KOB PYROMAT ECO 35, PYROMAT ECO 55, PYROMAT ECO 151, PYROMAT ECO 45, PYROMAT ECO 65 Installation Instructions Manual

Installation Instructions PYROMAT ECO 35 to 151
ID: 104646-D english
1 General information 1
1.1 Technical standing 1
1.2 Information documented 1
2 Important information 1
2.1 Safety information 1
2.2 Official permits 1
2.3 Standards and regulations 1
3 The structural surroundings of the burner 2
3.1 Heating room requirements 2
3.2 The chimney connection 2
4 The water installations 2
4.1 The safety equipment 2
4.2 Expansion 2
4.3 The burner circuit with burner control valve and storage unit valve 2
5 The electrical installations 3
5.1 The positioning of the control module and control system module 3
5.2 Electrical connection 3
6 Fire protection 3
6.1 Fire protection for the fuel storage space 3
7 Initial Start-up 3
7.1 Filling the heating system 3
7.2 The fuel for the initial start-up 3
7.3 Inspecting the installation 4
7.4 Initial start-up and handover 4
8 Spec sheets
2960-1, 2 Wood-burning PYROMAT-ECO, Installation, Closed System 2960-3, 4 Wood-burning PYROMAT-ECO, Installation, Open System 4500-1 Water-bearing Components, Burner Safety Devices 4600-1, 2, 3 Water-bearing Components, Heat Distribution 2010-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Burner System, PYROMAT-ECO 2110-1 Accessories for PYROMAT-ECO, Conducting Exhaust Gas / Cleaning 2200-1, 2 Accessories for the PYROMAT-ECO, Functions of the burner 4000-1 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Equipping 4020-1, 2, 3 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Module Extension, Data Transmission Lines 4030-1, 2 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Additional Heat Generators 4040-1, 2 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Heat Consumer 4050-1, 2 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Solar Energy 4090-1 ECOTRONIC Heating Control Unit, Visualisation & Remote Maintenance 1120-1, 2 Installation Services 1010-1, 2 Wood Fuels, Minimum Requirements / Instructions 1000-1, 2 General Terms of Delivery Supplement EC attestation of conformity
1 General information
Only specialists may set up and put into operation Köb solid fuel burners. This will rule out any faulty installation or initial start-up. These instructions are therefore limited to important technical data, references to ordinances, technical rules and other regulations.
The PYROMAT ECO is a Burner Class 3 boiler for heating systems with hot water with a protection temperature of 110° C as per EN 303-5: 1999 (heating boilers for solid fuels, manual and auto­matically loaded combustion systems).
1.1 Technical standing
The operating instructions comply with the PYRO­MAT ECO at the time of its delivery. In the interest of our customers, we reserve the right to make the following alterations as a result of technical devel­opments, without being under obligation to give no­tification of such.
1.2 Information documented
The installation instructions contain the information required according to the EC Directive "Machinery 98/37/EEC, Appendix 1, Number 1.7.4.
Issue: 2006-07_english Prepared by: KaW
2 Important information
2.1 Safety information
The water-bearing and electrical installations as well as the chimney connection must be carried out by individuals authorised to do so, complying with all relevant standards and safety regulations.
2.2 Official permits
The PYROMAT ECO has been inspected and ap­proved in compliance with European Standard EN 303-5:1999. In addition, the PYROMAT ECO meets all European national deviations relating to tightened regulations relevant to emission limits and efficiencies:
Art. 15a of the B-VG "Agreement on the Saving of Energy" "Agreement on Protective Measures Concerning Small Furnaces"
Federal Law Gazette Ordinance 331 Furnace Ordinance FAV dated 18 Nov 1997, Part II
Germany: German Federal Emissions Control Act
"Small Furnaces Ordinance, 1
German Federal
Emissions Control Act" dated 1997-03-14
The Clean Air Act (or "LRV") dated 16 Dec 1985, incl. the amendment dated 20 Nov 1991
NeR Dutch guideline on the incineration of clean rem­nant wood of June 1995
You can find out from your local building au­thority whether the PYROMAT ECO requires an official permit. This is why you should report there your installation of the PYROMAT ECO.
