Kirisun TR850 Service Manual

TR850 Service Manual
1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................... 1
COPE OF MANUAL .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. S
1.2. S
2. PRODUCT CONTROL S AND LE D INDICATOR INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 2
2.1. P
2.2. LED
INDICATOR ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. RF
CIRCUIT ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Tx Circuit .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1.2. RF Power Amplifier Module Circuit .................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.3. Rx Module Circuit ................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. GPS CIRUIT ............................................................................................................................................ 8
ASEBAND SECTION ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3. B
Circuit Descrip ti on .................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.2. Power Section ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.3. Audio Processing ................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.4. Ethernet Interface ................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.5. Boot Mode .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.6. Hardware V ers ion Enc ode ................................................................................................................................. 16
3.3.7. Baseband Board Interf ace and Indicator ........................................................................................................ 17
3.3.8. Tx Unit Interface Definition (J17) ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.9. RF Power Amplifier Module Interface (J18) ................................................................................................... 19
3.3.10.Rx Unit Interface D efinition (J15) .................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.11.Front Panel Interface Definition (J19) ............................................................................................................. 22
3.3.12.Serial Port Defin ition (J23) ................................................................................................................................ 22
3.3.13.JTAG Simulator Interface Def in it io n ( J 2) ....................................................................................................... 23
3.3.14.External Inter fac e Definition (J9) ..................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.15.Case External Int er face Definition .................................................................................................................. 26
4. FUNCTION AND PARAMETER SETTING............................................................................................. 28
ONVENTIONAL FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................... 28
4.1. C
ARAMETER SETTING ............................................................................................................................ 28
4.2. P
Parameters setting ............................................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.2. Install CPSp user programming softw are ....................................................................................................... 29
5. ASSEMBLY A ND DISA SSEMBLY INSTRUCTION ............................................................................... 32
UPLEXER ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................................................ 32
5.1. D
ISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................... 34
5.2. D
5.3. E
ONNECTION ......................................................................................................................................... 41
5.4. C
TR850 Service Manual
6. ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 44
REPARATION ........................................................................................................................................ 44
6.1. P
6.2. M
ETHOD OF MODULATION AND TEST ...................................................................................................... 44
Local Oscillator Adjustment ................................................................................................................................ 44
6.2.2. Tx Adjustment........................................................................................................................................................ 45
6.2.3. Rx Adjustment ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
7. MAIN TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS AND SPECIFI CATIONS ................................................................... 49
8. MAINTENA NCE A ND TEST EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................ 51
9. TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................................ 52
APPENDIX1 400-470MHZ UHF BAND SPARE PART LIST..................................................................... 55
ABLE1 PARTS LIST (RX MODULE SECTION) .................................................................................................. 55
ABLE2 PARTS LIST (TX MODULE SECTION) ................................................................................................... 65
ABLE3 PARTS LIST (POWER AMPLIFICATION SECTION) .................................................................................. 72
ABLE4 PARTS LIST (BASEBAND MAINBOARD) ................................................................................................ 76
ABLE5 PARTS LIST (FRONT PANEL) .............................................................................................................. 84
ABLE6 PARTS LIST (POWER BOARD) ............................................................................................................ 84
ABLE7 PARTS LIST (ACCESSORY BOARD) ..................................................................................................... 85
IGURE 1 RX MODULE TOP BOARD PCB VIEW............................................................................................... 86
IGURE 2 RX MODULE BOTTOM BOARD PCB VIEW ........................................................................................ 87
IGURE 3 TX MODULE TOP BOARD PCB VIEW ............................................................................................... 88
IGURE 4 POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE TOP BOARD PCB VIEW ....................................................................... 88
IGURE 5 POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE BOTTOM BOARD PCB VIEW ................................................................ 89
IGURE 6 BASEBAND MAINBOARD TOP BOARD PCB VIEW ............................................................................. 90
IGURE 7 BASEBAND MAINBOARD BOTTOM BOARD PCB VIEW ....................................................................... 91
IGURE 8 FRONT PANEL TOP BOARD PCB VIEW ............................................................................................ 92
