KIP TASKalfa 2420w, TASKalfa 4820w, Windows Driver, KUWPD Operation Manual

Version A1
Windows® Driver
This information is solely for use of Personnel and Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from. 2011.
The Windows driver (also called KUWPD) allows Users to print from Windows Operating System based
applications. By design, the driver supports faster spooling and advanced printing features including
standard and reverse print collation, supports automated accounting for job tracking purposes and
applying digital stamps on printed documents. Standard (ANSI, ARCH, ISO) paper sizes and Media type
selection is available within the driver.
Windows® Driver
This information is solely for use of Personnel and Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from. 2011.
System Requirements .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Printing Preferences – Overview .................................................................................................................................. 3
Paper / Scaling ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Paper Size ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Media Type ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Scaling ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Paper Scaling ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Orienta tion .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Media Source ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Alignme nt ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Copies / Output .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Copies .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Collati on .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Page Order ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Mirrori ng ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Invert .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Stampin g .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Stamps ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Job / Set Separator ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Header – Monochrome Only .......................................................................................................................... 8
Printer Options ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Folding ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Output Feeder (4820/9148/8148 Only) .......................................................................................................... 9
Output Format ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Accounting .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Printer Status .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Installation of the Microsoft Certified Windows Driver........................................................................................... 14
Uninstall Previous Windows Driver Version .................................................................................................. 14
Installing KUWPD (Automatic) ....................................................................................................................... 15
Installing KUWPD (Manual) ............................................................................................................................ 16
Windows 7 Device Experience .................................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Printing Hints ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Windows® Driver
This information is solely for use of Personnel and Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from. 2009.
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System Requirements
The Windows driver allows printing from Microsoft Windows 7, Vista and XP (Service Pack 3) in 32 and 64
bit editions as well as 2003, 2008 and 2008 R2 Server operating systems. (Windows 2000, 9x and NT is not
Recommended PC Specifications:
1.8 GHz clock speed 512 MB RAM Harddisk of 40 GB or more DVD-ROM Windows XP/Vista/7 Windows Server 2003, 2008 32/64 bit OS compatible
Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 is required on all operating systems
Windows 2008 Server R2 requires installation of additional features. These features are not installed by
default with the Widows 2008 Server R2 OS.
x Desktop Experience
x Ink and Handwriting Services
o Ink Support
x Windows Process Activation Service
o Process Model
o .NET Environment
o Configuration APIs
x .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features
o .NET Framework 3.5.1
o WCF Activation
HTTP Activation
Non-HTTP Activation
Please ensure that client applications and operating systems are up-to-date as possible, in terms of
version, available service packs and Microsoft hot fixes.
Windows® Driver
This information is solely for use of Personnel and Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from. 2009.
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The driver can be downloaded from the website. It is also included on all software & operation guide
CD’s. The driver may also be obtained using PrintNET. Please see the PrintNET documentation for more
Windows® Driver
This information is solely for use of Personnel and Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from. 2009.
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Printing Preferences – Overview
Windows Driver for version 7.2 software has been redesigned allowing users to quickly identify features
and functions to be adjusted at print times. These functions are categorized along the top of the driver
using tabs.
Tab Name Features / Functions
Paper / Scaling Control paper size, orientation scaling, media source and alignment
Copies / Output Number of copies, collation, page order, mirror or invert
Stamping Add digital stamps, headers or job / set separators
Printer Options Control folding, output format and stacking (4820/9148/8148 only)
Accounting Input Username, Job number or description where required
Printer Status View IP address, version number, consumables, meters and install Request
Management Allows accounting to be used from windows applications.
Windows® Driver
This information is solely for use of Personnel and Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission from. 2009.
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Paper / Scaling
Paper Size
Select the output page size. Please note that the printer may have a roll installed that may be larger
than the selection.
This feature is very important in wide format printing from CAD applications and MS Excel. This is a
feature that is required in CAD applications where the image size may vary from one image to the next
such as: 36” x 60” for the first document then 24” x 80” for the next.
The Custom Size feature allows the users much simpler access for several capabilities:
x Choose any paper size “on-the-fly” without adding new paper sizes to the operating system
(Printers and FaxesÆServer PropertiesÆForms).
x Choose different and non-standard paper sizes for each and every document.
x Choose very long paper sizes.
It is not necessary to exactly match the document length to the output length; the users can
intentionally choose a longer length for the media size. For example, if the image is meant to fit on 36”
wide media, but the user isn’t sure about the length of the media required, the user can set a very long
length (up to 200 feet) and the “white” space (extra paper) at the end of the document will
automatically be removed. This prevents any waste of media without an image (using GL format)
Media Type
The printer may have more than one media type installed. These types
may include bond, vellum and film. This feature allows printing onto a
media type of your choice it the media has been installed. Custom Media
will also be read and available if installed in the printer. Custom media
types are configurable via PrintNET.
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