Use and Care Guide
14" Table Top Round Charcoal Grill
Kmart item No. 680-02701242-6
This Grill is for Outdoor Use Only
" Safety
. Parts
. Read and follow all Safety, Assembly,
and Use and Care Instructions in this
Guide before assembling and cooking
with this grill,
• Use and Care
. Assembly
Assembly Questions?
• Failure to follow all instructions in this
Use and Care Guide may lead to fire or
explosion, which could result in property
damage, personal injury or death,
Call 1-866-561-0731
Tools needed for assembly:
Adjustable wrench (not provided)
Screwdriver (not provided)
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
See our extensive assortment of outdoor living products on-line at
.sears.com and v,_fv,, kmart.com

Tips and Features for safety and ease of use
Verily that all parts are included with your grill bet))re beginning assembly by checking the Parts
List inside. If all. parts are not included, please eomail us at customersepdce us.com or call us
roll free 1-866o561o0731 (MoF 8:30 - 4:30) CT
USE DIAGP_M(S) PROVIDED FOR ASS LY Leave nuts half-tightened on the grill during
assembly tmtil unit is completely assembled, then finish tightening nuts.
1. "lilts grill is intended for ltOUSEHO_ OOR USE
ONLY. Do not attempt to use grill in enclosed areas or
u_er an overh.ead cover of any kdnd, including a tent or patio cover.
Your grill should neuer be used closer than 36 inches ti-om walls on the back and side(s) of grill.
2. Place your grill outdoors on a tirol level surface. Do not use this grill on a surface that -willburn
or melt, such as a plastic or artificM surface or wood table. Keep gNt away fl'om wooden fences,
overhanging trees, or other flammable objects before adding and liN_ting d_ 1.
charcoal lighter fluid with c_harcoal briquettes or pre_soaked charcoal briquettes. Prepaxe chmvoal
accordilg to the product' s instructions. Do not exceed 3 it,s of charcoal briquettes in this gN1 per use.
4. After lighting charcoal, do not leave grill unattended.
5. Remember to keep children and Wts away from lit grill at all times.
6. To avoid harm m people, pets, or propm_y, do not move the grill once the charcoal has been lit.
7. Once coals are lit, the grill and surrounding surt)aces become veu hot. Use proper outdoor cooking
mitts, utensils and avoid skin contact vdth all hot surfaces on grill.
8. N_ extinguish charcoal after cooking, dowse _mls with sand or spray with a fine mist of water.
9. After your grill has _)oted, remove ashes from the catcher and cover, and store the grill when
not in use.
\\5_A/NING! Combustion ducts pr_Alced when using this product comain chemicals
m the State of Calitbrnia to cause cancei; birth defects, and other repmd:uctive harm.
1: (4pes)
1 / 4" x 1- !/8 _'Leg bolt
2: (2pcs)
I/4"x 5/8"Handle bolt
3: (9pcs) (._
5i32Y'x3/{¢_ Bolt
4: (lpc)
5/32" Winged Nut
5/3U Hex Locknut
5: (8pcs) @
6: (4pcs)
1 / 4" Wingszd Nut
7: (5pes)
8: (6pcs)
1/4"Metal Washer
Customer Service° t °866°561-0731 Page I

Parts List
A :Lid (1) B: Bottom Bowl (1) C: Lid Vent (1)
D: Cooking Grid (1) E: Charcoal Grid (i)
G: Tube Leg (4) H: Plastic Handle (1)
F: Wire Rack (Leg Support) (I)
!: Latch (2 each)
Customer service-1-866-561-0731