Kirisun FM540 Service Manual

F M540 Serv ice Manual
FM540 㔤؞᡻޼ሱ䶒
F M540 Serv ice Manual
1. Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Scope ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Safety Precaution ................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. External Views and Key Features ............................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Front Panel .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 LCD Display ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Rear Panel............................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Microphone (Handheld) ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Circuit Description ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Frequency Composition of Circuit ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 RX Principle ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.4 TX Principle ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.5 Principle of Frequency Synthesizer ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.6 Audio Processing Circuit ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.7 Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.8 MCU Unit ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.9 Semiconductor Description ................................................................................................................................. 13
4. Feature Description and Parameter Settings ........................................................................................ 19
4.1 TOT(time-out-timer) ............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Channel Scan ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1. Carrier Control Scan ............................................................................................................................ 19
4.3 Kill and Unkill ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Emergency ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
.5 Feature and Parameter Settings ........................................................................................................................ 21
5. Assembling and Disassemblin g .............................................................................................................. 22
5.1 Exploded View ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
F M540 Serv ice Manual
5.2 Maintenance and Disassembling Description .................................................................................................. 24
5.2.1. RF-PCB Disassembling Descript ion ................................................................................................... 24
5.2.2. Key-PCB Disass e mblin g Des cr ipt io n .................................................................................................. 26
6. Test and Modulation ................................................................................................................................. 27
6.1 Test and Modu lat io n M et hod .............................................................................................................................. 27
6.1.1. Parts Required for Modulation............................................................................................................. 27
6.1.2. Manual Modulation .............................................................................................................................. 27
6.1.3. Modulation by Computer ..................................................................................................................... 28
6.2 Radio Test .............................................................................................................................................................. 29
7.1 General Specifications ......................................................................................................................................... 30
7.2 RX Specification ................................................................................................................................................... 30
7.3 TX Specification .................................................................................................................................................... 31
9. Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Appendix 1 Acrony ms .................................................................................................................................. 34
Appendix2 Material List˄Electrics136-174MHz˅ .................................................................................... 35
Appendix 3 Material Specification(Electronical Parts 400-470) .............................................................. 55
Appendix 4 Material Specification (Stucture) ............................................................................................ 74
Figure 1 FM540-01Mainboard Schem ati c Diagram(136-174MHz) ......................................................... 79
Figure 2 FM540-01 Top Layer Posit i on Diagram(136-174MHz) ............................................................. 86
Figure 3 FM540-01Bottom Layer Position Diagram(136-174MHz) ........................................................ 87
Figure 4 FM540-02 Mainboard Schemati c Diagram( 400-470MHz) ........................................................ 88
Figure 5 FM540-02 Mainboard Top Layer Position Diagram˄400-470MHz˅ ..................................... 95
Figure 6 FM540-02 Mainboar d Bottom Layer Position Diagram˄400-470MHz˅ .............................. 96
Figure 7 FM540 KEY Board Schematic Diagr a m .................................................................................... 97
Figure 8 FM5 4 0KEYTop Layer Position Diagram ................................................................................... 98
Figure 9 FM5 4 0KEY Bottom La yer Position Diagram ............................................................................ 99
F M540 Serv ice Manual
1. Overview
1.1. Scope
This manual is intended for the maintenance & repair of FM540 and used by engineers and profe ssional technicians trained by Kirisun. Dada c han ges in thi s manua l may occur w ith th e improv e ment of tec hno logy. To get the latest t echnology information, please contact us or your local distributor s.
Please read this manual carefully before any maintenance or repair.
1.2. Safety Precaution
Please follow the instructions below to avoid fire or damage to radio: Maximum continuous working time for transmitingis 1 minute and 4 mniutes for receiving. Long
transmitting or continuous operationon high power mode may cause overheat on the back of the device.
Do not disassemble the device in any condition. Do not expose the radio under direct sunlight for long time or put it near any heating device. Avoid putting the radi o in dusty, humid or water-splashing environment or on uneven surface. if it is smoking or leaking unusual s m ell, cut off electricity imm ediately and contact local Kirisundealer. Do not use 24V battery as it is des ign ed to use 13.8V DC power supp ly.
