This is the user manual for “PressIt - Multi-Band Compressor”, developed
by Klevgränd produktion. It was designed to be used as a flexible tool to
tame all kinds of audio with dynamic difficulties. The plugin comes in two
versions – an iPad app and a Desktop plugin (AU & VST).
Get the iOS version at the App Store!
Get the AU / VST version at
In short, PressIt consists of three compressors, who work independently of
each other. They are fed with the low, mid & high frequency band of the
incoming audio signal.
A. Input panel
1. Input volume: A knob for instant increasing or decreasing the input
level. Use it wisely. Or be creative. The possibilities are 201.
2. Lookahead: If set to on, the compression algorithm will sound a bit
more transparent, but will introduce 20 milliseconds of latency."