Operating Instructions and Installation
3-1-2(a) Auto Operation
1. In this mode, operation mode(COOL, HEAT) is selected automatically by the room temperature of
initial operation.
∆T=-1˚C, -2˚C, 0˚C, +1˚C, +2˚C
∆T is controlled by setting temperature TEMP. SET Key of remote contro l l e r.
2 . In Auto mode, the optimum fan speed is selected automatically and cannot be changed.
· Set the "Auto" for heating.
· Set the "NATURAL" for cooling.
3-1-2(b) Cool Operation
1. The compressor is automatically turned on/off by the diff e rence between the current temperature
and desired temperature .
2. By selecting the fan speed , the operation of "low", "medium", "high", "natural", "auto" mode is
s e l e c t e d .
3. The compressor is turned on/off by the change of the current temperature .
• The compressor is turned off when the current temperature is equal to the desired temperature .
• The compressor is turned on when the current temperature is +1˚C of the desired temperature .
4. D e s i red temperature setting range : 18˚C ~ 30˚C it can be changed by the unit of 1˚C.
5. T h ree minutes delay operation of the compre s s o r.
3-1-2(c) Heat Operation
1. The compressor is automatically turned on/off by the diff e rence between the current temperature
and desired temperature .
2. By selecting the fan speed , the operation of "low", "medium", "high", "auto" mode is selected.
3. The compressor is turned on/off by the change of the current temperature .
• The compressor is turned off when the current temperature is +1˚C of the desired temperature .
• The compressor is turned on when the current temperature is -1˚C of the desired temperature .
4. D e s i red temperature setting range : 16˚C ~ 30˚C it can be changed by the unit of 1˚C.
5. Delay operation of the compre s s o r.
3-1-2 Main Controller Function
Room Temp. Operation Type
Tr ≥ 21˚C + ∆T Cool operation (Set Temp.:24˚C + ∆T)
Tr < 21˚C + ∆T Heat operation (Set Temp.:22˚C + ∆T)
T h ree minutes
d e l a y
4 0 s e c - 3 m i n u t e s .
• Three minutes delay setting condition
After power re s e t
On again after compressor off
• Delay setting condition
After power reset or shut down
c o m p ressor by control the desire d
t e m p e r a t u re : 3 m i n u t e s .
After deice:40sec.
After shut down compressor or 4-way
v a l v e : 1 / 2 m i n u t e s