KIP PrintPro Net User Manual

KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
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KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
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1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Home Screen (Machine Status/System Information/Software and Drivers) .............................................. 5
2.1 Machine Status and System Information .................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Software and Drivers ................................................................................................................................... 9
Print Screen ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Home Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Basic Tab .................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Sort Tab ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Job Queue ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
History Queue .................................................................................................................................................. 28
Machine Settings – User Settings ................................................................................................................... 29
6.1 Media Handling .................................................................................................................................... 29
System Settings - Administrator .................................................................................................................. 32
7.1 System Setup .............................................................................................................................................. 32
7.2 System Preset Setup .................................................................................................................................. 49
7.2a Print Quality Presets ................................................................................................................................ 50
7.2b Scan Quality Presets ............................................................................................................................... 60
7.2c Stamp Presets .......................................................................................................................................... 68
7.2d Page Sizes ................................................................................................................................................ 72
7.2e Job Notification ....................................................................................................................................... 75
7.2f PS/PDF Presets ........................................................................................................................................... 77
7.2g Scaling Preset s ........................................................................................................................................ 79
7.2h Folding Presets ......................................................................................................................................... 82
7.2i HPGL Presets .............................................................................................................................................. 88
7.2j Machine Notification ............................................................................................................................... 91
7.2k Metered Notifi cat ion ............................................................................................................................... 93
7.2l Media Manager ........................................................................................................................................ 95
7.3 File Format settings .................................................................................................................................... 96
7.4 Color Printer Setup ..................................................................................................................................... 97
Service Settings – (Logged in as Service Tech) ........................................................................................ 98
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
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KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide

1 Introduction

KIP PrintPro.Net provides KIP color and B&W systems with the most feature rich browser based job submission and syste m management application on the mark et .
Print Job Submission - Operators can perform jo b submission, access their KIP Printer mailbox and manage their own print jobs using many of the same features as Windows based Print Pro bu t wi th out the need to install any application software. Using only a web browser, operators can configure single and multipage files with individual scaling preferences, stamps, folding presets, color management controls and print stacking location. Start new print jobs quickly by accessing User Templates that include operator preferences, job settings and the most common System Presets. PrintPro.Net suppo rts building print jobs using colo r and B&W technical documents from stand ard wide format digital files including Postscript, PDF, TIFF, JPG, Calcomp, and HPGL 1/2/RTL (and more).
KIP System Management - Based on defined us er access , adm i ni s trators can use virtuall y any web browser to see a full overview of the system operation and have full control of the print queue. Administrators have complete access to printer preferences, network connectivity settings, System Presets, daily sleep timers, history queue size, exit tray defaults and auto rotation set tings.
KIP PrintPro.Net Key Features
Identical Features Across a Variety of Web Browsers | Multiple Copies or Collated Sets | WYSIWYG Image Preview | Individual File Settings for Job Matrix Templates | Multi-page Settings | Color Adjustments and Filter Selections | Email Notification Document Folding and Stamping | HPGL Pen Preset Selection | Transfer Files from KIP Printer Mailbox | Customize System and Folder Presets | Manage Print Queue and User Settings | KIP Secure Print | KIP Accounting Center Integration | KIP Cost Center Integration
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KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
2 Home Screen (Machine Status/System Information/Software and

2.1 Machine Status and System Information

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1. Toner Status
Black and White Printer
Displays The Current Toner level in the printer in 25%
2. Service Information
When Dealer information i s added, this window will display
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
Color Printer
what was configured.
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3. System Information
Displays the following Information:
4. Feeder
Displays the current roll information in the KIP Printer in
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
KCS Software version – Current Software Version
will be displayed.
Printer EPROM Version - Current Printer EPROM
Version will be displayed.
Firmware Version - Current Firmware Version will
be displayed.
Host Name – Displays Printer Name.
IP Address – Displays Print er IP Address.
25% increments.
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5. Notifications
Notifications in real time. The above show the pri nter
6. Counters
Displays the current counter information for Meter A,
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
waking from Sleep, Printing and then returning to a ready state.
Meter B and Total Run. Also displays the current Counters for B&W Scan, Color Scan and a Total Scan count.
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1. Software and Drivers
From this location is is possible to download the KIP

2.2 Software and Drivers

KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
Software including:
KIP PrintPro – Click Once Auto Instal
KIP Accounting Center – Click Once Auto Instal
KIP Status – Clic k Once Auto Instal
KIP Cost Center – Zipped Installer, Manual Instal
KIP Windows Driver – Zipped Installer, Manual
KIP HDI Driver – Zipped Installer, Manual Instal
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1 2 3 4 5 6 9
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide

3 Print Screen

The Followi ng section describes the function of KIP PrintPro.Net.

