© KLANG:technologies GmbH, Aachen, Germany, 2014 | All rights reserved | V0.1.6– 6-Oct-15
• 4 stereo headphone outputs at the front side (suitable for in-ears and standard headphones). Gain switch for highly sensi-
tive in-ears (-12 dB), normal headphones (0 dB), low output headphones (+12 dB)
• Analog line level outputs in SUB-D breakout at the rear side with flat frequency response starting from 5 Hz. Upper roll-
o frequency depending on sampling rate. (16Hz-20kHz ±0.1 dB). Nominal output level +4 dBu, max. +22 dBu.
Output impedance 75 Ω. Output level depending on gain switch at the front. Pin layout is not standard format.
• D-Sub pin out: 01|4L-, 02|GND, 03|4R-, 04|3L-,05|GND, 06|3R-,07|2L-, 08|GND, 09|2R-, 10|1L-, 1|GND,12|1R-, 13|n.c.,
14|4L+, 15|4R+, 16|GND, 17|3L+, 18|3R+, 19|GND, 20|2L+, 21|2R+, 22|GND, 23|1L+, 24|1R+, 25|GND.
• 3 (KLANG:fabrik) high class network interfaces with locking NEUTRIK® EhterCon connectors. 3 dierent configurations
(Dante redundant, 3 equal ports, separate control and Dante) can be chosen in Dante Controller software.
• 2 (KLANG:vier) high class network interfaces with locking NEUTRIK® EhterCon connectors. 2 dierent configurations: 2
equal network ports (switch attached control), separate control and Dante ports (switch detached control) can be chosen
in Dante Controller software.
• Dante module with 64 input and 64 output channels (Routing and configuration over Dante Controller software).
Currently the firmware only allows routing of 32 (Channel 1 to Channel 32) input and output channels of the
Dante Stream inside KLANG:fabrik and 24 input channels in KLANG:vier
• KLANG:vier uses a fixed routing scheme. Hence, user output 1–5 are always routed to the Dante module.
• 2 BNC connectors for input and output (KLANG:fabrik) and 1 BNC connector for output (KLANG:vier). Input with swit-
chable termination (75 Ω). Output clock is always connected to internal DSP processing clock. Prefer using professional
clock cabling with word clock output connected to e.g. optional AD converters over clock recovery from optical audio
• 4 input and 4 output (KLANG:fabrik) and 3 input (KLANG:vier) optical audio compatible with ADAT. Each optical audio in-
terface can handle 8 channels at 44.1 / 48 kHz with 24 bit precision. Optical audio connectors are non-locking.