Kistler-Morse Weigh II User Manual

$15.00 U.S.
Weigh II Installation
and Operation Manual
It is essential that all instructions in this manual be followed precisely to ensure proper operation of the equipment.
January 2005
The content of this document is the intellectual property of Kistler-Morse. Any reproduction or translation of this document without the written authorization of a Kistler-Morse corporate officer is prohibited.
Follow these rules if welding is done on the vessel after installation of Kistler-Morse sensors/ transducers. The electrical current of the welder may pass through the sensor/transducer, causing damage to it, and possibly to the signal processor. To avoid damage, follow these precautions.
1. Disconnect the sensor/transducer cables from the signal processor.
2. Ground the welder as close to the welding joint as possible.
3. Always ground the welder so that the welding current does not go through the sensor/transducer.
High temperatures can damage sensors/transducers. If you are welding in the vicinity of a sensor/transducer, monitor the temperature of the metal adjacent to the sensor/transducer. If it becomes too hot to touch, stop welding immediately, and remove the sensor/transducer before continuing. Prior to reinstalling the sensor/transducer, verify that no damage has occurred.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Manual Addendum ........................................................................... 1
Chapter 1. Weigh II Introduction ................................................. 1-1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Modular PCBs ........................................................................................................................... 1-1
Sentry™ .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Methods of Operation ................................................................................................................ 1-2
Manual Conventions ......................................................................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2. Hardware Installation................................................ 2-1
General Information .......................................................................................................................... 2-1
Unpacking and Inspection ................................................................................................................ 2-1
Mounting the Weigh II ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
Wiring the Weigh II........................................................................................................................... 2-1
Drilling Holes in Enclosure ........................................................................................................ 2-1
Wiring Power ............................................................................................................................. 2-2
Wiring for Optional PCBs .......................................................................................................... 2-2
Sealing Openings in Enclosure ................................................................................................. 2-2
Power Fuse Information ................................................................................................................... 2-3
Installing PCBs ................................................................................................................................ 2-3
Chapter 3. Menu Tree, Keyboard Functions,
and Quick Start ......................................................................... 3-1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Menu Tree ........................................................................................................................................ 3-1
Display and Keyboard ...................................................................................................................... 3-4
Auto/Man Key ........................................................................................................................... 3-4
Up Arrow and Down Arrow Keys ................................................................................................ 3-4
Tare/Net/Gross Key ................................................................................................................... 3-5
Menu Key .................................................................................................................................. 3-5
F1, F2, and F3 Keys ................................................................................................................. 3-5
Esc Key..................................................................................................................................... 3-5
(backspace) Key .................................................................................................................... 3-5
Shift Key .................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Enter Key .................................................................................................................................. 3-6
“.” (Period) Key .......................................................................................................................... 3-6
Alphanumeric Keys ................................................................................................................... 3-6
Quick Start ....................................................................................................................................... 3-7
Table of Contents
Chapter 4. Display ........................................................................ 4-1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Avg ................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Cntby ................................................................................................................................................ 4-2
Units ................................................................................................................................................. 4-3
ID (Identification) .............................................................................................................................. 4-3
Form ................................................................................................................................................. 4-4
ScanT ............................................................................................................................................... 4-5
BarS ................................................................................................................................................. 4-5
Cont .................................................................................................................................................. 4-6
Brite .................................................................................................................................................. 4-6
Time ................................................................................................................................................. 4-7
Zclmp ............................................................................................................................................... 4-7
Hide .................................................................................................................................................. 4-7
Chapter 5. Inputs and Outputs .................................................... 5-1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 5-1
SetPt ................................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Descriptions .............................................................................................................................. 5-1
Set ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Report ................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Delete.................................................................................................................................. 5-3
Add ..................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Setting Up the Setpoints ........................................................................................................... 5-3
Setpoint Report ......................................................................................................................... 5-4
Iout ................................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Descriptions .............................................................................................................................. 5-5
Set ...................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Mode ................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Rprt ..................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Delete.................................................................................................................................. 5-6
Add ..................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Setting Up the Current Output ................................................................................................... 5-6
Current Output Report ............................................................................................................... 5-8
Serl ................................................................................................................................................... 5-9
HideS ......................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Set ............................................................................................................................................. 5-9
Baud ................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Addr .................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Mode ................................................................................................................................. 5-10
Prnt ................................................................................................................................................ 5-10
Tare .......................................................................................................................................... 5-10
GO1 ......................................................................................................................................... 5-10
GO ALL.................................................................................................................................... 5-10
Timed ....................................................................................................................................... 5-10
Pdly ......................................................................................................................................... 5-10
PLC ................................................................................................................................................ 5-10
Table of Contents
Chapter 6. Calibration .................................................................. 6-1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Auto .................................................................................................................................................. 6-1
High-Accuracy Calibration ......................................................................................................... 6-2
Calibration by Adding a Known Quantity of Material ................................................................. 6-3
Calibration by Subtracting a Known Quantity of Material.......................................................... 6-5
Refining the Calibration by Setting Zero .................................................................................... 6-6
Displaying the Auto Calibration Parameters.............................................................................. 6-7
Resetting the Auto Calibration Parameters ............................................................................... 6-7
Manual ............................................................................................................................................. 6-8
Displaying the Manual Calibration Parameters ......................................................................... 6-9
Resetting the Manual Calibration Parameters........................................................................... 6-9
Linear ............................................................................................................................................... 6-9
Chapter 7. Service ........................................................................ 7-1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 7-1
K-M Service Code...................................................................................................................... 7-1
ADC .................................................................................................................................................. 7-2
Disp ........................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Enab .......................................................................................................................................... 7-2