IGURE 9 FRONT PANEL BOTTOM BOARD PCB VIEW ..................................................................................... 92
IGURE 10 POWER BOARD TOP BOARD PCB VIEW ........................................................................................ 93
IGURE 11 ACCESSORY BOARD TOP BOARD PCB VIEW ................................................................................. 94
IGURE 12 ACCESSORY BOARD BOTTOM BOARD PCB VIEW .......................................................................... 94
IGURE 13 RX MODULE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................................... 95
IGURE 14 TX MODULE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................................. 102
IGURE 15 POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ..................................................................... 107
IGURE 16 BASEBAND MAINBAORD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................ 110
IGURE 17 FRONT PANEL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM........................................................................................... 125
IGURE 18 POWER BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ........................................................................................ 126
IGURE 19 ACCESSORY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................................. 127
APPENDIX2 136-174 MHZ VHF BAND SPARE P A RT LI ST .................................................................. 128
ABLE 1 PART LIST(RX MODULE SECTION) .................................................................................................. 128
ABLE 2 PART LIST(TX MODULE SECTION) .................................................................................................. 145
ABLE 3PART LIST(POWER AMPLIFICATION MODULE SECTION) ..................................................................... 151
TR850 Service Manual
TABLE 4 PART LIST(BASEBAND BOARD) ....................................................................................................... 155
ABLE 5 PART LIST(FRONT COVER) ............................................................................................................. 163
ABLE 6 PART LIST(POWER BOARD) ............................................................................................................ 163
ABLE 7 PART LIST(ACCESSORY BOARD) ..................................................................................................... 164
IGURE 1 RX MODULE TOP BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ...................................................................... 165
IGURE 2 RX MODULE BUTTOM BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ............................................................... 166
IGURE 3 TX MODULE TOP BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ...................................................................... 167
IGURE 4 POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE TOP BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM .............................................. 167
IGURE 5 POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE BUTTOM POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ................................................... 168
IGURE 6 BASEBAND MAINBOARD TOP BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM .................................................... 169
IGURE 7 BASEBAND MAINBOARD BUTTOM BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ............................................. 170
IGURE 8 FRONT PANNEL TOP BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ................................................................. 171
IGURE 9 FRONT PANNEL BUTTOM BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM .......................................................... 171
IGURE 10 POWER BOARD TOP BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM .............................................................. 172
IGURE 11 ACCESSORY BOARD TOP BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ........................................................ 173
IGURE 12 ACCESSORY BUTTOM BOARD POSITION MARK DIAGRAM ............................................................. 173
IGURE 13 RX MODULE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM .............................................................................................. 174
IGURE 14 TX MODULE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................................. 181
IGURE 15 POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ..................................................................... 186
IGURE 16 BASEBAND MAINBOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................ 189
IGURE 17 FRONT PANNEL SCHEMETIC DIAGRAM ........................................................................................ 204
IGURE 18 POWER BOARD SCHEMETIC ....................................................................................................... 205
IGURE 19 ACCESSORY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................................. 206
TR850 Service Manual
1. Overview
1.1. Scope of Manual
This manual is intended for use by trained engineers and professional technicians for the maintenance and repair of TR850 Repeater. Data changes in this manual may occur with the improvement of technology. To get the latest technology information, please contact us or your l oc al d ist ributors.
Before repairing the unit, please read this manual.
1.2. Safey Precautions

Electromagnetic Radiation

Radios generate and radiate electromagnetic energy, the security design of Kirisun radios’ electromagnetic radiat ion on human meets national and international standards.

Electromagnetic Interference

Installation should be i n accordance with local radio regulations.

Explosive and Harmful Gases

Do not install the repeater in areas with explosive and harmful gases, such as the lower deck of the hull, fuel or chemical storage faci lities, area where the air contains chemicals or particles, dust or metal dust.
Do not install the repeat er when close to the blasting area, electric blasti ng detonators.

Replacement Parts

When replacing any replacement part, please be aware of the model. Do not arbitrarily replace the component that does not matc h with the radio.
TR850 Service Manual
2. Product Controls and LED Indicator Introduction
2.1. Product Controls
No. Part Name No. Part Name
1 Handle 2 Front Panel LED Indicator 3 Power Switch 4 GPS Atenna Co nnector 5 ACCY Connector 6 Internet Connector 7 AC Connector (with fuse) 8 Grouding Scew 9 Transmit Ante nna Connector (N) 10 Fan 11 Heat Sink 12 Receive Antenna Connector (BNC) 13 DC Connector - -
TR850 Service Manual
2.2. LED Indicator
LED Description
TX-A Indicates slot 1 is transmitting.
RX-A Indicates slot 1 is receivin g.
TX-B Indicates slot 2 is transmitting.
RX-B Indicates slot 2 is receivin g.
Repeater mode. When illuminated, the repeater is active. When the repeater is inactive, the LED is o ff.
Analog mode. For analog or mixed signals the LED flashes when active. The LED is off when inactive.
