Klever B25 User Manual

2.! Introduction! !...............................................................................................................................................................................! 6!
3.! EC ! Declaration! of!conformity!!!...................................................................................................................................................!8!
5.!Behavior!in!road! traffic! !...........................................................................................................................................................!10!
!!!!6.1! Sensors! and! fu n ctio n! !! .................................................................................................................................................! 12!
!!!!6.2! Levels! of! support! !! .........................................................................................................................................................! 13!
!!!!!!!!!!6.3.2! Assembly! and! disassembly! of! the! Display! !.....................................................................................................21!
!!!!6.4!Battery! !!...........................................................................................................................................................................!22!
!!!!!!!!!!6.4.1!Charging!of!the! battery!!!..................................................................................................................................!25!
!!!!!!!!!!6.4.3!Disassembly!and! assembly!of!the! battery! !.....................................................................................................! 28!
!!!!!!!!!!6.4.4!Transport! of!the!battery! !!................................................................................................................................! 2 9 !
!!!!6.5!Troubleshooting!!!............................................................................................................................................................! 29!
7.!The!Bicycle!!...............................................................................................................................................................................! 30!
!!!!7.1!Saddle!and!handlebar!adjustment!!! ................................................................................................................................! 30 !
!!!!7.3! Suspension! fork! !! ...........................................................................................................................................................! 34!
!!!!7.4! Brakes! !.............................................................................................................................................................................! 34!
!!!!7.5!Drive!and! gearshift!!! .......................................................................................................................................................!36!
!!!!7.6! Lighting! !........................................................................................................................................................................! 38!
!!!!7.8!Luggage!carriers!!!.............................................................................................................................................................!4 3!
!!!!7.9!Child!seat!!! .......................................................................................................................................................................!4 4 !
!!!!7.11!Locks!and! anti-the ft! system! !!.......................................................................................................................................! 45!
!!!!7.12!Accessories!!!..................................................................................................................................................................! 46! ! ! ! !
8.!Transport! of! the! bike!!!..............................................................................................................................................................!47!
9.! Maintenance,! care! and! storage! !! ................................................................................................................................................!
10.! Disposal! !! .................................................................................................................................................................................! 49!
11.!Technical! Data!!........................................................................................................................................................................!5 1!
12.!Liability! for! material! defects! and! warranty! !! ........................................................................................................................! 54!
13.! In te n d e d! use! !! .......................................................................................................................................................................! 56!
14.!Wear.........................................................................................................................................................................................! 5 7!
15.!Legal!requiremen ts! for! participation!in!traffic!!! ....................................................................................................................! 58!
16.!Regular!inspections! –! inspection! plan! !! .................................................................................................................................! 59!
17.!FAQs..........................................................................................................................................................................................!59 !
18.!Bicycle!passport! !! ....................................................................................................................................................................! 61!
19.! Inspection! plan!!....................................................................................................................................................................! 62!
20.! Imprint!! ...................................................................................................................................................................................! 63!
On the first sides of this comprehensive instruction manual you will find this Quick start guide, where you can get a quick overview of the main features of the Pedelec.
For further information please read the additional instructions on the following
There you will find all the important technical issues and details and further
relevant information. Should you have any further questions, please ask one of
our authorized dealer or contact our technical hotline, whose contact details
are at the end of the manual.
Enjoy your Pedelec and we wish you a lot of fun
Your team of Klever Mobility.
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Image+2+complete +bik e +m a r kin g :+major+parts+of+the+electric+drive+
0 bar Display lights up
UL (Ultra Low)
No support; system is activated
1 bar
L (Low)
Low support
2 bar
M (Medium)
Medium support
3 bar
H (High)
High support
Additional press of the Walk / boost button (button on the display holder, boost function works whenever you pedaling and can be pressed at any stage)
T (Ultra High)
Strongest support
Press the Walk / Boost button when stopped
< 6 km/h
starting and pushing aid
Before starting the bike please always check the operation of the brakes and the air pressure in the tires.
To start the propulsion system the display must be mounted in the holder. There are two ways to activate the system:
'( ?1%&&)0#@)A"5@)D"1)')&%-"#@4!the start button (Image 3) – the
system runs for 3 sec through a systems check - now the
system is activated.
