KIP PrintPro User Manual

KIP Print Pro User Guide
KIP Print Pro User Guide
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KIP Print Pro User Guide
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from KIP.  2015 KIP. v1
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1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Main Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Home Tab .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Basic Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Advanced Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Preferences Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 12
1.6 Sort Tab ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.7 Job Creator ........................................................................................................................................... 14
1.8 Job Queue ................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.9Job Histo r y ................................................................................................................................................... 16
2 Configuring the KIP Print Pro Screen .............................................................................................................. 17
2.1 Dockable .................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Floating ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3 Tabbed Document .................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4 Auto Hide .................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.5 Hide ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
2.6 Job Matrix Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 24
2.6 Quick Access Toolbar .............................................................................................................................. 27
3 System Presets/Notifications Setup ............................................................................................................... 28
3.1 Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 Help ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
3.3 Printer Installation and Setup ............................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Print Quality ........................................................................................................................................... 25
3.5 Scan Quality Presets ............................................................................................................................. 33
3.6 Stamp Presets ........................................................................................................................................ 42
3.7 Page Sizes .............................................................................................................................................. 46
3.8 Job Notification ..................................................................................................................................... 49
3.9 PS/PDF Presets ....................................................................................................................................... 51
3.10 Scaling Presets ...................................................................................................................................... 53
3.11 Folding Presets ...................................................................................................................................... 57
3.12 HPGL Presets .......................................................................................................................................... 62
3.13 Machine Notification ........................................................................................................................... 65
3.14 Metered Notification ............................................................................................................................ 67
4 Step by Step Instructions for using the system ............................................................................................. 69
4.1 Printing a Basic job from KIP Print Pro – Example 1 ........................................................................... 69
4.2 Printing an Ad va nced job from KIP Print Pro – E xample 2 ............................................................... 72
4.3 Printing an Ad va nced job from KIP Print Pro – E xample 3 ............................................................... 75
4.4 Creating a Custom Scaling Preset Example 4 .................................................................................. 78
4.5 Creating a Custom Scaling Preset For Scale to Page Size Example 5 ........................................... 82
4.6 Creating a Queue for use with LPR printing. ...................................................................................... 86
4.7 Creating and using a Hotfolder .......................................................................................................... 89
4.7 Using Secure Printing ............................................................................................................................ 93
KIP Print Pro User Guide
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KIP Print Pro User Guide

1 Introduction

Designed for Windows PC’s, KIP Print Pro is an intuitive system management and job submission application for the complete range of KIP color and B&W systems.
Print Job Submission – KIP Print Pro is an interactive job building application used to create and manage print jobs from the most common color and b&w wide format digital files including Postscript Calcomp, and HPGL 1/2/RTL (and more). Configure single and multipage PDF files with individual scaling preferences, stamps, folding presets, color management controls and print stacking location. Customize the Quick Access Tool bar with your favorite features or use Auto Hide, Float, and Dock to maximize efficiency in the Job Build Matrix. Operators can monitor print progress from start to finish with detailed device status and queue management. Integrated Job Accounting and Data Tracking provide user and project activity reports for both color and b&w printing from the KIP Cost Center application.
System Management – KIP Print Pro allows administrators to create and enable User and System Presets for scaling, stamps, page sizes and print quality. When Job Notifications are enabled, administrators and job owners are notified as jobs are completed or if intervention is required. Total Print Queue management controls permit adjustments to the print order or to add new files and settings to existing print jobs.
KIP PrintPro Key Features
Multiple Copies or Collated Sets | WYSIWYP Image Preview | Individual File Settings for Job Matrix Templates | Multi-page Settings | Color Adjustments and Filter Selections | Email Notification | Customize Job Build Matrix Windows | Document Folding and Stamping | HPGL Pen Preset Selection | Windows 7/8 and Vista Compatible (32 and 64 bit) | Customize System and Folder Presets | Manage Print Queue | KIP Secure Print | KIP Accounting Center Integration | KIP Cost Center Integration
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5 6 7
1 3 2 8 9

1.1 Main Screen

The Main Screen displays all of the available options for the active tab.

1.2 Home Tab

KIP Print Pro User Guide
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1. File Handling - Add
Used to add files and create a print job
2. File Handling -
Used to remove a file from the current print job.
3. File Handling - Reset
Clears all current files and start job new.
4. Copies
Used to set the number of copies as well as the number of sets
5. Accounting
If Accounting is being used these fields may need to be filled in,
6. Separator Sheets
Used to send a Separator Sheet after the Job or after the Set.
7. Secure Printing
Used to set a requirement that either a user name or a password
8. Templates
Used to save a Template that contains all of the selected settings
9. Submit
Used to Submit job to the KIP Printer
10. Status
Displays the current Status of the KIP Printer (Real-time errors,
11. Job Matrix
Displays the files that have been selected to print and various
12. Preview Window
Displays a Bitmap image of each selected file.
13. Currently Logged On
Displays who is currently logged in to the KIP Print Pro application.
KIP Print Pro User Guide
and if Collate will be on or off.
in order to submit job.
must be entered at the queue to allow the job to print.
so that it can be applied at a later time.
Toner Remaining and currently loaded media).
information about each file. Also what is in the Job Queue to be printed and Job History.
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1 5 6 3 2 4 7 8 9

