Before using your air conditioner, please read
this manual carefully and keep it for future reference.
Please read this installation manual completely
before installing the product.
If the power cord is damaged, replacement work
shall be performed by authorised personnel only.
Installation work must be performed in accordance
with the national wiring Standards by authorised
personnel only.
Contact an authorised service technician for
repair, maintenance or installation of this unit.
Electrical work .................. .......................................................................................................12
Test running ...................... .....................................................................................................14
Contact an authorised service technician for repair or maintenance of this unit.
Contact the authinstaller for installation of this unit.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons(including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
air conditioner.
If the power cord is to be replaced, replacement work shall be performed by
authorised personnel only.
Installation work must be performed in accordance with the national wiring
standards by authorised personnel only.
Read t he f oll ow S AFE TY P RE CAU TI ONS c ar efu ll y bef or e ins ta lla ti on.
Inst al lat io n mus t be perf ormed i n accor dance w ith the r equir ement o f NEC and C EC by
auth or ize d perso nnel on ly.
Inco rr ect i ns tal latio n due to ig norin g of the in struc tion wi ll caus e harm or d amage , and the
seri o usnes s is clas sifie d by the fo llowi ng indi catio ns.
This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates the possibility of injury or damage to property.
The items to be followed are classified by the symbols:
Symbol will background white denotes item that is PROHIBITED from doing.
1) Engage dealer or specialist for installation. If installation done by the user is defective, it will cause water
leakage, electrical shock or fire.
2) Install according to this installation instructions strictly. If installation is defective, it will cause water
leakage, electrical shock or fire.
3) Use the attached accessories parts and specified parts for installation. otherwise, it will cause the set to fall,
water leakage, electrical shock or fire.
4) Install at a strong and firm location which is able to withstand the set s weight. If the strength is not enough
or installation is not properly done, the set will drop and cause injury.
5) For electrical work, follow the local national wiring standard, regulation and this installation instructions. An
independent circuit and single outlet must be used. If electrical circuit capacity is not enough or defect found
in electrical work, it will cause electrical shock or fire.
6) Use the specified cable and connect tightly and clamp the cable so that no external force will be acted on
the terminal. If connection or fixing is not perfect, it will cause heat-up or fire at the connection.
7) Wiring routing must be properly arranged so that control board cover is fixed properly. If control board cover
is not fixed perfectly, it will cause heat-up at connection point of terminal, fire or electrical shock.
8) When carrying out piping connection, take care not to let air substances other than the specified
refrigerant go into refrigeration cycle. Otherwise, it will cause lower capacity, abnormal high pressure
in the refrigeration cycle, explosion and injury.
9) Do not modify the length of the power supply cord or use of extension cord, and do not share the
single outlet with other electrical appliances. Otherwise, it will cause fire or electrical shock.
1) This equipment must be earthed and installed with earth leakage current breaker. It may cause electrical
shock if grounding is not perfect.
2) Do not install the unit at place where leakage of flammable gas may occur. In case gas leaks and
accumulates at surrounding of the unit, it may cause fire.
3) Carry out drainage piping as mentioned in installation instructions. If drainage is not perfect, water
may enter the room and damage the furniture.
Selec tin g install ation pla ce
Rea d compl etely, then follow step by step.
Indo or u nit
Do not e xp ose t he i ndo or u nit t o he at or ste am .
Sele ct a p lac e wh ere t he re ar e no o bstac les
in fro nt o r aro un d the u ni t.
Make s ur e tha t co nde ns ati on d raina ge can
be con ve nie nt ly ro ut ed aw ay.
Do not i ns tal l ne ar a do or way.
Ensu re t hat t he s pac e on t he le ft a nd righ t
of the u ni t is mo re t han 1 2c m/4.7 2in.
Use a st ud f ind er t o loc at e studs t o preve nt u nne ce ssa ry d ama ge t o the wal l.
The in do or un it s hou ld b e ins ta lled on t he w all a t a he igh t of 2 .3m /7 .55ft o r mo re fr om t he fl oo r.
The in do or un it s hou ld b e ins ta lled al lowin g a mi nim um c lea ra nce o f 15 cm/5. 9i n fro m th e cei li ng.
Any va ri ati on s in pi pe l eng th w ill/m ay r equ ir e adj us tme nt t o refri geran t ch arg e.