F( G"+)&$01$)8%@05,#H)and thus the system will wake up
automatically. After 3 sec. of system check, the electrical drive will support you. If the
bike is powered off by press power
button (image3), then the automatic start mechanism will function with 30 sec delay after powered off.!This is for the
user who wants to ride the bike under power off mode without any assistance.
Use the + (top left) and - (bottom left) buttons to select the desired
level of support. The support level is indicated by the bright beams on the right side of the letters H, M and L on the display.
The starting and pushing aid (max: 6 km/h) can activate whenever not pedaling and speed below 6 km/h.
To activate this support, press the Walk / Boost button.
To protect battery, when charging level is below 10%, maximum support level automatically limits to M (Medium), and L (low) when charging level below 5%, UL (Ultra low) when below 2%.
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The battery can be charged on (image 7a) and off (image 7b) bike (for removal the battery see Chapter 6.4.3.)
Connect the charger with the power cable and the power plug to the wall socket. The LED on the charger shows constant red light. The charger is ready for use (image 6)
Connect the charger plug from the charger to the charging socket on the battery (image 5+6+7 a+b)
The charging process starts automatically. Once the LED on the
charger constantly lit green the operation is complete and the
battery is charged. First pull the plug now, and second, remove the charger plug from the battery charger.
! Charger
Image 7b
Charging time of an empty battery takes about four hours (0-96%) (0-100%= 6 hours).! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Charging status
Charging Indicator (LED) Charger
Charging Indicator (LED) Battery
Flashing red
check connections
Steady red
Charger is ready
Flashing yellow
Flashing red
Capacity very low; charging starts, Normal charging
Steady yellow Flashing red
Normal charging
35 – 75%
Steady yellow
Flashing yellow
Normal charging
75 – 90%
Steady yellow
Flashing green
Normal charging
Flashing green
Flashing green
Final Charging
Steady green
no LED
Fully charged
With the purchase of a Pedelec of Klever Mobility You have made
the right purchase decision and got a high quality product with what
you will have much pleasure in everyday life.
Technically and functionally up to date, it is carefully manufactured using the highest quality materials and components. An excellent design and excellent value for money distinguishes this bike.
In order to have permanently unclouded driving pleasure with the new product, we would like you to read this manual carefully.
Everything you need to know in terms of technical specifications,
operation, maintenance and care we have in this booklet carefully compiled for your information.
Please note the additional information in the instructions supplied
with the components.
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Furthermore, if you need any further information or advice, please contact our technical hotline at ++49 (0)223-4933420 (Monday ­Friday from 8-17 clock), or contact an authorized retailer.
The latest available information on our products and other technical
information and videos can be found on our website:
Your bike is equipped by the StVZO (German Road Traffic Licensing
Regulations), and you can use it safely on public roads. It features a
bright-sounding bell, a complete lighting system with official marks
on the headlight, tail light and pedal reflectors and two independently functioning brakes at the front and rear wheels.
The additional electric drive is limited to max. 25 km / h, and thus complies
with the statutory requirements for a bicycle.
Due to the fact, the support is limited to max. 25 km/h, you do not need
driving license or an insurance.
Moreover, it is not mandatory to wear a helmet, even though we strongly
recommend you to wear one for your own safety.
We wish you a lot of fun and safe ridings at all times
Your Team of Klever Mobility
Klever Mobility Inc. No. 8, Ln.76, Sec.3, Zhongyang Rd., Tucheng Dist.; New Taipei City 236 Taiwan
Represented by:
Klever Mobility Europe GmbH Dieselstr. 6 D-50859 Köln www.klever-mobility.com Tel.: +49 2234 93342 0 info@klever-mobility.com
Hereby confirms for the product: B25 Model year 2013
The conformity with all applicable directives from the guideline:
The machine also conforms to all the directives in the guideline:
SFTTV7'TX7R!W)%5%-$1"30 H# %$ ,-)-"380$,I,5,$9)
The following harmonizing norms were applied to the product:
2LY)RY)'Z'[V)Bicycles-electrically power assisted cycles-EPAC
2LY)RY)'V\UV)City and trekking bicycles. Safety requirements and
testing procedure
Klever Mobility Europe GmbH Dieselstr. 6 D-50859 Köln
Andreas Fortmeier Technical Marketing & After Sales
Although your bike has been subjected to a final check during assembly
and by the dealer, the transport and the time might have caused
Therefore, before getting started the first time and later on before
every ride, you should consider some important things and check the
bike as listed below
1. Make yourself intensely familiar with the Pedelec and the functioning of the electric drive, before the first ride in public traffic.