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seconds) the button to
2. External Views and Key Features
2.1 Front Panel
No. Part Name No. Part Name
1 Microphone/Programming Port 2
5 P2 Key (programmable key ) 6
LCD Display
4 P1 Key (programmable key )
Refer to “LCD Display” section
Volu me Contro l Knob Rotate the knob toadjust t he volume
LED Indicator Red indicator glows: trans m it t ing. Red indicator flashes: e m er gency, power-on self-test failure or program auto upgrade failure. Green indicator glows: sig nals are being
received or channel activ ities ar e
detected. Orange indicator flashes: it is in call hang time (digital). Green indicator flashes: scanning.
7 Speaker 8 P3 Key (programmable key)
power on/off Butt on
11 Down Key 12 Up Key 13 Enter Key
Press (at least 2 power on/off the rad io.
Return Key Press the key to return
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2.2 LCD Display
Icon Description
Signal strength indicator. The signal gets stronger with more signal bars.
Unread Message
Full Inbox
The current channel is scanning
High Power
Low Power
Analog Channel
Digital Channel
Emergency state (except secret alarm) or an emergency alarm is received.
Private Call
Group Call
All Call
The current digital channel is encrypted
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2.3 Rear Panel
No. Part Name No. Part Name
1 Antenna Port 2 Power Port
3 External Speaker Port
2.4 Microphone (Handheld)
No. Part Name
Press the key to transmit and r el ease to receive.
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* Key Enter “*”.
# Key Switch input method.
Enter Key Programmable key. Set as me nu navigation enter key by default.
Up key Programmable key. Set as Up K ey by default.
Down Key Programmable key. Set as Down Key by default.
Return Key Programmable key. Set as Retur n Key by default.
MIC Press ǏPTTǐ key and speak to the mic to transmit.
Digital Keypad (09) 10 keys in total. Press the key to ent er the number or edit the t ext messa ge or new cont act.
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3. Circuit Description
3.1 Overview
This is a FM device.
3.2 Frequency Composi tion of Circuit
Figure 3-1 Circuit Schematic
The receiver applies secondary mixing technology.The first intermediate frequency is 51.65MHz and the second one is 450 kHz. The first local oscillator is generated by the frequency synt hesizer w hile th e sec on d one is generated by quadruple frequency of12.8MHz. Txsignal is generated by the frequency synthesizer and the reference frequen c y of the frequency synthesiz er is generated by TCXO.
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1st local
D3 D37 D36
3.3 RX Principle
Figure 3-2 RX Schematic
Front En d of Receiver The signal received will passTx-Rx switch controller andalso the BPF composed of LC of two levels
toremove undesired out-of-band signals, then it will be sent to the LNA(low noise amplifier) composed of Q18 and other peripheral component s for amplif icat ion
The output of LNA passes t he BPF composed of LC of three levels to further remov e undesired out-of-band signals and is then sent to the first-level fre quency mixer Q19.
The First Mixer The signal from LNA mixes with the first local oscillator signal from the frequency synthesizer to generate
the first intermediate frequ enc y (51.65MHz) signal.
IF Circuit The first IF signal passes t he cry stal filter (XF700) to remove the sign als fro m t he adjac ent chan ne l or other
channels. The first IF signal from the crystal filter is sent to the IF- processing IC(IC6, GT3136) after bei ng am plif ied
by the first IF amplifier (Q20). IF IC includes secondary mixer, IF amplifier, limiter, frequency detector, noise amplifier and audio low pass
filter. The 12.8MHz signal from X1 passes Q300 and the peripheral circuit for amplification and then the second
local oscillator of 51.2MHz is acquired. The second oscillator (51.2MHz) mixes frequency with the first IF
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signal (51.65MHz) in IC6 to gener ate the second IF signal (450kHz). The second IF signal will be amplified and limited in IC700 and after being filtered by CF1 crystal filter (450kHz), it will be demodulated by IC700 and audio signal will be output .
