Know How Development HRM FM Users manual

fitness tracker
fm radio/heart rate monitor pedometer/calorie counter
This e q u ip m e n t ha s b e e n te ste d a n d fo u n d to c o m p ly w ith the lim its fo r a C la ss B d ig ita l d e v ic e , p u rsu a n t to P a rt 1 5 o f the F C C R u le s. The se lim its a re d e sig n e d to p ro vid e re a so n a b le p ro te c tio n a g a in st ha rm fu l in te rfe re n c e in a re sid e n tia l in sta lla tio n . This e q u ip m e n t g e n e ra te s, u se s a n d c a n ra d ia te ra d io fre q u e n c y e n e rg y a n d , if n o t in sta lle d a n d u se d in a c c o rd a n c e w ith the in stru c tio n s, m a y c a u se ha rm fu l in te rfe re n c e to ra d io c o m m u n ic a tio n s. H o w e v e r, the re is n o g u a ra n te e tha t in te rfe re n c e w ill n o t o c c u r in a p a rtic u la r in sta lla tio n . If this e q u ip m e n t d o e s c a u se ha rm fu l in te rfe re n c e to ra d io o r te le visio n re c e p tio n , w hic h c a n b e d e te rm in e d b y tu rn in g the e q u ip m e n t o ff a n d o n , the u se r is e n c o u ra g e d to try to c o rre c t the in te rfe re n c e b y o n e o r m o re o f the fo llo w in g m e a su re s: * R e o rie n t o r re lo c a te the re c e ivin g a n te n n a . * In c re a se the se p a ra tio n b e tw e e n the e q u ip m e n t a n d re c e ive r. * C o n su lt the d e a le r o r a n e x p e rie n c e d ra d io /TV te c hn ic ia n fo r he lp .
“Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the importer could void the user’s authority to operate this device.”
The F it C o m p le te F itn e ss Tra c k e r is n o t a m e d ic a l d e vic e . It is a tra in in g to o l d e sig n e d to e n ha n c e y o u r e x e rc ise p ro g ra m b y m e a su rin g a n d d isp la y in g the d ista n c e y o u ha ve c o ve re d a n d yo u r he a rt ra te .
Table of Contents
Stay Safe...................................................................................................2
Finding your Maximum Heart Rate...............................................................3
About the Heart Zones................................................................................4
Four Great Heart W orkouts ..........................................................................5
INSTRUCTIONS for Programming & UsingY our Fit Complete Fitness Tracker...6
Installing Batteries .....................................................................................7
W earing the Transmitter Belt .......................................................................8
Using the Armband ....................................................................................9
Default Screen ...........................................................................................9
Radio Play ...............................................................................................10
Setting Pre-Set Stations............................................................................10
Main Unit Functions.................................................................................11
Using the Timer .......................................................................................11
Using the Pedometer ................................................................................12
Calibrating your Pedometer .......................................................................13
Using the Calorie Counter .........................................................................14
Setting Y our Fitness Level.........................................................................14
Using Y our Alarm Feature .........................................................................16
Y ou – Personal Programming .....................................................................17
Setting the Clock .....................................................................................18
Using Lock ..............................................................................................19
Care and Maintenance ..............................................................................20
Limited One-Y ear W arranty ........................................................................22
Package Includes:
• Main unit
• Belt clip (attached to main unit)
• Transmitter belt (battery included)
• 2 elastic chest straps
• Armband strap
• Complete instructions
Stay Safe!
Before starting any workout program, you should check with your physician, especially if you have a heart condition, are over 35, or have not been exercising regularly. If you are a smoker, are taking prescription medications, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, asthma or other respiratory problems, are experiencing signs of disease or are recovering from a medical condition or treatment, you should also consult with your physician prior to beginning an exercise routine.
• Try not to work out for 90 minutes after eating a meal.
• To help prevent injury, begin your workout with a five minute warmup. Complete your workout by cooling down with stretches.
• If you feel diz z y or disoriented during any period of your workout, stop immediately and consult a physician.
• Drink water before, during and after your workout to keep your body properly hydrated. Do N OT drink alcohol and be wary of some energy drinks that may adversely affect your heart rate.
• Most importantly, listen to your body! You want to be healthy, not incur harm. If your intensity level results in pain or tiredness, stop or reduce intensity to a more comfortable level.
WARNING: If yo u h a ve a p a c e m a ke r o r o th e r im p la n te d m e d ica l eq u ip m e n t, d o N O T u se th is p ro d u c t.
Finding Y our Maximum Heart Rate
To train safely, you want to know about your body’s most important muscle – your heart. Depending on your age, you can approximate your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) – but you should refine your MHR as you continue to train.
The basic calculation for your MHR is:
MHR = 220 – Your Age*
*Note: This calculation is based on general averages.
Other factors may include weight, previous workout history, and medical history. Please consult with your physician to confirm an acceptable MHR for your heart.