Digital mod e . F or di gi tal or m ix e d signals the LED flashes when active. The LED is off when inactive.
Alarm mode. Illuminates when there is a problem with the repeater.
Illuminates when the repeater is switched on.
3. Circuit Description
3.1. RF Circuit
The RF part is compos ed of transmitter module, power amplifier mod ul e and receiver module.
3.1.1. Tx Circuit
IC100 SKY72310
Figure 3-1 Transmitter Circuit
TR850 Service Manual
Transmitter circuit includes three parts:
Two Point Modulation Circuit
The RF center frequency cal ibrat ion from the baseband and the low frequency part of 4FSK signal will be processed with addition algor it hm, then sent to the DAC to get MODE1 signal. The MODE1 directly enters the reference cloc k X100, which is used for cent er frequenc y control a nd low fre quency modulation.
The MODE2 signal, which passes the two-level low pass filter which is composed of IC301s for DAC sampling interference filter , will be sent into VCO for high frequency part modulation.
Transmitter Frequency Generation Unit Circuit
The transmitter PLL includes two VCOs,one PLL(IC100) IC SKY72310 and reference clock X100. The transmitting frequencies of the two VCOs controlled by the TXVCOSELECT signal are 400~435M Hz a nd 435~470MHz respectively.(VHF is 136~ 155MHz and 155~174MHz)
a. Working Principle of Voltage Controlled Oscillator The Tx Module employs two VCOs which cover the band of 400~435MHz and 435~470MHz (VHF is
136~155MHz and 155~174MHz). The switch of VCO is controlled by the TXVCOSELECT signal. VCO employs thr ee point capac itanc e oscillation circuit. The VCO that c overs the band of 40 0~435M Hz (VHF is 136~155MHz) is composed of D106~D109L119Q106 and some other components, while the VCO covers the band of 435~470MHz (VHF is 155~174MHz) is composed of D101~D104L107Q105 and some other components .
The 12.8 MHz reference clock (X100) output signal which is controlled by MODE1 signal will enter the reference input port of PLL IC (IC100 SKY72310), then according to the configuration of register, it will be divided to get 3.2MHz reference frequency, and the frequency will be compared in phase difference with the signal generated by t he frequenc y div ision which is resulted from the VCO’s enter into the input port of PLL chip. The PLL (IC100 SKY72310) PD pin will output the positive or negative pulse current which is in
b. Working Principle of Frequency Generation Unit
output pulse width, is directly proportional to the aforementioned signal phase difference. When the pulse
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current passes the loop f ilter, it will be converted to CV voltage via RC integral. The the CV voltage will be sent to the VCO varactor to adjust and control the output frequency from the VCO until the CV voltage becomes constant. The loop is locked in the meantime.
Buffer Amplifier Circuit
VCO outputs the modulated carrier signal to enter Q2002 for buffer amplication and then passes the LPF U402 to eliminate the harmonic wave. A fter that, the signal will go into IC306 for pre-amplification, then passes the LPF to filter the harmonic wave again, and the signal is output to the SMA connector which is connected to the transmitt ing power amplification.
3.1.2. RF Power Amplifier Module Circuit
Figure 3-2 RF power amp lification module
The power amplifier module will amplify the modulated carrier signal from the transmitter module to a certain power level, t hen send to the transmitter port.
The power amplifier modu le includes the three parts:
Power Amplification Part
The modulated carrier from the transmitter module will enter Q102 for pre-amplification, then the signal will attenuate to a certain level to make the amplitude of the signal which will be input with U100 operates between 17~20dBm. Under the control of POWERCONTROL signal, the RF signal output from U100 will pass the LPF to suppress the harmonic wave and collect power stationary wave sample from the directional coupler before being sent to the antenna port.
APC and Stat ion ar y Wave Protection Circuit
The directional coupler detects the forward and reverse directions RF signal and passes the Q103,Q104 to convert the signal to the DC voltage which is corresponding to the forwardand reverse direction power. After the voltage division, the forward direction DC voltage with the reverse direction voltage pass the selection switch which is composed of D201,D202 and enter IC100(NJM2904) for buffer amplification before being sent to the reverse phase input port of the operational amplifier of IC100(NJM2904). The
TR850 Service Manual
U4000 AD9864
2rd LO
POWERCONTROL control signal form the baseband will be sent to the identical phase input port of IC100(NJM2904)’s operational amplifier. After the operational amplification and external circuit’s function calculation, the signal is output as a conrol signal which controls the U100 gain control port to ensure that the actual output power remains stable when the impedance matches and to decrease the output power for power amplifier protection when the impedanc e mismatches.