AdjEx ......................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Res ............................................................................................................................................ 7-3
Gain ........................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Dflt ............................................................................................................................................. 7-3
Filter .......................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Enabe .................................................................................................................................. 7-4
Step..................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Qlfy ..................................................................................................................................... 7-4
DSPfact .............................................................................................................................. 7-5
Trk ............................................................................................................................................. 7-5
Win ..................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Matrl .................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Rate .................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Dflt ....................................................................................................................................... 7-6
DLim ................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Mon ..................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Setpt................................................................................................................................................. 7-6
4/20 .................................................................................................................................................. 7-7
Iadj ............................................................................................................................................. 7-7
Test ............................................................................................................................................ 7-7
Micro ................................................................................................................................................ 7-8
IDrst ........................................................................................................................................... 7-8
KeyT .......................................................................................................................................... 7-8
Prnt ............................................................................................................................................ 7-8
RamT ......................................................................................................................................... 7-8
RsRAM ...................................................................................................................................... 7-9
Access ............................................................................................................................................. 7-9
User ........................................................................................................................................... 7-9
KM ........................................................................................................................................... 7-10
K-M Mfg Code ................................................................................................................... 7-10
Table of Contents
Chapter 8. Math Channels........................................................... 8-1
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 8-1
Math Channel Functions .................................................................................................................. 8-2
Menu Functions ......................................................................................................................... 8-2
Keyboard Functions .................................................................................................................. 8-2
Equation Limitations ........................................................................................................................ 8-2
Enabling a Math Channel ................................................................................................................. 8-3
Setting up a Math Channel .............................................................................................................. 8-4
Error Messages................................................................................................................................ 8-5
Compile Error Codes ................................................................................................................. 8-5
Run Time Error Codes ............................................................................................................... 8-6
Appendix A. Product Specifications ......................................... A-1
Appendix B. Summary of Commands Used When
Vessel Monitoring — Hot Keys ............................................ B-1
Appendix C. Serial Commands.................................................. C-1
Command Table ...............................................................................................................................C-1
Checksum Calculation .....................................................................................................................C-3
Examples .........................................................................................................................................C-4
‘#’ Command — K-M Product Identification Number................................................................. C-4
‘W’ Command — Engineering Units (gross) ............................................................................. C-4
‘B’ Command — Engineering Units (net) .................................................................................. C-4
‘T’ Command — Tare Addressed Vessel ................................................................................... C-4
‘u1’ Command — Request Raw Counts .................................................................................... C-4
Appendix D. Kistler-Morse Service and Warranty ................. D-1
Product Warranty .............................................................................................................................D-1
Service .............................................................................................................................................D-1
Return Material Authorization........................................................................................................... D-2
Address and Telephone Numbers .................................................................................................... D-2
Appendix E. .................................................................................... E-1
Appendix F. Technical Drawings ............................................... F-1
Appendix G. Calculation of
Manual Calibration Parameters ............................................ G-1
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... G-1
Pre-Calibration................................................................................................................................. G-1
Bolt-On Sensors ....................................................................................................................... G-2
Direct Support Sensors ............................................................................................................ G-3
Refining the Calibration ................................................................................................................... G-4
Appendix H. Error Messages ..................................................... H-1
Chapter 1. Weigh II Introduction
Chapter 1. Weigh II Introduction
Modular PCBs
The Weigh II’s modular design provides for easy system configuration to the specific needs of your application and allows for expansion to meet future requirements. Kistler-Morse’s flexible system allows easy interconnection to a variety of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).
The motherboard inside the Weigh II enclo­sure has three Printed Circuit Board (PCB) card positions. Optional, modular PCBs plug onto the motherboard and are accessed through the front of the enclosure for wiring.
The PCBs available to make up a Weigh II are:
Figure 1-1. The Kistler-Morse Weigh II Strain
Measurement Signal Processor
The Weigh II is a multichannel signal pro­cessing and display system that will receive analog inputs and digital serial communica­tions from a master device. The Weigh II can monitor up to four vessels instrumented with Kistler-Morse L-Cells, Microcells, Load Stand II’s, Load Disc II’s, or Load Links, or with full bridge, foil gage sensors from other manufacturers. The Weigh II has an integral, weather-sealed membrane keyboard and a large LCD display that provide easy access for programming and viewing param­eters and allows the user to input their own unique vessel identifications. The enclosure is NEMA-rated, and is wall-mounted. The Weigh II is available in both AC-powered and DC-powered versions.
Standard PCBs —
• Display PCB (mounted on inside of enclosure door)
• Motherboard PCB with an RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 serial port (monitors one vessel)
Optional PCBs —
• 4-channel multivessel PCB; monitors up to four vessels
• 5-channel or 8-channel Setpoint PCB
• 2-channel, 4-channel, or 8-channel Current Transmitter PCB (for use only with the AC power version of the Weigh II)
• Combi-Card PCBs for Setpoint and Current Transmitter functions, in the following combinations:
2 Setpoints and 1 Current Output 4 Setpoints and 1 Current Output 4 Setpoints and 2 Current Outputs
• Allen-Bradley RIO PCB
• Profibus DP
• Remote Tare PCB (up to 4 channels)
Vibrations in a vessel can cause changes in a signal processor’s weight display, even though no material is moved, because the vibrations affect the vessel’s structural response. The Weigh II’s unique Sentry™ feature digitally detects, processes, and filters those vibrations, reducing the fluctua­tions in weight readings.
Chapter 1. Weigh II Introduction
Methods of Operation
The Weigh II has two methods of operation:
• Vessel Monitoring — vessel parameters (weight, level, or some other indication of vessel contents) are displayed on the LCD. Vessel monitoring can be set to monitor and display information on each of the vessels in the system (Auto Mode) sequentially or on only one vessel (Manual Mode). When in the Manual Mode, use of the keyboard allows the user to manually scroll to other vessels.
• Menu Operation — system parameters for display, input/output, calibration, and troubleshooting can be viewed and modified.
Throughout this manual, the term “weight” is used to refer to an indica­tion of the quantity of material in the vessel. However, the Weigh II can be set up to display weight, level, volume, percentage, voltage, or current associ­ated with the material quantity (see Chapter 4, Display). If you are using some measure other than weight, all inputs must be consistent with your chosen measure.
Manual Conventions
Three kinds of special explanations appear throughout the manual — WARNING, CAU­TION, and Note. The format and significance of each is defined below:
Possible danger to people. Injury may result if this information is ignored.
Possible risk to the product. The Weigh II or other equipment may be damaged if this information is ignored.
Contains additional information about a step or feature critical to the installa­tion or operation of the Weigh II.
Chapter 2. Hardware Installation
Chapter 2. Hardware Installation
Follow this procedure to mount the Weigh II:
General Information
This chapter provides instructions on how to install and wire the Weigh II.
If the Weigh II has been connected to power, disconnect it before proceeding. Deactivate power to the controlled devices to prevent equipment damage or personal injury.
1. Hold the Weigh II enclosure against the wall in the desired location and mark the positions of the mounting holes. Place the Weigh II in a safe place.
2. Drill the mounting holes in the wall.
3. Attach the Weigh II to the wall using hardware that will secure it firmly in place.
Wiring the Weigh II
Read all instructions before beginning installation. It is important that all instructions are followed carefully to ensure that the equipment is properly mounted and wired.
Unpacking and Inspection
Carefully remove the components of the Weigh II from the shipping container and place them on a flat surface. Visually inspect for damage that may have occurred during shipment. If any damage is evident, note it on the shipping receipt. Report the damage to the carrier and to Kistler-Morse immediately. Store the shipping container and packing material for later use in the event the Weigh II must be returned to the factory.
Mounting the Weigh II
This section describes how to wire power to the Weigh II and how to wire the optional PCBs. Installation and wiring of the Kistler­Morse sensors are described in the appli­cable sensor installation manuals.