Squelch Circuit The signal demodulated by IC6 is sent to the noise amplifier, and the amplified noise signal is sent to Q21
for further amplification and to D21 for wave detection to generate DC electric level, which is sent to the MCU control squelch circuit. The voltage is inversely proportional to the input sign al.
3.4 TX Principle
Figure 3-3 Power Ampl ification and Antenna Schematic Diagram
The modulated RF sig nal from VCO is sent to Q600 for power ampli fication a fter bein g amplif ied by Q1, Q2, and Q5.
IC4 is controlled by MCU APC circuit to change the grid bias voltage, easily controlling the output power of the transmitter.
APC (automatic power control) Circuit D9 and D10 are standing w ave current detection. IC4 is power amplifier. If the output power of the transmitter is too high, the power amplifier current increases and the output
voltage from D9 and D10 will go up, which causes the VGG offset voltage on IC1 decreases and thus the output power of the transm itter decreas es. Vice versa. In this way, the output power of the transmitter stays stable in different working environ ment.
MCU sets the power by changing the voltage input to IC4.
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12.8MHz TCXO
3.5 Principle of Frequency Synthesiz er
Figure 3-4Diagram of Frequency Synthesizer
This radio applies PLL frequency synthesizer.The frequency synthesizer consists of reference oscillator, voltage controlled osc il lator (VCO), programmable f r equency divider, phase comparator and low pass filter.
Q6, D1, D4, D5, D6 and other resistor-capacitor components compose TX VCO unit. D8 is the modulation circuit of TX VCO.
Q12, D4, D16, D17, D18 and other resistor capacitor components compose RX VCO unit. IC3 (MB15E03) is PLL i ntegrated circuit, which contains programmable reference divider, programmable
divider, phase comparator, charge pump and so on. R54, C113, R55, R57, C117, R51, C109 an d so on compose loop filter.
The reference frequency is offered by X1 (TCXO, 12.8MHz). The reference frequency from TCXO(temperature controlled crystal oscillator) is divided by the
programmable reference divider in IC3 to generate reference frequency of 5kHz or 6.25kHz(based on the set channel frequency and cont r ol led by MCU).
The oscillation frequency f rom VCO is sent to IC3 after bei ng mu ltipli ed by s econd multip lier circ uit, and will then be compared to reference frequency after being divided by programmable divider to get error signal. The error signal will be filtered by the low pass filter and sent to VCO to change the oscillation frequency. When the VCO frequency r eaches the set value, VCO is locked.
Loss of Lock Detection: when PLL loses its lock, IC3 pin1 4 outputs low electric level signal to MCU and MCU controls the transmitter to forbid the transmitting and sound alert. When locked, IC3 pin14 outputs high electric level.
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FM receiver
FM modulatorPA
Host MCU
Voice coder
3.6 Audio Processing Circuit
Figure 3-5 Frequency Synthesis Diagram
MIC Signal Processing The audio signal from MIC is sent to U6 for A/D audio switch and sent to U1 SCT3252 for internal adio
encoding/decoding, communication protocol processing, channel coding modulation. Afterwards, MOD2, MOD1 are output through tw o separate pat hs fr om U6 and sent separately to TCXO and VCO for two-point modulation. 4FSK modulation signal is output in digital status and sine wave signal is output in analog status.
RX Audio Signal Pr ocessing The audio signal demodulated from IC700 is sen t t o U6 for A/D audio switch and then be processed by U1
SCT3252. After audio pro cess ing, co mmu nicatio n prot ocol proc ess ing and D SP, the signal is sent to U6 for D/A switch and output to audio power deviceU800(TDA2822) for amplification, motivating the speaker to sound.
Squelch Circuit: demodula ted and output byIC700; it passes filter circuit and the nois e will be remov ed from demodulated signal and amplified by Q700; after detection by D701, it will be sent to MCU. MCU identifies the noise volume and controls the squelch.
Speaker Impedance: 16Ω.
Any terminal of the speak er mu st not be attached to the ground!
The emergency alert tone is not controlled by volume.