Temperature Detection Circuit
The continuous temperature rise can lead to a decrease of transmitting power. The temperature detection employs IC101(DS18B20) to collect the digital temperature sample.W hen the temperature exceeds the threshold value, the fan wi ll be switched on for heat dissipation.
3.1.3. Rx Module Circuit
Figure 3-3 Receiver Module
Receiver Circu it
The receiver circuit includes RF Band pass filter, Low-noise amplifier, mixer, IF filter, IF ampli fier and IF processor.
The signal from the receiving port first passes the low pass filter to suppress the high frequency interference, and passes the electrical tuning BPF to suppress the image interference and the out-band interference.The in-band signal is sent to the low noise amplifier (IC3000) and the amplified signal passes the electrical tuning BPF contr olled by BPFADJUST to filter t he out-ba nd interf erence, so the ef fect ive high frequency will be sent to the mixer(IC3005). Meanwhil e, the first loc al oscillation passes the LPF and gets mixed with the effective signal in IC3005 to generate the first IF signal (51.65MHz). The first IF signal passes the crystal filter (Z3001) to suppress the out-band signal. The signal is then sen t to IF amplif ier (IC6003) for amplification before being sent to the crystal filter to strenghthen the suppression of the the adjacent channel. After being sent to the limiting amplifier composed of Q3001 and Q3002, the signal enters AD9864 (U4000) for the second freq uency mixing ,IF amplification and AD sampli ng. The digital IQ signal will be finally output to the baseband for further processing.
IF Processor Circuit
Figure 3-4 IF Processor
TR850 Service Manual
The 51.65MHz IF signal output from the IF amplifier enters the AD9864 via its pin 47, and it finishes the second frequency mixing in the AD9864 to convert the fisrt IF to the second IF. The second IF signal is converted to the digital signal through the ADC sampling and output from the SSI port, and the digital signal is sent to FPGA f or demodulation.
The reference frequency of AD9864 is 12.8MHz. The second local oscillation VCO is composed of external oscillation tube, varactor, and related components. The VCO provides the 49.4MHz local oscillation signal. The clock frequency of AD9864 is18MHz and it is generated by external LC resonance circuit.
Rx Module Frequency Generation Unit C irc uit
The Rx Module Frequency Generation Unit Circuit is composed of two VCOs and one PLL. Two VCOs cover the band of 400~435M Hz and 435~470MHz respectively (VHF is 136~155MHz and 155~174MHz).
a. Working Principle of PLL The 12.8MHz clock frequency provided by the baseband will enter the frequency divider for division, and
then the 3.2MHz phase detecting frequency will be generated. The signal generated by VCO enters the PLL chip for frequency division, and goes into the PD to get compared in phase difference with the signal generated by frequency division of reference clock, thus the continuous pulse current is generated. The continuous pulse current p asses t he loop filter and w ill be conv erted t o CV volt age via R C integral. The C V voltage will be sent to the varactor, and it controls and adjusts the VCO output frequency until the CV becomes constant. In the mean time, the PLL is locked, and the stable output frequency from VCO passes the two buffer amplifier to enter the frequency mixer.
b. Working Principle of VCO The Rx module employs two VCOs which cover the band of 348.35~383.35MHz and 383.35~418.35MHz
TR850 Service Manual
(VHF is 84.35~103.35MHz and 103.35~122.35MHz) respectively, and the switch of VCO is controlled by the RXVCOSELECT sign al. VCO employs three point capacitance oscillation circu it. The VCO that covers the band of 348.35~383.35MHz (VHF is 84.35~103.35MHz) is composed of D1006~D1009L1017 Q1011 and some other components, while while t he VCO covers the band of 383.35~418.35MHz (VHF is
3.2. GPS Ciruit
Figure 3-5 GPS Schemat ic Diagram
As Figure 3-5 shows, the repeater baseband board includes the GPS module (U9) and the GPS an ten na interface J8(SMA). The corresponding equipment box is also assembled with a GPS antenna interface which supports the outdoor active antenna. The GPS module integrates a baseband processor, LNA and SAW. The antenna receives the 1575.42M Hz GPS signal, a f ter t he inner a mpli ficati on and fi lter proce ss , it will be sent to the baseband section for further calculating, to get the geographical location and time information of the equipment. The output data information will be sent to processor (U4). M eanwhi le , the GPS module hardware will provide the one-pulse-per-second signal (1PPS) for OMAP and FPGA respectively.