Wire routing requirements for the AC and DC versions of the Weigh II differ, as de­scribed below:
AC Version — Route the AC power cable and the setpoint cables separate from the low-level signal cables. Doing so will avoid electrical interference in the sensor signals and the communica­tions signals.
DC Version — Route the DC power cable separate from any AC power cable and coaxial cable. Route the setpoint cables separate from the DC power cable and the low-level signal cables. Doing so will avoid electrical interference in the communica­tion signals. Note that you can route the DC power cable with the low-level signal cables.
When mounting the Weigh II, be sure there is enough clearance to open the front door. Removal and insertion of the modular PCBs as well as wiring of the sensors and the PCBs are done through the front of the unit.
The hardware used to mount the Weigh II is provided by the customer. The Weigh II enclosure dimensions are shown in TI-SP.W2-01 in Appendix F, Technical Drawings. Refer to Appendix A, Product Specifications, for environmental specifica­tions before mounting the Weigh II.
Drilling Holes in Enclosure
Remove the electronics before drilling holes in the enclosure. Drill the holes through the bottom or through the side of the enclosure. DO NOT drill holes through the top as this may allow moisture seepage, which can damage the electronics.
Chapter 2. Hardware Installation
The Weigh II enclosure has no openings through which to route cables or install conduit. Before you begin wiring, drill entry holes through the enclosure where it is most convenient to route your conduit or cables. Hole location is critical for proper PCB installation. Check clearances to ensure fittings and wire routing will not interfere with the motherboard, option cards, or enclosure door. Refer to the following drawings in Appendix F for locations and wiring of the optional PCBs:
• 4-channel multivessel PCB — TI-SP.W2-03
• 5-channel or 8-channel Setpoint PCB — TI-SP.W2.RLY-01
• 2-channel, 4-channel, or 8-channel Current Transmitter PCB (for use only with the AC power version of the Weigh II) — TI­SP.W2.XMIT-01
• Combi-Card PCBs for Setpoint and Current Transmitter functions — TI-SP.W2.CMB-01 (AC version) or TI-SP.W2.CMB-02 (DC version)
• Remote Tare PCB (up to 4 channels) — TI-SP.W2.RTI-01
• Allen-Bradley RIO PCB — refer to A-B RIO
Manual for Sonologic II and Weigh II
• Profibus DP — refer to Profibus Interface Manual for Ultra-wave, Sonoglogic II/Weigh II.
Wiring Power
When connecting power to the Weigh II, adhere to the following:
• Power wiring must comply with the national wiring requirements for the country in which the equipment is installed.
• The ground conductor must be connected to the Protective Earth (PE) terminal.
The specifications of the power supply for the Weigh II are as follows:
AC-Powered Versions
• 100 VAC, or
• 115/230 VAC switch selectable
DC-Powered Version
24 V ± 10% 2A
Refer to the following drawings in Appendix F: TI-SP.W2-02 for single-point system or TI-SP.W2-03 for multi-point system. The wiring procedure for connecting the external power source to the Weigh II follows:
1. Route the cable from the power source to TB1 on the motherboard.
2. Connect the Ground lead to the ground terminal, the Hot lead to the ‘L’ terminal, and the Neutral lead to the ‘N’ terminal.
The standard lead colors for AC power in North America are:
• Ground = Green
• Hot = Black
• Neutral = White
3. Restore the power supply.
4. Turn On the On/Off switch (SW1) in the Weigh II and verify that the LCD activates. If the LCD does not activate, check that the wiring is correct and that the power supply meets specifications.
Wiring for Optional PCBs
Refer to the PCB drawings listed above for wiring the optional PCBs.
See TI-SP.W2.02 (single-point) or TI­SP.W2.RTI-01 (multi-point) in Appendix F, Technical Drawings for wiring details for the Weigh II’s remote tare function. To tare the vessel from the remote station, hold the remote tare push button for 1 second.
Sealing Openings in Enclosure
After you have completed installation of the conduit and cables, seal around the openings in the Weigh II enclosure to prevent moisture seepage. Use Sikaflex 1A polyurethane sealant or RTV 738.
Only use Sikaflex 1A polyurethane sealant or RTV 738. Other sealants may contain acetic acid, which is
Chapter 2. Hardware Installation
harmful to electronics.
Power Fuse Information
There are two power fuse locations in the Weigh II. Refer to Table 2-1 for specification information on each fuse.
Fuse Part No. Purpose Voltage Current
F1 18-1002-01 AC 250 V 1.0 A F2 18-1033-13 DC 50 V 1.85 A
Table 2-1. Power Fuse Information
Installing PCBs
The Weigh II arrives from Kistler-Morse with the specified PCBs installed. However, you can expand your system by purchasing optional PCBs and installing them into vacant positions on the motherboard. There are three positions on the motherboard of the Weigh II that accept optional PCBs. Note the following restrictions on PCB positions in the Weigh II:
Position 1 4-channel multivessel PCB
Position 2 5-channel or 8-channel Setpoint PCB Allen-Bradley RIO PCB Remote Tare PCB (up to 4-channels)
Position 3 5-channel or 8-channel Setpoint PCB Allen-Bradley RIO PCB Profibus DP 2-channel, 4-channel, or 8-channel Current Transmitter PCB (for use only with the AC power version of the Weigh II) Combi-Card PCBs (2 setpoints and 1 current output; 4 setpoints and 1 current output; or 4 setpoints and 2 current outputs)
• Two 4-40 x 1/4 PHS screws to secure the PCB to the Weigh II motherboard
Refer to the applicable drawing in Appendix F for PCB slot locations and wiring details and follow this procedure to install a PCB into the Weigh II:
1. Disconnect power to the Weigh II.
2. Open the door of the Weigh II.
3. Place the PCB in the designated position on the motherboard. Be sure the PCB connector inserts completely into the motherboard connector.
4. Secure the PCB in place with the two 4-40 x 1/4 PHS screws supplied with the PCB.
5. Connect the field wiring to the PCB.
6. Restore power to the Weigh II. Close the door. Installation is complete.
If you add a 4-channel multi-vessel PCB to the Weigh II, you must use the Enab and Dflt functions in the ADC Menu of the Service Menu to bring the new channels on-line. Refer to Chapter 7, Service, for the use of those functions.
Before you use the Dflt function to bring the new channels on-line, write
down all calibration and setup parameters. The Dflt function will
erase all existing calibration and setup parameters. Reenter the parameters after the new channels are on-line.