3.1 Home Tab

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1. File Handling
Consists of the following:
Select the Add icon to then browse to all available
Select the Mailbox icon to add files to the current job
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
Add – Select this to browse for and add files to be
Mailbox – Select files from available mailboxes.
Ready – Displays the processed files that are
ready to print.
Remove – Removes selected file(s ) fr om job.
New Job - Clears all files and starts a new job.
locations and add files to be printed.
from available Mailboxes.
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When files are selected to be printed they are
Select file(s) to be removed from the job and then select
New Job
Selecting the New job icon will clear all files currently in
2. Copies
Consists of:
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
processed. The Ready icon will show all of the files that have been processed under the Dropdown menu.
the Remove icon. This will remove the selected file(s).
the job matrix. This will then start a new job allowing new files to be added.
Sets – Controls how many sets are printed.
Copies – Controls how many copies are printed.
[Enter] – Sets the value en tered.
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Collate – Enables/ Disables collate.
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The sets function allows for the entry of how many sets
The Copies function allows for the entry of how many
3. Accounting
Consists of:
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
will be printed. Collate – If checked will collate the sets being printed.
copies will be printed. This can be set on a per file basis. (above – first file 1 set, 2 copies/ second file 1 set, 5 copies).
Project – If active Project numbers can be entered
or selected.
Department - If active Department num ber s can
be entered or selected.
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When Accounting is active this field may be
When Accounting is active this field may be
4. Separator Sheet
The Job Separator sheet is an output she et that can be
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
“required” for printing and can be either a pull down or standard entry.
“required” for printing and can be either a pull down or standard entry.
set to print after a job is completed o r in between each set that is printe d. This sheet will consist of the job details that were printed. The Separator sheet will print on the smallest roll avala lbe in th e p ri n ter.
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5. Secure Printing
Secure printing has three available options :
6. Templates
Allows for the creation of a Template that can be used
7. Submit
Select the Submit Icon to send the job currently in the job
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
None – This is the default setting.
PIN – User can enter a PIN that will be required to
release the job to be printed.
User - User can enter a user name that will be
required to release the job to be printed.
anytime and applied to any job. Once a template is created and saved, select the Apply ic on to vi ew a list of available templat e s .
matrix with al l of th e d e s i r e d settings to the KI P Pr i nt er for printing.
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8. Job Matrix
When files are selected to be printed, they will load into
9. Preview Images
The Preview pane will display a small preview of each
10. Scroll Images
The Left/Right arrows will allow for the scrolling of Preview
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
the Job Matrix. This section will display the following:
File Name – Name of the selected File.
Name – Page1, Page 2, Page 3.
Number - Number of the page (6 page file would
show that specific Page number).
Print Size – Size of the output.
Copies – Number of copies to be printed.
file in the Job Matrix.
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1. Selection
Selection consists of:
3 4 5

3.2 Basic Tab

KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
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Select All – Selects all files in the Job Matrix so that setting changes can be applied to all.
Select None – De-selects all selected files. Invert – Used to invert the selected files in the Job Matrix. For
Example, if files 1 and 3 were selected “Invert” would de­select them and select file 2.
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2. Manipulate
The Manipulate section consists of the following:
3. Other Options
The section Other Options consists of the following:
Color Mode
When Connected to a Color Printer, selection s for differen t
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
Mirror - This function will MIRROR the image in a left-
right position.
Rotate – This option allows the user to pick a
clockwise rotation (90 °, 180 °, 270 ° and Auto).
Color Modes will be available.
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Print Quality
Print Quality displays the default quality settings as well
Scaling displays the default Scaling percentages as well
Selecting the Media icon will display all available
Selecting the Stamp icon will display all available
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
as any quality presets crea te d in KIP Print Pro.
as any Scaling presets created in KIP Print Pro.
medias that have been configured for use with the KIP Printer.
Stamps that have been configured for use with the KIP Printer.
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Selecting the Folding icon will display all available Fold
Selecting the HPGL icon will display all available HPGL
Selecting the PostScript icon will display all available
Exit Tray
Selecting the Exit Tray icon allows for the selection of
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
Presets that have been configured for use with the KIP Printer.
Presets that have been configured for use with the KIP Printer.
PostScript Presets that have been configured for use with the KIP Printer.
where the printed output will exit. Choose from Auto, Front or Back depending on the printer configuration.
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4. Job Matrix
When files are selected to be printed, they will load into
5. Image Preview
The Preview pane will display a small preview of each
6. Scroll Images
The Left/Right arrows will allow for the scrolling of Preview
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
the Job Matrix. This section will display the following:
File Name – Name of the selected File.
Name – Page1, Page 2, Page 3.
Number - Number of the page (6 page file would show that specific Page number).
Print Size – Size of the output.
Copies – Number of copies to be printed.
file in the Job Matrix.
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1 2 3

