All trad emarks a re acknowledge d as the propert y of their respec tive owners.
Unless ot herwi se stated their use do es not imply th at the trademark own er is aliated
Warning: To prevent p ossible heari ng damage, do not li sten at high volume l evels for long
periods. For your own safety, please be aware of your surroundings when using these
Please c ontact your loca l recycling cent re for more informat ion on proper dis posal.
with Kit Sound or endors es the products he rein.
earphones. Not suitable for children.
Your product a nd batteries mu st be recycled or di sposed of prope rly.
JB. 5815 -a / Made in Chi na. © KitSound is a trademark of Ko ndor Limited, 2017.
Christc hurch, Dorset, BH23 4 FL, UK
Please read this manual carefully before use.
Box contents
• KS Slammers Wireless Headphones
• Micro USB charge ca ble
• 3.5 m m aux cab le
• User manual
Instructions for use
Charging the battery
1. Conne ct the Micro USB charging c able to the Micro USB charging
port (5) and plug into power
2. The LED indicator (2) wi ll be red whilst ch arging, and nish
after around 2 ho urs. The LED indi cator (2) wil l turn solid blue
once charged
1. Next track/Volume+
2. LED indicator
3. Previous track/ Volume–
4. Multi-function butto n (MFB)
5. Micro USB charging por t
Note: If the LED indicator (2) ashes re d twice every 30 se conds and
a warning beep is heard, th e batter y is low.
Note: The r st charg e may take up to 3 hours to complete.
6. 3.5 mm Aux port
7. Microphone
2 3