2.3 Standards and regulations
- Hot-water heating systems: Safety equipment DIN 4751, ÖNORM B 8130 [Austrian standard], ÖNORM B 8131 [Austrian standard]
- Indoor chimneys: Requirements for planning and design, DIN 18160
- Dimensioning of chimneys, DIN 4705, ÖNORM M7515 [Austrian standard]
- Heating system water: preventing damage by corrosion and scale formation in hot-water heat­ing systems, VDI 2035
The regulations valid for the respective loca­tion of installation must always be complied with.
We will be glad to give you the sources on request for the standards and regulations cited. If on stock, we will be glad to send these to you at cost price.
3 The structural surroundings of the burner
Existing national building ordinances in this connection must always be complied with.
3.1 Heating room requirements
A separate heating room (the floor of which should be fire-resistant) must always be provided for the PYROMAT ECO solid fuel boiler. The minimum distances to the walls and the ceiling required according to the table of dimensions for proper cleaning and maintenance of the boiler have to be complied with. A sufficient supply of fresh air has to be provided directly from outdoors into the heating room. Induced ventilation is re­quired for heating rooms that are small and/or in­ternally situated. The temperature in the heating room must not ex­ceed +40° C while the system is in operation (boiler surroundings approx. 1 m away from the boiler). The temperature in the heating room must not fall below +10° C while the system is in operation (in­terior side of the outside wall).
3.2 The chimney connection
PYROMAT ECO solid fuel boilers are equipped with an exhaust gas fan and thus constitute a fire site not requiring a draught. The design of the chimney should be carried out as for a fireplace with an oil or gas blast burner not requiring a draft (temperature of exhaust gas at nominal load: 160°-200° C). An insulated chimney should be provided to prevent the danger of soot­ing. The path from the exhaust blower to the chimney should be as short as possible. 90° bends should be avoided if possible. Exhaust gas lines with lengths longer than 1 m should be insulated. The connection to the chimney should be carried out in a fashion rising at an angle of 30°-45°. The exhaust gas line, incl. the lead-in into the chimney should be designed so as to be gas-tight.
4 The water installations
Here we refer to the standards and regulations cited in this document.
4.1 The safety equipment
The safety equipping for the heating installation should be carried out by the installing heating en­gineer authorised to do so.
As examples, see spec sheets: 2960-1 Installation, Closed System 2960-2 Installation, Closed System 2960-3 Installation, Open System 2960-4 Installation, Open System
4.2 Expansion
The water volume enlarged by the storage units (option) requires a correspondingly large expan­sion tank. For closed expansion, the set pressure for the ex­pansion tank should be equal to the max. facility height plus 0.2 bar.
4.3 The burner circuit with burner con-
trol valve and storage unit valve
To reliably prevent burner corrosion through con­densation of the exhaust gases, the burner tem­perature must in no case be less than 70° C. For this, a burner circuit pump should be provided with a boiler control valve according to the diagram (Spec Sheets 2960-1 to 2960-4). The design of the burner circuit should be carried out in such fashion that the temperature difference between forward flow and reverse flow is equal to or less than 15° C. The triggering of the burner pump (230 V), burner control valve and storage unit valve is integrated in the control system that comes with the equipment.
5 The electrical installations
5.1 The positioning of the control mod-
ule and control system module
The installing electrical firm should mount the con­trol module at a place easily accessible for opera­tion. By positioning the control system module near the heating distributor, the lengths of the lines can be minimised, thus reducing costs. The position for the control system components has to be selected such that any negative influ­ences by heat radiation (rear side of burner with exhaust gas collector and exhaust gas blower as well as exhaust gas line) or interfere nce caused b y dust during cleaning are as little as possible. The ambient temperature (approx. 10 cm away) for the control system components during operation of the facility must not exceed 35° C. If there is any doubt, place the control system components out­side the heating room near the door to the heating room.
5.2 Electrical connection
- Connect it according to the wiring plan, laying of the CAN-BUS wire according to data sheet
- Around hot elements (exhaust gas blower, ex­haust gas pipe), the lines should be installed so as to be temperature-protected in steel pipes at the distance necessary.
- The cable bushings to the motors and equip­ment should be designed so as to be dustproof and strain-relieved.
The regulations of the local electric supply company must be complied with.
For the position and description of the motors and sensors, see spec sheets.
6 Fire protection
The fire protection regulations for wood heating systems vary for each specific country.
The regulations valid for the respective place of installation must be complied with.
6.1 Fire protection for the fuel storage
The measures necessary for this are never part of the scope of performance from KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH.
The conditions set by the local building au­thorities must be met by the operating organi­sation in this connection.