A new PCB from Kistler-Morse comes with the following items:
Chapter 2. Hardware Installation
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
Chapter 3. Menu Tree,
Keyboard Functions,
and Quick Start
This chapter describes the Weigh II’s Main Menu, contains a diagram of the menu tree structure, and describes all of the keyboard functions. Additionally, this chapter provides a list of the steps you need to take to get a “Quick Start” on using the Weigh II.
Menu Tree
The menu tree of the Weigh II is used to enter and view settings, set up, calibrate, and troubleshoot for the system. There are four submenus listed in the Main Menu:
Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 provide detailed information on the function and use of the Disp, I/O, Cal, and Service submenus, respectively.
Some of the submenus are not shown in the menu tree in Figure 3-1 due to space constraints. For example, if you select Disp in Level 1 and ScanT in Level 2, a menu will come up with several values to select from for the ScanT function. For more detail on submenus, see the appropriate chapter in this manual.
• Disp — to enter and view display settings
• I/O — to enter and view setpoint param-
eters, current output parameters, serial port configurations, printer functions, and PLC interface parameters
• Cal — to calibrate the system
• Service — to troubleshoot the system;
adjust gain, resolution, and excitation; set up filtering and tracking functions to reduce the effect of “noise” and drift; reset param­eters to default values; calibrate 0/4-20 mA output; and set up a user access code
The menu tree in Figure 3-1 shows the Main Menu in Menu Level 1 and the submenus in Menu Levels 2 – 5. The menu tree is a quick reference guide to help you find the functions you want to perform. For example, if you want to change setpoint parameters, the menu tree shows you that setpoints are set up in the I/O Menu. Level 2 shows the submenus that are displayed when I/O is selected. Level 3 shows the submenus that are displayed when a selection is made from Level 2, etc.
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
Menu Level 1
Menu Level 2
Menu Level 3
(Chapter 4)
Common Custom Set
(Chapter 5)
Setpt Iout Serl Prnt PLC*
Menu Level 4
Menu Level 5
4/0ma 20ma
Baud Addr Mode
Printer Slave
Val Dead
Net/Grs Fsafe
* Submenus are available for PLC only if your Weigh II includes an Allen-Bradley RIO PCB, or a Profibus PCB. See A-B RIO Interface Manual for Ultra-wave, Sonologic II and Weigh II for detailed infor­mation or Profibus Interface manual for Ultra-wave/Sonologic II/ Weigh II.
Figure 3-1. Weigh II Menu Tree
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
(Chapter 6)
Auto Manual Linear ADC Setpt 4/20 Micro Access
(Chapter 7)
IDrst Prnt
** If in a Math Channel, the Cal Menu is replaced by the Math Menu. See Chapter 8, Math Channels, for detailed information.
Figure 3-1. Weigh II Menu Tree (continued)
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
Figure 3-2. Weigh II Faceplate and Display
Display and Keyboard
The Weigh II (Figure 3-2) has a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel made up of two 16-character lines, and an integral, weather­sealed membrane keyboard. The LCD displays the vessel ID, material weight numerically or in a bar graph format, menu selections, and error messages.
The Weigh II keyboard is used to access the different menus, scroll through the vessel monitoring display screens, input setup and calibration parameters, label the vessel for easy identification, etc. The function of each key on the keyboard is described below.
Auto/Man Key
When vessel monitoring, the Weigh II dis­plays the factory-set ID number (or the customer-defined ID, if input) and material weight. The Weigh II display can be set up to scroll automatically through the display screens for each vessel (Auto Mode) or remain fixed on a selected vessel (Manual Mode). The Auto/Man Key toggles between Auto and Manual Modes:
• When the Weigh II is in the Auto Mode, the display remains on one vessel for a preset period of time before scrolling to the next vessel. The preset display time can
be changed to suit the operator needs, using the ScanT function (see ScanT in Chapter 4, Display). The Auto LED to the right of the LCD is illuminated when the Weigh II is in the Auto Mode.
• When the Weigh II is in the Manual Mode, the display remains fixed on a selected vessel and must be scrolled manually with the Up Arrow and Down Arrow Keys to display information on another vessel. The Auto LED is off when the Weigh II is in the Manual Mode.
The Auto/Man Key is also used to exit any function in the menu tree and return the display to vessel monitoring in the Manual Mode.
Up Arrow and Down Arrow Keys
The Up Arrow and Down Arrow Keys are used to manually scroll the display through the vessels when the Weigh II is vessel monitor­ing in the Manual Mode.
These keys are also used to scroll to desired values when in the menu tree, entering setup and calibration parameters. For example, when setting the Lo Span and Hi Span values in the Auto Cal Menu, the Up Arrow and Down Arrow Keys can be used to scroll to a desired value.
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
Tare/Net/Gross Key
The Tare/Net/Gross Key is used when vessel monitoring in the Manual Mode (Auto LED off). This key works in conjunction with the Shift Key:
• When the Shift Key is on (Shift LED illuminated), the Tare Key is enabled. Pressing this key ‘tares’ the vessel on the display, setting the net weight value to zero. The tare function is useful when you want to monitor how much material is added or removed from the vessel from a given point. To tare the vessel, hold the Tare Key for 1 second.
• When the Shift Key is off (Shift LED off), the Net/Gross Key is enabled. Pressing this key toggles the display between net weight (weight added or removed from the vessel since the last time the Tare Key was enabled) and gross weight (total weight of material in vessel).
The Weigh II also has a remote tare function. See TI-SP.W2-02 (single­point) or TI-SP.W2.RTI-01 (multi-point) in Appendix F, Technical Drawings for wiring details. To tare the vessel from the remote station, hold the remote tare push button for 1 second.
Menu Key
The Weigh II must be vessel monitor­ing in the Manual Mode (Auto LED off) to access the menus.
Pressing the Menu Key accesses the Main Menu. If there are multiple pages to a menu, pressing the Menu Key again scrolls the display to the next page. For example, the Main Menu has two pages. The first page shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
The signifies that there are additional page(s) to the menu. Pressing the Menu Key again displays the second page:
F1 F2 F3
Notice that the second page also has a , to indicate that there are additional page(s) (in this case, you have already viewed the other page). Pressing the Menu Key again returns the display to the first page.
The Menu Key has the same scrolling function when a submenu is accessed. Pressing the Menu Key scrolls through the different pages of a submenu. Pressing the Esc Key backs through the submenus one level at a time and returns to the vessel monitoring display.
F1, F2, and F3 Keys
The Function Keys — F1, F2, and F3 — are used to select the items on the menus. The faceplate has F1, F2, and F3 labeled under­neath the LCD. When a menu is displayed, the menu items are located above these labels. Pressing the Function Key that corresponds to the desired menu item provides access to the menu item.
For example, when the Main Menu is dis­played, the selections are:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
Disp is above the F1 label on the faceplate, I/O is above the F2 label, and Cal is above
the F3 label. Pressing the F3 Key accesses the submenus under Cal.
