3.0 bar
- Max. boiler temperature allowed: 100°C
- Min. return temperature: 65°C
The complete technical specifications listed in the appendix of the Assembly and Installation Instruc­tions.
1.5 Documented information
The Operating Instructions contain the information required according to the EC Directive on Machin­ery 98/37/EEC, Appendix 1, Number 1.7.4.
Issue: 2007-08_English Prepared by: KabW/SclM
1.6 CE-Symbol
The PYROMAT ECO is delivered with a CE­symbol on its type plate an EC attestation of con­formity in accordance with II A or the EC Directive on Machinery 98/37/EEC.
If the PYROMAT ECO is altered by equipment from other manufacturers being added, or the safety equipment or control system are combined with a different system and/or integrated into an overriding system (building control system), then in the European Union a new attestation of confor­mity has to be issued before it is put on the market.
2 Important information
2.1 Safety information When carrying out work on the heating system,
such as cleaning and maintenance, wear ap­propriate protective equipping when required. There is a danger of getting injured through: burning, knocking against corners and edges, crushing in moving parts and noise.
Mains supply: 230V
In a risky situation, the PYROMAT ECO can be disconnected from the electrical mains at all the leads by plug connector on the rear of the boiler (1).
When the access door is not opened all the way, it automatically falls back shut.
The burner must never be operated with the doors open!
Any burning bits that escape could result in a fire. Only open doors during the starting phase and the
burn-out phase (for refilling, exhaust gas tempera­ture less than 130°C). If the doors were opened during operation, sparks and tongues of fire could leap out.
Equipment for dissipating excess heat
The functioning of the thermal run-off safety valve must be inspected every year by a competent spe­cialist. The safety heat exchanger must not under any cir­cumstances be used as an operational heat ex­changer.
It is important for the functioning and controllability of the burner that no unwanted air be able to enter unchecked through leaks. The doors and lids have to close tightly without leakage. Any damaged seals must be immediately replaced. Tighten snugly the fastening bolts and handles.
Operation, cleaning & maintenance
Bear in mind that only if operated and maintained properly can even the best of products fulfil their functions well, for a long time and free of malfunc­tions. Compliance with the "Cleaning" section is manda­tory!
2.2 Excess temperature & power failures
Do not open the doors or lids on the burner!
- Switch on additional heat consumers.
- The exhaust fan goes out of operation.
- The temperature-limiting safety switch triggers.
- The valve for the thermal run-off safety valve
opens at approx. 95°C. The excess heat is conducted off into the channel.
If the temperature-limiting safety switch (TLSS) has triggered, then it has to be manually unlo­cked.
To reset, unscrew the black cap and press the but­ton. IMPORTANT
: Resetting is only possible at a boiler
temperature of less than 70° C. Possible causes for excess temperature
- Incorrect setting on the control module.
- Defective component of the system (pump or
The TLSS (tempera­ture-limiting safety switch) is situated in the front metal plate beneath the refill ac­cess lid.
2.3 Suitable and approved fuels
The KÖB PYROMAT ECO is designed for heating chopped wood and wood waste and can be op­tionally equipped with an oil or gas burner.
Important prerequisites for the wood
The wood must be air-dry. One to two and a half years are necessary for natural drying. This drying can be carried out outdoors (covered) in part and should then be continued for at least one year in a suitable shed. The water content should amount to a maximum of 25% (w 25).
Bear in mind: Wood that has been stored for too short a time and is still moist only has about half of its po­tential thermal power!
Types of wood
The KÖB PYROMAT ECO is especially well suited for the types of wood listed below:
- Air-dry, chopped wood in its natural state, such as split wood, billet wood and round wood. Hardwood: max. 15 cm Soft wood: max. 12 cm
Guideline figures for storage (for dry storage) Hardwood: 2 to 2½ years Soft wood: 1 to 1½ years
- Non-pelletised wood in its natural state (max. water content of 25%) in the form of coarse chips, woodchips, including bark adhering with an edge length of Æ greater than 5 cm
- Compressed wood from chips, unless manufac­tured using bonding agent. Diameter Æ greater than 4 cm
- Carpentry shop waste in the form of glued wood and wood remnants, provided no wood preservatives have been applied or are con­tained. Edge length Æ greater than 5 cm
- Addition of a max. of 20% of brown coal bri­quettes to extend the combustion time.
Length of wood
Pyromat 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 Æ max. ½ m Pyromat 61, 81, 101, 151 Æ max. 1 m
Be sure to note:
The boiler is only suited for incinerating the wood fuels and wood mixtures listed here.
If different fuels are used, KÖB will not assume any liability for the functioning or service life of the boiler.
It is not allowed to incinerate wastes or wood in these heating systems that has been treated with wood preservatives or the coating of which con­sists of halogenated organic compounds. In addi­tion to the development of highly toxic exhaust gases, severe corrosion damage may also occur in the boiler due to these chemical compounds (hy­drochloric acid).