Ther e sh oul d no t be an y di rec t su nligh t. O the rw ise , th e sun w il l fade th e plast ic c abi ne t and
aff ect i ts a ppe ar anc e. I f unavo idabl e, s unl ig ht pr ev ent io n shoul d be take n in to co ns ide ra tio n.
Outd oo r uni t
More than
If an aw ni ng is b ui lt ov er t he outd oor uni t to
prev en t dir ec t sun li ght o r ra in expo su re,
make s ur e tha t he at ra di ation f rom the
cond en ser i s no t res tr ict ed .
Ensu re t hat t he c lea ra nce a ro und the b ack
of the u ni t is mo re t han 3 0c m/11.81i n and lef t
side i s mo re th an 3 0cm /11 .8 1in. The fr on t of th e
unit s ho uld h av e mor e th an 20 0c m/78. 74 in of
clea ra nce a nd t he co nn ect io n side (r ight si de )
shou ld h ave m or e tha n 60 cm/23 .62in o f cl ear an ce.
Do not p la ce an im als a nd p lan ts i n the pat h of t he ai r in let o r ou tle t.
Take the a ir c ond it ion er w eig ht i nto acc ou nt an d se lec t a pl ace w he re no is e and vib ratio n
will n ot b e an is su e.
Sele ct a p lac e so t hat t he w arm a ir a nd nois e fr om th e ai r con di tio ne r do not di sturb n ei ghb or s.
More than
More than 200cm/78.74in
More than 15cm/5.9in
(to the ceiling)
More than 2.3m/7.55ft
(from the floor)
Fig. 1
More than30cm/11.81in
Fig. 2
More than
More than
Rooft op in stallat ion:
If the o ut doo r un it is i ns talle d on a roof s tr uct ur e, be s ur e to leve l the uni t.
Ensu re t he ro of s tru ct ure and a nchor in g met ho d are a de qua te f or the un it loca ti on.
Cons ul t loc al c ode s re gar di ng roof to p mou nt ing .
If the o ut doo r un it is i ns talle d on roof s tr uct ur es or e xt ern al w alls, t hi s may r es ult i n ex ces si ve
nois e an d vib ra tio n, a nd ma y al so be cla ssed as a n on s erv ic eab le i nst al latio n.
Too ls needed f or in stal lat ion:
Leve l ga uge
Scre wd riv er
Elec tr ic dr il l,H ol e cor e dr ill (φ90m m/ 3.5 4i n)
Flar in g too l se t
Spec if ied t or que w re nch es : 1.8kg f. m,
4.2k gf .m, 5 .5 kgf.m , 6. 6kg f. m
(diffe re nt de pe ndi ng o n model N o.)
Span ne r (ha lf u nio n)
Hexa go nal w re nch ( 4m m/0 .1 57in)
Gas- le ak de te cto r
Vacu um pu mp
Gaug e ma nif ol d
User s ma nua l
Ther mo met er
Mult im ete r
Pipe c ut ter
Meas ur ing t ap e
Numb er
No te: E xc ept t he a bove pa rt s pro vi ded, th e ot her p ar ts need ed d uri ng i nstal la tio n yo u
must p ur cha se .
Name o f Acce ss or ies
Inst al latio n Pl ate
Clip An ch or
Self-tapping Screw A ST3.9X25
Seal (F or c oo lin g & heati ng mod els o nly)
Drai n Jo int(F or c ool ing & hea ting mo dels on ly)
Remote controller
Self-tapping Screw B ST2.9X10
Remote controller holder
Quick connecting refrigerant pipe
Air freshening filter(used to install on Air filter)
Sound deadening pads(used to wrap up the
quick connectors)
Air Filter
Q ty’
5-8( de pendi ng o n mod el s)
5-8( de pendi ng o n mod el s)
Opti on al
part s
1(de pe nding o n mo del s)
Use a st ud f in de r to l ocate s tu ds t o pr ev ent
unne ce ss ar y da mage to t he w al l.
Two of th e A, B an d C di re ct ions sh ou ld b e
free f ro m ob st ru ction s.
This i ll us tr at ion is fo r ex pl an at ion pur po se s
Copp er l in es m us t be insu la te d in de pende nt ly.
30cm above
Air Outlet
200cm above
Fig. 3
60cm above
30cm above
60cm above
Qui ck conn ectin g
ref riger ant pip e
Remote Controller
Mounting screw B
Remote controller
+ 11 hidden pages
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