Esc Key
The Esc Key has several functions:
• The Esc Key is used to back through the submenus one menu level at a time. Pressing this key while in the Main Menu returns the display to vessel monitoring in the Manual Mode.
• The Esc Key also has another function. The Weigh II arrives from the factory with a factory-set ID number assigned to each channel. If you replaced the ID number with a customer-defined ID while in the Disp Menu, pressing the Esc Key while the display is vessel monitoring in the Manual Mode (Auto LED off) briefly displays the factory-set ID.
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
“.” (Period) Key
The Key is used to back up the cursor on the LCD display when using the alphanumeric keypad.
Shift Key
The Shift LED, located below the Auto LED on the faceplate, illuminates when the Shift Key is on. The Shift Key has several functions:
• The Shift Key is used in conjunction with the Alphanumeric Keys. When the Shift Key is on, the keypad types the letters labeled above the Alphanumeric Key (see Alphanumeric Keys below for information on toggling between the letters). When the Shift Key is off, the keypad types the number labeled on the key. The Shift Key is also used in conjunction with other keys on the panel to provide additional alphanu­meric characters.
• The Shift Key is also used in conjunction with the Tare/Net/Gross Key.
When the Weigh II is vessel monitoring in the Manual Mode, pressing the “.” Key briefly displays the current Weigh II software revision letter and the date of the release.
The “.” Key also functions as a decimal point when entering numbers in the math channel.
Alphanumeric Keys
The Alphanumeric Keys are used to type in numbers during setup and calibration.
When the Shift Key is on (Shift LED is
Key Character Character
Shift LED On Shift LED Off
1 S T U 1
2 V W X 2
3 Y Z 3
4 J K L 4
5 M N O 5
Enter Key
The Enter Key has several functions:
• The Enter Key is used to save in memory any parameter set up in the menus. For example, if you enter a value in the Cal Menu, pressing the Enter Key saves it to memory. The value remains in memory until a new value is entered.
• When typing in a vessel ID, the Enter Key advances the cursor one space to the right.
• When the Weigh II is displaying a numeri­cal value for gross weight in the Manual Mode, pressing the Enter Key toggles the display from numerical format to bar graph format. The display remains in the bar graph format (even if the Weigh II is turned off and back on again) until the Enter Key is pressed to toggle back to the numerical format.
6 P Q R 6
7 A B C 7
8 D E F 8
9 G H I 9
0 Space 0
. : .
- - -
Menu + * / @ % # & | a b c d e f g h
F1 () {} [] <> i j k l m n o p
F2 ! ^ $ x ‘ , ?; q r s t u v w x
Auto/Man - o º Ö Ü è
Note: Additional characters (parentheses and symbols) are available using the F1, F2, and F3 Keys, the Auto/Man Key, the Up and Down Arrow Keys, and the Tare/Net/Gross Key.
>< º & ! α σ y z , “ ‘ ! : ;
Table 3-1. List of Characters Available for
Customer-Defined ID
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
illuminated), the letters above the keys are accessed for use in inputting a customer­defined ID. Pressing an Alphanumeric Key repeatedly toggles the display through the three letters listed above the key. When the desired letter is displayed, pressing the Enter Key or a different Alphanumeric Key advances the cursor one space to the right. Table 3-1 shows the characters available for a customer-defined ID.
Quick Start
This section provides a list of the steps you need to take to get a “Quick Start” on using the Weigh II.
1. Read the Avg, Cntby, Units, and Form sections in Chapter 4, Display. Follow the procedures provided for selecting these parameters for each vessel.
2. Calibrate the system for each vessel, using one of the following methods:
• If you can move at least 25% of the vessel’s maximum live load as part of the calibration procedure, read the Auto section in Chapter 6, Calibration. Follow the procedures provided for performing the calibration.
• If you cannot move at least 25% of the vessel’s maximum live load as part of the calibration procedure, read the Manual section in Chapter 6, Calibra­tion. Follow the procedures provided for performing the calibration.
That’s it — you can begin to use your Weigh II to monitor the contents of your vessel(s). However, it is recommended that you read the entire manual for a thorough understanding of the operation of the Weigh II and the available options. The manual explains in detail how to set up setpoints, current outputs, and serial communications.
Chapter 3. Menu, Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start
Chapter 4. Display
Chapter 4. Display
Avg Cntby Units ID Form ScanT BarS Cont Brite Time Zclmp Hide
Common Custom
1 sec
2 sec
5 sec
Figure 4-1. The Display Menu Tree
NoYe s
The Display (Disp) Menu is used to set up the parameters that govern the display functions when vessel monitoring. This chapter covers the functions in the Disp Menu. Explanations of each of the functions are provided. Additionally, detailed navigation procedures through the menu tree are provided for a few of the functions to help the user become familiar with the use of the keyboard functions described in Chapter 3, Menu Tree, Keyboard Functions, and Quick Start.
Unless otherwise noted, the display function for each channel (such as units, ID, etc.) can be set differently. The descriptions below for each function note those that are global in nature and that affect the display for all channels.
As shown in Figure 4-1, the Disp Menu has twelve submenus.
This menu is used to set the number of individual readings (from 1 to 255) the Weigh II averages for each display reading while vessel monitoring. The Weigh II calcu­lates a running average. The larger the number of individual readings in the running average, the smaller effect a variation in signal will have on the average. This results in fewer variations on the display reading and an easier to read display. Avg affects the value seen on the display as well as setpoints, current outputs, and serial outputs. The default value for Avg is 1.
The number shown upon entry into this menu is the channel’s current averaging factor. This number can be modified by using the Up and Down Arrow Keys or by direct entry with the Alphanumeric Keys. When the desired number is shown, pressing the Enter Key saves the new value.
Chapter 4. Display
Follow this procedure to modify the averaging factor.
1. If the Weigh II is in Auto Mode (Auto LED illuminated), press the Auto/Man Key to put the system in Manual Mode. The Auto LED turns off.
2. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Keys to scroll to the desired channel.
3. Press the Menu Key to display the Main Menu. The display shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
4. Press the F1 Key to access the Display Menu. The display shows:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
5. Press the F1 Key to access the Avg Menu. The display looks like this:
> X
F1 F2 F3
In place of ‘X’ is the current averaging factor.
6. Use the keypad or the Up and Down Arrow Keys to input the value for the averaging factor. Press the Enter Key to save the value in memory. The display flashes a message acknowledging your selection and returns to:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
7. Press the Esc Key to scroll up the menu tree or press the Auto/Man Key to return the display to vessel monitoring.
This menu is used to set up the display to count by increments of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, or 10000. For example, a Cntby of 1 would show the rightmost active digit on the display changing by increments of 1. A Cntby of 100 would show the rightmost three active digits on the display changing by increments of 100 units. Use Cntby to adjust the display to a resolu­tion consistent with the accuracy of the system and reduce display flickering.