2. Check the correct setting of the saddle and the handlebars. (see section 7.1. Saddle and handlebar adjustment.)
3. Check the correct function of the brakes.
4. Check the air pressure and the profile depth of the tires.
5. Check the lighting system for proper operation.
6. Check the tightness of the bolts and the wheels.
7. Check the minimum insertion of the seat post.
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Due to the electric auxiliary propulsion you reach high speeds and
accelerations much faster than you are used to with a regular bike.
Therefore, you should intensively familiarize yourself with the
Pedelec only on a traffic free road before you go in public traffic. During driving of the road you should follow these tips:
Always wear a bike helmet during riding.
Make yourself familiar with the traffic rules and stick to the rules.
Be ready to brake at any time and expect misconduct of others.
Drive defensively and be considerate to other road users.
Drive where it is always offered on the bike paths.
Always keep your bike in a perfect condition.
Use your bike only in accordance with its intended purpose.
(see chapter 13."normal use".)
Don´t use a mobile phone and a headset while driving.
Be sure to observe the maximum weight of 150 kg of the bicycle.
(see chapter 11. Technical Data.)
Please let check regular, according to the recommended service
intervals your Pedelec by an authorized workshop.
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You have purchased a Pedelec that helps you, with this electric propulsion system, of the movement in everyday life. Slops can be better managed and the wind resistance can be overcome better.
This electric auxiliary drive consists of the following components (image 8):
1. Battery
2. Engine/Motor
3. Control unit /Display,
4. Motor Controller
5. Torque sensor
6. Pedal Sensor
7. Charger (Image 8a)
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Once you have turned on the system (See also Section 6.3. Display) and you start pedaling the engine will
support you as long as you pedal, up to a max. speed of 25 km/h
This limitation of the support, the Pedelec moves within the legal framework of the Road Traffic Act and
is still considered as a normal bicycle. It is exempt from compulsory insurance and do not need a license.
Likewise, it is not compulsory to wear a helmet, although we strongly recommend it for your own safety.
The five (different) levels of support you can select according to the external circumstances (e.g. level four (high level) on climbing uphill or headwind) or your personal preferences. Please note that a high level of
support also means a higher consumption of energy and reduces the range of the system and the battery.
When you drive faster than 35 km / h, the automatic energy recovery (technical recuperation) is activated.
The motor operates as a generator and charges the battery again.
If you ride your B25 beyond 40Km/h (e.g. downhill) an audio warning signal will be emitted and the system
may enter auto-protection mode. In this condition the system is still alive (e.g. display lights up,
but the motor output is temporarily shut off, and will not automatically restored.
To restore the system from auto-protection mode to normal operation, press the power key to power off
your bike and then power it on again.
The Pedelec is equipped with a torque sensor in the dropouts, which is electronically controlled. This sensor accurately measures the change in tension
force of the chain at every step (left or right) and informs the system about the
force you exert during pedaling. A computer in the control unit then calculates
the values, with which the additional thrust of the motor it is very sensitive and
harmonious controlled.
During pedaling, the torque and the pedal sensor measure very sensitive and
exactly the drivers input and enables the motor controller to operate the
additionally support of the Motor.
The thrust itself can influence even on the five levels of support (Turbo, High,
Medium, Low, Ultra Low). This makes the system very efficient and economically, saves power consumption and maximizing range.
The additional speed sensor controls the power of the electric motor to zero once you have reached 25 km / h. From this and a higher speed the Pedelec works like a conventional bicycle.
But this also means that you have either to pedal or press the
Walk / boost button on the display bracket to retrieve power of
the electric motor.
This button functions as a starting and pushing aid to max.4 km/h
it helps you to accelerate from a standstill. It was designed as an
aid when starting uphill or for the case that the wheel has to be
The propulsion system provides five levels of support available.
