User’s Manual
Important Information, Please Read before Use!
Junkersstrasse 14 D-30179 Hannover TEL 0 (049) 511- 969 97-0 FAX 0 (049) 511- 67 37 94 www.kling-freitag.de
User Manual
We would like to t hank you that y ou have decided to use a Kling & Freitag product! Be fore commencing, we would like to a sk you to read this manual ca refully to guarantee an undis­turbed operation and for your Kling & Freitag - Loudspeaker Sy stem to develop its full capac­ity.
With the purchase of the ELA MK II you have acquired a loudspeaker of highest quality and performance.
As the owner of a ELA MK II-sy stem, you now ha ve a multi-func tional and professional tool, which - if opera ted correctly - will give you a lot of joy.
Sections Page
User Manual Symbols 2 Information about t his U se r Ma nua l 2
1. General advice for using Loudspeakers 3
2. Wiring and Pinning 4
5. Specifications 5
4. Mending of Damage s to the Paintwor k / Exchange of t he Front Foam
Speaker System ELA MK II
User Manual Sy m bol s
The following symbols se rve to bette r or ie nt a t e t he use r through the installat ion a nd assembly instructions, as we ll as advice in relation to safety regulations:
This symbol gives advice on the possible dangers caused by improper use during assembly and/or service.
Here you can find information about applications, assembly, operations and the setting up of the de­scribed products.
Information about this User Manual
User Manual ELA MK II Version 1.0 02/ 2001 © by Kling & Freitag GmbH, J a nua r y 2001; all rights rese r ved All specificat ions, relating to the described pr oducts and to the safety procedures given, which appear in this
manual are based on the information tha t was available a t t he t im e of going to press. Technical specifications, dim e nsions, weights and proper t ie s do not r e pr e se nt guaranteed qualit ie s. The manufacturer reserves the right to make alterations and modifications within the framework of legal provi-
sions, as well as c ha nge s a i m e d a t im pr oving product quality .
Please keep these instru ctions safely, s o that you c an use them fo r future reference!
We are looking forw ard to receive y our ideas and suggestions for the fur ther improvement of t his manual. We would like to ask y ou to send them to us at t he f ollowing address:
info@kling-freitag.de or: KLING & FREITAG GMBH Junke rsstr .14 D- 30179 Hannov er Phone +49 (0) 511 - 96 99 70 Fa x +49 ( 0) 511 - 67
37 94
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