Solid-State Triac Relays (1 A)
Installation Guide
The (one-output) REE-2102 and (discontinued,
four-output) REE-2101 solid-state relays (with
zero-crossing AC switching) may be mounted in any
To mount:
1. Carefully remove the circuit board from the Snap
2 (51)
1 (25)
Do NOT bend or flex the circuit board.
2 Mount the Snap Track in the desired location.
3. Replace the circuit board on the track.
Dimensions in Inches (mm)
4 (102)
3-1/4 (83)
Snap Track (Supplied)
No routine maintenance is required. Each component is designed for dependable, long-term reliability, and performance. Careful installation will also
ensure long-term reliability and performance.
More Information
NOTE: For specications
and other
information, see
the REE-2102
Data Sheet.
REE-2101/2102 Solid-State Triac Relays Installation Guide

Connections and Wiring
1. Remove the “AUTO-MANUAL-OFF” jumper and
2. Wire the input(s) common ground to (–) “GND”
of the Input terminal block.
3. Wire the individual (+ 10–14 VDC) input(s) to the
appropriate terminal(s) of the Input block.
NOTE: If the “MANUAL” mode is to be used,
wire power (+ 10–14 VDC) to the “PWR”
terminal of the Input terminal block. This
must have the same reference (–) ground
as the inputs.
4. Wire the individual output(s) to the appropriate
terminals of the Output terminal block.
NOTE: Triacs are for switching AC only. The triac
output must be in series with the load
and transformer output. Output rating is
up to 1 A at 30 VAC. See the data sheet for
additional specications.
5. Reinsert the jumper in the “AUTO” position.
Important Notices
The material in this document is for information
purposes only. The contents and the product it
describes are subject to change without notice. KMC
makes no representations or warranties with respect
to this document. In no event shall KMC be liable for
any damages, direct or incidental, arising out of or
related to the use of this document.
© 2014 KMC Controls, Inc. 872-019-02I
REE-2101/2102 Solid-State Triac Relays Installation Guide
KMC Controls, Inc.
19476 Industrial Drive
New Paris, IN 46553