3.3. Baseband Section
3.3.1. Circuit Description
Figure 3-6 Baseband Circuit
TR850 Service Manual
As Figure 3-6 shows, inside the dotted line box is the baseband section circuits, which includes the four major modules of dual core processor(U4), DDR2(U6), NAND FLASH(U7) and FPGA (U14). They are used to run the Linux operation system with various drivers and protocols to achiev e call forwarding.
Figure 3-7 Processor Inter nal Circuit
TR850 Service Manual
The internal circuit of the proces sor is as Figure 3-7 shows, which is co mpos e d of variou s seri al inter fac es such as 300MHz ARM926EJ MPU、300MHz C674x DSP、DMA controller、SDRAM EMIF interface、EMAC Ethernet IC RMII interfaceMcASP digital audio interface and McBSP, SPI, I2C, UART.
U6 is DDR2 S DRAM wi th the capacity of 1Gb(64Mx16), and it is used to store the running program
codes and various dynamic data.
U7 is NAND FLASH with the capacity of 2GB, and it is used to store the drive rs of all the devices,
operation system and application program code wh ich includes the program code of FPGA.
The digital IF signal sent from the FPGA processing receiving unit communicate with the processor U4
via EMA BUS, and it communicate with DAC via the analog SPI interface to process the transmitting and receiving data, which includes the data framing, filter, interpolation, extracting and etc. to achieve the calculation and synchronization of frame number. The PLL module inside the FPGA IC will process the external 12.8MHz, +/-1.5ppm reference clock to generate a 61.44MHz master clock via 24/5 frequency doubling and frequency division.
The external circuit includes the parts of ADC, DAC, CODEC, AUDIO AMP, ETHERNET, RS232 and etc.
The Analog-Digital Convertor ADC (U22) collects data such as stationary wave signal detection and
power supply voltage detection which are controlled by RF power.
Digital-Analog Convertor DAC (U24) is used for transmitter two point modulation output, and the other
DAC(U27) is used to achieve the band pass adjusting and the RF power amplification control of the RF receiver, the tuning control of the receiver local oscillation reference clock.
CODEC(U30) achieves the digital-analog converting. It is connected to the OMAP processor via I2S
digital audio interface to achieve the local monitoring, output and input of interposed speech or audio
TR850 Service Manual
Tx/Rx index testing.
The output power of audio power amplifier (U31) is 1W, which is used for local monitoring or tested
speech output.
Network interface (U17) is the TRx components of 10/100M single Ethernet physical layer , and it is used
to the tuning of various parameter setting and communication control.
UART- Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter(U32)achieve s the RS232 electrical level switch,
when it communicates with the PC, it can initiate the programming burning, programming tuning information printing, and e tc.
3.3.2. Power Section
Figure 3-8 Whole Unit Power
As Figure 3-8 shows, the whole unit power supply employs adaptive ac/dc power supply with AC priority and DC/AC auto switch. The output DC voltage which is switched and protected by the electric relay will be divided into two paths. One path is for the RF power amplification, and the other is for banseband mainboard. The switch in the front panel turns the power on/off via the electric relay U2. The protection circuit wil l c u t off all the DC output when the DC exceeds 18V.
The AC/DC switching part employs an independent module power supply(320W), and it supports the AC input range between 100V-240V, nominal output DC voltage is 12V, and the factory set is 13.2V.
The rated AC input voltage is between 100-240V, the socket is built in the dual protective tube. Specification of the protective tube is 2.5A, 5x20mm cer amic tube, slow type.
The rated DC input voltage is 13.6V with the rated current being 15A. The protective tube is included in the DC accessories.
Power Switch and AC/DC Switch
As the Figure 3-8 shows, t he elect ric re lay is sw itch ed on for t he AC power supply and it will cut off the DC point. The 13.2VDC output from the ACDC m odule is c onnect ed to U2 thro ugh the U1 c ont a ct. If the panel switch (J5) is on, the electric relay (U2) will be switched on, so is the repeater.
TR850 Service Manual
When AC power supply is off, the electric relay (U1) is released. The DC is connected to U2 via the electric relay (U1) contac t . I f t he panel switch (J5) is on, the electric relay U2 will be switch ed on, so is t he repeater.
The panel switch (J5) is off, and U2 is released, which cut off the baseband DC power supply B13V including the RF power supply R13V.
