KitchenAid 30” Built-in Microwave Hood Installation Instructions Manual

30” Built-h Microwave Hood
Installer: Leave lnslallation lnstnxtions with the Homeowner. Homeowner: Keep lnstallafion lnstruclions for future reference. Save Installation lnsin,clions for local el~rical
nspector’s use.
Before you start.. .
Proper lnstallatlon Is the Installers responslblllty. A qualiiied technician should inslall lhis rr&rowave oven. Make sure you have everything necessary lor conecl installation. If is Ihe responsitiby 01 Ihe installer lo comply with the instakalion clearances specified on the seriaUrating plale. The seriaVraling plale is kxated behind the n-&owave oven door on
the fronl frame 01 the tirowave oven.
Check locatlon where ticrowave oven will be installed. The wall must be strong enough lo support the ticrowave
oven weigh1 of 150 Ibs.,
plus the weigh1 of any kerns placed
Ihe ticmwave or the upper cabinel. The location should be away horn strong draft areas, such as windows. doors, and strong heating vents. The microwave oven should ba localed for convenlenl use in Ihe kitchen.
Electrkal ground is required See Electrical rewiremenls.
Remove all conlents from Ihe upper cablnel Important: Observe all governlng codes and ordinances.
For coma, In,~IIa,hm,, allow mlmough clrrmce 10 lully open door u) ,hr,l rack and cmklng ~lm,,l, Cl” be rmlowd
0” min. co&a1 opmln~-
oven 10 cooklng wrlaa
~~ ~~ ~.~~.
Wall constructlon should be a mitimum 01
2” x 4’wocd sluddstg and 3/S” thickness drywall
orplaster/lalh. Remove all packaging malerial from inside
microwave oven. Check the ticrowave oven for damage -see WARNING for excessrve microwave energy exposure. If any damage is evident, dc Not operale Ihe timwave oven until
it is checked by an authorized KilchenAid service
usw Iem
k,, Llduded
wllh ~IaIlaLkn
Property Damage Hazard Place a porlkn of carton or another heavy material over Ihe countertop and ranae before lnstalllna the mkrow&e oven. Do Nol use a plastic cover. Fallure IO pro&cl cooklng surtace or countertop could resutt In ~rooertv darnaoe.
h Is the customeh responslblltty to:
- contact a quallfled electrkal Installer.
- assure that electrkal lnstallatlon Is adsquate and In contormance wtlh Natlonal Electrkal Code, ANSU NFPA 7CMatesl edltlon, and local cedes and ordinances.
Do Not use lhls mlcrowave oven tOr commercial purposes. This mlcrowave oven Is deslgned lor household use
Parts supplied
for installation:
4,114” I 3”
loggb bob
2, 114” x T boil.
4, l/4” x2” fag screw*
I, power c&i r&ii and 1, rrcunling mew
2, tspphg screw. (brlghl-oolored)
CD@==- -
1, 118 slap
1, powm
2. wa%hsn
cord b”shlrq
JO” min. dssrsnce born
top Of tmplsl~ 10
CookIng .ur,ace 0,
Tools and
materials needed
for installation:
YI- md J/4”
wood ddll bit.
~rlon 01 .raLha, hmaq ma&al
for covedng co”nlarlOp
Special hardware and loots are required for brick or masonry walls.
Al least four anchor botrs must be anchored inlo Ihe wall and the mounting area must be capable of meeling the 150 Lx-weigh1 requirement.
Fallure lo use more than one person dudng lnstallatlon may result In personal Injury.
Personal Injury or Property
Damage Hard
- This mlcrowave oven must be mounted agalnsl and supported by a flat, vertical wall.
- This mlcrowave oven must be attached wllh two lag screws to a mlnlmum 01 one venkal2” x 4” wall stud.
- Do Not mount mlcrowave oven to an tsland or peninsula cablnel.
- The mkrowave oven top and rear supporllng structures musl be capable 01 supportIng 150 Ibs.. plus the welght of any Hems placed lnstde the mlcrowave oven or upper cablnet.
Failure to mourn the mkrowave oven as Insttucled could result In personal Injury and/or property damage.
Electrkal Shock Hazard
- Take special care when drllllng holes Inlo the wall. Electrkal wires may be concealed benlnd lhe wall coverlng and contact with them could result In electrkal shock.
- Locate any eleotrkal clroutts that
could be attected by lhe lnstsllatlon 01 this product and disconnect power
clrcult. Failure lo do so could result In electrkal shock.
Excasslve Mkrowave Energy
- Do Not attempt to opetale this mkrowave oven wlth the door open.
- Do Not tamper wlth or Meal the safety Interlocks.
- IX Not place objects between the mlcrowave Oven lront lace and the door.
- Do Not allow sol1 or cleaner residue to accumulate on seallna sutiace of mkrowave oven door. -
- Do Not operate mlcrowave oven If H Is damaged.
- The mlcrowave oven door must close properly to provide sale operation: Do Not use mlcrowave oven If door Is bent: hlnaes and
latches are broken or l&e; or door seals, sealing surtaces or glass Is broken.