1.3 Basic Tab

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1. Selection
Allows for the selection of the files to apply changes to including
2. Manipulate
Allows the selected file(s) to be Mirrored or Rotated.
3. Print Quality
Choose from different print qualities to control the final output.
4. Scaling
Used to set the Scaling of the output from 25% to 400%
5. Media
Used to select the desired output Media type.
6. Stamp
Allows for the creation/selection of a Stamp that can be applied
7. Folding
If a Folder is attached to the KIP this will allow for the selection of
Allows for the manipulation of Pen tables associated with HPGL/2
9. Postscript
Allows for the manipulation of settings associated with Postscript
10. Exit Tray
If a folder is attached this function allows the media to be ejected
11. Media Size
Used to select a specific roll width to print on.
12. Avoid Wastage
Used to turn on/off the allowable waste when printing small size
KIP Print Pro User Guide
Select All, Select None and Invert.
to the file(s) being printed.
how the output is to be handled based on preset folding packets.
to the Exit Tray.
images on larger sheet sizes
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1 2 3

1.4 Advanced Tab

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1. Scaling
Set Scaling parameters in English or metric mode.
2. Placement
Select from
KIP Print Pro User Guide
Scale by Width
Scale by Height
Scale by Percentage
Scale by Short Edge
Scale by Long Edge
Scale by Maximum Size
On Printer
o Automatic Mode o Align Left o Align Right o Center
On Page
o Automatic Odd/Even o Preset Sizes o Multiple Preset
o Fit To Page o Downscale Only
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3. Offset – Used to add a lead, trail,
KIP Print Pro User Guide
By Border
o Top o Bottom o Left o Right
left or right margin. This will shift the image on the specified page.
Example: File is being placed on an ANSI D, Fit to page with a 1” margin on the top and left.
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Note: The image is shifted down and left off of the page.
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1. Panes
Enable or disable specific Panes so that they are visible or not.

1.5 Preferences Tab

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1. Order
Allows the user to arrange the files in the proper order by

1.6 Sort Tab

KIP Print Pro User Guide
manipulating each file up, down, to the top or to the bottom. Also Reverse order can be selected.
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1. Job Creator Tab
The Job Creator Tab is general the first tab (unless rearranged
2. Job Matrix Area
This tab shows the files that have been added for printing as

1.7 Job Creator

The Job Creator Tab is the main tab within the Job Matrix area.
KIP Print Pro User Guide
by the user). This tab holds all of the files that have been added to the current Job.
well as the settings that have been applied to them as a complete job or settings specific to individual files.
By looking in this specific are we can see the following information about this job:
files (and their location)
Original file size is 36x24
Print size is 36x24
There will be 2 sets and 3 copies
Media is Bond
Scaling is 100%
Confidential stamp
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1. Job Queue
When the Job Queue tab is selected the user can see the
KIP Print Pro User Guide

1.8 Job Queue

Job Queue is the next tab in the Job Matrix area. This tab shows what is currently in the Print Queue of the selected printer.
User Name (if entered)
Media being printed on
The progress of the job being printed
The status
The current date and time of the file being printed.
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1. Job History
The Job History (if made active) will keep track of printed jobs.
2. Action - Submit
Send the job directly to the printer to be printed. This will show
3. Action - Edit
Loads the Job into the Job Creator tab allowing for editing of
4. Action Delete
Removes the job from History
KIP Print Pro User Guide

1.9Job History

Job history (if active) will allow a user to go back and print jobs from a History Queue.
The user can then use this history to re-print jobs again when necessary.
The following information is displayed:
User Name - If the accounting fields are used the user
name will be logged and then will appear in the “User Name” column
Printer type
Media used
Completion of the sent job
Status of the job
Date and time the job was printed
Note: The History queue is inactive by default and needs to be activated through KIP In secure environments Job History would not be used.
up in the Job Queue Tab and then when completed in the History Queue again.
the job prior to submitting it again.
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KIP Print Pro User Guide

2 Configuring the KIP Print Pro Screen

There are many ways the user can configure the KIP Print Pro screen to suit their needs. The main screen consists of Panes and Tabs. The Panes are the individual visible sections of the user interface (in RED) and the tabs are the individual minimized sections of the user interface (in BLUE). However with customization the Panes can become Tabs and the Tabs can become Panes.
Depending on how often a Tab or Pane is used, it can be hidden or displayed. The next section will explain how these Panes and Tabs can be used.
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Placement of Panes
Move the pane to the desired
Release the mouse button to

2.1 Dockable

KIP Print Pro User Guide
Dockable – Move pane within screen
Using the mouse, click and hold on the top bar of the pane to be moved.
Then drag this pane outside the KIP Print Pro Screen.
Note: It is also possible to right click on the main bar and choose from the list of functions.
position on the pad. Note: The location where the
pane will be place will highlight in blue.
place the pane in the new position.
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Floating – Moves pane outside
Move the pane to the desired
Place the pane anywhere