7 Initial Start-up
The initial start-up of a newly installed facility may only be carried out by KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH or another specialist cited and trained by it. Before putting it into operation, the facility must be filled with water as per 7.1, fuel must be put in as per 7.2, and the installation has to be checked in accordance with 7.3.
7.1 Filling the heating system
The first filling is usually done with untreated water without any chemical water treatment but definitely filtered and thus free of any suspended matter. Be sure to carefully bleed out any air when the fill­ing is done. With difficult water conditions (high degree of hardness, etc) and/or large water vol­umes, follow VDI Guideline 2035 "Preventing Damage by Corrosion and Scaling in Hot Water Heating Systems" by taking necessary measures to treat the water.
Be very sure to note our General Terms and Conditions of Delivery.
Note: The filling pressure of the cold water re­serve should be approx. 0.1 bar times greater than the set pressure of the closed expansion container.
7.2 The fuel for the initial start-up
For starting up operation, dry fuel (max. w 20%) must be put in amounting to at least two boiler fill­ings.
7.3 Inspecting the installation
Before the initial start-up, the future operating or­ganisation must inspect the installation with the in­stalling firm (installing heating engineer, electri­cian) for the following points:
1. Exhaust gas connection piece connected to
the exhaust gas line to the chimney.
2. Chimney completely installed with clear cross-
sectional area all the way through.
3. Safety valve mounted on burner and/or burner
4. Thermal run-off safety valve connected to the
cold water mains.
5. The sensor for the thermal run-off safety valve
is in the dipping shell.
6. The expansion tank is connected according to
instructions (see spec sheets).
7. The facility has been filled with water.
8. Combustible fuel has been provided in the
storage unit for the trial operation.
9. The control system is connected to the electric
10. The motors, switches and sensors are all con-
nected electrically.
Do not put the facility into operation over­hastily without the presence of a specialist from KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH or another spe­cialist cited and trained by it. In case of damage you would lose your war­ranty claims.
Inspected on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4 Initial start-up and handover
A competent contact person from the operating or­ganisation's side has to be continuously present for the initial start-up and handover.
The positively carried out inspection of the installa­tion has to be confirmed by the installing heating engineer by handing over these signed Installation Instructions.
By following these Installation Instructions and thereafter the Operating Instruction, you will be provided with heat from wood in a safe, reliable and convenient fashion.
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH thanks you for your trust shown.
These Installation Instructions should be kept at the facility on a permanent basis.
Spec Sheet
Wood-burning PYROMAT-ECO Installation, Closed System
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@koeb-schaefer.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
- To reliably prevent burner corrosion caused by condensation of exhaust gases, the burner return flow temperature must not by any means be below 65°C. To do so, a burner circuit pump should be provided with a burner control valve as per the diagram. The burner circuit should be configured such that the temperature difference between the forward and return flow is equal to or less than 15°C.
This is the case in the design below if no additional resistors are installed in the burner/accumulator circuit. Any installation of slide valves or of a heat meter in the burner/accumulator circuit will require reconfiguration of the burner pump and burner control valve by the heating technician.
- For incorporation of heat consumers or additional heat generators, refer to Spec Sheets 4000ff.
- The expansion tank has to be connected to the burner via the burner inlet without any blockage units.