Example: For a 10,000 lb maximum weight with a Form of XXXXX, a Cntby of 1 would only be meaningful if your system accuracy was +/-.01% of maximum load. A more typical accuracy would be +/-3%. Since 3% of 10,000 lbs is 300 lbs, a more realistic Cntby for this system would be 200.
Note that the selection for Form affects how the Weigh II interprets the Cntby value. Table 4-1 shows some examples of how these are related.
Form Cntby Example Value
(incremented digit
xxx.xx 1 397.25
xxx.xx 100 397.00
xxxxx 1 39725
xxxxx 100 39700
xxxxxoo 1 3972500
xxxxxoo 100 3970000
Table 4-1. Interaction of Form and Cntby
The default value for Cntby is 1. The current selection is indicated by an asterisk. The Cntby function only affects the value seen on the display. Setpoints, current outputs, and serial outputs are unaffected by Cntby.
Follow this procedure to modify Cntby.
1. If the Weigh II is in Auto Mode (Auto LED illuminated), press the Auto/Man Key to put the system in Manual Mode. The Auto LED turns off.
2. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Keys to scroll to the desired channel.
3. Press the Menu Key to display the Main Menu. The display shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
4. Press the F1 Key to access the Display Menu. The display shows:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
Chapter 4. Display
5. Press the F2 Key to access the Cntby Menu. The display shows:
*1 2 5
F1 F2 F3
An asterisk indicates the current selection.
6. If the displayed menu does not have the desired countby, press the Menu Key to display the second page of the menu. The display shows:
10 20 50
F1 F2 F3
Continue to press the Menu Key until you see the desired countby (there are four pages to the Cntby Menu).
7. Press the F1, F2, or F3 Key to select the desired countby. The display acknowl­edges your selection and then returns to:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
8. Press the Esc Key to scroll up the menu tree or press the Auto/Man Key to return the display to vessel monitoring.
This menu allows you to select the unit of measure for the vessel monitoring display. In the Common submenu, you can select from lbs (pounds), Kgs (kilograms), tns (tons), gal (gallons), Ltr (liters), Brl (barrels), % (per­cent), ft (feet), in (inches), V (volts), mV (millivolts), and mA (milliamps). In the Custom submenu, you can type in a custom three-character unit of measure. The default unit is XXX.
Follow this procedure to select a Common unit of measure.
1. If the Weigh II is in Auto Mode (Auto LED illuminated), press the Auto/Man Key to put the system in Manual Mode. The Auto LED turns off.
2. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Keys to scroll to the desired channel.
3. Press the Menu Key to display the Main Menu. The display shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
4. Press the F1 Key to access the Display Menu. The display shows:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
5. Press the F3 Key to access the Units Menu. The display shows:
common custom
F1 F2 F3
6. Press the F1 Key to access the common Menu. The display shows:
lbs Kgs tns
F1 F2 F3
7. If the displayed menu does not have the desired unit, press the Menu Key to display the second page of the menu. The display shows:
gal Ltr Brl
F1 F2 F3
Continue to press the Menu Key until you see the desired unit (there are four pages to the Common Menu).
8. Press the F1, F2, or F3 Key to select the desired unit. The display acknowledges your selection and then returns to:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
9. Press the Esc Key to scroll up the menu tree or press the Auto/Man Key to return the display to vessel monitoring.
ID (Identification)
This menu allows you to type in a 16-character alphanumeric title to identify each channel on the display in a meaningful manner. The Weigh II arrives from Kistler­Morse with a factory-set ID number assigned for each channel in the system.
After you have input a customer-defined ID, you can still view the original factory-set ID when vessel monitoring in the Manual Mode by pressing the Esc Key.
Follow this procedure to input a customer­defined ID.
Chapter 4. Display
1. If the Weigh II is in Auto Mode (Auto LED illuminated), press the Auto/Man Key to put the system in Manual Mode. The Auto LED turns off.
2. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Keys to scroll to the desired channel.
3. Press the Menu Key to display the Main Menu. The display shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
4. Press the F1 Key to access the Display Menu. The display shows:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
5. Press the Menu Key to display the second page of the menu. The display shows:
ID Form ScanT
F1 F2 F3
6. Press the F1 Key to provide a customer­defined ID. The display shows:
F1 F2 F3
The top line of the display then changes to the factory-set ID, the Shift LED automati­cally comes on, and the Weigh II is ready for you to input the customer-defined ID.
7. Type in the first alphanumeric of the desired ID. Press the Enter Key or press the next alphanumeric in the ID (if it is on a different key than the previous one) to accept the displayed alphanumeric. The cursor advances one space to the right.
1. Type in the first letter of the desired ID, using an Alphanumeric Key. Press the Alphanumeric Key repeatedly to toggle the display through the three letters listed above the key until the desired alphanumeric is displayed.
2. If you want to include a number(s) in the ID, press the Shift Key; the Shift LED turns off. Press the desired Alphanumeric Key.
3. Use the Key to back up the cursor to correct an entry.
entire customer-defined ID.
9. Press the Esc Key to enter the entire ID in memory. The display returns to:
ID Form ScanT
F1 F2 F3
10. Press the Esc Key to scroll up the menu tree or press the Auto/Man Key to return the display to vessel monitoring.
This menu allows you to set up the numerical format by selecting the number of digits to be displayed to the left and right of the decimal point while vessel monitoring. Listed below are the seven different formats available (x is a place holder):
xxxxx (default) xxxx.x
xxxxxoo xxxxxo
On the display, an asterisk indicates the format that is currently being used.
Form is used with Cntby and Avg to provide a stable display for the operator, and to provide meaningful results consistent with the system accuracy. For example, you do not want to have the display showing weights like
1000.01 lbs if the system accuracy is only
+/- 20 lbs.
Follow this procedure to modify Form.
1. If the Weigh II is in Auto Mode (Auto LED illuminated), press the Auto/Man Key to put the system in Manual Mode. The Auto LED turns off.
2. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Keys to scroll to the desired channel.
3. Press the Menu Key to display the Main Menu. The display shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
4. Press the F1 Key to access the Display
8. Repeat Step 7 until the display shows the
Menu. The display shows:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
5. Press the Menu Key to access the second page of the Display Menu. The display shows:
ID Form ScanT
F1 F2 F3
6. Press the F2 Key to access the Form Menu. The display shows:
*1 2 5
F1 F2 F3
An asterisk indicates the current selection.
7. If the displayed menu does not have the desired form, press the Menu Key to display the second page of the menu. The display shows:
F1 F2 F3
Continue to press the Menu Key until you see the desired form (there are four pages to the Form Menu).
