klevgrand Haaze II User Manual


This is the user manual for Haaze, a stereo widening audio plug-in effect available for iPad (AUv3) and Mac & Windows (AU/VST/AAX). It has been designed and developed by Klevgrand, a small studio in Stockholm, Sweden.
Get the iOS version at the App Store
Get the AU / VST / AAX version at klevgrand.se
Until unlocked, the plug-in will output 1 second of silence now and then. To unlock the full version, click the Demo label (bottom left corner) and type/paste your license key.

Basic concepts

Haaze is a 16 band stereo widening tool for controlling stereo width and spatially positioning an audio stream. It can utilize three different methods:


Adds a small delay to the left or right audio channel which will make the listener believe the sound arrives from the side that’s reaching the ear first.
Alters the gain level on one of the audio channels. All 16 bands can be panned separately, so this method is quite similar to the common “split eq” function in various equalizers.

MS Stereo

Controls the output stereo width on each band, from full stereo to mono.
There’s also a view for controlling the output gain of all bands separately.


HAAZE II – DOCS ( / )1 3
© 2019 Klevgränd Produkter AB
Haaze II
Stereo tool
Input audio
Output audio

User Interface

The plugin UI consists of four tabs (buttons and tab view), a factory preset menu, an edit mode switch and a bypass button.
Click the tab button to make one of the tabs show up.
All tab views consist of 16 sliders. All of these sliders controls the 16 different bands. Depending on what tab is selected, different parameters are controlled.
When playing audio, there’s two types of indicators. The bars (vu meters) shows each band’s level, and the waveform reflects stereo width over the frequency spectrum.

Haas tab

This view controls the delay times on the left or right channel (depending on the direction of each slider). The times ranges from 0 to 40 ms. If a slider value is set above the middle line, the sound will perceived as if it comes from the left side (the right channel will be delayed by the amount indicated), if value is set below the middle line, the left channel will be delayed.

Pan tab

Pans each band to the left or right. If a slider value is set above the middle line, the signal will be panned to the left, and if it’s set below it will be panned to the right.

M/S tab

Controls the final stereo width. A max (100% value) doesn't change the audio stream. A lower value will decrease the sides volume (0% will output a mono stream).

Gain tab

Sets the gain level on each band. Ranges from +10 dB to total silence where 0dB is in the middle of the view.
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© 2019 Klevgränd Produkter AB
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