Over-voltage Prote ction
Figure 3-9 Over-voltage Circuit Protection
As the Figure 3-9 shows, the breakdown voltage of the voltage stabilizing diode is 18V+/-0.5V. If the input DC volatage is over 18V+/-0.5V, the Q1 breaks over with Q2 being cut of f, and the electric relay U2 will be released to cut off the DC power supply B13V, includ ing t he RF power supply R13V.
TR850 Service Manual
Baseband Board Power Supply
Figure 3-10 Baseband Board Power Supply Distribution Diagram
As Figure 3-10 shows, the baseband and RF employs isolated power supply. B13V will be divided into three paths. One path provides power for baseband circuit, the second one is provided for Tx and Rx module af ter being isolated by magnetic bead, and the last one is provided for heat dissipation fan after being isolated by the ferrit e Inductor.
The digital and analog part of the baseband circuit own separate power supply.
The power supply of the digital circuit is composed of two-level switch circuit. The first level decreases
the B13V to 5V via DC/DC (U1) ; the second level switches 5V to 3.3V, 1.8V, 1.2V and etc.. wh ich are isolated by various magne t ic beads before being supplied to the circuit modul es.
The analog circuit power supply will be directly supplied to analog audio power amplification circuit after
being switched to 8V via LDO. One power path outputs 5V_DA via the low voltage LDO (U26) and provide it for the analog power of DAC(U24, U27), and the other oupts 3.3V_A via the low voltage LDO
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(U5) and provide it for the analog p ow er of CODEC (U30).
3.3.3. Audio Processing
Figure 3-11 Audio Proces s ing Schematic Diagra
As the Figure 3-11 shows, the audio processing module mainly achieves encoding and decoding with ADC and DAC of the audio signal, including air audio forwarding and local audio TRx.
Air Audio Forwarding
The digi tal IF si gnal fr om the RF r ecei ver wil l be first sent to the FPGA(U14) for time slot processing and achieving the framing, filtering and extracting of the data to realize the calculation and synchronization of the frame number; the signal will be send to the DSP of CPU (U4)via the McBSP interface for 4FSK decoding, digital audio signal decoding and etc.. Meanwhile, the internal DSP will send the digital audio signal which achieves t he decodin g and enc oding to the FPGA(U14) for time slot processing and finishi ng the framing, filtering and interpolation and other synchronization calculation of the data, and the digital audio signal will then be sent to the DAC (U24) via the SPI interface for the audio digital/analog switch, generating the analog speech two point modulation signal before being sent to the transmitter for the audio forwarding.
Local Audio TRx
The internal DSP in the main processor(U4) connects to the CODEC(U30) via the I2S digital audio interface. The CODEC(U30) will convert the analog audio input from the external to digital audio, then
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send into the internal DSP. In the meantime, converts the received digital audio from the internal DSP to analog audio, then send t he audio t o audio pow er a mplifier( U31), be fore final ly send t o the ACCY external interface, which is to drive the 1W, 16Ω speaker.
3.3.4. Ethernet Interface
Figure 3-12 Ethernet Interface
As Figure 3-12 shows, A RMII simpli fied interface is used between the CUP(U4) and network interface chip(U17) . RMII inter fac e independent clock uses external clock mode and sh ar e 50MHz clock with U17.
CPU (U4) achieves the hardware information of internet interface U17 through the independent configuration interface MDIO. CPU also initiate it and assi gn M AC and IP address.
The data transmitt ing and receiving bet ween netw ork inter face ch ip(U17) and interface connector(J12) are achieved through connecting the transformer inside the connector jack RJ45 and LED through 2 pairs of differential line.
The network interface can realize parameter adjustment and parameter conf igure, user programming and firmware upgrade.
3.3.5. Boot Mode
A boot mode selection switch (J4) is provided on the baseband. The four position 1 to 4 of DIP encode switcher are correspondingly connected with boot 1 to boot 4 of OMAP (U4), so the boot operation mode will be changed after being powered on.
The level of position “ON” of encode switcher corresponding to boot which is connected to GND is 0”.Conversely, the level of position “OFF” is “1”.
As showing in Figure 3-13, the level of boot1 to boot4 of switcher is 0101, and it enters to firmware download mode after power on. It can upgrade the guide program and the low driver program by booting from serial port(UART2).
TR850 Service Manual
Figure 3-13 Firmware Download Mode Figure 3-14 User Mode
As showing in Figure 3-14, the level of boot 1 to boot4 is 1110, and it enters to normal running user mode after power on. It starts from NAND FLASH. In this mode, it can upgrade operation system kernel, device driver program, files syst em an d application program by network interfac e.