Depending on topography, weather conditions and your own
feelings, you can choose the power of the engine by using the
plus (+) and minus (-) keys and the boost button on the control panel (see Section 6.3 display.).
When the button is pushed without pedaling, “Walk” mode provides motor output for <6km/h. When the button is pushed while pedaling, “Turbo” mode provides strongest support.
UL (Ultra Low)
No support, system is activated
L (low)
Low support
In the plain
M (medium)
Medium support
Slightly inclines; headwind
H (High)
High support
Steep inclines; fierce headwinds
T (Ultra High) (while pedaling)
Strongest support
Steep ramps; violent gusts
<6 km/h (no pedaling)
Starting and pushing aid
Starts on hill; pushing uphill
To protect battery, when charging level is below 10%, maximum support level automatically limits to M (Medium), and L (low) when charging level below 5%, UL (Ultra low) when below 2%.
Battery State of Charge Indicator
Key 4
Key 5
Key 3
Key 6
Display of the support levels
Indication of Speed, Day Trip and Remaining Range
Key 1
Key 2
The display (the control unit) is the heart of the electric auxiliary
propulsion with the display you start and control the entire electric drive system (image 9).
Each bicycle has its own individually programmed display. It is not
possible to activate your Pedelc with the display of another bike, not
either of Klever Mobility. Every keystroke is confirmed by a short
audio signal.
Once the display is engaged in the bracket (image 10), there are two
ways to start the electrical system:
'( ?1%&&)0#@)A"5@)D"1)')&%-"#@4)$A%)&$01$)I+$$"# - the system runs
for 3 sec through a systems check - now the system is activated
F( G"+)@1,E%)"DD)K,$A)$A%)I,.%)0#@)$1,HH%1)$A%)0+$"30$,-)K0.%)+8) )
3%-A0#,&3( There is a system check of 3 seconds and the
system is ready to go and then it supports you.
If the
bike is powered off by press power button (image3), then the automatic start mechanism will function with 30 sec delay after powered off. This is for the user who wants to ride the bike
under power off mode without any assistance.
By pushing the + (top left) or - (bottom left) buttons you can select
the desired levels of support in standstill or while driving.
Key assignment:
Key 1
Top Right
On/Off electrical system
Key 2
Lower Right
On/Off alarm and motor lock
Key 3 (-)
Lower left
Support level; switch down
Key 4 (+)
Top left
Support level; switch up
Key 5 (Info)
Between 3 and 4
Switching between current speed, remain range and trip distance
Upper bars
Charge level indicator; five bars of 20% each
Left/three horizontal bars
Level of support:
H-High; M-Medium; L-Low
Right area
Indication of: Speed; Range and day Trip
Key 6
Display holder
Starting and pushing aid; (at rest); Turbo
support; while driving
By pressing key 1 for 1 sec boot the system. The system performs a system check of about 1-2 seconds, and the drive system is ready to operate. The electric drive supports you depending on the level of assistance during pedaling.
By pressing this button again the system turned off and all settings are stored. Now the Pedelec works like a normal bicycle. Press the button again, the system starts at exactly the point at which you have turned it off and all old settings and levels of support are enabled again.
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By pressing the button 2 for 1 sec, the motor lock and the alarm system are activated and the system is ready to turn off. Now remove the display and the Pedelec is optimally protected against theft.
Once the display is re-assembled, the engine block is removed
and disabled the alarm system.
This Lock mode only works with electricity. The battery must be
installed with little capacity. If the battery is removed, you can´t
activate the motor lock and the alarm system.
By moving the bike forward within this mode the alarm system will
be activated immediately and you hear a loud high-pitched alarm
signal. At the same time the engine block is activated and the wheel
can only be pushed with very great force.
Lock function_
1. Lock Button (Image 12)
2. Press the release button (Image 13a)
3. Dismantling of the display (Image 13b)
Once the corresponding display is mounted again, the alarm will
be ended and the motor lock is deactivated.
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By pressing the button 3, you can reduce each support level always exactly one level. E.g. the selected support level is M (medium), and you press 3 (-), the assistance of the electric motor decrease by one level to L (Low).
