WARN ING: To prevent poss ible hearin g damage, do not listen at high volume levels for lo ng periods.
For your own safety, please be aware of your surroundings when using these earphones.
Your produc t and batteries must be recycl ed or dispose d of properly.
Pleas e contact your lo cal recyclin g centre for more information o n proper disposal.
All trad emarks are ac knowledge d as the proper ty of their res pective owne rs.
Unles s otherwise s tated their use d oes not imply that the tradema rk owner is
aliate d with KitSou nd or endorse s the products h erein.
JB.4687 / Made in China. © KitSound™ 2016. Chris tchurch, Dorse t, BH23 4FL, UK
We are craftspeople. We are musicians. We are KitSound
And we all commit ourselves to achieving one shared goal:
Bringing people closer to their music. By truly understanding
music we stay true to its craf t. Pure, rich, incredible sound.
We’ll settle for nothing less.