3.7 Power Supply
This radio applies 13.8V battery. The transmitter power amplifier circuit (IC1) and the receiver audio processor (IC7) directly use the battery for power supply with other circuits using 5V for power supply.
Q38: 8T switch; controll ed by MCU. 8T supplies power for t he t r ansmitter front end. Q40: 8R switch; controlled by MCU. 8R supplies power for receiver RF amplifier, mixer, IF processor, and
other units.
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IC1: 5C switch. 5V circuit is controlled by MCU. 5C supp lies power for frequency sy nt hes iz er. IC8, IC102: 3V and 1.2V DC\DC voltage stabilizing circuit; supplies DC current for U1 (SCT3252F). IC9: 8V three-terminal volt age st abilizing circuit.
3.8 MCU Unit

MCU unit

MCU unit controls the operation of eac h unit and realizes all the features on the device:
Communication with PC
Saves the status data
Control PLL to generate RX/ TX local oscillation frequency
Acquire s t he c ur rent channel status
Controls LED status indication
Controls power supply of each unit
Chec k action from each feature key
Generates CTCSS signal
GneratesDCS signal
Generates power control signal
Completes CTCSS decoding
Completes DCS decoding
Squelch detection and control
Control t he content of voice prompt
Memorizer (E2PROMˈAT24LC512BN)
It stores channel data, CTCSS/DCS data, feature configuration data and para meter adjustment data.

CTCSS/DCS Signal Encoding and Decoding

The CTCSS/DCS signal generated by MCU is sent s eparately to VCO and TCXO for modulation. The CTCSS/DCS signal from the receiver is sent to MCU for decoding. MCU will try to identify the
CTCSS/DCS signal received which is the same as the device and the speaker will be turned on if it does.


CTCSS (continuous ton e contr ol squ elch s yst em) is a sque lch cont ro l syst e m modulated on the car rier wit h the CTCSS signal being the pilot frequency
If the CTCSS feature is set, the conversat ion is enabled on ly w hen the CTCSS frequency from the receiv er and transmitter is the same t o avoid interference from other sign al s .
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39 groups of standard CT CS S fr equency of this radio are available. See Chart 1. CTCSS signal is generated by MCU (PWM wave form), and it is sent to VCO for modulation after being
filtered by the low pass filter composed o f RC for eliminating the frequency hi gher t han 300Hz. Chart 3-1 CTCSS Frequency Chart
No. Frequency [Hz] No. Frequency [Hz] No. Frequency [Hz] No. Frequency [Hz]
1 67.0 11 94.8 21 131.8 31 186.2
2 69.3 12 97.4 22 136.5 32 192.8
3 71.9 13 100.0 23 141.3 33 203.5
4 74.4 14 103.5 24 146.2 34 210.7
5 77.0 15 107.2 25 151.4 35 218.1
6 79.7 16 110.9 26 156.7 36 225.7
7 82.5 17 114.8 27 162.2 37 233.6
8 85.4 18 118.8 28 167.9 38 241.8
9 88.5 19 123.0 29 173.8 39 250.3
10 91.5 20 127.3 30 179.9

DCS Signal

DCS (digital code squelch) is a continuo us numeri cal code w hich is modu lated along w ith the speec h sign al on the carrier to control the squelch. If the DCS feature is set, the speaker is on only when the same DCS code is received to avoid the unn ecessary signal interference.
83 kinds of standard code of this radio are available. See chart 3-2. DCS signal is generated by MCU (PWM wave form), and it is sent to VCO and TCXO for modulation after
being filtered by the low pass filter composed of RC for eliminating the frequency higher than 300Hz. VCO modulates the high freque ncy of DCS signal and TCX O modu lat es the low frequency of DCS signal.
CTCSS/DCS signal from t he receiver is sent t o MCU for dec od ing. MCU will try to identify the CTCSS/DCS signal received which is the same as the device and the speaker will be tur ned on if it does.
