DP585 DMR Two Way Radio User Guide
◆If the conductive substance on human body makes contact with the exposed battery terminal,
it may damage your belongings, and/or do harm, such as burning, to human body. Conductive
material includes j ewelry, keys or bead-like nec klace. They can f orm a l oop ( it c auses short
circuit) w ith bat tery and c ause skin bur n af ter t he r apid t emperature r ise. B e c autious w hen
managing a charged battery, especially when you put it in the pocket, wallet or container with
metallic objects. To decrease t he risk of being harmed, the battery cannot be e xposed in the
file, disassembled or squeeze.
◆ The hi ghest envi ronment t emperature ar ound t he pow er s upply devi ce or vol tage
transformer must not be higher than 40°C (104°F).
◆ Please turn off the radio attached with battery when charging. Using radio during charging
will affect its charging process.
◆ Please do not put t he r adio and bat tery i nto t he c harger w hen t hey ar e not i n nee d of
charging, and constant charging will shorten the battery life. Do not use the charger as a store
to radio.
◆ To achieve optimal performance, we recommend changing battery after one-year use.