KitchenAid 3147388 User Manual

30” Electric Glass Ceramic
Drop-h Range
with Self-Cleaning Oven
Read and save
these instructions.
homeowner. Homeowner: Keep lnstallalion Instructions for future reference Save Inslallation Instructions for local electrical Inspector’s use.
Part No. 3147388 Rev A
Important: Observe all governing codes and ordinances.
Grounded electrlcal
IS required See Eleclr~cal requlremenls.
Countertop preparation:
You may need lo shave or cul Ihe Irim of formed or melal Iront-edged counlerlops lo clear Ihe 30” wldlh of cooklop
Front view of cablnel cutout
Side view of cabinet culout
Top view of cabinet cutout
Read the Electrycal and Carpentry
Proper wlallallon IS your respons~b~llly A quaIllied lechnlclan should install Ihis range Make sure you have everythIng necessary lor correcl lnslallallon responslbillly lo make sure lhal lhe counlerlop has been properly prepared, and lo conlacl a quaIllIed eleclr~cal lnslaller lo assure that Ihe eleclrlcal lnslallalion IS correcl
Cabinet storage above the cooking SUrfaCe should be avoided. If cabinets are alreadv inslalled, reducethe hazard of reaching over a heated cooking surface by lnslalling a range hood. The range hood should extend a minlmum of 5 Inches oul from Ihe bottom front of the cabinets.
Reaching over a heated cooking surface could result in a serious burn.
It is Ihe customer’s responsibility: . To contacl a qualified electrical Inslaller. . To assure lhat Ihe electrical installation
is adequate and in conformance with National Eleclrical Code, ANSllNFPA
70. lalesl edition’, and all local codes
and ordinances. Failure 10 do so could result in fire, electrical shock or olher personal injury.
lobile home installation The lnslallatlon of this range must conform lo the Manufactured Home Consiruct~on and Safely Slandards Title 24 CFR. Pari 3280 fformerlv lhe Federal Slandard for Moblle Home donslrucl~on and Safely. Title 24 HUD Part 280) or when such standard 1s not applicable. Ihe Slandard for Manufactured Home Slies Communfhes and Selups). ANSI A225 l-1 987. or latest edllion or wllh local codes
When IhIs range 1s wxlalled in a moblIe home, II musl be secured lo Ihe floor during trawl Any method of securlng Ihe range 1s adequale as long
as I! conforms lo lhe standards lIsted above Fourwwe power supply cable musl be used in a
mobile horn? ~nstallal~on The appliance wlnng wll need lo be revwd See Electrical requlremenls
Figure 3, Panel R
Copes of ihe standards Ifsted may be oblalned from * National Fire Protectton Association
Batterymarch Park Quincy, Massachusetts 02269
Personal Injury Hazard
Eleclrical Shock Hazard
It IS Ihe cus1omers
Tools needed for

Electrical requirements

Electrical Shock Hazard
* Electrical ground is required on this
. If cold water pipe is interrupted by
plastic, non-metallic gaskets, or other insulating materials, Do Not use for
grounding. * Do Not ground to a gas pipe. * Do Not have a fuse in the neutral or
grounding circuit. A fuse in the neutral
or grounding circuit could result in
electrical shock.
-Check with a qualified electrician if you
are in doubt as to whether the appliance
is properly grounded Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious injury or death.
If codes permit and a separate grounding wire is used, it is recommended that a qualified electrician determine that the grounding path is adequate.
IMPORTANT: Save Installation Instructions for the local eleclrical inspector’s use.
A three-wire or a four-we s;ngle
’ phase, 1201240 voll 60 Hz AC only eleclrical supply (or three-wire or four-we 120’ 208 voli I( specified on serial plaie) IS required on a separaie c~rcul. fused on bolh sides of Ihe I~ne Do Not fuse the neutral A Ilme-delay fuse or c~rcu~l breaker IS recommended The fuse we rnusl no! exceed Ihe clrcull rating of Ihe appliance speclfled on the serlaliratlng plale which IS localed on frame behind oven door
Wire sues and connrcl~ons musl
’ conform lo Ihe requirements 01 the Nallonol Eleclr~cal Code, ANSlsNFPA 70-lalesl edition’ and all local codes and ordinancrs for 111~ kilowar\ rating of Ihe range
This appliance should be connected lo
’ the (used-disconned (or clrcu~l breakp;\
box through flexible. armored or nonmelalllc sheathed. copper cable (with grounding wire\
The flexible armored cable extending from Ihe
appliance should be connected directly to tIw
~uncl~on box
Locale Ihe juncl~on box to allow as
El pnchon box and Ihe appliance so Ihat the rangp can be moved if sewlclng IS ever necessav Do
no, CL,, conduit
much slack as possible between Ihe
A U L -Iisled condull conneclor must be provldrd al the ~uncl~on box
The wiring diagram IS located III Ill? Tech Sheet The Tech Sheet IS
hctvnd ll?e lower air
Panel A
+ 4 hidden pages