Kitsound Mini Buddy User Manual
Do not dispose of Lithium Polymer batteries with general waste. Please return it to battery recycling collection point
JB. 258 7 / Made in China . © KitSoun d™ 2013
Chris tchurch, Dor set. BH23 4 FL
We are craf tspeople. We are
music ians. We are Ki tSound
And we al l commit ours elves to
achie ving one shared goal: Br inging peopl e closer to thei r music . By truly under standing mu sic we stay true to
its cr aft. Pure, r ich, incred ible sound.
We’ll se ttle for nothi ng less.
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At KS we be lieve your mu sic deserv es to be show cased on grea t quality pr oducts
that don’ t cost the earth. We mi ght not
all share the same ta ste in music (the
feroc ious dispute s on music foru ms prove that), but w hether it’s Irish folk, death metal or any num ber of obscure
genre s which seem to be m ultiplying by
the minu te, the artis ts respons ible for
conne cting with yo u through thei r craf t
have ba red their soul s to do so. And we
think th at’s worth cel ebrating.
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