Please configure the boot mo de as user mode as shown in Figure 3-15 in normal use.
3.3.6. Hardware Version Encode
Figure 3-15 Hardware V er sion Enc ode
According to the position of chip resistor in Figure 3-15 the encoder is “001” and the corresponding version is Ver3. 0.
2 1 0 D2 D1 D0 Version
0 0 1 Ver1.0
0 1 0 Ver2.0
0 1 1 Ver3.0
1 0 0 Ver4.0
1 0 1 Ver5.0
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0R 0R 0R
1 1 0 Ver6.0
0R 0R 0R
1 1 1 Ver7.0
3.3.7. Baseband Board Interface and Indicator
Figure 3-16 Baseband Board I nt er fac e and I ndicator
See Figure 3-16, Th e int erfaces and indicators of banseband are as follows:
J1 is the 13.2V(+/-20%) DC input interface of the whole banseband mainboard, and the polarity
should be noted. The input circuit includes isolating magnetic inductor (L12) and chip insurance resistor (F1).
J2 is the JTAG adjustment interface of main processor, and it is used for program simulation
J4 is the switch for boot mode. See3.3.5Boot Mode for details. J6J7 are 12.8MHz clock and SMA offered by main board to other p art s. The two signals are the same
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and either one of them can be selected.
J8 is the interface and SMA of GPS interface, and it supp orts active antenna with 3.3V feed output. J9 is the ACCY external interface provided by baseband, and it is used for function expansion or test.
It includes the input and output of loc al speech, external PTT, and pr ogramm able exp ans ion IO. It provides 12V/1A DC output.
J15 is the interface of Rx board, including digital IF, SPI interface signal, 12C interface sig nal for storing
data of test and adjust m e nt, etc.
J17 is the interface of Tx board, includ ing two point modulation si gnal, SPI int erface of Tx circu it PLL, Tx
control signal, etc.
J18 is the control interface of RF power amplifier, including SWR , TEMP_DET, POWER_CONTROL,
J19 is the interface of LED status display board. J20 is the 12VDC fan interface.The fan will be switched on when the r adio tr ansmits or the temperature
goes beyond the set range.
J23 is the serial port UART2. LED2、LED3、LED4、LED5 indicates program operation status. LED6 indicates CPU power.
3.3.8. Tx Unit Interface Definition (J17)
Figure 3-17 Tx Unit Interface Definitio n
Ter minal NO. Terminal Name I/O Function
1 GND - Ground
2 MOD1 O TX Modulate signal output1
3 GND - Ground
4 MOD2 O TX Modulate signal output2
5 GND - Ground
TR850 Service Manual
6 NC - -
7 GND - Ground
8 NC - -
9 TX_LD O PLL locked indicate,active high
10 TX_VCO_SEL O Select VCO band
11 SPI_CLK O SPI clk
12 GND - Ground
13 VCCTX O Open TX Power,active high
14 GND - Ground
15 SPI_MOSI I/O SPI data
16 GND - Ground
17 PLL_CS O PLL chip selected,,active low
18 TX_ENABLE O Enable TX PLL,,ac t iv e high
19 VCC O 13.2V output
20 VCC O 13.2V output
3.3.9. RF Power Amplifier Module Interface (J18)
Figure 3-18 RF Power Amplifier Module Interface
TR850 Service Manual
Resets AD9864 SSI and DecimatorCounters;
Ter minal NO. Terminal Name I/O Function
1 POWER_CTRL O PO WER contr ol o utput
2 GND - Ground
3 POWER_SWITCH O POWER switch,active high
4 NC - -
5 TX_ENABLE O Power modul e enbale,active high
6 NC - -
7 SWR_R I Power SWR_R detector
8 TEMP_DET I Power tempreture detect or
9 SWR_T I Power SWR_T dete ct or
10 NC - -
3.3.10. Rx Unit Interface Definition (J15)
Figure 3-19 Rx Unit Interface
Ter minal NO. Terminal Name I/O Function
2 SPI_MISO I Data for AD9 864 SPI
3 AD9864_DATAOUT I Data for AD9864 SSI
4 AD9864_CLK I Clock for AD9864 SSI
