Gold microSD UHS-I Speed Class 3 (U3)
Maximise the memory of every adventure.
If you need a great-performing card to maximise the footage from your
drone, GoPro® or Ultra HD camera, look no further. Kingston’s Gold microSD
UHS-I Speed Class 3 (U3) card lets you shoot footage at up to 30 frames per
second in 4K and capture 120 frames per second in 1080P HD. Experience
faster upload times when writing to a PC and edit and upload footage faster,
especially when using USB 3.0 card readers like Kingston’s MLG4 Media
Reader. Increased write speeds let you shoot in continuous burst mode and
higher sustained write speeds ensure video integrity by reducing stutter.
Its microSD form factor is the standard used by nearly all action cameras,
drones and small-form-factor 4K Ultra HD-capable cameras. It can also be
used in conjunction with the optional SD card adapter to allow for quick
viewing of footage from a notebook and for use in larger format cameras.
Whether biking, hiking, racing or flying, depend on these cards to capture
the action in any weather.
For the most extreme conditions, this microSD card is rugged, waterproof
shock/vibration proof
footage safe. It’s available in multiple capacities from 16GB–64GB.
, X-ray proof3 and temperature proof4 to keep all your
> Great performance to keep up with
your adventures
> Compatible with microSDHC and
microSDXC host devices
> Rugged: tested to be waterproof1,
shock and vibration proof2, X-ray proof3
and temperature proof
> Available in multiple capacities to suit
your needs
Shock and vibration proof
Protected from airport x-rays
Temperature proof
Features/specs on reverse >>

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Gold microSD UHS-I Speed Class 3 (U3)
> Designed for 4K recording — Shoot video at up to 30 frames
per second in 4K and maximise the footage from your GoPro®
or drone. Capture 1080P HD footage at 120 frames per second
and slow down the action to enjoy every second of your
latest adventure.
> Rugged enough for your next adventure — Put that
waterproof housing to good use, these cards can handle a little
Whether biking, hiking, racing or ying, feel safe knowing
these cards safely capture the action in any weather.
> Enough space for your trip — Whether shooting in 4K Ultra HD
or at 120 frames per second in 1080P HD, these cards have enough
space to keep you going.
> Ultra High Speed Performance — SD Association’s latest
specication release, UHS-I U3 (Ultra High-Speed Bus, Speed Class
3), guarantees performance of at least 30MB/s, enough bandwidth
to record and play back 4K video without interruption. 90MB/s
read, and 45MB/s write
4.5x faster than standard Class 10 SD cards.
– reads up to 9x faster and writes up to
Card only (SD adapter not included):
> Capacities5 16GB, 32GB, 64GB
> Performance
90MB/s read and 45MB/s write, UHS-I Speed Class 3 (U3)
> microSD Dimensions 11mm x 15mm x 1mm
> SD Adapter Dimensions 24mm x 32mm x 2.1mm
> Format FAT32 (microSDHC 8GB-32GB); exFAT (microSDXC 64GB)
> Operating Temperature -25°C to 85°C
> Storage Temperature -40°C to 85°C
> Voltage 3.3V
> Warranty
GOPRO, HERO, the GO PRO logo, and the GoPro B e a Hero logo are trade marks or registere d
trademar ks of GoPro, Inc.
1 IEC/EN 60529 I PX7 certied for prote ction against conti nuous water submersio n for up to 30 min.
and a depth of up to 1m.
2 Based on MI L-STD-8 83H, METHOD 2002.5 mil itary standard te st method.
3 ISO 7816-1 certied for p rotection against 0 .1 Gy of X-ray ra diation to both sides of c ard.
4 Withsta nds temperatures ran ging from -25 °C to 85 °C.
5 Some of the li sted capacity o n a Flash storage device is us ed for formattin g and other functio ns and
is thus not avail able for data storag e. As such, the actual av ailable capacit y for data storage is le ss
than what is list ed on the product s. For more informatio n, go to Kingston’s Flash Gui de at
6 Speed may v ary due to host and dev ice conguration.
7 Kingston Fl ash Cards are designed an d tested for compatibil ity with consumer- grade market
product s. It is recommende d that you contact Kin gston directly for a ny OEM opportuni ties or special
use applica tions that are beyond th e standard daily consum er usage. For more info rmation on
intended use, p lease refer to the Flash Mem ory Guide at king ston.com/ashgui de.
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