* The mlcrowave oven should only be
adjusted and repalred by a quallfled repalr person.
- Have a quallfled repalr person check lor mlcmwave leakage If a repalr Is made.
Fallure to use mlcrowave oven except as instructed may result In exposure
lo excessive mlcrowave energy.
>. Venting
Use 3-114” X lo’or 6” duct
Thelolal length of the duct syslem including straight duct, elbows, Iransilions, wall or roof caps must not exceed Ihe equivalenl of 140 feel 013114” x 10 reclargularof 6” diameter round duel. For best performance, use no more lhan three 90” ebnvs. To calculate the length of system you need, add the equivalent feel lor each duct piece used in Ihe system. See the lollowing exarnpta:
3-M” x lo” duct system
Electrical ground Is required on lhls appliance.
Ductwork needed tor lnstallatlon Is not Included. Wall and root caps used must have backdratt damper.
Electrkal Shock Hazard
- Check with a qualllled electrlclan I1 yw are In doubt as to whether the appliance Is properly grounded. Improper connection of the equlpmenl-groundlng conductor can result In electrical shock.
- Thls appliance must be properly grounded.
Failure lo do so may result In eleclrkal shock or other personal Injury.
- Do Not use an exlenslon cord with lhls aoollance. Such use mav re&I’n a flre, electrical shock or other personal Injury.
- Do Not have
a fuse
In the neutral or groundlng clrcull. Thls could result In eleclrkal shock or other personal Injury.
Flte Hazard Venting system must temrlnale lo the oulslde. Do Not lerrnlnate the ductwork In an attlc or other enclosed space. Do Not use 4” laundry-type wall caps. To do
above may rewll
In a fire.
6”iO 3-1/4”x1Owmiiion
1 . wall cap
Lenglh 01 3-1/4,X l(rsyslem=73 It
Delemrine which venting melhod (rool-venting. wall-venlim or ventless) vou need lo use. This microwave-oven is equipped lor tool- or wall­venting inslalbtion. Some models can not be installed using the venlless (rackcuhling) method
The length 01 the ductwork and number 01 ebows should be kept lo a rrWr!um lo provide etlicienl periomwvce. The size of ductwork should be uniform. Do Not inslall two elbows logelher. Use dud tape lo seal all joints in Ihe duct syslem. Ductwork can tetinale eilher lhrouah the wall or roof. Use caulking lo seal edenor &I or roof opening around cap. Figures 2 - 5 show cornnon venlmg melhods and lypes of malerials needed.
6” duct system
9o”dbowm I-
6k -4;
wall up
-- 4
2n t
Note: II Ihe rear exhaust method is chosen, be sure that there is proper clearance within Ihe wall lor the exhaust duct.
A 120~voll, 60.Hz. AC onty. 15 or 20.ampere, fused electrical supply (localed in the upper cabinel as close as possible lo the ticrowave oven) is required. (Timedelay fuse ordrcurt breaker is recommended) II is recommended that a separale ckcuil sewng only this appliance be provided.
.----/,Il I I
1 ~transiiizl
I-Wallcap =4Ot 8faelelMghl
Length ol6”syslem
groundlng method
Co Not, under any circumstances, remove the power supply cord gmundlng prong.
For your personal salely, lhis appliance musl be grounded. Thus apptance is equipped wilh a power supply cord having a 3prong~groundng
To minimize wssible shock hazard. the cord inil b2 plugged into a mating 3-pro~grOun&g type wall receplacle, grounded in accordance wilh Ihe National Electrical Code, ANSVNFPA 70-lalesi edtiin, and local codes and ordnances. (See Figxe 1.) If a mating wall receptacle is nol available, it is Ihe personal responsrbilily and
obligalion of the cuslomer lo have a properly grounded, 3-prong wall receptacle inslalled by a qualified eleckician.
Recommended standard fittings
Roof venting
Wall venting
Figure 2
3.14" x 10"
2.114" x 10" rod
to 6" i s n. Up.24".
3-c; f g?'
roof up
11N” I lo” d”cl
3-l/4' X10"
3.1/4" x lo"
wall up i
45' elbow i R., db.aW =
40 Il. 5 Il.
900 how
ew.xgtl Ihe tsar
Flgure 3
If Ihe existing duct is round, a rectangular-to-round adapler nusi be used at-d a rectangular 3 extension duct between Ihe damper assembly and the adapter must be inslalled to prevenl sticking of Ihe exhaust damper.
g-yuw, (FJ
-iLm.d @
W-J-w m
&l/4’ lhmugh tha -11
Flgure 4
Ver P=
ting 3atation
J-F-w&@hl ~~m-Ploc*
Electrkal Shock Hazard
- Co not pull or stretch blower wlrlng. Pulling and etrelchlng blower wire could result In etectrkal shock.
- Reinsert wins In clips before rdnstalllng blower untt Into mlcrowave
oven. Fallum lo do so could result In electrical shock.
91,4- b round duct hn.l"on
SlN" I lo" u) mund
d- bmshbn
Flpe I
Flgure 5
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