8. Press the F1, F2, or F3 Key to select the desired form. The display acknowledges your selection and then returns to:
ID Form ScanT
F1 F2 F3
9. Press the Esc Key to scroll up the menu tree or press the Auto/Man Key to return the display to vessel monitoring.
Chapter 4. Display
You can choose to view a numerical display of the weight or a bar graph of a vessel’s contents while vessel monitoring. The maximum span for the bar graph and the selection of the bar graph as the display option is set with this menu.
The bar graph displays the vessel contents as a numerical percentage to the left of the graph, as shown below:
50% ! . . . . . . . . . !
The 0% point of the bar graph is always 0. The 100% point of the bar graph is set by direct entry using the Alphanumeric Keys or by scrolling to the desired value with the Up and Down Arrow Keys. For example, entering the vessel’s maximum capacity of 5000 lbs as the BarS value results in a bar graph with 0% corresponding to 0 lbs and 100% corre­sponding to 5000 lbs. If the gross weight in the vessel falls outside of the range, the bar graph display does the following:
• If the gross weight falls below 0 (caused by inaccuracies in the calibration, vibration, sensor drift, etc.), the graph remains at 0%, and the numerical percentage remains at 0%.
• If the gross weight goes above the BarS value, the graph remains at 100%, and the numerical percentage reflects the actual weight. For example, if the BarS value is 5000 lbs and the gross weight is 7500 lbs, the numerical percentage displayed is 150% while the graph remains at 100%.
This menu allows you to choose the amount of time the Weigh II displays vessel monitor­ing information before scrolling to the next channel when in the Auto Mode. Scan time can be set to 1 second, 2 seconds, or 5 seconds. The default value is 2 seconds. The current selection is indicated by an asterisk.
The value for ScanT is selected while in the menu tree for any channel, and applies to all of the channels in the system.
The default for the display is bar graph Off (bar graph not displayed when vessel monitor­ing). The current selection is indicated by an asterisk.
If enabled, the bar graph displays for the vessel while vessel monitoring in both Manual and Auto modes. While in Manual mode, pressing the Enter Key toggles the display between bar graph and numerical display.
Chapter 4. Display
Follow this procedure to set the BarS value and change the bar graph display option.
1. If the Weigh II is in Auto Mode (Auto LED illuminated), press the Auto/Man Key to put the system in Manual Mode. The Auto LED turns off.
2. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Keys to scroll to the desired channel.
3. Press the Menu Key to display the Main Menu. The display shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
4. Press the F1 Key to access the Display Menu. The display shows:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
5. Press the Menu Key to display the second page of the menu. The display shows:
ID Form ScanT
F1 F2 F3
6. Press the Menu Key to display the third page of the menu. The display shows:
BarS Cont Brite
F1 F2 F3
7. Press the F1 Key to access BarS. The display shows:
Span Enab
F1 F2 F3
8. Press the F1 Key to set the Span. The display looks like this:
The display shows:
On *Off
F1 F2 F3
An asterisk indicates the current selection.
11. Press the F1 Key to turn the Bargraph function on; press the F3 Key to turn the Bargraph function off. This sets the default display option for the vessel (the default display option can be overrid­den while vessel monitoring in Manual Mode by pressing the Enter Key). The display flashes a message acknowledging your selection and returns to:
Span Enab
F1 F2 F3
12. Press the Esc Key to scroll up the menu tree or press the Auto/Man Key to return the display to vessel monitoring.
The contrast of the display is adjusted in this menu. The displayed number ranges from 0 (darkest) to 255 (lightest). The default value is
127. The Up and Down Arrow Keys are used
to make fine adjustments, while the F2 and F3 Keys are used to make coarse adjust­ments. The display contrast changes immedi­ately as you make the adjustments. When the desired results are attained, pressing the Enter Key saves the new value.
The value for Cont is selected while in the menu tree for any channel and applies to all of the channels in the system.
> X lbs
The unit you set up in the Units Menu
F1 F2 F3
shows in place of lbs.
9. Use the keypad or the Up and Down Arrow Keys to enter the desired value. Press the Enter Key to save the value in memory. The display flashes a message acknowl­edging your selection and returns to:
Span Enab
F1 F2 F3
10. Press the F3 Key to access Enab.
The brightness of the display is adjusted in this menu. This menu is functional only with the purchase of the Backlight option.
The displayed number ranges from 0 (dark­est) to 255 (lightest). The default value is 127. The Up and Down Arrow Keys are used to make fine adjustments, while the F2 and F3 Keys are used to make coarse adjustments. The display brightness changes immediately as you make the adjustment. When the desired results are attained, pressing the
Chapter 4. Display
Enter Key saves the new value.
The value for Brite is selected while in the menu tree for any channel and applies to all of the channels in the system.
Time and date are set, displayed, and enabled in this menu. Accuracy is better than +/- 1 minute per month, and timekeeping is maintained for more than 10 years without power. The date and time are included on printed output from the Weigh II, so setting and enabling these functions can help you maintain good documentation on vessel contents.
When in the Set Menu, the number/character displayed directly to the right of the flashing cursor is modified with the Up and Down Arrow Keys. Pressing the Enter Key ad­vances the cursor to the next number/ character field. Pressing the Esc Key when completed setting the time and date enters the values in memory. Once set, the clock must be enabled to function. On the display, an asterisk indicates whether Enab is On or
Time is set while in the menu tree for any
channel and applies to all of the channels in the system.
This menu allows the user to set a window around zero for the gross weight. When the gross weight value falls within the specified range (usually indicating a negligible amount of material in the vessel), the display is forced to zero.
The user can specify a different range for gross weight above zero (Hi value) and gross weight below zero (Lo value). For example, if the user enters a Lo value of -200 and a Hi value of 100, all measured gross weights between -200 and +100 will appear as zero on the display. If you do not set a non-zero Lo value, the display may show a small negative gross weight when the vessel is near empty if the calibration of the system is not 100 percent accurate. The Zclmp function only affects the value seen on the display. Set-
points, current outputs, and serial outputs are unaffected.
Hi can range from 0 to 255; Lo can range from 0 to -255. The default values for both are
0. The values can be modified by using the Up and Down Arrow Keys or by direct entry with the Alphanumeric Keys. When the desired number is shown, pressing the Enter Key saves the new value.
Note that when you input the value for Zclmp, the display automatically shows any fixed zeroes or decimal point, consistent with your selection for Form. Table 4-2 shows some examples of the maximum value for Zclmp.
