Crank Arm Kit for MEP-4000 Series Actuators
Installation Guide
1. From the MEP-4xxx actuator, remove and discard
the V-bolt.
2. Assemble and install the kit and actuator as
shown in the diagram below.
NOTE: In general, position both the ball joints
as close to the end of the crank arms as is
feasible for the application. Positioning a
ball joint in the slot closer to the shaft will
change the torque, rotation speed, and/or
angle of rotation—which may be useful for
some applications.
Ball Joints
NOTE: Check for potential issues such as binding
of the linkage or damage caused by the
actuator still rotating when the damper (or
other application) is already closed.
NOTE: See the Accessories section for an auxiliary
crank arm if the damper or other equipment does not have one already installed.
NOTE: For much more information about installing
MEP-4xxx actuators, see the MEP-4xxx
Applications Guide on the KMC web site
(www.kmccontrols.com) as well as the
relevant installation guide.
5/16" Dia. Rod
(not included)
Cap Screw
Hex Nut
(3) Mounting Holes
for #8 screws
HLO-4001 1 Installation Guide
(not included)
(Not included)
(1) Crank Arm
(2) 1/4-28 X 3/4" Cap Screws
(2) 1/4-28 Hex Nuts
(2) VTD-0804 Ball Joints

More Information
Under normal conditions, no routine maintenance is
required. In harsh environments, however, periodic
lubrication of the ball joints may be necessary.
Each component is designed for dependable, longterm reliability and performance. Careful installation
will also help ensure long-term reliability and performance.
Auxiliary Crank Arms
VTD-1403* Short sloed, for 3/8" shafts
VTD-1404* Short sloed, for 1/2" shafts
VTD-1405* Long sloed, for 1/2" shafts
VTD-1406* Long sloed, for 3/8" shafts
*NOTE: In the VTD-1403/1404 short crank arms, a
ball joint can be adjusted from 3/4 inches
(minimum) from the center of the shaft to
2-7/8 inches (maximum) from the center.
In VTD-1405/1406 long crank arms, the
maximum is 4-5/8 inches.
For additional information about installing MEP4xxx actuators, see the
MEP-4xxx Applications
Guide on the KMC web
site (www.kmccontrols.
com) as well as the rel-
evant installation guide.
Important Notices
The KMC logo and KMC Controls are registered
trademarks of KMC Controls, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, transmied, transcribed, stored in a
retrieval system, or translated into any language in
any form by any means without the wrien permission of KMC Controls, Inc.
The material in this document is for information
purposes only. The contents and the product it
describes are subject to change without notice.
KMC Controls, Inc. makes no representations or
warranties with respect to this document. In no event
shall KMC Controls, Inc. be liable for any damages,
direct or incidental, arising out of or related to the
use of this document.
VTD-1414 Three-hole, for 3/8" shafts
VTD-1415 Three-hole, for 1/2" shafts
Replacement Ball Joints
VTD-0804 Ball joint for side-mounted 5/16"
diameter rods (1/4-20 male
mounting stud with locknut)
HLO-4001 2 Installation Guide
© 2014 KMC Controls, Inc. 705-019-04C
KMC Controls, Inc.
19476 Industrial Drive
New Paris, IN 46553