2.2 Floating

KIP Print Pro User Guide
of screen Using the mouse, click and hold
on the top bar of the pane to be moved.
Note: It is also possible to right click on the main bar and choose from the list of functions.
position outside of the main KIP Print Pro screen.
outside the main screen on your available desktop.
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Note: If multiple monitors are used the pane can be placed on a separate monitor as well.
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Tabbed Document – Move Pane
The new tab will be created and
To change the position of the

2.3 Tabbed Document

KIP Print Pro User Guide
to a tabbed position Using the mouse right click the
top bar of the pane to be moved.
Select the Tabbed Document setting.
placed at the front of the current tabs.
Note: Status is now the first and current tab displayed on the main screen.
Status tab click and hold the active (blue) tab and drag into the order desired.
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Note: The Status tab is now the last available tab.
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Auto Hide – Hides panes that
When the drop down opens
The Status Pane will now show

2.4 Auto Hide

KIP Print Pro User Guide
are not in use. If a pane is used but not that
often it is possible to Auto Hide this pane.
Right click on the top bar of the pane.
select the Auto Hide function.
up on the right side of the screen as a small tab.
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Mouse over the tab and the
KIP Print Pro User Guide
Pane will pop out again and then Auto Hide when not in use.
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Hide – Remove Pane.
Once Hide is selected the pane
To return a pane that has been
Un-select the Status check box

2.5 Hide

KIP Print Pro User Guide
If a pane is not going to be used it is also possible to just Hide that pane from sight.
Right Click on the top bar of the pane to be hidden and then select the Hide function.
will no longer be available. Note: The right side no longer
has a Status pane.
Hidden (not Auto Hide) Go to the Preferences tab.
and then Select it again.
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This will add the Status Pane back to the Main screen
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Chooser – Selecting this icon will
Color Mode – Select the
File Name – Displays the name of
KIP Print Pro User Guide

2.6 Job Matrix Configuration

The Job Matrix section can be manipulated for the best work flow for the user as well as used to configure the files in the current job.
allow for the turning on/off of individual fields that may or may not be used.
dropdown to select from available color modes.
Color (if attached to
a color printer)
the selected file.
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Directory – Displays the location
File – Displays both the file name
File Size – Displays the actual File
Number (NO.) – Displays the
Original size – Displays the
Print Size – Displays the output
Copies – Displays the number of
KIP Print Pro User Guide
of the selected file.
and the file location.
number of the file. If a multipage is selected this would be noted here.
original size of the file.
size of the selected file (s)
sets and copies to be printed. Note: Double clicking in this field
will allow sets to be adjusted for
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entire job as well as copies to be adjusted for that specific file
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Media – Select from Avai la bl e
Rotate – Allows for the rotation of
Stamp – Select available stamps
Folding – if a folder is attached
HPGL – Used to apply pre-
Postscript - Used to apply pre-
Ignore Wastage
KIP Print Pro User Guide
configured medias including:
Custom medias will show
here as well
the selected file(s).
to be applied to the final output.
the user can select from pre­configured folding packets or let the Printer determine the fold based on size.
configured HPGL templates.
configured Postscript templates.
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Quick access toolbar
This toolbar by default will be located at the
KIP Print Pro User Guide

2.6 Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar allow for the customization of a toolbar for frequently used buttons making them available on all pages. This reduces the need to go back to a specific tab to do a function such as Submit the job from the Home tab.
can be loaded
top left of the screen. Ican be moved to below the
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12 1 8
KIP Print Pro User Guide

3 System Presets/Notifications Setup

System Presets are presets that are configured through KIP Print Pro that control the functions of specific items associated with the KIP Printer. This section will describe how to configure the available presets from within KIP Print Pro.
Scan Quality Presets
Stamp Presets
Page Size
Job Notifications
Please note: These same presets can also be configured through KIP PrintPro.Net.
PS Presets
Scaling Presets
Folding Presets
HPGL Presets
Machine Notification
Metered Notification
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1. Printer Information
Allows users to add new KIP Printers or edit existing KIP Printers
2. Page Sizes
Allows users to Edit Page Sizes
3. Scaling Presets
Allows users to Edit Scaling Presets
4. Postscript Presets
Allows for the adjustments of Postscript settings.
5. Stamp Presets
Allows users to Edit Stamp Presets
6. Print Quality Presets
Allows users to Edit Print Quality Presets
7. Scan Quality Presets
Allows users to Edit Scan Quality Presets
8. Folding Presets
Allows users to Edit Folding Presets
9. HPGL Presets
Allows users to Edi t HP G L Pr esets
10. Job Notification
Allows users to Edit Job Notifications
11. Metered Notification
Allows users to Edit Metered Notifications
12. Machine Notification
Allows users to Edit Machine Notifications
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1. Settings
Allows users to select templates to be used with Jobs.
2. Preferences
Set default preferences for the Application.
1. Help
Selecting Help displays the Application version number..

3.1 Settings

KIP Print Pro User Guide

3.2 Help

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+ 72 hidden pages