The following must not be incinerated:
- Hard coal or coke
- Wood waste with coatings made of halo-
genated organic compounds (PVC)
Operation with an oil/gas burner:
Fuel: Extra-light heating oil
3 Burner design
(Picture: PYROMAT ECO 55)
(1) Large firebox with easily accessible access
door (2) Downwardly conical firebox (3) Electronic boiler control panel (4) Degasification zones with cast iron grating and
fireclay bed (5) Hot tunnel made of highly refractory concrete
for re-incineration (6) Large, easily accessible ash pan for the grate
(7) Vertical pipe-type heat exchanger (8) Cleaning lid on top (9) Ash container under heat exchanger (10) Exhaust fan (11) Maintenance cover or burner connection (12) Safety heat exchanger (13) Lambda sensor (14) Ash pan lid
4 Starting up / Operation
4.1 Initial start-up
The initial start-up is carried out either by KÖB Holzfeuerungen GmbH or another heating special­ist.
Be absolutely sure to follow the instructions in the Assembly and Installation Instructions. No guarantee may be claimed in cases of initial start-ups carried out improperly by oneself.
First check:
- Is there enough water in the heating system?
- Has the heating system been bled?
- Are the slide valves open to the heating forward
and reverse flow?
- Can enough fresh air get into the heating
- Are the doors and lids on the burner all closed
4.2 Starting up
Check the storage unit temperature!
Check whether the storage unit temperature has dropped so far that heating up is practical, and whether the amount of heat to be expected can be accepted or stored.
Maximum storage unit temperature: 90°C
4.2.1 Filling CAUTION: Never fill shavings or woodchips di-
rectly from the grate Æ There is a danger such going up in flames suddenly!
- The slots in the grate have to be free of ash.
Only charcoal (approx. 2 cm) may remain lying on the grate. Evenly spread out paper on this (better than cardboard) and easily combustible wood over the entire width of the burner (approx. 25 cm high). Position the pieces of wood crosswise such that a layer permeable to air is created.
Finer material may only be filled on the layer of chopped wood.
- Neatly lay the billet wood and logs horizontally
and compactly over the entire width of the fire­box.
- Only refill as much wood as energy that the
storage unit can still accommodate until the maximum storage unit temperature of 90°C is reached.
- When closing the access door, be sure that
the supporting surface for the refill access lid seal is clean.
Note that even a small ember remaining can also inadvertently ignite the kindling wood.
4.2.2 Heating up
- Is the airway (1) to (3) clear through the entire area of the grate, through fuel at the bottom and into the combustion chamber? Is the lower part of the wood loaded (2) permeable to air?
- Open the ash pan lid. Ignite, ideally doing so over the entire width of the firebox,
- such that the fire spreads over the entire area of the grate as quickly as possible. Aim to keep the heating-up procedure short, quickly producing a lot of heat and embers. Rapid heating up of the combustion chamber rapidly produces perfect incineration.
- Press the F1 button "PYROMAT Wood".
- Leave the ash pan lid approx. 10 cm open until the material to be burned has started to burn well.
- When the temperature of the exhaust gas reaches approx. 110°C, close the ash pan lid.
4.2.3 Operation
- All the lids and doors have to be closed with no leakage during the burn-off.
- The temperature of the exhaust gas should rise to 130°C to 150°C in just a few minutes, and be between 160°C and 200°C in continuous opera­tion.
- If the temperature of the exhaust gas prema­turely drops back down during the burn-off, you have a hollow fire. Cause:
Pieces of wood have been poorly stacked or are irregular. Remedy:
Carefully open the ash pan lid and with a poker spread the wood over the entire bed of embers.
Combustion time for:
- Each loading of wood from deciduous trees: approx. 4 hours
- Each loading of wood from coniferous trees: approx. 3 hours
4.2.4 Adding fuel
First check:
- Check the storage unit temperature! Can the
energy to be expected be accepted or stored? Maximum storage unit temperature: 90°C.
- Is the burner already in the burn-out phase (ex-
haust gas temperature below 130°C)?
- Is the exhaust gas fan already out of operation?
Adding fuel:
- If the exhaust gas fan is already out of opera-
tion: Press the F1 button "PYROMAT Wood".
- If the exhaust gas fan is still in operation:
Before adding
, press the F1 button "PYROMAT Wood" (Add Fuel function). This will bring about fast stabilisation of the operation.
- First only raise the access door slightly,
so that any accumulation of low-temperature gas pre­sent in the upper part of the firebox can be suc­tioned off.
- Then unlock the safety lock (1) and open the lid all the way.
- Neatly lay the billet wood and logs horizontally and compactly over the entire width of the fire­box. Only refill as much wood as energy that the storage unit can still accommodate.
I M P O R T A N T: Do not put any wood shav­ings or fine chips directly onto the embers Æ There is a DANGER such GOING UP IN FLA­MES SUDDENLY!
- Close access door. Be sure that the supporting surface for the refill access lid seal is clean.
Afterwards check:
- The surface of the ceramic combustion cham­ber should remain white.
- The vertical pipe-type heat exchanger must not have any shining soot or tar deposits.
- The ash content is very low when the wood in­cinerates in a controlled fashion (approx. 1 per­cent by weight). The ash should be grey!
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