a) Designation of the motors, sensors & safety switches
Motors: Electric sensors and safety switches: M1 Exhaust fan B1 Exhaust gas sensor PT-100 M12 Primary air vent B20 Burner sensor KTY M13 Secondary air vent B20.1 Return flow sensor KTY M13.2 Secondary air vent 2 B26 Lambda sensor M17 Oil burner B28.1 Heat storage sensor, top KTY M20 Burner circuit pump B28.2 Heat storage sensor, centre KTY Y20 Burner control valve B28.3 Heat storage sensor, bottom KTY Y28 Storage control valve N21.1 Temperature-limiting safety switch
b) Safety equipment provided by the installing heating engineer
SV Safety valve, pressure set max. 3.0 bar, homologated component as per DIN 3440 Nominal width of the valve for the connecting line and the exhaust pipe as per DIN 4751, Part 2 TS Thermal run-off safety valve R ¾", homologated component, opening temperature 95°-100°C, (safety heat exchanger built into the burner) KW Cold water inlet DN 15 R ½", metal, fixed pipework, min. 2.5 bar, max. 3.5 bar, drain pipe R ¾"; EL Air separator (recommended: absorbition-type degasser) ExG Expansion tank closed, homologated; DAZ Manometer TAZ Thermometer
Spec Sheet
Wood-burning PYROMAT-ECO Installation, Closed System
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@koeb-schaefer.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
c) Burner circuit with storage circuit and closed expansion / Recommended configuration
Burner circuit pump (M20) Make: Grundfos Model 1)
Burner control valve (Y20) Make: Siemens Model:
Storage control valve (Y28) Make: Siemens Model:
Forward flow (VL) Return flow (RL)
30/5, 35, 45 UPS 32-60 230 V VXG 48.32/SQS 35 VXG 48.40/SQS 35 NW 40 55, 65 UPS 32-55 230 V VXG 48.32/SQS 35 VXG 48.40/SQS 35 NW 40 75, 85, 61, 81 UPS 32-80 230 V VXG 48.40/SQS 35 VXG 48.40/SQS 35 NW 50 101, 151 UPS 40-60 F 230 V VXG 48.40/SQS 35 VBF 21.50/SQK 33 NW 50
1) Or equivalent
d) Dimensioning of buffer storage unit as per EN 303-5
Minimum storage volume for exemplary acceptance of Q
with T
x QN for beechwood, dry
Rated output
– QN (kW)
Min. V
30/5 25 – 30 2169 179 16 VSP Volume of buffer storage unit, in
litres 35 35 – 40 2156 179 23 QN Nominal heat output, in kW 45 38 – 50 2091 179 28 TB Burn-out period in h 55 45 – 60 2890 247 33 QH Heating requirements for the
building, in kW 65 55 – 75 2876 247 41 Q
Lowest heat output, in kW 75 60 – 80 3405 291 44 85 75 – 95 3440 291 53 61 60 – 85 4193 363 46 81 75 – 100 4247 363 55
101 90 – 130 5675 485 66 151 120 – 170 5784 485 82
Spec Sheet
Wood-burning PYROMAT-ECO Installation, Open System
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@koeb-schaefer.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Be sure to note:
- To reliably prevent burner corrosion caused by condensation of exhaust gases, the burner return flow temperature must not by any means be below 65°C. To do so, a burner circuit pump should be provided with a burner control valve as per the diagram. The burner circuit should be configured such that the temperature difference between the forward and return flow is equal to or less than 15°C.
This is given in the design below, if no additional resistors are installed in the burner/accumulator circuit. Any installation of slide valves or of a heat meter will require reconfiguration of the burner pump and burner control valve by the heating technician.
- For incorporation of heat consumers or additional heat generators, refer to Spec Sheets 4000ff.
- The expansion tank has to be connected to the burner via the burner inlet without any stoppers.
a) Designation of the motors, sensors & safety switches
Motors: Electric sensors and safety switches: M1 Exhaust fan B1 Exhaust gas sensor PT-100 M12 Primary air vent B20 Burner sensor KTY M13 Secondary air vent B20.1 Return flow sensor KTY M13.2 Secondary air vent 2 B26 Lambda sensor M17 Oil burner B28.1 Heat storage sensor, top KTY M20 Burner circuit pump B28.2 Heat storage sensor, centre KTY Y20 Burner control valve B28.3 Heat storage sensor, bottom KTY Y28 Storage control valve N21.1 Temperature-limiting safety switch
Spec Sheet
Wood-burning PYROMAT-ECO Installation, Open System
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@koeb-schaefer.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
b) Safety equipment provided by the installing heating engineer
TS... Thermal run-off safety valve R ¾", homologated component, opening temperature 95°-100°C, (safety heat exchanger built into the burner) KW... Cold water inlet DN 15 R ½", metal, fixed pipework, min. 2.5 bar, max. 3.5 bar, exhaust pipe R ¾"; ExO... Expansion tank, open, heat insulated on the highest point of the system; DAZ... Manometer TAZ... Thermometer
