Knoll Systems
12140 Horseshoe Way, Richmond BC V7A 4V5 Canada
145 Tyee Drive, #1206 Point Roberts, WA 98281 USA
email: sales@knollsystems.com
Tel: (604) 272-4555 Fax: (604) 272-5595
Knoll Projector Discrete IR Codes
This table shows the discrete IR codes for the HD108, HD178, HD222, HD282, HD284, HD290,
HD292, HDP404, HDP410, HDP420, HDP460 and HDP6000 projectors. HDP1100 and HDP1200
codes are on the next page. HDP2100, HDP2300 and LED1081 are covered elsewhere.
Among other functions, they can be turned on and off with learning remote control discrete codes.
Knoll HD projectors use the NEC IR protocol.
The customer code portion for all projectors (except the HDP1100 and HDP1200) of the IR packet
should use the hexadecimal value 0x4E87.
Key Name Code Description
Menu 0x02 Toggles menu state up or down
Brightness Plus 0x03 Increases brightness
Brightness Minus 0x07 Decreases brightness
Freeze 0x0E Toggles freeze state on or off
Source Select 0x10 Selects next available source
Cursor Up 0x13 Moves menu cursor up
Cursor Down 0x14 Moves menu cursor down
Power 0x17 Toggles power state on or off
Keystone Plus 0x20 Increases keystone
Keystone Minus 0x21 Decreases keystone
Presets 0x2C Toggles through available presets
Source1 0x2D Selects programmed source
Source2 0x2E Selects programmed source
Source3 0x2F Selects programmed source
Source4 0x30 Selects programmed source
Blank 0x31 Toggles state of blank screen on or off
Select 0x32 Selects current menu item
Auto Image 0x33 Activates automatic image re-acquisition
Resize 0x34 Toggles through available resize modes
Overscan 0x35 Toggles overscan state on or off
Contrast Plus 0x36 Increases contrast
Contrast Minus 0x37 Decreases contrast
Discrete Power OFF 0x39 Turns power off (Not on our Remote)
Discrete Power ON 0x3A Turns power on (Not on our remote)
Native Resize 0x3B Selects Native Resize
16:9 Resize 0x3C Selects 16:9 Resize
4:3 Resize 0x3D Selects 4:3 Resize
Letterbox Resize 0x3E Selects Letterbox Resize
Natural Wide Resize 0x3F Selects Natural Wide Resize
User Preset 1 0x40 Selects User Preset 1
User Preset 2 0x41 Selects User Preset 2
User Preset 3 0x42 Selects User Preset 3
Discrete Blank Off 0x43 Forces sate of blank screen to off
Discrete Blank On 0x44 Forces sate of blank screen to on

Knoll HD projectors use the NEC IR protocol.
The customer code portion for the HDP1100 and HDP1200 of the IR packet should use the
hexadecimal value 0x807F.
Key Name Code Description
Power 0x00 toggles power on and off
Menu 0x01 toggles menu on and off
Up 0x02 moves cursor up
Down 0x03 moves cursor down