Form Maximum Value
for Zclmp
xxx.xx 2.55
xxxxx 255
xxxxxoo 25500
Table 4-2. Interaction of Form and Zclmp
This menu allows you to ‘hide’ a channel(s) from the scanning sequence on the display. The Weigh II continues to monitor the channel(s) that is hidden, but does not display it. This function is useful if you are not using all of the available channels to monitor vessels, want to observe specific channels without taking the other channels in the system off-line, or want to hide math channel(s) that contain intermediate results. The default for Hide is Off (i.e., the channel is not hidden).
Follow this procedure to hide channels.
1. If the Weigh II is in Auto Mode (Auto LED illuminated), press the Auto/Man Key to put the system in Manual Mode. The Auto LED turns off.
2. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow Keys to scroll to the desired channel.
3. Press the Menu Key to display the Main Menu. The display shows:
Disp I/O Cal
F1 F2 F3
Chapter 4. Display
4. Press the F1 Key to access the Display Menu. The display shows:
Avg Cntby Units
F1 F2 F3
5. Press the Menu Key three times to access the fourth page of the Display Menu. The display shows:
Time Zclmp Hide
F1 F2 F3
6. Press the F3 Key to access the Hide Menu. The display shows:
On *Off
F1 F2 F3
An asterisk indicates the current selection.
7. Press the F1 Key to hide the channel. The display acknowledges your selection and then returns to:
Time Zclmp Hide
F1 F2 F3
The Weigh II will not hide any channel until you enable the Hide function, described below in Step 8.
8. Press the Esc Key two times or press the Auto/Man Key to return to vessel monitor­ing. While in vessel monitoring in the Manual Mode, press the Shift Key (Shift LED illuminated) and then press the ‘9’ Key to enable the Hide function. The display acknowledges that Hide is en­abled. All channels that have On selected in the Hide menu will not display until you disable the Hide function (see Step 9 below).
9. To display the hidden channels again, while vessel monitoring in Manual Mode press the Shift Key (Shift LED illuminated) and then press the ‘9’ Key. The display acknowledges that Hide is disabled, and the display will now show all channels again.
Chapter 5. Inputs and Outputs
Chapter 5. Inputs and Outputs
Setpt Iout Serl Prnt PLC
Net/Grs Fsafe
4/0ma 20ma
1200 2400 4800
9600 19200
Printer Slave
Figure 5-1. The Input/Output Menu Tree
The I/O Menu is used to enter parameters for setpoints, current output (4-20 mA, 0-20 mA), serial port configuration, printer functions, and PLC interface. This chapter covers the functions in the I/O Menu. Explanations of each of the functions are provided. Addition­ally, detailed navigation procedures through the menu tree are provided for the setpoint and current output functions.
As shown in Figure 5-1, the I/O Menu has five submenus:
1. Setpt — used to set up setpoints to activate or deactivate a relay
2. Iout — used to set up current outputs
3. Serl — used to set up serial communica­tions settings for use with a PLC, printer, etc.
4. Prnt — used to direct output to a printer
5. PLC — used to set up communications with a PLC
The setpoint value is the weight measurement in a vessel where you wish a device (for example, a pump) to activate or deactivate. The setpoint setup functions for each vessel are accessed in this menu. They include adding and deleting setpoints and selecting activation levels, high or low activation, deadband values, fail-safe parameters, and net or gross weight.
The Descriptions section defines each of the parameters. The Setting Up the Setpoint and Setpoint Report sections provide the detailed procedures for using the Weigh II.
This menu is used to select the setpoint to be set up for the displayed vessel. Depending on the options you selected for your Weigh II, up to eight setpoints can be assigned per
Chapter 5. Inputs and Outputs
vessel or math channel. These are labeled SP1 for setpoint 1 through SP8 for setpoint 8.
Depending on the options you selected, up to a total of 16 setpoints can be assigned in the Weigh II, with a maximum of 8 setpoints for one vessel or math channel.
Once you have selected a setpoint to set up, the activation value (Val), the point where the setpoint relay changes state, can be entered. This value is entered directly with the Alpha­numeric Keys or scrolled to with the Up and Down Arrow Keys. The “-” Key is used to toggle between the positive and negative value of the number entered. Setpoint relays can be configured to change state either above (Hi) or below (Lo) the setpoint value.
The deadband (Dead) value determines the point at which a setpoint relay returns to its normal on/off state after the relay has been activated. The deadband value equals the amount of material that will be added or removed from the vessel before the setpoint relay is deactivated. Kistler-Morse recom­mends the use of a non-zero deadband to prevent relays from oscillating. The value is entered directly or scrolled to with the arrow keys. The default value is 10. Pressing the Enter Key saves the new value.
The setpoint relays can be set to activate from the net weight or the gross weight (Net/Grs) of the material in the vessel. Activating based on the gross weight is the default mode of the Weigh II.
Example: See Figure 5-2. A vessel with a 9,300 lb capacity has setpoint 1 (SP1) set at 9,000 lbs gross weight. The Hi/Lo function is set to Hi and the deadband (Dead) is set at 1,000 lbs. When the contents exceed 9,000 lbs, the setpoint energizes, activating a pump to remove material from the vessel. The pump continues to operate until the setpoint de­energizes at a material weight of 8,000 lbs (9,000 lbs minus the 1,000 lb deadband).
This vessel also has a setpoint 2 (SP2) set at 2,000 lbs gross weight. The Hi/Lo function is set to Lo and the deadband (Dead) is set at 500 lbs. When the contents falls below 2,000 lbs, the setpoint energizes, activating a pump to fill the vessel. The pump continues to operate until the setpoint de-energizes at a
material weight of 2,500 lbs (2,000 lbs plus the 500 lb deadband).
Deadband = 1,000
Deadband = 500
Figure 5-2. Setpoint Example
If the Weigh II detects a problem, one of three fail-safe (Fsafe) conditions can be applied to a setpoint:
1. On
2. Off — default
3. NC (no change)
The On setting energizes the setpoint in a fail-safe condition. The Off setting de­energizes the setpoint in a fail-safe condition. The NC setting means no change is made to the setpoint condition in a fail-safe condition (i.e., whatever was energized before the problem was detected will continue to be energized). A fail-safe condition remains in effect until the problem has been corrected.
The following are examples of conditions of fail-safe conditions:
• ADC (analog-to-digital converter) overrange/underrange condition
• Engineering units overrange
When this menu is accessed, the display shows all setpoints assigned to the current vessel. A typical display looks like this:
SP2 Output Chan
Slot 02 Chan# 03
F1 F2 F3
• SP2 is the setpoint label
• Slot 02 is the slot number of the setpoint
• Chan# 03 is the relay channel of the setpoint on the setpoint PCB
Pressing any key other than the Esc Key or Auto/Man Key cycles through the reports for all other assigned setpoints for this vessel.
+ 90 hidden pages