Chart 3-2 DCS Encoding Chart
023 114 174 315 445 631
025 115 205 331 464 632
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026 116 223 343 465 654
031 125 226 346 466 662
032 131 243 351 503 664
043 132 244 364 506 703
047 134 245 365 516 712
051 143 251 371 532 723
054 152 261 411 546 731
065 155 263 412 565 732
071 156 265 413 606 734
072 162 271 423 612 743
073 165 306 431 624 754
074 172 311 432 627
3.9 Semiconductor Description
Chart 3-3 Microprocessor (M30620) Port Descri ption
Pin No. Port Name Input/ output Function
1 VCCN D/A Output Reference frequency ad justment output
2 TONE_OUT D/A Output DTMF/Tone output, beep output
3 HSDI I Tone decodin g in put
4 EPDT I/O EEPROM data input / out put
8 BSHIFT O Clock beat frequency control
9 SV O Min. volume control
10 RESET I CPU reset input
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11 XOUT O CPU clock output
12 VSS - GND
13 XIN I CPU clo c k inp ut
14 VCC - +5V
15 NC I +5V
16 PTT I PTT key
18 NC I NC
19 NC O NC
20 NC I/O NC
21 NC O NC
22 S_CS O FLASH data output
23 S_SO I FLASHdata output
24 NC O NC
25 S_SCK O FLASH data output
26 PC/TV O TX power,receving frequency band voltage tunning
27 S_SI - FLASH data output
28 NC O NC
29 TXD O TXD1 output
30 RXD I RXD1 input
31 C_CLK - Emulator interface
32 C_BUSY O Emulator interface
33 TXD0 O NC
34 RXD0 I NC
35 AFCO_1 O RX/TX audio power amplification control pin
36 NC O NC
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37 RX SW O Receiver VCO switch
38 TX SW O Transmitter VCO switch
39 C_CE - Emulator interface
40 PLL UL I Phase-locked loop loss of lock check pin
41 PLL ST D O Phase-locked loop enabling control
42 PLL DATA O Phase-locked loop data output
43 PLL CLK O Phase-locked loop clock
44 NC - NC
45 SCT3252MOD O Data output pin
46 GREEN_LED I RX status indicator
47 RED_LED I TX status indicator
48 8TC I 8T control pin
49 8RC I 8R control pin
50 SBC I SB control p in
51 INTO O Baseband wake-up pin
52 PLLBYOPASS O Baseband bypass pin
53 PLLSEL2 O PLLHigh/low Selection
54 HCSN O Baseband Chip Selection
55 HWRN I Baseband data writing enable
56 HRDN O Baseband data reading enable
57 HOBIB O Baseband data check
58 RSTN_3252 O Baseband reset
59 NMI - Baseband wake-up foot
60 ACC - +5V
61 PIO3 - Baseband wake-up foot
62 VSS - GND
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63 HPI_DATA0 - HPI address bus
64 HPI_DATA1 - HPI ad dress bus
65 HPI_DATA2 I HPI address bus
66 HPI_DATA3 I HPI address bus
67 HPI_DATA4 I HPI address bus
68 HPI_DATA5 I/O HPI address bus
69 HPI_DATA6 I/O HPI address bus
70 HPI_DATA7 I/O HPI address bus
71 SI/D7 I LCD data output
72 SCL/D6 I LCD data output
73 A0 I L LCD data output
74 /RST I LCD reset pin
75 /CS1 I LCD data output
76 NC O NC
77 NC O NC
78 BASEBAND_C O Baseband power control pin
79 D0 O DTMF data pin
80 D1 O DTMF data pin
81 D2 O DTMF data pin
82 D3 O DTMF data pin
83 DV O DTMF data pin
84 NC O NC
85 NC O NC
86 HOOK - HOOK control pin
87 BEEP_C I Reverse detection input
88 BATT I Voltage check input
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local oscillator, second IF amplification,
89 RSSI I Receiving filed intensit y signal input
90 BUSY I Squelch voltage check input
92 PF2 I PF2
93 PF1 I PF1
95 TEMP - TX temperature detection
96 VREF - +5V
97 AVCC - +5V
98 W/N - W/N switch pin
99 MD I Speaker micdata input pin
100 TGSW O TX control pin
Chart 3-4 Semiconductor Descript ion
Position Mark Model Feature Description
IC202 PST9140NR MCU reset circuit
IC3 MB15E03 Frequency synthesizer
IC4 NJM2904 APC, volatage comparison, driv er
Receiver second
IC6 GT3136
amplitude limiting, demo dulation, noise amplification.
