Before you start.. .
Proper lnstallatlon Is the Installers responslblllty.
A qualiiied technician should inslall lhis rr&rowave
oven. Make sure you have everything necessary lor
conecl installation. If is Ihe responsitiby 01 Ihe
installer lo comply with the instakalion clearances
specified on the seriaUrating plale. The seriaVraling
plale is kxated behind the n-&owave oven door on
the fronl frame 01 the tirowave oven.
Check locatlon where ticrowave oven will be
installed. The wall must be strong enough lo
support the ticrowave
oven weigh1 of 150 Ibs.,
plus the weigh1 of any kerns placed
ticmwave or the upper cabinel. The location
should be away horn strong draft areas, such as
windows. doors, and strong heating vents. The
microwave oven should ba localed for convenlenl
use in Ihe kitchen.
Electrkal ground is required See Electrical
Remove all conlents from Ihe upper cablnel
Important: Observe all governlng codes
and ordinances.
For coma, In,~IIa,hm,,
allow mlmough clrrmce
10 lully open door u) ,hr,l
rack and cmklng ~lm,,l,
Cl” be rmlowd
0” min. co&a1 opmln~-
oven 10 cooklng wrlaa
~~ ~~ ~.~~.
Wall constructlon should be a mitimum 01
2” x 4’wocd sluddstg and 3/S” thickness drywall
Remove all packaging malerial from inside
microwave oven. Check the ticrowave oven
for damage -see WARNING for excessrve
microwave energy exposure. If any damage is
evident, dc Not operale Ihe timwave oven until
it is checked by an authorized KilchenAid service
usw Iem
k,, Llduded
wllh ~IaIlaLkn
Property Damage Hazard
Place a porlkn of carton or another
heavy material over Ihe countertop
and ranae before lnstalllna the
mkrow&e oven. Do Nol use a
plastic cover. Fallure IO pro&cl
cooklng surtace or countertop could
resutt In ~rooertv darnaoe.
h Is the customeh responslblltty to:
- contact a quallfled electrkal Installer.
- assure that electrkal lnstallatlon Is
adsquate and In contormance wtlh
Natlonal Electrkal Code, ANSU
NFPA 7CMatesl edltlon, and local
cedes and ordinances.
Do Not use lhls mlcrowave oven
tOr commercial purposes. This
mlcrowave oven Is deslgned lor
household use
Parts supplied
for installation:
4,114” I 3”
loggb bob
2, 114” x T boil.
4, l/4” x2” fag screw*
I, power c&i r&ii and
1, rrcunling mew
2, tspphg screw.
CD@==- -
1, 118 slap
1, powm
2. wa%hsn
cord b”shlrq
JO” min. dssrsnce born
top Of tmplsl~ 10
CookIng .ur,ace 0,
Tools and
materials needed
for installation:
YI- md J/4”
wood ddll bit.
~rlon 01 .raLha, hmaq ma&al
for covedng co”nlarlOp
Special hardware and loots are required for brick or
masonry walls.
Al least four anchor botrs must be anchored inlo
Ihe wall and the mounting area must be capable of
meeling the 150 Lx-weigh1 requirement.
Fallure lo use more than one person dudng
lnstallatlon may result In personal Injury.
Personal Injury or Property
Damage Hard
- This mlcrowave oven must be mounted
agalnsl and supported by a flat, vertical
- This mlcrowave oven must be attached
wllh two lag screws to a mlnlmum 01 one
venkal2” x 4” wall stud.
- Do Not mount mlcrowave oven to an
tsland or peninsula cablnel.
- The mkrowave oven top and rear
supporllng structures musl be capable 01
supportIng 150 Ibs.. plus the welght of
any Hems placed lnstde the mlcrowave
oven or upper cablnet.
Failure to mourn the mkrowave oven as
Insttucled could result In personal Injury
and/or property damage.
Electrkal Shock Hazard
- Take special care when drllllng holes
Inlo the wall. Electrkal wires may be
concealed benlnd lhe wall coverlng
and contact with them could result
In electrkal shock.
- Locate any eleotrkal clroutts that
could be attected by lhe lnstsllatlon
01 this product and disconnect power
Failure lo do so could result In
electrkal shock.
Excasslve Mkrowave Energy
- Do Not attempt to opetale this
mkrowave oven wlth the door open.
- Do Not tamper wlth or Meal the
safety Interlocks.
- IX Not place objects between the
mlcrowave Oven lront lace and
the door.
- Do Not allow sol1 or cleaner residue
to accumulate on seallna sutiace of
mkrowave oven door. -
- Do Not operate mlcrowave oven If H
Is damaged.
- The mlcrowave oven door must
close properly to provide sale
operation: Do Not use mlcrowave
oven If door Is bent: hlnaes and
latches are broken or l&e; or door
seals, sealing surtaces or glass Is
* The mlcrowave oven should only be
adjusted and repalred by a quallfled
repalr person.
- Have a quallfled repalr person check
lor mlcmwave leakage If a repalr
Is made.
Fallure to use mlcrowave oven except
as instructed may result In exposure
lo excessive mlcrowave energy.