Operation Manual
Celeb 200
Part No. 3100057 Rev A 1-18-2012

Celeb 200 System
Celeb 200, 120U
Celeb 200, 230U
Celeb 200 Louver/HP 90° (Included)
Celeb 200 Gel Frame (Included)
Kino 41 Lollipop w/ Baby Receiver (16mm)
Celeb 200 Kit
Celeb 200 Kit, 120U
Celeb 200 Kit, 230U
Kit Contents:
1 Celeb 200
1 Flight Case
Weight: 31 lb (14kg)
Dimensions: 28 x 10 x 17”
(71.1 x 25.4 x 43.1cm)

Celeb 200 Control Panel
A) Kelvin Preset Buttons: Kelvin buttons come preset at the factory.
Factory defaults left to right are: 2700K, 3200K, 4000K, 5000K, 5500K.
User can also use these preset buttons to store custom Kelvin settings.
B) KELVIN / DIM: In KELVIN mode, an amber light appears to the left
of the button and Kelvin is displayed. Press the button again to change
to DIM mode. In DIM mode, a green light will appear to the left of the
button and Dim level is displayed.
C) Display: Provides Kelvin, Dim level and software revision data.
D) LOCK / RESET: In LOCK mode, an amber light is displayed to the
left of the button. In RESET mode, the indicator light is green.
To reset to factory presets, hold the LOCK / RESET button for
5 seconds.
E) On / Off: On = Green light displayed. Off = Amber light displayed.
F) Remote: Input jack for Remote Dimmer (DIM-CE1)
G) Kelvin / Dimmer Knob: Manually adjusts Kelvin or Dim levels.
Press the knob to toggle between ne and coarse adjustments.

Ballast Power
AC Input
The Celeb is powered AC with the built-in power supply with universal input
from 100-240VAC.
Note: When operating AC, attach the Velcro strap around the baby receiver
lollipop as a strain relief. The handles also provide an attachment point for a
safety chain if xture is hung from a grid.
DC Input
The Celeb can also be operated on 24VDC through 3-Pin XLR. It can be
powered by a battery belt. The pin polarity is:
Pin #1 – Ground
Pin #2 + 18-28VDC
Pin #3 not used
Note: The Celeb will run approximately 2 hours on a battery belt.
A Low V warning will display when the battery is running low.