IC204 NJM2902 Receiver demodulation signal amplification and filtering.
IC1 M30620 MCU
E2PROM, stores channel frequency dat a, feature settings and
IC200 AT24C512C
modulation status para me ters.
IC7 TDA1519C Receiver audio power ampli f ication
Q12 2SC3356 RX VCO oscillator tube
Q1 2SC5108 VCO buffer amplifier
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U2 UMC4 TX VCO control switch
Q7 2SC5108 Feedback loop amplifier
Q25 DTA143TE RX VCO control switch
Q14 2SC4617 VCO power filter
Q2 2SC5108 VCO buffer amplifier
Q11 2SC5108 RX second local oscillation am plifier
Q6 2SC3356 TX VCO oscillation tube
Q5 2SC3357 Trasmitter power a mp li f ication boost
IC1 RA30H1317M Transmission level final power amplification
Q4 2SC3357 Transmitter 1st amplification
Q18 3SK318 Receiver low noise amplification
Q19 3SK318 1st level mixer
Q20 2SC5108 First IF amplifier
Q21 2SC4617 Receiver noise amplifier
Q22 FMMT717 Audio output control switch
Q23 DTC144EE Audio power amplification control switch
IC9 L7808CV 8V three-terminal regulated output
IC11 XC6204B502MR Adjustable 5C regulated output
Q40 KTA1298 Adjustable 8R regulated output
Q38 KTA1298 Adjustable 8T regulated output
IC102 XC6228D122VR 1.8Vvoltage output modulation
IC2 TA78033AF 3Mvoltage output modulation
Chart 3-5 Diode Description
Position Mark Model Feature Descript i on
D12 DA2S10100L Diode for loss of lock detect ion
D8 1SV278 TX VCO modulati on diode
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D1,D4 D5,D6
F M540 Serv ice Manual
1SV305 TX VCO oscillation varactor
D14,D15D16,D 17
D19 HSC277 RX VCO output switch diode
D2 HSC277 TX VCO output switch diode
D7 HZU5ALL APC output voltage-limiting diode
D3,D37 D36 D27,D28,D29,D
D25 RB706F Commutation diode
1SV305 RX VCO oscillation varactor
HVC131 Transmitter antenna switc h dio de
1SV305 RX band pass filter varactor
4. Feature Description and Parameter Settings
4.1 TOT(time-out-timer)
This feature prevents the user from long occupation of the channel. If the transmitting period exceeds the dealer’s preprogrammed time, the radio stops transmitting and rings alert tone. To stop the alert tone, please release the PTT button. For a second transmission, please press the PTT button after a certain period (set by the dealer). If the dealer preprograms the pre-warning feature, a warning is given when the transmitting period gets c l ose to its time-out-timer limit, indicating the transmission will be forbidden soon.
4.2 Channel Scan
Channel Scan is able to search for the channel where there is a signal, and the radio stays on the channel where a signal is detected to make a conversation. The scan method is carrier control scan.
4.2.1. Carrier Control Scan
The radio scan stays on a busy channel until it is no longer busy, and the scan is enabled automatically after a certain period (the specific period time is set by the local dealer).
Press the “Scan” shortcut key, and the radio scans the scan list of the current channel. When the radio is scanning, you can press t he “ Scan” shortcut key to stop scanning.
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4.2.2. Scan Revert Channel
When the radio is scanning, press the PTT button” and the radio transmits and communicates on a preset channel. This channel can be program m ed by the local distributor.
4.3 Kill and Unkill
If the dealer enables this feature, the radio can receive and decode other radio’s signals of Kill and Unkill before responding accordingly. After being killed, the radio can only receive the activated signal without being able to transmit or receive other signals. The radio is back to normal after activation.