c) Burner circuit with storage circuit and open expansion / Recommended configuration
Burner circuit pump (M20) Make: Grundfos Model 1)
Burner control valve (Y20) Make: Siemens Model:
Storage control valve (Y28) Make: Siemens Model:
Forward flow (VL) Return flow (RL)
Safety forward flow (SV)
Safety backflow (SR)
30/5, 35, 45 UPS 32-60 230 V VXG 48.32/SQS 35 VXG 48.40/SQS 35 NW 40 NW 25 NW 25 55, 65 UPS 32-55 230 V VXG 48.32/SQS 35 VXG 48.40/SQS 35 NW 40 NW 25 NW 25 75, 85, 61, 81 UPS 32-80 230 V VXG 48.40/SQS 35 VXG 48.40/SQS 35 NW 50 NW 32 NW 32 101, 151 UPS 40-60 F 230V VXG 48.40/SQS 35 VBF 21.50/SQK 33 NW 50 NW 32 NW 32
1) Or equivalent
d) Dimensioning of buffer storage unit as per EN 303-5
Minimum storage volume for exemplary acceptance of Q
with T
x QN for beechwood, dry
Rated output
– QN (kW)
Min. V
30/5 25 – 30 2169 179 16 VSP Volume of buffer storage unit in
litres 35 35 – 40 2156 179 23 QN Nominal heat output in kW 45 38 – 50 2091 179 28 TB Burn-out period in h 55 45 – 60 2890 247 33 QH Heating requirements for the
building in kW 65 55 – 75 2876 247 41 Q
Lowest heat output in kW 75 60 – 80 3405 291 44 85 75 – 95 3440 291 53 61 60 – 85 4193 363 46 81 75 – 100 4247 363 55
101 90 – 130 5675 485 66 151 120 – 170 5784 485 82
 
Spec Sheet
Water-bearing Components Burner Safety Devices
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@koeb-schaefer.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Therm. discharge safety device 100°C [Art.-No. K-TS-131]
Standard design for fixed response temperature approx. 100°C, R ¾“ connection
Included in the delivery:
- Thermal discharge safety device, incl. dipping shell
Note: We also always recommend the K-TS-131 even when the local regulations do not make it mandatory.
Thermal Run-off Safety Valve 120°C [Art. No. K-TS-140]
Activation temperature, adjustable, 50-120°C, approved for burners as per DIN 4702, hot water generator, Group 2, 120°C, (model Pyrtec, Pyrot special-purpose design), R ¾" connection
Note: Spare for Art. No. K-TS-131; use only with manufacturer’s declaration
Thermal Extinguishing Valve R ½", 50-90°C [Art. No. K-SLV]
This is a thermally opening extinguishing valve with adjustable opening temperature for connection by customers to a pressurised water line or an extinguisher water container.
- Extinguishing valve (Danfoss AVTA), adjustable 50-90° with dirt trap
Automatic Fire-extinguishing System [Art. No. K-SLE]
In the event of any burn-back, the Thermal Extinguishing Valve will open and reliably prevent it with a limited amount of water.
Location: On the feed auger
- Extinguishing valve (Danfoss AVTA), adjustable 50-90° with dirt trap
- Extinguishing water container, 25 litres with holding device and level-monitoring system (level float switch)
Note: We recommend the K-SLE for the PYROMAT-DYN for burning remnant wood left over from wood processing. Not required by the fire-prevention regulations for pellets and smaller fuel depots! This equipment is included with PYROT and PYRTEC boiler systems.
Please observe local fire-prevention provisions!
Spec Sheet
Water-bearing Components
Heat Distribution
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@koeb-schaefer.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Motor valves [Art. No. ZV-...]
These Siemens valves (models VVG and VXG) are characterised by precise control behaviour and leak-tight closing without leakage lossesan important criterion for quality, especially for the Pyromat burner series with accumulator operation.
Motor-operated Valves [Art. No. ZH-3-…]
[Art. No.]
Structural design Model DN
Kvs [m3/h]
Adjusting drive 230 V
Incl. complete bolted connection
Two-port valve VVG 48.20 20 6,3 SSY 319 R ¾" – G 1¼"
Two-port valve VVG 48.25 25 10 SSY 319 R 1" – G 1½"
Two-port valve VVG 48.32 32 16 SQS 35.00 R 1¼" – G 2"
Two-port valve VVG 48.40 40 20 SQS 35.00 R 1½" – G 2¼"
Three-port valve VXG 48.20 20 6,3 SSY 319 R ¾" – G 1¼"
Three-port valve VXG 48.25 25 10 SSY 319 R 1" – G 1½"
Three-port valve VXG 48.32 32 16 SQS 35.00 R 1¼" – G 2"
Three-port valve VXG 48.40 40 20 SQS 35.00 R 1½" – G 2¼"
Three-way valve VBF 21.50 50 40 SQK 33 Counter-flange, seals
Three-way valve VBF 21.65 65 63 SQL 33 Counter-flange, seals
Three-way valve VBF 21.80 80 100 SQL 33 Counter-flange, seals
Three-way valve VBF 21.100 100 160 SQL 33 Counter-flange, seals
Three-way valve VBF 21.125 125 550 SQL 33 Counter-flange, seals
Pumps [Art. No. ZP.-...]