There is no right answ er to whether
you should run or walk for your
workouts. It depends on your body
and your goals. Running is high-
impact, and can be hard on the knees
and tendons. W alking is low-impact
on joints, but does not raise your
heart rate as q uickly or as high.
W alking at a brisk pace (a 1 5-
minute mile or 4 miles per hour)
burns almost as many calories as
jogging for the same distance. The
benefit of running is that it takes less
time to cov er the same distance and
it strengthens your bones; howev er,
it may be too strenuous for some.
P erhaps the best w ay to decide your
own run v ersus walk debate is to
spend a day trying each, and see
which your body prefers.
About The Heart Zones
Different workouts will use different heart “ zones” – a percentage of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR).
Health Zone** – 50-65% of MHR
This zone is for extended, low intensity exercise. The benefits to the mind and heart are considerable, especially if you workout in the Health Zone regularly. The Health Zone can also be used as a warm-up to more strenuous exercise.
Fitness Zone** – 65-80% of MHR
This zone increases strength and endurance, and is a great calorie burner. Most exercise regimes fall in this zone for a period. This zone is where you build towards more stamina and a healthier heart.
Performance Zone** – 80% of MHR and up
This is the very top of a sustainable training session. Competitive athletes build speed and power here. Some workouts will use the Performance Zone in small doses, encouraging you to push yourself to the limit for a brief period.
**These ranges are based on general averages.
Other factors may include weight, previous workout history, and medical history. Please consult with your physician to confirm an acceptable MHR for you.
Age 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
H ea lth Z o n e 1 30 1 26 1 23 1 20 1 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 07 1 04 1 00 5 0 % - 6 5 % to to to to to to to to to to M H R 1 00 9 7 9 5 9 2 9 0 8 7 8 5 8 2 8 0 7 7
F itn es s Z o n e 1 60 1 56 1 52 1 48 1 44 1 40 1 36 1 32 1 28 1 24 6 5 % - 8 0 % to to to to to to to to to to M H R 1 30 1 26 1 23 1 20 1 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 07 1 04 1 00
P er fo r m a n c e 1 9 0 1 8 5 1 8 0 1 7 5 1 7 1 1 66 1 61 1 56 1 52 1 47 Z o n e to to to to to to to to to to 8 0 % - 9 5 % 1 60 1 56 1 52 1 48 1 44 1 40 1 36 1 32 1 28 1 24 M H R
B u r n Gly c o gen
B u r n F a t
Four Great Heart W orkouts
Your body is unique, and the workout you set for yourself should accommodate your unique fitness goals – from weight loss, to endurance, to marathon training.
Workout 1 – Heart Healthy Walk:
Walk briskly for 30 minutes every day. Use your monitor to maintain a heart rate in the Health Zone (50-65% of MHR). This workout can be easy, stress relieving, low-impact and healthy. The key is to do it every day.
Workout 2 – Weight Control:
To really burn off calories, keep a constant pace at the low end of the Fitness Zone (65-80% of MHR). Briskly walk or run for 45-60 minutes daily. Remember to maintain the Fitness Zone heart rate – at first that might mean only light walking for much of the time. You should be breathing heavily, but still be able to maintain a conversation. The key is to maintain low Fitness Zone heart rate for just under an hour every day.
Workout 3 – Interval Training:
Alternate between periods of brisk activity and “active rest” when you just keep the body in motion with slow walking. Run as fast as you can for 30 seconds achieving Performance Zone (80% + of MHR), then slow down to the Health Zone (50-65% of MHR) for two minutes. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Interval training has proven to be an effective way to get the same metabolic workout benefits in a shorter space of time.
Workout 4 - Aerobic Max:
Push yourself, and your heart, for defined periods during the week. Every
day, run or briskly walk for 20-60 minutes at the top end of Fitness Zone (70-80% of MHR). Start with 20 minute intervals, and increase your time in the Fitness Zone as you become more comfortable. With this workout, remember to first warm up with some stretching and brisk walking, and to cool down after the workout. Between workout days, consider an alternate form of exercise, such as weight or resistance training. The result of Aerobic Max will be a marked increase in stamina and endurance, and better muscle tone.
Instructions for Programming & Using Your Fit Complete Fitness Tracker
NOTE: When changing batteries, be sure to turn off power to both the main unit and the radio before removing batteries. Install new batteries and return power to the main unit within 8 seconds by pressing the main power button. The unit is capable of saving preset data for up to 8 seconds while the batteries are removed. To keep the preset personal data, follow these instructions exactly. Otherwise, it will be necessary to re­enter the personal settings.
Volume On/Off
Headphone jackLockBass+
Easy-to-view LCD screen with backlight
(Belt clip and armband strap not shown)
Scroll Up/Down
Main Power Button with light indicating if you’re in zone, above and below
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