KitchenAid 4367501 User Manual

30” Electric
Built-in/Built-under Flush Oven
IMPORTANT: Read and save
these instructions.
Installer: Leave lnslallation Instructions with the homeowner. Homeowner: Keep Installation Instructions for future reference. Save Installation Instructions for local electrical inspector’s use.
Part No. 4367501

Undercounter installation

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dlmenrlonl IO, cooklop openmg NOTE CMnop must DL .pprovea
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Check IO, appr0v.l hbel loc.kd on
II” rnnnsn kll,nr, ho. ” I.bcl IS
Before you start...
Read Ihe alectrlcal and carpet-W instructions.
conne&n lo a separate, 240~volt circuit. II a ZOB-volt circuit must be used, wiring inside oven must be modified. See “Connection lo 208~voll circull: Panel 13. for details
Proper ~nslallauon IS your responsWty A qualtlled techn,c,an should ~nslall lhls oven tiake sure you have everylhmg necessary lor correct lnslallallon
Check location where oven will be lnslalled The local~on should be away lrom slrong drah areas such as windows doors. and strong heating “en& or lans The we” should be localed lor conven~nl use I” kllchen
Cablnel opening dimensions lhal are shown musl be used Bollom suppon surlace must be sol,d level and able 10 suppo” a “N”lm”m 01
150 Ibs
The recessed inslallallon area musl prowde complele enclosure around Ihe recessed po”lon 01 Ihe we”
Eleclrical ground 1s reqwred See Eleclncal
Eleclrical Shock Hazard
II is the cuslomer’s responsibility:
-To contact a qualified electrical installer.
-To assure that Ihe electrical installation is adequate and in conformance with National Eleclrical Code, ANSUNFPA 70. lalesl edition’. and all local codes and ordinances.
Failure lo do so could result m eleclrical shock or other personal injury.
Personal Injury Hazard
Securely fasten oven lo cabinet using lhe Iwo screws provided. Failure lo do so could cause Ihe cwen lo move or lip during use and resull in personal injury.

Wall installation

i I I I I I I
1 Do No,, block :b::nt?e 1
Blockmg the cwen venl may cause cabmet damage and poor baking perlormance.
-This oven is nol intended lor
commercial use.
. The oven supporl surlace musl be flush
with lhe bottom of Ihe cabinet c~louI.
*Clearances specified are lor
combustible walls and malerlals lhal have a density 0120 or more pounds per cubic fool. No evalualion has been made lor inslallatlons adjacent lo materials lhal are less than 20 pounds per cu. It or lo plaslic liles and sheering.
Imponant: Observe all governing codes and ordinances.
Tools needed for
?arts supplied for
Panel A
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