KOB KPB 2200-1, KPM-E-OBA / 7387410 Spec Sheet

Spec Sheet
Accessories for the PYROMAT-ECO
Functions of the boiler
Köb Holzheizsysteme GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: office@kob.cc
Subject to technical changes
Burner Slide-out System [Art. No. KPM-E-OBA / 7387410]
For left- or right-hand side installation on the PYROMAT; manual retraction of the burner against spring pressure; when pulled out, a weighted shutter closes automatically, thus protecting the burner from soiling; protected by a limit switch.
Flange diameter, inside: 128 mm Hole circle diameter: 150 mm Retracting stroke: 160 Weight without burner: 24 kg
Scope of delivery:
- 1 limit switch mounted on slide-out system
- 1 limit switch uninstalled, for installation by the customer on filler lid
limit switch
weighted shutter
boiler casing
burner when moved in (oil-burning operation)
burner when moved out with shutter closed (wood-burning operation)