4.4 Emergency
In a state of emergency, press the “Emergency On” shortcut key for the alarm call. The alarm method is composed of two parts: Alarm type, which mainly specifies the acoustooptic reaction in the state of alarm call; Alarm mode, which specifies the sending content in the state of alarm call. These parameters can be set by the dealer to meet your requirements. To disable the emergency feature, please press the “Emergency Off” shor t cut key.

Alarm Type

None: no alarm feature (by default), and the alarm cannot be initiated by pr essing the e mergency but ton.
Siren Only: the radio only sounds siren locally.
Regular: acoustooptic alert for alarm status, able to receive response fro m other members.
Secret: no acoustooptic alert for alarm and do not receive response from members.
Secret w ith Voice: no acoustooptic alert for alarm but receives response from other members.

Alarm Mode

Emergency Alarm: after the alarm is initiated, the radio only transmits emer gency alarm, and afterwards,it automatic exitsalarm status.
Emergency Alarm + Emergency C all: the rad io trans mits emer gency a larm an d sends out emergency call by pressing the PTT but ton.
Emergency Alarm + Auto T rans mission of Background Tone: the radio transmits emergency alarm, and the background tone will be sent out per iodically and automatically in the way of emergency call.
Emergency Alarm: a non-speech s ignal is transmitt ed by the mobile radio to trigger other radios to send out an alert.
Emergency Call: a call mode with the priority of using channe lsso as to ensure smooth call during emergency.
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4.5 Feature and Parameter Settings
The radio is preset before the factory delivery, but the settings of digit al feature s, operational frequency, channel, QT/DQT, and auto scan feature amy be reset according to different requirements.Therefore, Kirisunspecifically designed Chinese/English FM540 programming software with friendly interface, easy operation and clear visual disp lay to help complete parameter set tings for FM540.
The stepsof setting parameters with computer are as below:
Step 1.Install FM540 programmin g software on the computer. Step 2. Use FM540 programming cable to connect the radio to PC serial port. See the following:
Note: please turn off the radio be fore connection.
Computer FM540 prgramming cable Mobile Radio
Step 3. Turn on t he mobile radio. Step 4.Click to operateFM540 programming so ftware program. Step 5.Click “Read” in the main menu of FM540 programming software to read the radio parameters into
PC. For detailed operation,please refer to the help file in FM540 programming software and the instruction
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5. Assembling and Disassembling
This radio is sophisticated communication equipment with a precise and compact mechanism. The assembly and disassembly of the radio must be car efully performed during t he repair. The description is as follows:
5.1 Exploded View
No. Part No. Description Quantity
1 7WFP-4090-01A FM540lens protective film 1
2 7MBP-4090-02A-WC FM540 LCD film 1
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3 7MHJ-4090-01A-W FM540 lens double-sided adhesive 1
4 7SMF-025050M-MHYB-B M2.5*5 flat round torx-head machine screw 2
5 7MBP-4090-03A-WC FM540 light pipe 1
6 7PLJ-4028-E02A KME-221 brand sticker 1
7 7MBP-4090-01A-W0 FM540 front shell 1
8 7MHR-1939-03A-W0 PT8000 speaker dust-proof net 1
9 4SS7-3520-016-700 Speaker 1
10 3WPT-S1938-01A Black and white twisted pair 1
11 3WF7-05034-060C4 Flexible connecting cab le 1
12 7MHR-1939-04A-W1 PT8000 front panel upper gasket 1
13 7MHR-1939-04A-W0 PT8000 front panel upper gasket 1
14 7MHL-1939-01C-L0 PT8000 alu m in um alloy top cover 1
