U.S. Government Federal law prohibits removal of this label before consumer purchase.
Cost Range of Similar Models
$60 $78
Cost range based only on models of similar capacity with automatic defrost,
side-mounted freezer, and with through-the-door ice service.
Estimated operating cost based on a 2007 national average electricity cost of
10.65 cents per kWh.
For more information, visit www.ftc.gov/appliances. (P/N W10403232 Rev. A)
• Automatic Defrost
• Side-Mounted
• With Through-The-Door-Ice Service
KitchenAid by Whirlpool
Models: KSF26C6XY*0*,
Capacity: 25.8 Cubic Feet
Estimated Yearly Operating Cost
510 kWh
Estimated Yearly Electricity Use
Your cost will depend on your utility rates and use.
The estimated yearly operating cost of this model was not available at the time the range was published.
per year / par année
Energy consumption / Consommation énergétique
Similar models
Model number
Modèles similaires
Numéro du modèle
Uses least energy /
Consomme le
moins d'énergie
Uses most energy /
Consomme le plus
Removal of this label before first retail purchase is an offense (S.C.
1992, c.36).
Enlever cette étiquette avant le premier achat au détail constitue
une violation de la loi (S.C. 1992, c.36).
732 kWh
504 kWh
Type 7
24.5 _ 26.4
volume in ft3 / volume en pi3
This model / Ce modèle
W10403232 Rev. A