This application guide gives torque selection, accessory, troubleshooting, and other related information.
For general mounting, connection, and congura-tion details, see the relevant model’s installation
guide. For specications and other information,
see the relevant model’s data sheet and the selection
guide. The latest support les are always available
on the KMC Controls web site (www.kmccontrols.
• KMC Actuators Selection Guide
• MEP-4000/4800 Series (40/80 in-lb., proportional
or tri-state) Data Sheet and Installation Guide
• MEP-4200/4500/4900 Series (fail-safe, 25/45/90 in-
lb., proportional or tri-state/two position) Data
Sheet and Installation Guide
• MEP-4201/4501/4901 (fast operating, 25/45/90
in-lb., tri-state/two position) Data Sheet and
Installation Guide
NOTE: For sample proportional single-zone
heating/cooling valve applications using
the CTE-5202 electronic thermostat, see the
CTE-5202 Applications Guide.
NOTE: The models MEP-4101 (tri-state, 10 in-
lb., with transluscent cover) and MEP-
4042/4842 (40/80 in-lb., proportional, with
modular connectors) are quite dierent
from the rest of the MEP-4xxx series. Also,
any particular MEP-4xxx model may
not have one or more features (e.g., failsafe, auxiliary switch) described in this
document. Use only the information from
this document that is relevant to the MEP-
4xxx model in use.
The KMC logo is a registered trademark of KMC
Controls, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, transmied, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated
into any language in any form by any means without the wrien permission of KMC Controls, Inc.
The material in this document is for information
purposes only. The contents and the product it de-scribes are subject to change without notice. KMC
Controls, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to this document. In no event shall
KMC Controls, Inc. be liable for any damages, direct
or incidental, arising out of or related to the use of
this document.
Risk of electrical shock in line-voltage models.
Disconnect ALL power before servicing. More
than one disconnect provided on models
with auxiliary switches. Failure to follow
electrical safety precautions with live electrical
components could result in injury or death.
If both conduit connections are used in linevoltage models, they MUST be externally
connected during installation. The nonmetallic
enclosure does not provide grounding
connection between the two conduit
mounting of the actuator
is impractical. See also the
VTD-0804 replacement
ball joint and VTD-
14xx crank arms.
(Not included)
(3) Mounting Holes
for #8 screws
(not included)
Sloed crank arms are for aaching to dampers
or other shafts, and they can be used in conjunc-
tion with the HLO-4001 crank arm kit. In the VTD1403/1404 short crank arms, an aached ball joint
(see the VTD-0804) can be adjusted from 3/4 inches
(minimum) to 2-7/8 inches (maximum) from the cen-
ter of the shaft. In VTD-1405/1406 long crank arms,
the maximum is 4-5/8 inches.
VTD-1403 Short sloed, for 3/8" shafts
VTD-1404 Short sloed, for 1/2" shafts
VTD-1405 Long sloed, for 1/2" shafts
VTD-1406 Long sloed, for 3/8" shafts
(1) Crank Arm
(2) 1/4-28 X 3/4" Cap Screws
(2) 1/4-28 Hex Nuts
(2) VTD-0804 Ball Joints
Three-hole crank arms are for aaching to dampers
or other shafts, and they can be used in conjunction
with the HLO-4001 crank arm kit. An aached ball
joint (see the VTD-0804) can be 1-9/16 inches (inner
hole), 2-3/16 inches (middle hole), or 2-7/8 inches
(outer hole) from the center of the shaft.
VTD-1414 Three-hole, for 3/8" shafts
VTD-1415 Three-hole, for 1/2" shafts
The VTD-0804 replacement ball joint is for sidemounted 5/16" diameter
rods (1/4-20 male mounting stud with locknut). See