This text is identical to the one in the Instruction Manual,
English version, 1960 year, and converted to HTML in
2001. In the existing original (pre-press?) there are no
pictures... (we took them from the Russian version)
Данный текст идентичен оригинальному
Руководству английской версии 1960 года, и
специально подготовлен для формата HTML в 2001
году. В имеющемся оригинале рисунки
отсутствуют... (взяты из русской версии)
This Instruction Manual contains essential operating principles of the "Zorki-6"
camera, and is not intended as a photographer's handbook.
Before proceeding to take pictures, study the operation of the camera and its handling
instructions presented in this Manual.
Minor differences between your camera and the present Manual may be due to everadvancing development of the camera design.
The camera is provided with coated lens,
Relative aperture
Resolution of the camera when used with "Negaitive-M3" film is not lower than:
(a) central
lines per 1 mm,
(b) peripheral
lines per 1 mm
The camera meets the existing Specifications; it passed all the Inspection Department
trials and has been found fit for service.
For the Inspection Department: (Signature)
The camera is delivered in complete set (see below).
1. Camera with lens -- 1 piece
2. Magazine with spool -- 1 piece
3. Lens cap -- 1 piece
4. Carrying case with shoulder strap -- 1 piece
5. Instruction Manual with Certificate -- 1 copy
The "Zorki-6" is a modern roll-film minicamera with lever-type shutter setting.
The camera is intended for a wide range of versatile photography; it is used with
equal success by amateur photographers and cameramen.
The lever-type shutter setting mechanism is coupled with both the film transport
mechanism and the picture counting mechanism, so that setting of the shutter
automatically advances the film after each exposure, the picture counter indicating the
number of exposures made. This feature of design gives the "Zorki-6" advantages as
compared to earlier models of the "Zorki" family, allowing the operator to quickly
prepare the camera for taking the picture and to make several shots without removing
the camera from the eye.
The camera is fitted with either of the three lenses listed below:
(a) lens "Industar-26M";
(b) lens "Jupiter-8";
(c) lens "Industar-50" (Fig. 1), in sliding and fixed mounts.
All these lenses have their advantageous features: the two first lenses possess high
(maximum) rapidity, while the third lens has a somewhat increased resolution all over
the picture area.
The lenses are anastigmatic, with coated optical surfaces and inner iris diaphragms.
Focal length -- 5 cm.
Angular field of view -- 45°
Relative aperture range:
"Industar-50" lens -- 1:3.5; 1:4; 1:5.6; 1:8; 1:11; 1:16;
"Industar-26M" lens -- 1:2.8; 1:4; 1:5.6; 1:8; 1:11; 1:16; 1:22;
"Jupiter-8" lens -- 1:2; 1:2.8; 1:4; 1:5.6; 1:8; 1:11; 1:16; 1:22.
Minimum focussing range -- 1 m.
Working distance of the camera, i.e. distance between the lens end plane and the
image plane of infinitely removed objects, amounts to 28.8 mm.
Mounting diameters for attachments (sun shades, light filters, extension lenses, etc.)
for the "Industar-50" lens -- 36 mm;
for the "Industar-26M"
and "Jupiter-8" lenses -- 42 mm.
Fig. 1
Threads for screwed-in attachments (light filters and extension lenses):
in the sliding-mount "Industar-50" lens -- 23x0.5 mm; in the "Industar-26M" and
"Jupiter-8" lenses -- 40.5x0.5 mm; in the fixed-mount "Industar-50" lens -- 33x0.5
Picture sizes 24 by 36 mm, the camera using 35-mm perforated film.
The camera magazine accommodates 1.65-m length of motion picture film, sufficient
for making 36 exposures.
The camera is equipped with a curtain shutter providing for momentary speeds of
1/30; 1/60; 1/125; 1/250 and 1/500th of a second.
Besides, hand-controlled time exposures (with the shutter set opposite letter "B") and
duration exposures are obtainable.
Exposure speeds may be set with the shutter either set up or released. It should be
borne in mind that the shutter speed dial must be turned over the scale only from letter
"П" toward figures 30, 60, 125, 250 and 500, and then back again.
Never rotate the dial with:n the interval between "B" and "500", as in this
instance the mechanism is likely to be damaged.
The camera shutter is set up by means of a shutter-setting lever linked with the film
transport mechanism and the picture counting mechanism. Shutter is being re-set as
the film is advanced for the next exposure and the picture counting dial travels
through one division.
The optical range-finder (base 67 mm) is linked with the focussing system. The
optical view-finder and the range-finder are combined in the same field of view, and
have a common eyepiece.
The magazine used with the camera is a split metal piece made absolutely light-proof.
The mounting thread of the camera lens seat is standard for different camera makes
and suits all main and interchangeable lenses used with photographic cameras of the
"Zorki" family.
Overall Dimensions of Camera
Width, mm -- 135
Height, mm -- 80
Length in operating position, mm -- 70
The camera can be operated without removing it from the carrying case. The camera
(in the case) can be screwed to a tripod.
The flexible releaser is screwed into the thread provided in the shutter release button.
When used, the flexible releaser reduces the probability of camera shifting caused by
the shutter release.
Fig. 2
1. Removing, Replacing, Opening and Closing the Camera (Fig. 6)
Rotate the camera stand nut counterclockwise to unscrew it from the camera base
plate, and take the camera from the carrying case.
Pull lock 27 all the way up, and then open back cover 25. Take-up spool 23 will not
be removed from the camera. Magazine 22 yields only after film reverse take-up knob
7 has been brought up. The camera is closed and replaced in the reverse order. It
should be remembered that the camera is provided with a magazine which is
automatically opened inside the camera under the pressure of a pin fitted in the lower