Installation and Operating
Instructions MR171 Paging Module
Congratulations and thank you for choosing this
Knöll product. The MR171 is a microphone paging
module suitable for use with most types of
condenser and dynamic microphones as well as line
level sources. It is specifically designed for use
with the MVP64 and Grande controller-amps as well
as the Ultimo and MR640 controllers. It features
automatic 30-volt phantom power, adjustable gain
and adjustable activation threshold sensitivity. It
can be triggered by either microphone or line
activity or by shorting its manual connector input
with a switch. When activated the MR171 sends a
digital signal to the amp or controller to turn on or
“override” all zones to a preset volume then
broadcast the page then automatically return all
zones to their previous volume and input states.
The MR171 should only be installed with the ampcontroller powered off and the mains power is
unplugged. Power for the MR171 is from the PS1202
power supply (included) and is usually left on.
Connecting a microphone
Use a conventional good quality microphone cable
with XLR connectors to connect the microphone to
the MR171. The MR171 is normally located behind
the controller or controller amp but does not have
to be. Some lower cost microphones will only have
two wire leads. We do not suggest using these, but
if required to do so, make sure before connecting
them that they will not be destroyed by the 30 volt
DC full time phantom power provided by the MR171.
Connect it to the mic plug (pins 2 and 3).
Connecting a line level paging input
Use a conventional good quality RCA line to
connect the source to the line level input. The
MR171 has a balancing transformer to reduce (but
non necessarily eliminate) hum from the cable.
Long cable lengths may require full balancing at
the source end.
Note: Never connect a microphone and a line
level paging input to together on the MR171.
Connecting the data line(s)
Use the provided 3.5mm to 3.5mm connecting
wire to connect the data port on the MR171 to the
data port on the controller or controller-amp.
If this system has more than one controller and/or
controller-amp, then the three wire data ports
(stereo 3.5mm jacks) need to be run in parallel.
The jack tips (inserted in the 2 or 3 controllers and
the MR171) all have to be connected together.
The three sleeves are connected together and the
three bases are connected together.
Connecting the stereo music source
If the Source 4 input on the controller or
controller amp is not being used skip the rest of
this paragraph. If you are still reading this, then
connect the stereo source input planned for Source
4 to the “In” jacks on the MR171 paging module.
Next connect the MR171 “Out” RCA jacks to the
controller or controller-amp Source 4 inputs using
a gold stereo RCA wire.
If this installation has more than one controller
and/or controller-amp use good quality Y cords to
connect each of the controller Source 4 jacks (in
parallel) to the MR171 stereo jacks labeled out.
Connecting for Manual Activation
Manual activation of the MR171 is features a
faster activation time than automatic voice
activation. A normally open single pole switch is
usually placed on or near the microphone. When it
is momentarily closed, paging is activated. Run a
wire pair (any kind of suitable wire will do) from
the activation switch to the MR171 “Manual”
screw terminal connector.
Be sure the MR171 “Auto” switch is in the “in”
position to prevent automatic voice activation.

Otherwise leave the “Auto” switch in “out”
position for automatic voice activation.
Setting Gain and Sens
Manual switch activation. The MR171 “Auto”
button should be in the “in” position. Everything
should be now wired and ready to test. Before
turning on any controllers or amps, plug in the
PS1202 power supply for the MR171.
Press the manual activation switch, hold it on and
either speak loudly to the mic or if this system is
connected to the line level input, turn that source
on and give it some input. See if the red clip light is
on or flashing. If it is not, turn up the MR171 gain
while speaking loudly until it just blinks on with the
loudest voices and then reduce the gain a little.
Release the manual switch.
Next turn on the fully installed controller or
Press the manual activation switch and speak at a
normal to slightly high level. Adjust the MR171 gain
until the paging level is acceptable.
Automatic voice or signal activation
The MR171 “Auto” button should be in the “out”
position. Everything should be now wired and ready
to test. Before turning on any controllers or amps,
plug in the PS1202 power supply for the MR171.
Speak loudly to the mic or if this system is
connected to the line level input, turn that source
on and give it some input. See if the red clip light is
on or flashing. If it is not, turn up the MR171 gain
while speaking loudly until it just blinks on with the
loudest voices and then reduce the gain a little.
Microphones and different sources can have a wide
range of outputs so the MR171 gain may only have a
small range between clipping and apparently not
Next while speaking into the mic at a normal level
or with the line level activated adjust the MR171
sens pot up (clockwise) until the green led (In use)
is on. Stop talking into the mic or shut off the line
input until, wait 3-4 seconds and slowly reduce the
sens (counter clockwise) slowly until the green led
(In use) goes out.
Next, with the green led (In use) off, turn on the
fully installed controller or controller-amp.
Speak at a normal to slightly high level into the mic
or turn on the line level source and adjust the
MR171 gain until the paging level is acceptable. If
there is no sound over the system adjust the sens
pot until the green led (In Use) turns on, then
speak at a normal to slightly high level into the mic
or turn on the line level source and adjust the
MR171 gain until the paging level is acceptable.
Wait 3-4 seconds after the speaking into the mic
has stopped to see if the MR171 green led (In use)
goes out. If it does the system is now ready to use.
If it does not go out slowly reduce the sens pot and
wait to see if the green led goes out. If it still does
not go out, slowly reduce the sens some more and
wait. Repeat this until it goes out. Try speaking into
the mic again. The system should activate and page.
If it does not, increase the sens a small amount and
try again. Repeat until the sens is set properly.
The system operation should be quite straight
forward. For manually switched activation, simply
push the activation button and start paging. Paging
can commence about 1-2 seconds after the
activation button has been pressed. At the end of
the page, release the activation button and all
zones will return to their previous settings. Paging
operators may need some basic level training as to
speaking at a firm, loud level, slowly and clearly.
For automatic activation, simply start the page.
Paging can commence about 2-3 seconds after the
activation sound has commenced. We suggest that a
start page announcement like “Rumple-stilt-skin” be
annunciated at a firm, loud level followed by a short
one-second gap before the real page begins. At the
end of the page, simply stop annunciating and all
zones return to their previous settings. Paging
operators may need some basic level training as to
speaking at a firm loud level, slowly and clearly.
MR171 size is 143x83x45mm (5.6"x3.25"x1.75").
Knoll Systems Point Roberts, WA USA and
Richmond BC Canada tel: 604 272 4555
2002 Knöll Systems. All rights reserved v1.2