Analog Differential-Pressure VAV Controller/Actuator
Installation Guide
Adjustable Stop
Disengagement Lever
P Ports
for 1/4" FR
Removeable Conduit Fitting
with 1/2" NPS Threaded Hole
Open &
Flow Limit
Meter Taps
Illustration 1—Overview (Direct-Coupled Mounting)
NOTE: For VAV applications with the analog
CTE-5202 thermostat, see the CTE-5202
Applications Guide. For static pressure
3. Align the actuator and slide it onto the shaft.
approximately 5° may provide tight
damper shut-o.
controller applications, see the CSP-
4702 Static Pressure (Bypass) Control
Application Guide.
4. Leaving a small gap between the actuator and
mounting surface to prevent any binding, ngertighten the nuts on the V-bolt.
The CSP-4702 mounts directly to 1/4- to 5/8-inch (6 to
16 mm) round shafts or 1/4- to 7/16-inch (6 to 11 mm)
square shafts.
5. Insert the provided (HMO-4002) non-rotation
bracket into the slot at the base of the actuator
and secure the non-rotation bracket with two #8
1. Ensure the damper can move freely through its
or #10 self-tapping screws.
entire range of motion, and x any binding before
installing the actuator. Turn the damper blade to
its fully closed position.
2. Press (to the right) and hold the gear disengage-
ment lever (see Illustration 1), rotate the actuator
to the fully closed position, and release the lever.
NOTE: Depending on the damper-seal design,
backing the actuator o its stop
6. Evenly tighten the V-bolt nuts (30–35 in-lb.).
7. If desired, use a 7/64-inch hex key wrench to
loosen and position the end-stop screw.
NOTE: The two holes at the top of the actuator
are NOT for use in direct-coupled
applications. (They are for remote
mounting, such as with the optional HLO4001 Crank Arm Kit.)
CSP-4702 1 Installation Guide

Wiring Connections
Air Pressure Connection
1. Loosen the screw on the conduit ing and lift up
to remove the ing.
2. Using a utility knife or drill, cut the red plug
to accept wiring or replace the plug with an
application-specic ing.
NOTE: The red plug (or similar ing) protects
internal components from debris, helping to
ensure long actuator life.
3. Thread wires through the plugged opening and
connect to the terminal block as shown.
4. Make the air pressure connections (see Air
Pressure Connection on page 2), set MIN/
MAX ow (see Min. and Max. Flow Limits on
page 3), and change the rotation direction (see
Rotation Direction on page 2) as needed.
5. Reinstall the conduit ing and tighten the screw.
~24 VAC (Class 2 Only) Power
Common (Power, Input, Outputs)
2–10 VDC Thermostat Signal (Input)
1–5 VDC Air Pressure Signal (Output)
16 VDC Power to Thermostat (Output)
Connect the CSP-4702 to a dierential pressure ow
sensor with 1/4-inch OD x 0.040-inch wall FR instrument and control tubing:
1. Connect the “HI” port to the
“ L”
(high side) “H” of the sensor.
2. Connect the “LO” port to the
(low side) “L” of the sensor.
NOTE: For use as a static pressure controller, see
the CSP-4702 Static Pressure (Bypass)
Control Application Guide.
NOTE: For VAV applications, the SSS-1000 series
dierential pressure ow sensor must be
mounted with the arrow pointing in the
direction of the air ow. To connect to 1/4inch tubing from the CSP-4702, an SSS-100x
dierential pressure ow sensor requires
a 3/8" to 1/4" barb union adapter and 1"
of 3/8" OD x 0.062 “FR” tubing for both
connections (as shown in the illustration).
An SSS-101x sensor does not require the
3/8" tubing or adapter.
NOTE: All tubing should be free of kinks and
3/8" to 1/4" Union Adapters
3/8" Tubing
SSS-100x Sensor
Illustration 2—Connections
1/4-Inch Tubing
24 VAC CTE-5202
(Used in VAV
applications but
not in static
pressure bypass
Rotation Direction
The CSP-4702 is factory-set for counterclockwise to
close. To reverse the direction (with the conduit cover
removed), move the jumper to the CW position.
CCW = Jumper on Upper 2 Pins
Illustration 3—Rotation Indicators and Jumper
CSP-4702 2 Installation Guide
NOTE: For about 15 seconds after power is applied,
no rotation occurs and one or both of the
LEDs will ash. The Close LED illuminates
(solid red) when the actuator is closing. The
Open LED illuminates (solid green) when
opening. When the actuator reaches the end
of rotation or the mechanical stop, the LED
may stay illuminated a brief time if the
called for condition remains unsatised.