[Art. No.]
Pump model DN
Voltage [V]
Capacity [W]
Capacity [m
Incl. complete bolted connection
UPS 25-50 25 230 35-80 3.0/1.8 R 1" – G 1½" -
UPS 25-60 25 230 45-90 3.0/2.5 R 1" – G 1½" -
UPE 25-60 25 230 25-60 3.0/2.0 R 1" – G 1½" X
UPS 25-80 25 230 140-245 3.0/6.0 R 1" – G 1½" -
UPE 25-80 25 230 40-250 4.0/5.0 R 1" – G 1½" X
UPS 32-55 32 230 90-140 6.0/2.5 R 1¼" – G 2" -
UP 32-55 32 400 175 6.0/3.0 R 1¼" – G 2" -
UPS 32-60 32 230 45-90 3.1/2.5 R 1¼" – G 2" -
UPS 32-80 32 230 145-245 6.0/4.3 R 1¼" – G 2" -
UP 32-80 32 400 270 6.0/4.70 R 1¼“ – G 2“ -
UPS 40-60 F 40 230 115-340 12/3.1 Counter-flange, seals -
UPS 40-60 F 40 400 90-320 12/3.8 Counter-flange, seals -
UPS 50-60 F 50 400 130-430 15/4.0 Counter-flange, seals -
UPS 65-60 F 65 400 185-660 20/3.8 Counter-flange, seals -
UPS 80-60 F 80 400 320-880 30/4.5 Counter-flange, seals -
UPS 80-120 F 80 400 710-1500 30/6.0 Counter-flange, seals -
TP 100-60 F 100 400 1100 40/5.7 Counter-flange, seals -
Note: Z-products are not sold alone. Z-products are only available together with an overall system.
Spec Sheet
Water-bearing Components
Heat Distribution
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@koeb-schaefer.com
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Wall-mounted Manifold [Art. No. LVW-65-2] Wall-mounted Manifold [Art. No. LVW-65-3]
Wall-mounted manifold; forward- and return-flow manifold packed with intermediate insulation (chamber size: 55 mm x 55 mm); manifold insulated all around and covered with powder-coated steel sheet metal.
Special design for Siemens motor-operated valves, models VXG 25/ SSY 319 (Art. No: ZV-3-25). Especially suited for the Pyromat burner series with accumulator operation (burner output up to 65 kW). Connections: Burner: Forward flow/return flow: 1½" IG on the left or right side Accumulator: Forward flow/return flow: 1½" IG on the left or right side Consumer: Forward flow/return flow: 1" AG at top with bypass, for two or three groups (last digit of the
Art. No.) Incl. bolted connection for motor-operated valves, Siemens models VXG 25/ SSY 319 (Art. No: ZV-3-25)
Manifold Connection LVW-65 [Art. No. LVW-65-V]
Connecting two model LVW-65- manifolds produces a manifold for four to six consumer groups. The connection is assembled at the factory to assure an accurate fit.
Manifold for Burner Design [Art. No. LVK-65-2] Manifold for Burner Design [Art. No. LVK-65-3]
Manifold for burner design; forward- and return-flow manifold packed with intermediate insulation (chamber size: 55 mm x 55 mm); manifold insulated all around and covered with powder-coated steel sheet metal. Special design for Siemens motor-operated valves, models VXG 25/ SSY 319 (Art. No: ZV-3-25). Especially suited for the Pyromat burner series with accumulator operation (burner output up to 65 kW). Connections: Burner: Forward flow/return flow 1 1/2 " IG on the left side Accumulator: Forward flow/return flow 1 1/2 " IG on the left side Consumer: Forward flow/return flow 1" AG at top with bypass, for two or three groups
(last digit of the Art. No.) Incl. bolted connection for motor-operated valve, Siemens model VXG 25/SSY 319 (Art. No: ZV-3-25).
Note: This burner design is not possible with PYROMAT-DYN
standard version, hydraulically switched heat
storage tank
LVW-65-3 LVW-65-2
ditto dimensions
LVW-65-2 LVW-65-3
see M (2010-5)
+ 30 hidden pages