Remote Control for Volume an d Source Selection
Quick Start Guide

2 3Quick Star t GuideCP8000EU
1. Introduction
Welco me!
Thank you fo r purchasing the CP8 000EU remote cont rol panel for
the DM800 0 Digital Audio Pro cessor. In conjunct ion with DM8000,
theCP80 00EU panel provid es easy control over vol ume and source
selec tion. All illuminated s oft-touch contr ols are remotely powere d
by DM800 0 via CAT5/6 cabling, or any 5- conductor cab le.
The CP800 0EU will t in mo st standard- depth installat ion
enclosur es and will blend wit h any décor.
2. Front Panel
CP8000 EU Front Panel
1. AUXILIARY INPUT LABELING area p rovides space to not e
the name of th e assigned audio so urce. You may write
direc tly on the surfa ce or apply stick y labels.

4 5Quick Star t GuideCP8000EU
2. SOFT TOUCH BUT TONS can each be assig ned to a separate aud io input.
Press the b utton to activ ate the audio input as signed to that but ton.
When a but ton is active, the emb edded LED lights u p.
3. VOLUME KNOB c ontrols the output l evel. The volume control c an be
assigne d to the auxiliary i nput section o r main input bus.
3. Assembly and Mounting
The CP800 0EU fastens into t he installation en closure with t wo screws
beneath th e front plate. Remove t he front panel, and f asten the main unit
into the enc losure with the pr ovided mounting s crews. When the uni t is
securel y fastened, replac e the front panel.