Pressing the button 4 you can always increase each support level by exactly one level. E.g. the selected support level is on M (medium) and you push the plus button, the support level of the motor will increase exactly one level, in this case H (High)
By pressing the button 5 (info), all important information will be
accessed and displayed on the screen, which the system provides for
Normally, the display shows the current speed in km/h
. (image 17a;
for example 25km/h)
Press the Info button for one second, the display changes to the
range mode and shows the remaining range for the currently
selected power level.
Change the level by pressing the + or - button, the system calculates
the new range and displays it on the screen.(image 17b; for example
60 km)
When you are you in range mode and press the Info button again for one second, the display changes in the mileage mode. Now you will
be shown the number of kilometers since the last reset. (image 17c;
for example 10 km) Do you want to set the odometer to zero, e.g. at
the beginning of a day trip, press the Info button for two seconds,
and the display clears the kilometers and shows 0 km.
You will get back in the speed mode when you press the Info button
again for one second. After five seconds of inactivity, e.g. without
pressing any key, the system switches automatically back to the
speed mode.
This button has two functions:
'( ^&)0)&$01$,#H)0#@)8+&A,#H)0,@B)To help you pushing and/or
starting a bicycle at a traffic light on a ramp or facilitate uphill
you can press this button. As long as you hold the button, you
receive assistance from the engine without pedaling up to max.
4 km/h) When you release the button, the support from the motor will stop immediately.
This support only works until max. 4 km/h and when you are not
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F( ^&)0)$+1I")&+88"1$)KA,5%)@1,E,#H()When you need extra
support for a short period, for example, on a steep ramp, press the turbo button and get the highest possible maximum thrust from the engine, the system can provide.
The turbo support functions independently of the pre-set level of
As long as you hold the button, you get the extra boost.
When you release the button, the turbo support stop immediately and the system continue at the previously selected mode.
Turbo mode only works when pedaling simultaneously. When you
stop pedaling and / or release the Boost button the turbo
assistance from the motor will stop.
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The top five bars with the battery icon show the charging status of
the battery. If the five orange bars are lights up, the battery is full
(capacity 100%). One bar represents 20% of full capacity. If only one bar is shining,
only 20% of the maximum capacity of the battery is available. Now the battery should be recharged as soon as possible.
When the last bar flashes, there is only 10% battery capacity
remaining. Recharging of the battery is now urgently needed.
Additionally, you can check the charging level with the LED on the front side of the battery. (See also Section 6.4.1. Charging the
The lit bars before the left row of numbers on the screen with the letters H (high), M (medium) and L (Low) informing of the chosen level of support of the electric motor.
In the right column of the table we have listed recommended
settings, in which driving situation which level will be the best to use
the system optimally and minimize power consumption. Of course it
is possible to use the levels individually, e.g. driving in the plane with
the highest level of support (H).
Charging level
Five bars light up
Four bars light up
Three bars light up
Two bars light up
One bar light up
One bar flashes
Less than 10%
The main display will show you the current speed. Press for one second the Info button, the mode switches to range mode and you can see the remaining range of the system, with the currently chosen level of support. Modification of the support level changes also the range.
Press the Info button for a second again, the odometer mode will occur and you can see the driving kilometer since the last reset.
To reset the Odometer, you push the info button for 2 sec..
Press the Info button for one second, the display will return to
the speed mode.
After 5 sec. of inactivity the speed mode will came back automatically.
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UL (Ultra Low)
0 bar
Minus key
No support; System is activated
L (Low)
1 bar
Minus or plus key
Low support
In the plain
M (Medium)
2 bars
Minus or plus key
Medium support
Slightly inclines; headwind
H (High)
3 bars
Plus key
High support
Steep inclines; Fierce headwind
T (Ultra High)
0 - 3 bars
additional pushing of the Walk / boost button (button on the display holder, boost function works only when pedaling can be pressed at any support level
Strongest support
Steep ramps; Violent gusts
< 6 km/h
0 - 3 bars
By pressing the Walk/boost button in standstill/without pedaling
Starting and pushing aid
Pushing uphill; Starting aid
To protect battery, when charging level is below 10%, maximum support level automatically limits to M (Medium), and L (low) when charging level below 5%, UL (Ultra low) when below 2%.
+ 43 hidden pages