18.10.2016 Ex-proof roof fans WP-…-D/Ex
Use and Maintenance Manual
Explosion-proof roof fans
ATEX mark: II 2 G c Ex e ll T3

Ex-proof roof fans WP-…-D/Ex 18.10.2016
1. Introductory Remarks ......................................................................... 3
2. Application ......................................................................................... 4
3. Reservations of Producer .................................................................... 5
4. Technical Data .................................................................................... 5
5. Structure and Function....................................................................... 7
6. Assembly and Start-up ........................................................................ 7
7. Operational Use .................................................................................. 9
8. Troubleshooting Guide ........................................................................ 9
9. Maintenance ....................................................................................... 10
10. Occupational Health and Safety .......................................................... 10
11. Transport and Storage ........................................................................ 11
12. Terms of warranty .............................................................................. 11
13. Sample of the Declaration of Conformity ............................................ 14

18.10.2016 Ex-proof roof fans WP-…-D/Ex
1. Introductory Remarks
The purpose of the present Use and Maintenance Manual is to supply User with directions
within the range of application, installation, start-up and the use of the WP-…-D/Ex
explosion proof roof fans.
Installing, start up and operational use are exclusively admissible after getting acquain-
ted with the contents of the Use and Maintenance Manual.
With regard to continuity of work carried on improvement of our products, we reserve for ourselves the revision possibility of the draft and technological changes improving their functionnal features and safety.
The construction of the WP-…-D/Ex explosion proof roof fans meets the requirements of
the current state of technology as well as the safety and health assurances included in:
2006/42/EC Machinery Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council
of May 17th, 2006 on machinery – amending the 95/16/EC (recast)
/ Journal of Laws EC L157 of 09.06.2006, page 24 /
2014/35/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 26th, 2014
on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to the making available on the
market of electrical equipment designed within certain voltage limits
/ Journal of Laws EC L96 of 29.03.2014 /
2014/34/EC ATEX Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 26th,
2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to equipment and
protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
/ Journal of Laws EC L96 of 29.03.2014 /
The device has been constructed and produced on the basis of following harmonized standards:
“Safety of machinery – Basic concepts, general principles
for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction”.
“Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines.
Part 1: General requirements”.
“Safety of machinery – Safe distances to prevent hazard
zones being reached by upper and lower limbs”.
PN-EN 60079-0:2013/A11:2014
“Electrical appliances in areas of gas explosion risk.
Part 0: General requirements”.
“Electrical appliances for explosive gas atmospheres.
Part 7: Increased safety “e”.
“Explosive atmospheres. Explosion prevention and protection.
Basic terminology and methodology”.
“Non-electric appliances in areas of explosion risk – Part 1
– Basic concepts and requirements”.
“Designing of fans applied in areas of explosion hazard”

Ex-proof roof fans WP-…-D/Ex 18.10.2016
2. Application
WP-…-D/Ex explosion proof roof fans are intended for conveying explosive atmospheres
i.e. mixtures of flammable substances in form of gases vapours and mists with the air in
atmospheric conditions, where after the ignition the burning mass is expanding into the
entire volume of the whole mixture.
Due to their increased fan pressure they can work with local exhausts and with a ventilation
system of significant flow resistances. They can work with discharge installations of required
dynamic rise.
The fans can work in temperature range -20C up to +40C.
They are meant for forwarding the dry air of dustiness not exceeding 0,3 g/m³.
Admissible temperature of the conveyed air amounts +60C.
According to the ATEX 2014/34/EC Directive and PN-EN 13463-1 the appliance features
level of protection:
as appliance classified in group II, category 2; and it can work in areas where
explosive atmospheres are possible to occur. It can be applied in zones 1, 2 (G).
the appliance is marked on the Ex classification board:
Marking of the operational conditions of the device: group / category / hazard / class.
marking for explosion proof properties of the device,
group II – the device is designed for work on-ground, in places where explosive atmospheres
occur, but this cannot be methane risk, neither carbon dust,
category 2 – the device is designed for application in areas where explosive atmospheres
are likely to occur,
“c” – refers the constructional protection,
Ex – mark of the electrical device – constructed and tested according to the European
standards for work in areas of explosion risk,
execution “e” – type of construction of the motor (a motor of increased safety)
gas explosion group II – occurring in plants on ground – the fans are constructed according
to the PN-EN 14986:2009, whereby they can be applied for gas in explosion group IIA, IIB
and hydrogen,
temperature class T3 – the temperature of any part of the device should not exceed 200ºC;
the device can be used safely in explosive atmospheres belonging to classes T1, T2, T3.

18.10.2016 Ex-proof roof fans WP-…-D/Ex
3. Reservations of Producer
Manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences following from the operational use
that is in contradiction to the purpose of application.
Installing any additional elements not belonging to the normal device structure
(or accessory set) is not acceptable.
Any structural changes or device modifications on one’s own are not permitted.
Protect the appliance’s housing from mechanical damage.
Before installing – it is important it examine the load carrying capability of the structural
elements of the building where the roof fan shall be installed. Unsure mounting could result in uncontrolled device detachment, its damage and hazard to people in the vicinity.
F. Do not use the fan for conveying the air containing viscous impurities
that could deposit on the device surface, especially on the impeller.
G. Neither use it for forwarding the air with aggressive pollutants which
will destructively effect the device structure.
During operation, the maximum impeller rotations should not exceed the nominal rotations.
Producer is not responsible for wounds, injuries, body laceration experienced by
User or personnel during the improper operational use.
4. Technical Data
Table No.1
from the
from distance
from the
from distance
volume flow
Noise measurement has been conducted:
– at maximum volume flow,
– at the TK silencer attached at the fan inlet (silencer length 370 mm for WP-3-E/Ex
and 1000 mmm for the other fans from the series,
Maximum temperature of the conveyed air is +60ºC,
whereas maximum temperature within the work zone +40ºC.
Maximum dustiness of the conveyed air should not exceed 0,3 g/m3.