Kmart 16320, 17758111-3 Owner’s Manual

Use and Care Guide
i8,5" Square Charcoal Gril!
Foldable Leg
Sears item No. i6320 Kmart item No, i 7758111-3
This Griii is for Outdoor Use Oniy
, Read and follow all Safety, Assembly,
and Use and Care Instructions in this Guide before assembling and cooking with this grHt,
Failure to follow all instructions in this Use and Care Guide may lead to fire or
e×ples_en,, which could result in pro,petty damage, personal _njuty or death,
" Safety , Parts
* Use and Care , Assembly
Assembly Questions? Call :L-86_561-0731
Tools needed for assembly:
Screwdriver (not provided) Open end wrench (not provided),
Tips and Features for safe ' and ease of use
Veri*}ithat all p_ms are Mduded with your grill betime _ginuing asse_l_bly by_checking the Pa_s
List inside. If all parts are not: included, Nease call our toll flee number i o866G61o0731 for pm_
[SE DIAGRAM(S) PROVIDED, FOR ASSEMBL_2 Leave nuts imi_:tighte_ed on the grill during
assembly until uni_ is completely assembled then finish tightening n:uts_
1. This grill is ir_ended tbr HOUSEIR)LD 0 R USE ONLY_ Do _ro_attempt {o use grill in enclosed or
under an overhead cover ofany kind, il_Auding a rant or patio cover_ _Y%urgrill shouM new,st be used closer fl_an 36 walls on _he back and sidets) of grill.
2. Place yo_._rgrill out on a firm, leve! s_r_hce. Do not _aseNis grill on a s e that will bum
or melt, such as a plastic or anificia! su or wood mble_ grill away from wooden fences, ovcflmnging trees, or other flammable objects betbre adding and lig!lting ch L
3. DO NOT USE GASOLINE, ALCOHOL OR ENE IN TNIS GRILL. Use only corn ial charcoal lighter fluid with charcoal briq or pmos charcoal briquettes Prepare charcoal accoNing m the p_hlct s instructions. Do m_t excec_d 3 1N of charcoM briq in this grill per use.
4. After liN_ting chmvoaI, do not lc_ grill unattended_ 5, Remember m keep children and pets away from lit grill a_all times_ & To avoid harm m le, pets, or Nope_V do not n_we the grill once the ch i hasbeen lit
Z ()l_ce coals are liL fl_egrill and u:ndi_g very hot. Use r o r cooking
mitts, utensils and avoid skin c t with all bol on grill
8, Ii_ extinguish dmrcoal c_×)king, e coals wi_h sand or' spray win a fine mist of %After yore° gritl has coole& remove as/:res from 1he catcher, cover a_d Ne grill unit wq_en _ot in use.
WARNING!: Combustion by_products produced when using this p_cduct contain c:hen_icals known to the State of Cali_brt_ia to cause cancer° biN_ defects, and other reproductive ham_.
Tips & Fe_es _ _fe a._ easy _sage
Ligh_i_g Your Grill After assembiy, place chavoai on ti;_eN>{lom [x_wi. Use instructions on your pref_rred chmvoal _s _ac:kage tbr lighting charcoal then open the dampen If possiMe, :Nce Ne ot_ side of damNr into the wind to enhance fire:sta_i:ag and air circulation within the unit_
Using _imr (,rill As A Smoker lk>udlize the w_oker re of your grill, simply leaving the Iid damper open_ "R_c(mtrol the cooking
turc, adjust the position of d rs by opening/closing m increas_decrease air intakes. _li>extingt_ish fire lc_21y,close damwrs on your grill Add mesqNte, hick:oD' Chi_xsor IiqNd smoke flavouring, if desired, during ctvkingismoking pmc:ess_
Cleaning Your Grill After Fire is g_Ashed and grill has cx_o,lcdcomptctd>< simply brash ashes in fl_ebottom bowl Ii_?cout and dump ashes into appropriate disposal cnntainer. Clean cooking grill with a _riI! scrubb sh.
For best _sults use an aerosol grill ctea_er with a gill| scrub sh.
Castomer $erviceolo866o56io0731 Page 2
1 (4pcs)
1/_/:x2-,1/2" Bolt 3!Id _Wi_ Nut
2(2r_st _o sl
1/4"x I@8" Bolt 371d"_ri_:_b_t_t
3(41×,s) 11(6p:s)
I/_ :x>,8 Ha 1die Bolt
3/16 x_,o Bolt
3/1<_"x 3/8"Bott
:..... _ ..... Ii4" Hex Nu:_
...... i> "
3, 16 x l- 14 [_/t ,.................
az x 3/8" Boit
I::4:"Fitter Washer
15(1s_s) :(ii:_)
IN" Metal Washer .....
5,32 Darner Wmg;_ Nut
516" Plastic er
Customer $erviceolo866o561o0731 Page 3
A: Lid!"1) G: Wheel (2)
B: Bottom Bowl (1)
C: Cooking Grid (1)
H: Bottom Bowl Damper (2)
I: Bottom Bowl Connector (1), O: Oute_ Suppo_ Bracket (1)
M: inner Connectoro2 (1)
_J!i_ _
N: Leg Connector (2,}
D: L&S Shaped' Binge (2 each) J: L Shaped suppe_ bracket (2) P: Inner S Bracket (1} (Pre-assembled on Bottom Bowl)
E: LM VentAssembly (1)
L: inner Connector-I (1) Ri:Latch(1)
Q: Axle (1)
Cu'stemer Serv'gceolo866o561o0 731 Pade4
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