microSDHC/microSDXC Class 10 UHS-I Card
UHS-I speeds in a small, durable card.
Kingston’s microSDHC/microSDXC Class 10 UHS-I card features Class
10 UHS-I speeds of 45MB/s read and 10MB/s write, making it ideal for
photographers who shoot everything from still images to kids and
pets in motion. It’s also ideal for cinema-quality HD (1080p) video1 and
reduces buffer time between shots when compared to the Class 4 card.
The smallest SD card available, microSDHC/microSDXC Class 10 UHS-I is
the standard expandable storage option for many tablets, smartphones
and action cameras. It can also be used in conjunction with the optional
SD card adapter for standard size SDHC/SDXC host devices.
Designed to withstand harsh environments, this versatile card is tested
to be waterproof2, temperature proof3, shock and vibration proof4 and
X-ray proof5. Capacities of 8GB to 128GB make it easy to find the right
card for your needs and provide space for thousands of hi-res photos
and hours of video6.
> Class 10 UHS-I speeds of 45MB/s read and
10MB/s write
> Small form factor
> Durable to protect your photos and videos,
even in harsh environments
> Capacities from 8GB–128GB
Temperature proof
Shock and vibration proof
Protected from airport X-rays
Features/specs on reverse >>

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microSDHC/microSDXC Class 10 UHS-I Card
> UHS-I interface — microSDHC/microSDXC Class 10 UHS-I is
ideal for cinema-quality HD video (1080p) and photos of subjects
(kids, pets etc.) in motion
> Range of capacities — To meet your specic needs, Kingston’s
microSDHC and microSDXC cards are available in capacities from
8GB to 128GB
> Durable — This versatile card has been tested to be waterproof2,
temperature proof3, shock/vibration proof4 and X-ray proof5. So
you can rest assured that your photos, videos and other important
les will be protected in harsh environments.
> Guaranteed — For added peace of mind, every Kingston Flash
card is covered by a lifetime warranty, free technical support and
legendary Kingston reliability
> Capacities7 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB
> Performance8 45MB/s read, Class 10, UHS-I: 10MB/s minimum
data transfer
> microSD Dimensions 11mm x 15mm x 1mm
Card only (SD adapter not included):
> SD Adapter Dimensions 24mm x 32mm x 2.1mm
> Format FAT32 (microSDHC 8GB–32GB); exFAT (microSDXC
> Operating Temperature -25°C to 85°C
> Storage Temperature -40°C to 85°C
> Voltage 3.3V
> Warranty Lifetime
FCR-MLG4 – MobileLiteG4, USB 3.0 Card Reader
FCR-HS4 – USB 3.0 All-in-One Media Reader
FCR-MRG2 – USB microSD Reader
1 T hese Class 10 cards are meant for H D video recording but d o not support som e simultaneous vid eo
and still capture features.
2 IE C/EN 60529 IPX7 certie d for protection ag ainst continuous water su bmersion for up to 30 min.
and a depth of up to 1m.
3 W ithstands temper atures ranging from -25 °C to 85 °C
4 B ased on MIL-STD-883H, ME THOD 2002.5 milita ry standard test m ethod.
5 ISO 7816-1 cert ied for protectio n against 0.1 Gy of X-ray radiati on to both sides of card.
6 R ecording time and numb er of pictures will v ary by device manuf acturer. For more infor mation, go
to kingston.com/ash/storage_chart.
7 S ome of the listed capa city on a Flash stora ge device is used for for matting and other f unctions and
is thus not avail able for data storag e. As such, the actual av ailable capacit y for data storage is le ss
than what is list ed on the product s. For more informatio n, go to Kingston’s Flash Gui de at
8 Sp eed may vary due to ho st and device congur ation. Kingston Flas h Cards are designed and
tested for com patibility with co nsumer-grade marke t products. It is re commended that you
contact K ingston directly f or any OEM opportu nities or special use a pplications that are b eyond
the standa rd daily consumer usage. F or more information o n intended use, please re fer to the Flash
Memory Guide at kingston.com/ashguide.
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