Active Low
TR850 Service Manual
5 AD9864_FS I Frame synchronous for AD9864 SSI
6 SPI_CLK O Clock for AD9864 SPI
7 SPI_MOSI O Data for A D9864 SPI
8 AD9864_SPI_CS O Enable for AD9864 SPI
9 RX_VCO_CTRL O VCO tunner
10 RX_PLL_CS O PLL chip selected, active low
11 I2C_SDA I/O EEPROM data
12 I2C_SCL O EEPROM clock
13 RX_LD O PLL locked ind icate,active high
14 GND - Ground
15 RX_BPF_CTRL O Output for RX BPF filter tunner
16 NC - -
17 VCCR8X O Open RX Power,active high
18 GND - Ground
19 RX_VCO_SEL O select VCO band
20 NC - -
21 I2C_A0 O EEPROM address
22 NC - -
23 GND - Ground
24 NC - -
25 VCC O 13.2V output
26 VCC O 13.2V output
TR850 Service Manual
3.3.11. Front Panel Interface Definition (J19)
Figure 3-20 Front PanelInter fac e Definition
Terminal NO. T erminal Name I/O Function
1 3V3 - 3.3V
2 GND - Ground
3 LED0 O TX_A slot indicate, active high
4 LED4 O REPEATER mode indicate,active high
5 LED1 O RX_A slot indicate, act ive high
6 LED5 O ANALOG mode indicate,active high
7 LED2 O TX_B slot indicate,active high
8 LED6 O DIGITAL mode indicate,active high
9 LED3 O RX_B slot indicate,active high
10 LED7 O ALARM indicate,active high
3.3.12. Serial Port Definition (J23)
Figure 3-21 Serial Port Definition
TR850 Service Manual
Ter minal NO. Terminal Name I/O Function
1 NC - -
2 NC - -
3 TXOUT O RS232 TX output
4 NC - -
5 RXIN I RS232 RX input
6 NC - -
7 NC - -
8 NC - -
9 GND - Ground
10 NC - -
3.3.13. JTAG Simulator Interface Definition (J2)
Figure 3-22 JTAG Simulator Interface Definit ion
Ter minal NO. Terminal Name I/O Function
3 - - -
4 - - -
TR850 Service Manual
5 - - -
7 - - -
8 - - -
9 - - -
10 - - -
11 - - -
12 - - -
13 - - -
14 - - -
3.3.14. External Interface Definition (J9)
Figure 3-23 Externa Interface D ef in it io n
Ter minal NO. Terminal Name I/O Function
1 USB_D+ I/O Reserved
2 USB_D- I/O Reserved
3 V_BUS O Reserved
4 USB_GND - Ground
5 ACC_ID2 I Reserved
TR850 Service Manual
6 ACC_ID1 I Reserved
7 EXT_SWB+ O Power 13.2VDC switched out put
8 POWER_GND - Ground
9 EXT_SPK- O Annalog output speaker-
10 EXT_SPK+ O Analog output speaker+
11 TX_AUDIO I Analog audio input
12 AUDIO_GND - Ground
13 AUX_AUDIO_OUT1 O Reserved
14 RX_AUDIO I Reserved
15 AUX_AUDIO_OUT2 O Reserved
16 GND - Ground
17 PRGM_IO_1 I PTT input,high active
18 GND - Ground
19 PRGM_IO_2 I/O Reserved
20 PRGM_IO_6 I/O Reserved
21 PRGM_IO_3 I/O Reserved
22 PRGM_IO_7 O Output high level(2.8V)
23 PRGM_IO_4 I/O Reserved
24 PRGM_IO_8 I/O Reserved
25 PRGM_IO_5 I/O Reserved
26 PRGM_IO_9 I/O Reserved
TR850 Service Manual
3.3.15. Case External Interface Definition
Extended interface (J9) of base ban d is conn ected t o access ory board by a flat gray cable, t hen connect ed to the ACCY connector at the rear of repeater after conversion through accessory board. The ACCY connector is as following Figure 3-24.
Figure 3-24 ACCY Interface
Ter minal NO. T erminal Name I/O Function
1 Ext_SWB+ +13V Output +13.8V output(Imax<1A)
2 GND Ground Ground
3 USB_D+ Reserved
4 USB_D- Reserved
5 USB_VBUS Reserved
6 USB_GND USB Ground
External PTT Signal input, High level
7 Program_IN_1 (PTT)
8 Ext_Spk- External Speaker output 8 Ω /16Ω, 0.8W Max
active .when connected with Pin20, enter transmission mode
Digital Input: (2.5V<VIH<3.3V,0V<VIL<0.4V)
9 Ext_Spk+ External Spea ker out put 8 Ω /16Ω, 0.8W Max
Accessory ID input Line 2 Control signal, when
connected with Pin20, mode of analog RX performance testing
Digital Input: (2.5V<VIH<5V,0V<VIL<0.4V)
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