3.3 Sort Tab

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1. Order
The Sort section consists of the following:
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
Move up – Moves selected file(s) up one
Move Down – Moves the selected file(s) down
one space.
Reverse Order – Reverses the file order of the
files in the Job Matrix.
Move To Top – Moves selected file(s) to the top
of the Job Matrix.
Move To Bottom – Moves selected file(s) to the
bottom of the Job Matrix.
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2. Job Matrix
When files are selected to be printed they will load into
3. Image Preview
The Preview pane will display a small preview of each
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
the Job Matrix. This section will display the following:
File Name – Name of the selected File.
Name – Page1, Page 2, Page 3.
Number - Number of the page (6 page file would show that specific Page number).
Print Size – Size of the output.
Copies – Number of copies to be printed.
file in the Job Matrix.
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4. Scroll Images
The Left/Right arrows will allow for the scrolling of Preview
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
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1. Job Queue
The Job Queue will show the jobs currently in the KIP
2. Pause Job Queue
Select this icon to Pause the entire job print queue.
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide

4 Job Queue

The Job queue shows all of the files that are currently in the Job queue to be printe d allo win g the user to see where there job is in relation to other jobs in the queue. An Ad m ini str ator can als o co ntr ol the queue and manipulate the file order or delete unw anted jobs if necessary.
Printer. Here there are three jobs:
First job is paused.
Second job is printing.
Third job is Ripping.
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Select it again to Resume the queue.
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3. Queue Options
There are multiple function in this section, including:
4. Job Options
There are multiple function in this section, including:
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
Pause Resume the Whole Job Queue – Pauses
or resumes all jobs currently in the job queue.
Resume selected items – if a specific job has
been paused or the entire queue selecting this icon will release the selected job.
Pause selected items – Select a specific job
then select this icon to pause only that job and not the entire queue.
Edit selected items – Selecting Edit will reload
the job into the print queue and allow it to be edited and then re-submitted.
Delete selected items – Selecting this icon will
delete the selected job.
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Reverse the order of jobs in the queue.
Move selected item(s) to the top.
Move selected item(s) up.
Move selected item(s) down.
Move selected item(s) to the bottom .
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1. History Jobs
Jobs that have been printed will be listed in the History Queue
2. Reprint Options
There are multiple functions in this section, including:
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide

5 History Queue

The Historical Queue displays a list of jobs that have been printed in the past. Parameters for Historical Queue are defined in PrintPro.Net System Settings Ta b.
(Only if history is active). These can then be edited if necessary and reprinted.
Reprint Selected Jobs – Once selected from the list the
selected job is sent to the printer to be reprinted.
Edit Selected Jobs - Once selected from the list the
selected job will be loaded into the job queue so it can be Edited.
Delete Selected Jobs – Select desired jobs and then
delete them from the History Queue.
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1. Placement
Placement has many functions within this window. These are

6 Machine Settings – User Settings

6.1 Media Handling

KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
explained individualy in this section.
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2. Position
Sets image position on page to Left, Center or Right edge.
3. Auto Rotation
These options are used when the Auto Rotation is initiated by various
landscape on any available media roll. Or a landscape image can be
ets rotation direction if the portrait image can
4. Enable
This mode sets the maximum allowable waste when printing small size
KIP PrintPro.Net User Guide
settings and media rol l sizes. The image size is not affected by this setting.
Oversize - Will automatically rotate the image only if the landscape image is larger than the media width selected. Smaller sized i mages will maintain their orientation on the media selected.
Fast Print - Determines if the portrait image can be rotated to fit
rotated to fit on any available media roll. Paper Save Clockwise - S
be rotated to fit landscape on any available media roll. Paper Save Counter Clockwise - Sets rotation direction if the portrait
image can be rotated to fit landscape on any available media roll.
Maximum Wastage
images on larger sheet sizes.
This mode is used so that the least amount of waste is produced
when printing. This is done by preventing small images from printing on the largest media roll sizes bas ed o n the was t age percentage.
When set to (1) the least amount of waste is allowed
When set to (100) the maximum amount of waste is a ll owed.
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+ 71 hidden pages