15 3WPD-S7038-B PT8000/8100 power connecting cable 1
16 7MBP-7038-03A-W0 PT8100 power cable clip 1
17 7MHF-1939-01A-L0 PT8000 metal plate 1
18 7MHR-1943-02A-W0 PT8200speaker hole plug 1
19 7SAF-030100M-SZYB-N1 Screw M3*10 with spring washer 5
20 3CR7-S1943-B PT8200 anten na head 1
21 1MR3-RA30H4047M Power module 1
22 7MMC-1943-01A-N PT8200 power module shield ing cover 1
23 7MBM-S1943-B PT8200 conductive foam 1
24 6SS2-4090-BMA FM540 mainboard suite 1
25 7SMF-030060M-SZYB-N Screw M3*6 5
26 7MHR-1939-04A-W2 PT8000 aluminum gasket 2
27 7MHL-1939-02C-L0 PT8000 alu m in um ally bottom cover 1
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28 7SMF-030250-SZYB-N Screw M3*25 6
29 7MBP-7038-02A-W0A PT8100 volume knob 1
30 7NRC-077107040-Z Channel knob nut 1
31 7MBP-4090-04A-W0 FM540 menu key 1
32 7MBP-4090-05A-W0 FM540 top selection key 1
33 7MBP-4090-06A-W0 FM540 bottom selection key 1
34 7MBP-4090-07A-W0 FM540 return key 1
35 7MBP-4090-08A-W0 FM540 feature key P1 1
36 7MBP-4090-09A-W0 FM540 feature key P2 1
37 7MBP-4090-10A-W0 FM540 feature keyP3 1
38 7MBP-4090-11A-W0 FM540 power key 1
39 7MBR-4090-01A-W0 FM540 silicone key 1
40 7GCM-508305-J FM540 LCD foam cushion 1
41 4PC7-4090H-A FM540 LCD module 1
42 7MHS-4090-02A-W FM540 LCD bracket 1
43 7MHS-4090-01A-J FM540 metal dome key 1
44 6SS2-4090-HKA FM540 keyboard suite 1
45 7MHS-4090-02A-W FM540 key PCB grounding spring 1
46 7STF-026060B-SZYB-Z Screw M2.6*6 4
5.2 Maintenance and Disassembling Description
5.2.1. RF-PCB Disassembling Description
Step 1. Unscrew the six M3*25 screws on the top and bottom cover,as shown in ķ,open the aluminum bottomcover ( see the figur e below ).
Step 2. Loose thetwo power amplification module screws as shown in ĸ. Disassemble the power module shieldi ng case, and use the soldering iron to separate the pins of the power amplification module from
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PCB(see the figure below ). Step 3. Loose the four M2.5*5 panel screws as shown in Ĺ. Disassemble the metal panel,plastic
buckleand speaker plug ( see the picture below).
Step 4.Unplug the flat cable and speaker cable, and use the soldering iron to separate the antenna head from RF-PCB; loosen the screw and carefully remove RF-PCB from the top aluminum cover. (seethe picture shown below).
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5.2.2. Key-PCB Disassembling Description
Step 1. loose the six 6 M3*25 screws on the top and bottom cover as show n in ķ, and open the alu min u m bottom cover (see the figu r e show n below).
Step 2. remove the flat cable a nd s peaker cable from the mainboard a s shown in ĸ. Step 3. remove the two M2.5*5 panel screws as shown in Ĺ, and separate th e panel from the main unit.
Step 4. remove the volume knob and take off the circlipon the knob as well as the the switchnut as shown
in ĺ. Step 5. remove the four M2.6*6 KEY-PCB fixed screws as shown in Ļ and remove KEY-PCB from the
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plastic panel.(seethe figure shown below).
After the disassembly, you can perform further repair and m odulation based on faults.
6. Test and Modulation
6.1 Test and Modulation Method
During the repair, changing components may require proper test and modulati on according to the technical specifications of the radio.
6.1.1. Parts Required for Modulation
(1) Antenna Interface Converter
(2) Universal Interface
6.1.2. Manual Modulation
The radio needs adjustme nt on 5 frequencies. The c hannel frequencies are as follows:
Model Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5
FM540 VHF 136.05MHz 145.55MHz 155.05MHz 164.55MHz 173.95MHz
FM540 UHF 400.05MHz 415.05MHz 435.05MHz 455.05MH 469.975MHz
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