KMZ Zenit-EM User Manual

ACP - Zenit-EM manual
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Zenit-EM manual
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This page contains a l iteral transcript of a 1970's Zenit-EM manual. (In so far as it's pos sibl e to make a lit erary HTML conversion of a neatl y typeset document .) Unli ke the manuals usually supplie d with Zeni ts, t his one was actually print ed in Russia by the manu­facturer, KMZ. Consequentl y, it 's uncut Soviet o riginal: t hick and fi­brous paper, rusty steel sta ples. Even the Engli sh is strange.
The Russian vers ion of this manual is al so online, courtesy of Zenit R&D .
ZENIT-EM is a 35 mm refl ex camera fit ted with an insta nt return
mirror. It i s designed for making various amateur and special kinds of s hooting on black-and-white or color films .
The camera has a bui lt-in exposure meter using a photo cell, a sel f-timer, a shutter se tting lever, a s ynchronisi ng device for f lash bulbs a nd electronic fl ash. The camera accept s interchangeable lense s with M42×1 t hread and mechanical back fo cal di stance of
45.5 mm.
Wit h the help of extension tubes ZENIT-EM camera may be used for reproducti on works. It al lows to t ake pi ctures of small-s ize ob­jects with large magnifi cation a nd at short dis tances (macrophotog­raphy) as well a s t o take pictures with the help of a microscope (microphotography).
ZENIT-EM camera has a number of certain advanta ges o ver the pre-
vious model s:
the camera and HELIOS-44M lens are provided wit h a mechanism of a utomatic pre-set diaphragm. The shutter rele ase button being pressed, the diaphragm automati cally closes to the pre-set value;
Fresnel lens and diaphragm, fully open at t he moment of view­ing, ens ure uniform image brigh tness of the object to be pho­tographed in the viewfind er; micropyramids in t he centre provide for perfect i mage sharpness ;
exposed film is rewound with the shutter disengaging bush being fi xed;
a new kind of a take-up spool simplifies t he process of film loading ;
the back door lock latches automat ically;
the carrying strap, attached to the camera eyes , makes t he cam­era possible to carry without i ts case.
Picture size 24×36 mm Wi dth of pe rforated fi lm 35 mm Number of frames 36 Shutter spee ds From 1/30 to 1/500 sec (auto matic),
Viewfinder field of view 20×28 mm Eyepiece magnificati on 4.3×
Focal length 58 mm Aperture scale f/2 to f /16 Focusing range 0.55 m to i nfinity
Mechanical b ack focal di stance 45.5 mm Light filter mounting thread 52×0.75 mm
"B" (by hand) and long exposure ti me
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1 de 7 31/03/2010 06:14 p.m.
ACP - Zenit-EM manual
Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only.
Seat fo r sun shade Ø 54 mm Lens mount ing thread M42×1 Tripod socket thread 1/4" Thread of shutter button bush f or cable rele ase KF 3.5×0.5 Overall dimensions 141×100×93
Mass 1.1 kg
Certifica tes of owne rship of "Zenit-EM": 366447 of 14 June 1972; 150360 of 18 December 1961; 153652 of 26 February 1952; 102683 of 7 February 1951.
The present Instructi on Manual contai ns the basic characterist ics and essentia l operating principles of ZENIT-EM camera, but it can not be regarded as a hand-book on phot ography.
Before using the camera make thorough study o f its handling rules given in t he prese nt Manual.
Due to ever-advancing de velopment i n camera construction, mino r differences may occur between the te xt and your camera.
Load and unload the camera i n subdued light avoiding direct s un rays.
Do not rotate the shutte r speed dial withi n the interval betwee n "B" and "500".
Do not rotate t he s hutter relea se button fo r no reason t o avoid dis­engagement of the shutt er cocking mechanism.
Wind t he shutte r by two-t hree small t urnings of the windi ng l ever until stop t o avoid blank exposures.
Do not keep the camera fo r a long period of ti me with the shutt er cocked since this is li kely to caus e deterioration of the shutter.
Main units and details
self -timer lever1.
self -timer releas e butto n2.
release button w ith bush for cable release3.
flas h unit connector socket4.
2 de 7 31/03/2010 06:14 p.m.
ACP - Zenit-EM manual
Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only.
synchronisati on dial6.
shutte r speed di al7.
shutte r disengagi ng bush8.
exposure counter di al9.
exposure mete r needle10.
calculato r pointer11.
film s ensitivity scale12.
calculato r shutter s peed scal e13.
calculato r aperture scale14.
film rewind knob15.
cassette s pool guid e16.
viewfinder eyepiece17.
shutte r cocking lever18.
folding back door19.
take-up spool20.
cassette chamber22.
lens mounting ring23.
aperture scale24.
depth-of-field scale25.
dista nce scale26.
focusing ring27.
diaphragm setting ring28.
automatic pre-set diaphragm lever29.
3 de 7 31/03/2010 06:14 p.m.
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